11-16-2006, 04:38 PM
Well, do you think Sega should attempt to re-enter the console era (Genesis, Saturn, etc.)?

They have enough games of their own, so why not?

11-16-2006, 04:44 PM
I think they should re-join as I admired their games. Team Shinobi had cool ideas back then.

11-16-2006, 04:48 PM
Sega no longer has the resources to develop a new console. It'd be suicide for them to try.

Mario Kinnikuman
11-16-2006, 05:52 PM
I think if there's too many consoles afloat, then that will augment problems furthermore for gamers, financially. So, no. I believe they're in a suitable position to remain as third-party, at least for now.

hb smokey
11-16-2006, 06:25 PM
Sega no longer has the resources to develop a new console. It'd be suicide for them to try.
Plus, I'm contempt with what Sega is doing right now.

11-16-2006, 06:57 PM
Sega no longer has the resources to develop a new console. It'd be suicide for them to try.
Qft. And even now, with 3 consoles we have problems desiding which one to buy. A forth one would just be :-\

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-16-2006, 08:21 PM
Plus, I'm contempt with what Sega is doing right now.

Yeah Team Sonic is fucking things up royally.

11-16-2006, 08:48 PM

Sega failed terribly with the Dreamcast. Not that it was a bad console but for Sega to release another console, even if they could, would be financial suicide. I don't see Sega as i used to though. Now most of there games now are just like the rest and don't grab me by the maracas like they used to. But hey, time change along with companies.

Needless to say, if Sega did develop another console it'd have that Sega felling about it. There's something about that feeling every time you turn on your Dreamcast that's just wonderful. Nowadays consoles are too clinical, they have no love in them. However, the Wii just might change that though. :)

Here's to the dreamcast, the best darn console to grace my sitting room floor~

J. Peterman
11-16-2006, 11:00 PM

Lovely White
11-16-2006, 11:58 PM
I enjoy the Dreamcast,it has many games that are quite addicting,I especially love Powerstone 2,awesome game if you ask me.

Desert Wolf
11-17-2006, 12:08 AM

Hex Omega
11-17-2006, 12:55 AM
Sega no longer has the resources to develop a new console. It'd be suicide for them to try.

11-17-2006, 02:39 AM
I loved the Dreamcast I had just about every game that came out for that damn system.
And I basically grew up with Sonic on the Genesis.

Honestly, if Sega released a new console, chances are I would consider buying it before a 360 or PS3.

11-17-2006, 03:16 AM
I loved the Dreamcast I had just about every game that came out for that damn system.
And I basically grew up with Sonic on the Genesis.

Honestly, if Sega released a new console, chances are I would consider buying it before a 360 or PS3.

Dreamcast was a great system but it seemes more like a machine to port over arcade games. I had one, but too many games didnt catch my attention. I think they should relax with the sonic games and do some new things. Stay away from the console making, it wouldnt be a good idea.

11-17-2006, 03:41 AM
If they can keep the kickass ( advertising they used to have, then I think it could work.

Unfortuantley, I doubt they could live up to the glory that Segata Sanshiro was. :(

11-17-2006, 04:06 AM
Technically, Sega Sammy still makes gaming machines.

Just of the pachinko variety that take your money and promise to give money back.

Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. has enough money to probably finance a console. The real question though would be why. Without the backing of a major electronics giant (Sony), a major software giant (Microsoft) or an established, rabid fanbase (Nintendo), the system has nowhere to fit in the market.

It is much more profitable being a games developer, and a multi-format developer at that. The new Sonic the Hedgehog game (which is actually pretty fun; i've got the demo for my 360) is being released on the PS3 and the X360, with a different game being released for the Wii. That means that their game has the potential to reach 100% of the installed next-gen console market; as opposed to releasing it on their own console, and having to sell limited numbers on it.

No, Sega's days of console manufacture are in the past. I have heard rumblings that Square-Enix wants to get into the handheld console market though, which could be interesting...

11-17-2006, 08:43 AM
Sega no longer has the resources to develop a new console. It'd be suicide for them to try.

First Xbox did alright, and it was near stock PC components. Not saying there wouldn't still be quite a bit of work and expense involved, but it wouldn't be out of SEGAs reach.

It is much more profitable being a games developer


11-17-2006, 10:55 AM
First Xbox did alright, and it was near stock PC components. Not saying there wouldn't still be quite a bit of work and expense involved, but it wouldn't be out of SEGAs reach.

You have to remember that those 'stock PC components' were way ahead of the curve at the time of the Xbox's release; and the console sold for thousands of dollars cheaper than an equivalent computer.

