11-23-2006, 05:52 AM
Does anyone have them? They are both instrumental.

11-23-2006, 05:58 AM
Burnout 2 has already been requested ( i think ) and no one could find anything.

burnout 3: search the internet, they are just normal everyday songs that you see on the top 10\20\30\50 music charts.

11-23-2006, 02:54 PM
I know - however that instrumental (trance like) track is playing when you load up the game (select Profile), or during video sequences when you raise your level.

That specific track isnt in the Burnout 3 OST ;)
So i was hoping someone had it ripped.

11-24-2006, 01:12 AM
I know - however that instrumental (trance like) track is playing when you load up the game (select Profile), or during video sequences when you raise your level.

That specific track isnt in the Burnout 3 OST ;)
So i was hoping someone had it ripped.

i dont have any of the songs from burout, 2. but i have been searching for a year or two on " crystal summit peak (R)" songs, both of them, but i have turned up nothing.

i cant even find anything on the composer ( stephen root).

11-24-2006, 05:41 AM
Ripped the Burnout 2 menu music myself (via PCSX2):

However BU3 doesnt work with the emu - and i cant record anything from my PS2 - so it has to wait for now.

11-24-2006, 05:55 AM
Burnout 2 has already been requested ( i think ) and no one could find anything.

burnout 3: search the internet, they are just normal everyday songs that you see on the top 10\20\30\50 music charts.

Actually, Burnout 3 been put on the site.

11-24-2006, 06:01 AM
Actually, Burnout 3 been put on the site.

ScHlAuChi: holy shit! do you rekon you can convert the others?? i'd love a copy of them.

ixaigus : is it already up there??/ hahah shows how much attention i pay to things.

EDIT: ScHlAuChi : if the B3 songs arnt on GH i have a few of them here.

11-24-2006, 06:29 AM
Actually, Burnout 3 been put on the site.

Yeah i know - but it doesnt have the song that is played after the intro ;)
I already found the specific song on my BU3 DVD - but its in a format the PS2-Sound Converter Tools cant read :<

I wil check the Xbox version of BU3 - maybe i have more luck there.

11-24-2006, 06:33 AM
ScHlAuChi: holy shit! do you rekon you can convert the others?? i'd love a copy of them.

The prob is - PS2 emulation for now is hella slow - so i would need to unlock all the tracks first before i could record the music - which would be impossible ;)

So the only 2 ways for now are finding someone with an optical input on his soundcard who can record them directly from the PS2. Or trying to rip them from the Xbox version (in the hope they are in a readable format on there)

11-24-2006, 09:27 AM
oh ok, no worries. i wish there was a way to send over my save game from my gamecube, i have completed the game twice.

11-24-2006, 06:54 PM
Just saw that i encoded the MP3 in 128 CBR

I reencoded the Burnout-2-Menu to VBR and also was able to rip the Burnout-3-Menu music from the Xbox version (both included):

I tried to rip other tracks of Burnout-2 Xbox - but didnt work - sorry.

11-26-2006, 03:18 PM

Looks like you finally get waht you want:

Thread 33782