The Goddess
11-23-2006, 12:44 AM

i'm trying to track down a fanfic i read ages ago, tho i can;t remember the title! i was wondering if anyone can think of the one i'm on about?

i remember the following:

Quistis goes away from Squall for a while, and has a child,a girl with a name something like 'Nanami'
Quisits runs an orphage in this time away, along with Seifer and Xu

thats about it!

Thanks if you can help!

11-23-2006, 08:53 AM
You know, tracking down an old fanfiction was the subject of my very first post here on the Shrine. It didn't work. I never did find that fanfiction.

The Goddess
11-23-2006, 02:02 PM
Well perhaps you could try again? Post again on this tread and see if someone (might possibly be me!) remembers?

Anything is worth a try!

11-23-2006, 04:10 PM
Roffle. It's been over four years, but okay. Wow, good old times, really takes me back...

The fanfic I was searching for was a crossover between Final Fantasy VI and VII. The characters were stranded somewhere and needed something to eat. They were really hungry, so they decided to hunt chocobos. I remember that they summoned Bahamut, I think, to try to fry one, but it was overkill. Oh, and Ultros was in it.

BTW, I did some basic Googling on some key terms in the fanfic that you're looking for and got nothing.