11-21-2006, 05:41 AM
Ok so I was wondering what to get for Christmas from my parents.
Since, they had already told me that my limit for this Christmas is $200 I need something more cheap.

And, I am not getting a Wii until my birthday in February, and I am mainly paying for it myself. So I am trying to go easy on my parents' bank account by getting a Nintendo DS Lite.

Now I know Final Fantasy III just came out for it, but are there any other games that are a must have?

Mario Kinnikuman
11-21-2006, 05:51 AM
I'd highly recommend these three.

1. New Super Mario Bros.
2. Mario Kart DS
3. Advance Wars Dual Strike

These too, if you're interested.

4. Super Mario 64 DS
5. That New Zelda Game coming out.
6. Metros (Spelling?)
7. Mario & Luigi: Parners In Time
8. Brain Age
9. Trauma Center: Under the Knife.

11-21-2006, 05:53 AM
Yeah, I heard Mario Kart was sick as fuck.

11-21-2006, 05:54 AM
Awww, can we be Christmas Nintendo DS Lite Buddies?

I'm getting a pink one ^____^

But I'm going to suggest;
Elite Beat Agents, it sounds fun and cute. I want it.
Trauma Center
Mario Kart DS
FFIII of course.

and most Mario games are fun, that's a given, I'm just not to up to date on the newer ones. Mario Kart is ace, I played it on my friends DS with her little cousins on theirs, it was tons of fun; especially with other people. There's always FF12:RW coming out for it, and the new Zelda game. Ummm, I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

11-21-2006, 05:56 AM
Hell yeah DS Lite buddies sounds good to me.

I am going with the generic but gorgeous Polar White.

I am looking forward tothe FFXII:RW.
Trauma Center caught my eye so I might invest in that as well.

11-21-2006, 05:58 AM
Hell yeah DS Lite buddies sounds good to me.
Christmas DS Lite Buddies*

but okai!


11-21-2006, 06:44 AM
Mario Kart DS is an absolute must buy. One of my favorite games of all time!

New Super Mario Bros is fun but I kind wish I had spent the money on something else.

Trauma Center: Second Opinion (on the Wii) is amazing, so I'm sure the DS version is too, but I wonder if maybe you should hold out until you get your Wii and get that version?

FFIII is a good bet, too.

The Brain games look and sound good, also.

Just some thoughts :P

11-21-2006, 07:54 AM
I recommend:

Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Tetris DS
New Super Mario Bros
Super Princess Peach

Haven't played FF3 yet, but it should be good. I don't enjoy Elite Beat Agents though. Very gimmicky and the touch screen can get either oversensitive or it won't sense the touching.

11-21-2006, 12:30 PM
I'm a fan of Meteos and of Tetris DS. They're just fun, frantic games.

11-21-2006, 12:49 PM
Count me in on the votes for Mario Kart DS and Tetris DS.
FFIII is also a no-brainer. That game seriously ate my soul. :P

11-22-2006, 03:08 AM
2. Castlevania DS and PoR
3. Elektroplankton
4. Animal Crossing (WARNING this game could own your free time forever)
5. Mario Kart DS
6. Advance Wars DS (now its only $.19.99)
7. Contact
8. Magical Starsign
9. Children of Mana
10. Clubhouse games

11-22-2006, 03:34 AM
I've only just started playing around more with my month-old DS Lite, but these games I've found to be quite entertaining:

1. New Super Mario Bros.
2. Age of Empires DS
3. Super Mario 64 DS

And it's good I checked this board, to get even MORE suggestions for future game purchases.

11-22-2006, 03:36 AM
I have more suggestions but I prefer to keep it short you know and do you mind explaning a little bit about how age of empires works on the DS please?

hb smokey
11-22-2006, 11:40 AM
Awww, can we be Christmas Nintendo DS Lite Buddies?

I'm getting a pink one ^____^

But I'm going to suggest;
Elite Beat Agents, it sounds fun and cute. I want it.
Trauma Center
Mario Kart DS
FFIII of course.

and most Mario games are fun, that's a given, I'm just not to up to date on the newer ones. Mario Kart is ace, I played it on my friends DS with her little cousins on theirs, it was tons of fun; especially with other people. There's always FF12:RW coming out for it, and the new Zelda game. Ummm, I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
I want to be your DS Lite buddy.

Also: I'd say pick up New Super Mario Bros. first and foremost. FFIII if you are looking for a quality, long game.

11-22-2006, 01:01 PM
I want to be your DS Lite buddy.

okai! ^_____^

I think we should have a Super Duper Secret DS Lite Club. (SDSDSLC)

11-22-2006, 06:25 PM
Alright Gina you can be the leader since it was your idea.

Prof. does your DS Lite have a name?

11-22-2006, 06:44 PM
Rockman ZX

11-22-2006, 07:00 PM
Some titles that you may be interested in:

-Resident Evil (there is a remake out there)
-New Super Mario Bros
-Brain training
-All time Classics
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Final Fantasy 3
-Final Fantasy VI
-Age of Empires DS

Well thats all from me :)

11-22-2006, 07:37 PM
and Resident Evil Deadly Silence is now at $19.99 its a good game with a nice Wi-Fi bonus

11-22-2006, 09:27 PM
Oh jeez, I already forgot that the games aren't 50 fucking dollars, this is exciting. ^___^

I like cheap games.

11-22-2006, 09:48 PM
We all like cheap games! ^___^

hb smokey
11-22-2006, 10:48 PM
Alright Gina you can be the leader since it was your idea.

Prof. does your DS Lite have a name?
I believe I named it uranus

Also: add both Castlevania DS games to that list.

11-22-2006, 10:53 PM
My future DS' name varies...

Lt. Colonel.
Fortune Cookie...

Gogo ideas.

hb smokey
11-22-2006, 10:55 PM


11-23-2006, 06:47 AM
I swear I would totally choose "Oh my God What the Fuck Barbeque"

Valerie Valens
11-23-2006, 08:10 AM
Hmm, I'd recommend Legend of Zelda : the Phantom Hourglass but I'm not sure if it's released and/or it will be released before X-mas

11-23-2006, 08:12 AM
Hmm, I'd recommend Legend of Zelda : the Phantom Hourglass but I'm not sure if it's released and/or it will be released before X-mas
Nope it's not out and it won't be until 2007. Q1 I believe, so it's not an entirely long wait.

11-23-2006, 03:51 PM
I have more suggestions but I prefer to keep it short you know and do you mind explaning a little bit about how age of empires works on the DS please?

To me, it plays a lot like "Heroes of Might and Magic", where you are allowed certain actions within a given "day" of gameplay. So it's like a mixture of turn-based strategy, along with turn-based fighting, with touch-screen menus. It's a cheap game, and it's also a thoughtful strategy game. What also doesn't hurt if is you're a big history buff.

Valerie Valens
11-23-2006, 05:26 PM
Nope it's not out and it won't be until 2007. Q1 I believe, so it's not an entirely long wait.

Damn, that puts it out of the equation. XP

11-23-2006, 09:14 PM
Damn, that puts it out of the equation. XP
It's still a pretty decent reason to get a DS though, considering there's already a pretty excellent library of games until then to keep any Zelda fan occupied, not to mention the abilty to play old Zelda games.


I'm not even a Zelda fan and I'm looking forward to it. I'm impressed with DS games, they really beat the shit out of my old GBA games. All I ever played was Pokemon, Mario, and Ham-Ham Games.

11-23-2006, 11:11 PM
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin comes out soon. That game should be awesome. It's Wi-Fi co-op as well.

11-24-2006, 03:08 AM

when ever it comes out!? i cant freaking find it.