03-09-2002, 11:07 PM
... when you try and use Exit Materia to try and get away from your parents "lectures..."

(Now the next person after me would post another reason... and so on and so forth...)

Bahamut ZERO
03-09-2002, 11:21 PM
You want to Omnislash your Java lecturer (well, with me this is the case anyway.)

03-10-2002, 12:06 AM
... when you try to cast "Sleep" or "Stop" on an annoying family member

03-10-2002, 12:16 AM
You pretend you're in the lifestream when you're playing in the pool.

03-10-2002, 12:52 AM
....you let you'reself get injured badly in a fight in the hopes of having you're limit bar filled.

....talk to lions in the zoo and calling them Nanaki/Red XIII

....call a smoking pilot Cid

03-10-2002, 01:02 AM
... you put on a suit and shades and tell everyone that you are a new member of the Turks.

... when you try and imitate Heideggers horse laugh.

... when you trace your heritage/bloodline to see if you are an "Ancient."

03-10-2002, 01:18 AM
...when you get really really mad an' try to summon Meteor.(no, ive never done that......)

...when you try to find out Sephy's home phone number an' email addy.(uh, no ive never done that.*looks around like she's hiding something*)

....when you go to the nearest conveince store an' ask for two fire materia an' a couple of high potions.

...when you yell at the store manager for not havin' any fire materia or high potions

03-10-2002, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by tifa lockheart
... when you try and imitate Heideggers horse laugh.

I know someone who does that (online)

....dress up like Cloud in the hopes of getting all the atractive women to try and date you.

....lose a hand and try and have a gun put in it's place.

....put a strange cast thing on your are the flex it at people.

03-10-2002, 02:58 AM
... you get mad when a store clerk won't give you your change in Gil.

... when you go to your local park, hoping it will pass for a forest, wishing you will get into a battle with a "Mysterious Ninja."

... you paint a baseball black and hope that it might turn into Black Materia.

... when you look up in the sky expecting Weapon to fly by.

... go to the top floor of a skyscraper, (dragging two friends with you to form a "party,") hoping that when you reach the top you can foil some ShinRa employees evil plan, and rescue a certain brown-haired green eyed friend.

03-10-2002, 03:27 AM
.........When you get sick and try to cast Esuna on yourself.( I actually did this once............What? It was 4 in the morning and I just beat 8:))

03-10-2002, 03:38 AM
when you paint an ostrich gold and try to make it cross the ocean.

03-10-2002, 04:20 AM
whenu make up corney jokes about playing final fantasy 7 to much

03-10-2002, 04:22 AM
... when you see an old man that looks like Bugenhagen and you start asking him philosophical questions.

... when you want to Summon Knights of the Round on a teacher you hate.

... you put your ear to the ground to see if you could hear "The Planet" speaking to you.

03-10-2002, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by ssj10Goku
whenu make up corney jokes about playing final fantasy 7 to much


03-10-2002, 08:52 AM
.......when you watch a lightning storm and compare lightning strikes to bolt materia. ie "oh thats only about as powerful as a bolt 1".

.........when you stand out side with a green tennis ball "pretending" that you summoned that lightning bolt.

03-10-2002, 11:45 PM
when you watch a lightning storm and compare lightning strikes to bolt materia. ie "oh thats only about as powerful as a bolt 1".

(I've actually done that before...0_0...lol.)

... going around peeking into coffins seeing if you will find Vincent inside one of them

... dress up like Yuffie and try to steal Materia from people

... have "flashes" like Cloud about his past to try and get out of doing your chores... (I tried that once... :D )

03-11-2002, 12:07 AM
hum the songs 24/7

try to talk like barret

03-11-2002, 02:15 AM
...........when you debate with your friends how the characters name are pronounced (Friend 1:It's Bear-it! Friend 2: NO!!! It's Ba-ray!)

03-11-2002, 03:59 AM

03-11-2002, 09:51 AM
When you start riding chickens around the farm thinking that they are chocobo's!

Bahamut ZERO
03-11-2002, 03:08 PM
... When you start wearing a black cloak and start rocking back and forth.

... When you try to find "Orthopaedic underwear" in your girlfriend's chest of drawers.

... You want to see Weapon attack your Java lecturer.

... You pretend that a tree branch is a huge sword and start swinging it around your head.

... Every time you have a shower, you think you're in the lifestream.

... You want to summon Meteor on your Java lecturer. (Yes, I don't like my Java lecturer very much, well spotted.)

... You think that every worm that crosses a puddle is the Midgar Zolom.

... You get the feeling that you aren't all that you think you are.

Best stop there now, methinks.

03-11-2002, 05:05 PM
... you strap a plastic sword to your back and start hunting for a man in a black cape.

... pretend to fix drinks at a bar and pretend you're Tifa.

... go around confusing everyone saying that you are a member of AVALANCHE. (I've done that once... :D)

... you pretend to hear voices in your head and claim that you are hearing Souls from the Lifestream.

... you think that you have a past that is shrouded in mystery.

... you are afraid of water because of possibly getting Mako poisoning.

... try and Summon Bahamut on your history teacher (wish I could.)

... taking a tennis ball, trying to Summon Holy

... go around saying "ho ho ho" telling others that you are Bugen

... saying things like "*&^$%$", "get the goddamn tea," "ain't no getting off this train we on!", "GAWD and GOODNESS" pretending that you are Cid, Barret and Yuffie.

