11-21-2006, 07:23 PM
If you want to show your friends how great the soundtrack is, you can use this file. It's only 44MB. None of my friends wanted to download the whole soundtrack so I made this. It basicly contains all my favorite tracks:

Okikurmi's Theme
Kamiki Village's Sorrowful Custom
Okikurmi the Hero
Time of Parting
A Resolute Person
The Tribe of Heavenly Gods' Theme
The Sun Rises
Tokyo Game Show 2004 Promotion (best part of the Shinsuu Plains track)
E3 2005 Promotion
Tokyo Game Show 2005 Promotion

I didn't include the 2-part songs, because they're a little bit long. They're really great, but I don't think any of my friends would go through the whole songs.

Hope this can be of good use!

11-22-2006, 11:01 PM
Nice one, a good compilation of a humongous OST!

11-23-2006, 12:33 AM
More OST's need something like this, lets face it, downloading 4 CDs of ANY soundtrack doesn't tickle...

11-23-2006, 05:32 PM
I could make some more if you want. I've already got some things in mind, but I'm not making any promises. I won't be able to do them all, so I'll just do the ones that are most wanted.

Baten Kaitos series (didn't like most of the music in BKII though)
Final Fantasy IV-VI
Final Fantasy VII-IX
Final Fantasy X-XII
Other Final Fantasy games
Fire Emblem: PoR
Golden Sun
Metal Gear Solid trilogy
Soul Calibur II + III (there's so much great stuff I might do them seperately)
Skies of Arcadia
Viewtiful Joe I + II
Xenogears/Xenosaga (do these series actually relate in any way?)

Or I could do them by composer (which I actually prefer)

Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill)
Graeme Norgate (Timesplitters)
Hideki Naganuma (JSR)
Hitoshi Sakimoto (FF Tactics, FFXII)
Junichi Nakatsuru (Soul Calibur)
Koh Otani (SotC)
Koichi Sugiyama (DQ series)
Koji Kondo (Nintendo)
Masami Ueda (Okami, Viewtiful Joe, DMC)
Michiru Yamane (Castlevania)
Motoi Sakuraba (BK, Golden Sun, Tales of, VP, Star Ocean)
Nobuo Uematsu (FF series)
Rareware (David Wise and team)
Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono, Deep Labyrinth, Xenogears, Shadow Hearts)
Yutaka Minobe & Takayuki (Skies of Arcadia)

11-23-2006, 09:54 PM
Nice work, I can't wait for the game to finally arrive in the UK.

11-25-2006, 01:09 AM
thanks ~

02-07-2008, 03:28 AM
Thanks for the compilation!