11-20-2006, 04:31 PM
I cant seem to beat the area after the salikawood...the necrohol of bla bla bla and the other path...those baknamy's are killer when they come in groups...i am level 35 for all char' i supposed to be a higher level or am i missin somethin

11-20-2006, 04:34 PM
i don't know what do you have?

11-20-2006, 04:38 PM
i am using icebrands as my swords cause the baknamy are weak agains ice dmg...i am using the yoichi bow...and i have bone mail and demon mail on most of my chars...the ras algethi...and that is all...they have been dealing me huge damage and in big chars all have about 2500 hp....i can't figure out where i am goin wrong there any place where i should be lvling right now?

11-20-2006, 04:40 PM
i think that's right.

11-20-2006, 04:58 PM
so where should i go to level some more before i take an honest crack at this area?

11-20-2006, 07:51 PM
first use libra to see the enemies' levels. if they're significantly tougher than you, then yeah, level up. The Zenitan Caves, located in the Westersand, is full of level 37-39 monsters, so that's probably a good place for you to train.

11-20-2006, 08:12 PM
that is exactly what i needed to know thanks...

11-20-2006, 09:15 PM
um...i don't think so.

if you want to go there for whatever reason, fine, good luck. but that is NOT where you are supposed to be going at all if your trying to continue on with the story. your supposed to go to phon coast and past that too. the necrohol of nabudis and the other exit to the west are either optional or for later in the game.

your next destination is phon coast. how do i know? i'm the same lvl's as you (overlvled for the games storyline). the fact that were overlvled for the games storyline and we STILL can't beat those monsters is a real good clue that we are not supposed to be there yet. unless you REALLY want something from in there, i don't know.

however, if your ahead of me in the game, and your SUPPOSED to go in there, then your way UNDERlvl'ed. lol. i'm 34/45 and i haven't even ENTERED the phon coast yet. just an example.

11-21-2006, 04:57 PM
yeah...i feel retarded now...i missed the turn to talk to the moogles about the gate and i thought i had to go to the necrohol and the nabrius whatever...i was sitting there thinkin that it was a huge level jump in the story when i went back to the salikawood i noticed i skipped that path....*facepalm*

08-07-2007, 09:48 PM
I cant seem to beat the area after the salikawood...the necrohol of bla bla bla and the other path...those baknamy's are killer when they come in groups...i am level 35 for all char' i supposed to be a higher level or am i missin somethin

Set your players' gambits to ice weak = blizzira or blizziga. They hate ice and you can nail several at a time. Just make sure you have one character healing the party.