When a console first comes out, the company selling the console usually has to take a major hit - the entire profits of Sony Corporation were down this year simply because of the cost of putting Blu-Ray drives in the PS3.

The exception that proves the rule is Nintendo, who profits off every Wii. But Nintendo has a record history of being a hardware innovator, while the Saturn was basically an expensive precursor to the PlayStation, and the Dreamcast was an expensive precursor to the Xbox (massive controller and all).

EDIT: I've recently read an article that says Microsoft is profiting off the 360 now, as well; it costs them $320 to make a console that retails for $400. The same article says that Sony takes a whopping $300 loss with every 20GB PS3 sold, and $250 with every 40GB PS3 sold. This is all US dollars, by the way.

11-18-2006, 01:01 AM
if sega is the sonic games then yes

Mr. Bunniesworth
11-18-2006, 06:07 AM
Sega could probably still release their new next-gen console in Australia before Sony, if they started on it now... :-).

11-18-2006, 11:05 AM
You have to remember that those 'stock PC components' were way ahead of the curve at the time of the Xbox's release; and the console sold for thousands of dollars cheaper than an equivalent computer.

The only component of the orginal Xbox that was ahead of the curve at the time of release was the NV2A (basically a Geforce 3) graphics chip, PCs surpassed this only a few months after the Xboxes release.

With Sony trying to make the PS3 last at least 5 years, and probably a good deal longer, some one could put out a console with superior hardware at a profitable price years before Sony released another console.

Still, it's not really about hardware. Sega failed in the past because of timing and lack of support.

11-18-2006, 01:03 PM
Honestly, if Sega released a new console, chances are I would consider buying it before a 360 or PS3.

11-22-2006, 04:04 PM
I heard rumors of a Dreamcast 2, Sega plans to officialy annouce on January of course I dont belive this and I realy dont care but you guys probably should know.

11-22-2006, 05:31 PM
I heard rumors of a Dreamcast 2, Sega plans to officialy annouce on January of course I dont belive this and I realy dont care but you guys probably should know.

You're an idiot for even posting this. Stick with your gut instinct next time, and if you don't believe something, don't repeat it.

11-22-2006, 07:45 PM
im just sharing what I heard dont like it? dont read it buddy, its my opinion and im not hurting or insulting anyone by it.

11-22-2006, 08:02 PM
You're hurting yourself by looking like a fool. After giving such a bad impression, you have no basis for whining when people call you on it.

11-22-2006, 08:06 PM
I dont give a sh!t what "impression" I make here, im just commenting and those like you who have thousands of post think they have the right to pick on me becasue im a casual internet user. Maybe is time to learn that if you dont like what I post ignore it

11-22-2006, 08:18 PM
Actually, I have the right to pick on you because you said something stupid on the internet. Post count has nothing to do with it, nor does the amount of time you spend online.

Mario Kinnikuman
11-22-2006, 09:21 PM
if sega is the sonic games then yes

.....Where have you been since the past fifteen years of Video Gaming!? Oh yeah, the womb, maybe?...Your idiocy on this forum is suspect to it.

11-25-2006, 06:12 AM
Nah, Sega shined during the old days, but now they're better off just making games.

11-28-2006, 06:39 PM
Sega could run the gaming market. All they need is a couple really tight games at launch and more on the way (New Mega Man, Castlevania, Resident Evil) and the system would perform well. Iam a business major and as I side note I actually tried to forecast Sega's rebirth into the gaming console wars. Sega would without a doubt have a chance. Bring back Shinobi, Streets of Rage, an Shining Force and no doubt sega could come raw.

11-28-2006, 08:14 PM
im just sharing what I heard dont like it? dont read it buddy, its my opinion and im not hurting or insulting anyone by it.

how is he supposed to know he doesn't like it if he doesn't read it...?

12-03-2006, 07:34 AM
Sega had the same problem as Nintendo. Not Enough support! If Sega had the support that playstation has it would be awesome! If Nintendo had that kind of support, it would be legendary.

12-03-2006, 07:38 AM
I hope you did not intend on posting here often with crap like that.
Because if you do, this will not be a positive enviornment for you.

12-03-2006, 07:43 AM
... So what was wrong with my post?

12-03-2006, 07:45 AM
Well, your first fragment must've been put in the wrong tense because you spoke like Nintendo is gone and could never come back. I have no idea what you mean by support but if you elaborated, I am sure I could make fun of you some more.

