11-17-2006, 01:13 AM
Say what you didnt like from a FF game, I'll start.


FFVII-My main beef with FFVII's story is that it is a chase-fest. After Midgar, Shinra is ignored(even though the presidents son is till alive) and they chase after the man in the black cape. Everything up untill the reunion in disc two is all chase sephiroth. Everything else that happens is just a side track on the way to chasing sephiroth. The story was just....a real bad eay of portraying it. Was junon really needed? Gold Saucer, Nilbelheim ETC.

-Battle system- Lacked originality, Esper/materia was almost the same. Cept FFVI made it so characters have originality, FFVII only thing original about the characters were limit breaks.

Diificulty- too many things can be done in this that can make you one overpowered SOB, compared to the rest of the games, this is probably#2...

FFVIII- As previously said, the orphanage was total crap. Also for a story based on love, it was a really bad one. Squall and Rinoa didnt love eachother, Rinoa just had a crush, she based it on nothing else. What Squall not getting any of her advances made her instantly fall inlove with him...right. Squall didnt love Rinoa either, he loved the change in himself. Just cause he saved her a couple of times doesnt mean he loves her, I mean what traits did they show to eachother that made them fall inlove with eachother..that was such crap. It was more like a highschool love rather than real love.

Battle System- the draw/junction was alright, but again, the characters lacked originality.

Difficulty- Probably the most abusable system in FF's long history. Duel, Lionheart, Holy war, Aura, and to a lesser extent hero drinks and Irvines limit break. Top that off with being low level and junctioning the strongest magics to your stats, that instant win in this game.

Valerie Valens
11-17-2006, 04:00 AM
I approve of this thread. :D

11-17-2006, 04:29 AM
I usually don't like to list my complaints to others....since reading about others' makes me feel horrible about how I usually can't do anything to change it....
But...>> I don't think that the topic creator meant for it to come off that way, so--!

Here are a few things I didn't like in some of the FFs I've played:
FFVI - The encounter rate is kind of freaky-high...I'm not done with the game, though, so I don't want to say too many things....
FFVII - I didn't like going through the Great Glacier, FFVII's Save-crystal glitch, and I didn't like Don Corneo or how long those Yin-Yang things took to attack.
FFVIII - Trying to "Save Rinoa" in space had kind of weird controls that the game didn't tell you about....And the story 'twist' was a bit...strange. I won't say anything else....
FFIX - Even at the fastest setting, battles were still somewhat slow; battles took a loooong time to start up. I also didn't like Queen Brahne...>> I redid that sword-fencing thing sooo many times...and she is not impressed.
FFX - I didn't really like the voice-acting...but I haven't heard the Japanese version, and I think the lip-sync is much closer and the acting is better.... I thought the laughing scene was a little disturbing, though.... I did not like chocobo 'racing' or dodging lightning bolts.

11-17-2006, 05:33 AM
Any time you have to mess around in a mindless dungeon. Any time the music is less than par. Any time there's too many random encounters. Any time the dialogue is just a bit too clunky.

11-17-2006, 05:42 AM
*ahem* english dubs

11-17-2006, 05:50 AM
Heh. Too true. Although sometimes the English dub does have gags that wouldn't work over in Japan and are pretty damn funny.

11-17-2006, 06:00 AM
i never really played any RPGs with dubs too my liking, they all make me cringe at the sounds of their poorly coordinated acting and in game battle voices, HIYA!!!!

11-18-2006, 12:49 AM
when a boss knocks all of you characters healths to 1 at the end of the fight when you win. so afterwards you have to use loads of your potions to heal them.