11-18-2006, 08:48 AM
Those fans of Love Hina (Ken Akamatsu) will probably know about the Negima manga. I've read all there is to read so far of the "Negima!!" manga and I have to get this out there. First, I suggest reading the "Negima!!" manga, and for christ sake don't watch the anime.

Negima, the manga, is one of the greatest manga's I've ever read. It's cute and funny in the same style that Love Hina was, and has an aMAZING story involving the full class of about 26 people and the stories surrounding them.

As far as Negima anime, the "Negima!!" anime sucked, but Ken recreated Negima as "Negima!?" (question mark added).

In short, "Negima!?" is incredible, has terrific animation, amazingly detailed coloring, all the characters have character, and has a full orchestral symphonic score.

"Negima!!" is a peice of crap. It's being translated into english. Funimation is crap. So naturally, Funimation took the opportunity to turn crap into super-crap.

So far, there are only 3 or 4 episodes of "Negima!?" released. As I see it, Anime should never be watched unless in bulk, 20 episodes of an anime is like playing a good rpg. If it's weekly, should take 3-6 months to get a good 20 episodes out.

So basically, my suggestion, is first read "Negima!!" volumes 1-15; After, watch the "Negima!?" anime instead of reading the manga first.

Now, hopefully, Negima!? WON'T come out in english, since we already have the crappy Negima here.

11-18-2006, 11:55 AM
Love Hina >>>>>>>>> Negima

Morning Blue
11-19-2006, 01:53 PM
I disagree. Love Hina took its sweet time getting its ass off the ground and becoming halfway decent, while Negma was engaging to me as early as volume 2 (I'm talking about the original manga of both series, mind you). Once Kanako came into Love Hina, the series lost any and all sense (and belief) in its 'love story' between Keitaro and Naru.

11-19-2006, 06:37 PM
You take Harem manga's way too seriously, Love Hina was FUN!
and i'm also talking bout the manga

11-19-2006, 07:56 PM
Are you talking about Love 10+? Because I definatly agree with ya. I stopped reading Love Hina at about volume 11 because one) I didn't want it to end and two) it started to flop story-wise.

Negima is amazing since there are 36 students in the class, (the manga-ka's end up drawing about 100 people on ONE page in some cases) and the story changes dramatically for the better later on in the story.

12-07-2006, 04:41 AM
I've noticed that a Ken Akamatsu's manga (while they are great) are usually ruined by the anime. The anime can't measure up to the manga. (Especially "Love Hina") I hated the Love Hina anime ending. (If you can call it an ending...)

But that's just my opinion...

Morning Blue
12-08-2006, 05:48 PM
No, I agree. The Love Hina kind of sucked all the fun out of the manga, and made Naru and Motoko even bigger pains, which I found to be an incredible feat.

I absolutely hated the first Negima series, and am finding it hard to get into the second one. If it wasn't so pretty I'd have probably given up after a couple of episodes.

Pram the Oracle
12-28-2006, 08:25 AM
lol, the first time I watched Negima!? I was like "WHAT THE HELL?" But then the series won me over.

Chupacabra vs Dracula...... priceless XD