12-03-2006, 11:05 AM
Ok, maybe I wasn't very clear.
What I meant was sony has alot of good, third party, games. Whereas most of the good games (for nintendo) are made by nintendo (and nintendo put alot of effoet into thier games, e.g. zelda, mario, donkey kong). I know of no good games which sony make themselves (although there may be some). Infact I know of no games sony make by themselves. Sega also made alot of good games (I'm not going to name any because they were out way to long ago me to recall them easily). So sega and nintendo don't have alot of good third party games, but work hard on thier own games, is what I was trying to say. While sony have alot of third party games, but don't do alot for themselves.

Also I don't mind you making fun of me, so long as I deserve it (which i clearly did with my last post). Although if you are going to make fun of me. please atleast say what yor making fun of me for.

12-03-2006, 11:07 AM
I dont give a sh!t what "impression" I make here, im just commenting and those like you who have thousands of post think they have the right to pick on me becasue im a casual internet user. Maybe is time to learn that if you dont like what I post ignore it

You a sensei? Baka shonen! Fu fu fu.

12-03-2006, 12:11 PM
.....Where have you been since the past fifteen years of Video Gaming!? Oh yeah, the womb, maybe?...Your idiocy on this forum is suspect to it.


Vaddoo 1
12-05-2006, 03:30 AM
They should join if they plan to get thrashed the the big three. A.K.A. Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft

12-05-2006, 03:38 AM
Also I don't mind you making fun of me, so long as I deserve it (which i clearly did with my last post). Although if you are going to make fun of me. please atleast say what yor making fun of me for.

The thing is, if you'd actually pay attention, you'd see that Ninty's got quite a bit of third-party support for Wii thus far. Ubisoft has two games (Red Steel and the new Splinter Cell) for Wii, EA's gone on record saying that they're supporting Wii more than any Ninty console since the SNES. Squeenix has two titles coming out soon (a DQ title, and a FF title).

jewess crabcake
12-05-2006, 04:19 AM
If sega were to release a console it would have to obey these rules:
SSell it for about 3 months than stop production,
Give it a chip so it can play Wii, PS3, And Xbox360 games
Change their name once they release the system to escape creditors, and SONY, Microsofts, and Nintendo's lawyers the go to Mexico living life on the run.
Honestly if Sega even tried to compete it would fail miserably, do they even have enough money to go HD?

12-05-2006, 04:37 AM
The thing is, if you'd actually pay attention, you'd see that Ninty's got quite a bit of third-party support for Wii thus far. Ubisoft has two games (Red Steel and the new Splinter Cell) for Wii, EA's gone on record saying that they're supporting Wii more than any Ninty console since the SNES. Squeenix has two titles coming out soon (a DQ title, and a FF title).

Havn't been reading much on the wii, seeing as I do not have the money for it. Also, I was talking about the Gamecube. Is this FF game going to be like Crystal Cronicles, where each player needed a Gameboy Advance to play mutiplayer? (assuming it would be DS this time, if you can plug that into the Wii).

hb smokey
12-05-2006, 04:42 AM
Havn't been reading much on the wii, seeing as I do not have the money for it. Also, I was talking about the Gamecube. Is this FF game going to be like Crystal Cronicles, where each player needed a Gameboy Advance to play mutiplayer? (assuming it would be DS this time, if you can plug that into the Wii).
Oh gosh, please never ever mention Crystal Chronicles. What an awful game.

Anyways, without trying to make things more heated, yes Nintendo used to have poor third-party support. What kept them aloft was it's excellent first-party titles, which trump Sony and Microsofts' respected titles. If the Wii continues this massive improvement in third-party support, there's no reason it won't perform greatly and perhaps sell the best.

12-05-2006, 06:20 AM
One of Penny Arcade's more salient observations of the past few years has been that Sega makes murder porn now.

12-05-2006, 06:44 AM
Oh gosh, please never ever mention Crystal Chronicles. What an awful game.

FF:CC is a good game, apart from one thing; that fucking chalice. It was a contrived plot device to keep the party together as opposed to other games where you just can't move off screen, and it annoyed the shit out of the player who had to carry the chalice. Single player, it wasn't a bad game. From what i've heard, FF:CC DS doesn't have the same mechanic; the party doesn't need to stay together, because of separate screens.

Anyways, without trying to make things more heated, yes Nintendo used to have poor third-party support. What kept them aloft was it's excellent first-party titles, which trump Sony and Microsofts' respected titles. If the Wii continues this massive improvement in third-party support, there's no reason it won't perform greatly and perhaps sell the best.

Interesting note: in Australia, there are more Wii pre-orders than Xbox 360s sold in the first month, which, when it ships tomorrow (if Nintendo can provide the 30 000 consoles promised), it will be the fastest selling console in Australia.