11-18-2006, 01:40 AM
Im just about to enter the The Skycity of Bhujerba and i hav all characters at 18 and one a 19.

One Who Suffers
11-18-2006, 02:51 AM
Plenty, I am bit further having very little trouble at same levels

11-18-2006, 03:07 AM

11-18-2006, 03:12 AM
im tryna get at least to level 21 by the time i reach the Tomb of Raithwall. Im kinda gettin tired of leveling up at the Giza Plains fighten the Werewolves. Hope thers some other strong monsters around.

One Who Suffers
11-18-2006, 04:11 AM
21 at Raithwall will be just fine.

11-18-2006, 07:44 AM
It doesn't take THAT much effort to do well in the game.
When I completed Tomb of the Raithwall I was only level 21.
Plus, Giza Plains suck ass. You should level up in the Nam-Yensa Sandsea.

11-18-2006, 12:06 PM
the best way to compare if youre level is good or not is when a "GUEST" character comes with you,

compare youre level with him, almost when they come they should be stronger to aid you in a certain place, but if youre level is hogher than them , it means youre stronger than the enemies and the boss in that area, thats how far it deems with me, remember :

if the enemy weaker than you , littl EXP you will recieve.

One Who Suffers
11-18-2006, 05:02 PM
Yeah you should have get a new guest with you that will be LV.15. If you're higher than that before you get him you might even be over leveled.

11-18-2006, 08:42 PM
i dont think you could ever be overleveled

One Who Suffers
11-18-2006, 11:43 PM
If you kill ever enemy with a single blow and fell every boss within 2 or so rounds, you ARE overleveled. =)

11-19-2006, 04:03 AM
haha. i am totally overlvled i think. and i didn't even try that much. i just went lp hunting for a few hours and i do every sidequest/hunts i can and i beat my guest by 5 lvls. all my chars are 28/29 now, and i'm BARELY going to enter the miriam shrine. larsa was 24 the whole time.

it helps though for the marks because the marks available are almost always WAAAY too hard to deal with when you get them. even now, i am way too weak for the 3rd mark in the luhsu mines. (the one where you need the key..) yah. i'm way to weak for that. i managed to get far enough at lvl 28 to the orange save crystal. but tha'ts it. those headless guys are a real pain. and they are always in pairs. >.< they drain me too much.

but it does make me happy that i can take down lvl 35's and up real easily. i even laughed when the strategy guide told me to be careful for the lvl 29 whatevermonster, i was like. ROFL. i've been killing lvl 43 headless and your warning me about lvl 29 avions or whatever? rofl.

11-19-2006, 04:55 AM
lol i tried to take on a Salamand Entite in the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea or watever that place called and it was like level 45 and my characters were level 21-23. I tried to take it on wit quickenings to level up........i got my butt kicked. Two-four firaga spells and my whole team was wiped out. now i gotta start all over from the save point. now my characters are all like 19. Any good monsters to level up at the level im at in the Nam-Yensa Sandsea

11-19-2006, 07:40 PM
ouch. you took on the wrong high lvl man. of all the high lvl monsters, elementals like those and the energy ball entites i would avoid like the plauge. they always cast shell/reflect/protect on themselves and spam firaga/blizzaga/thundaga like nothing. very annoying. i always run from those enrgy balls. :p

in the sandsea, lvl up on the wierd sand people. that's what i did.

One Who Suffers
11-20-2006, 02:09 AM
The Urutan Yensa are very easy to get high chain levels on. I have gotten 280 with out even trying. For some reason the next one I attacked it reset, but any ways you can get some great loot with a high chain level.

11-20-2006, 09:08 PM
welp. thanks to all the marks, i'm now lvl 34/35 and haven't even gotten to the phon coast yet. (but i will soon, should be today if not tomorrow) all i gotta say is, the flying red bat mark in the barheim passage is HELLA hard even for my lvl cause of the gruops of dead bones and the specter. wait. let me rephrase that, the AREA that the mark is in is hard! not the mark. the mark is easy if he's alone. but since dead bones keep spawning sometimes...-_- there are TONS of em all around in the west section right before the sector 7 junction. it was GREAT lvling though. but i really came to hate those stupid groups.

anyway, after that, since the optional esper is so close and i didn't wanna come back later, i decided to risk it and give it a try. i knew i was weak, and i knew i only had 5 minutes to kill it, so i just spammed quickenings on it like there was no tomorrow. i couldn't fucking believe i beat it on my first try. i was so scared because the strat guide said i'd have to deal with more dead bones and i hate them and that when the dead bones are around, the esper is like..immune to phisical attacks? that just sucks. but i ignored them and just spammed quickening after quickening on the esper till he died. i was so happy. i dind't think i'd make it cause andramalech was a real pain in the ass with the stupid zombies always spawning around you and casting high lvl magics. it was awesome. i now have 4 espers. 2 story, 2 optional. yay. too bad they suck! i used andramalech on the deadbones group and he died in 2 seconds. wtf? i hate espers. -_-