... you start wondering if you were Sephiroth in a past life :eek:

03-12-2002, 10:47 AM
...too much Final Fantasy VII?


You're a weirdo o_O

*walks off polishing his Ultimate Weapon and humming the battle theme*

03-13-2002, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by ExS
...too much Final Fantasy VII?


You're a weirdo o_O

*walks off polishing his Ultimate Weapon and humming the battle theme*

lol ExS... :)

... before you get into a fist fight you start singing the battle theme loudly

Black Mage#1
03-13-2002, 12:27 AM
When you go to the core and you think it's Aeris's prayer.

Neo Xzhan
03-13-2002, 09:51 PM
..........thinking u can do the Bad Breath move ur self

..........when ur at the doctor and say: it's nothing i only lost 145HP

..........when ur making an elixer

..........when ur trying to steal as well

..........make an orb that looks like a purple materia and pretend it is a underwater materia and think u can last underwater forever

..........when ur thinking phrases that start with: You've been playing FF7 to much when....

03-13-2002, 10:29 PM
When you stare at the electricity meter holding a basket of flowers, walk out into a busy street(nearly gettin' run over in the process), and sell flowers at a price that is sooooo ridiculous you could never live off, even if you sold LOTS of flowers..

My mother is a hippie
It makes me shout yippee

03-14-2002, 01:15 AM
When your pet goldfish dies and you throw a pheonix down into its fish tank.

03-14-2002, 02:45 AM
... when you dress up your dog to look like RedXIII

... when you kneel and start to pray to "The Planet" hoping you'll recieve an awnser

... you look at everyone suspiciously, thinking that someone created you by injecting Jenova Cells into your body

... you look for a tattoo on your upper arm that says your "number"

... start looking for the "Doctor" that created you

... once you find out that you aren't a clone, you suddenly go insane, you decide to find a fake sword and then try to burn down a village... (even when "villages" don't exist now..) :D

03-14-2002, 02:58 PM
When your at your neighors cook out, steal a piece of charcoal, raise it up in the air and proclaim "I will become one with the planet!"

03-14-2002, 04:39 PM

is there such a thing as playing FF7 too much?

...when you start refering to Cloud as yourself, should anyone ask who the spikey haired dude with the sword is.

..when everytime the battle music starts you leap into battle position acting out the spell casting, summons, and physical attacks while clutching your playstation controller in one hand.

.. when you can fight all the weapons and Sephiroth realistically in your sleep.

.. when everytime you close your eyes you see an after image of the screen and characters/ scenes.

..when you actually video taped yourself playing the entire game (lots of tapes) *wonders if this falls into adictiveness catagory more than playing it too much*

..when you can play every last tune in the entire game on some sort of instrument or at least sing it, and drive your friends/family insane by doing so.

..when you respond to threads like this ;)

*puts up a small sign "Gone Chocobo racing" and heads in the direction of the gold saucer*

03-14-2002, 05:14 PM
(there is never such a thing as playing too much...;) )

...when you pretend like Lucrecia and mourn for Sephiroth

... you're in the pool, pretending like it's the Lifestream, trying to "absorb it's energy," to become super-powerful

... when you walk around trying to shoot people with your "gun-arm."

... you pretend to cast Magic and Summon Materia on your friends

... you fight a lot so you can check your "Status" and see if you have "Leveled Up" yet.

... you simulate the fight at the end of game (between Cloud and Sephiroth)

... you try to see if you can hike your Limit Bar up higher by getting angry a lot

... you roar like Ultima Weapon to scare little siblings

... you video tape FMV's from the game

... when you decide to talk like Cid for a day

... leave your house and tell your parents that you are going to go "searching for Jenova"

... try and mimic Limit Breaks (Like Catasrophe, Omnislash.. etc.)

... you tell all your friends that you are on a Quest to save the planet

(Lemme stop before I get too carried away...:D)

03-14-2002, 05:32 PM
When you dye your hair Platinum Blonde, cut it chin-length, wear a blue suit, shades, hang out with some weird jap-lookin' guy, and try to stop a guy with psyco spikey blond hair from saving the planet... phew... but the turks need to be enlightened. On account of they're trying to STOP Cloud from saving the planet, and dress so very early 90's... the blue suit idea is soooooooooooo last millenium! :cool:

My mother is a hippie,
it makes me shout yippee!


03-14-2002, 09:03 PM
... when you try and destroy the planet

... when you try and Summon Meteor to destroy your school

... you dress up like Cloud and try to find your "identity."

... disappear for a while and when you come back you tell everyone you were lost in the Lifestream

... go insane, rocking back and forth on the floor, claiming that the planet was speaking to you

03-15-2002, 04:39 PM
When you have mastered the game and played it through 8 times, only to join a forum devoted to the games to chat about it...

03-15-2002, 08:49 PM
... You pretend that a tree branch is a huge sword and start swinging it around your head.
done that:D

When a beautiful girl says that she'd like to meet you and you reply:
"But I'm already here."
I've done this once:(

Heavens Cloud
03-15-2002, 11:10 PM
..........when you start to call your dog Red XIII

..........when you change your hair color to blond then try to spike it in a outrageous way....(I have done that:D)

...........when you run through your school asking people if they have seen Sephiroth

............when your parents ask you where you want to go for your family vacation and you tell them the Gold Saucer

.............when you climb a tree and start throwing long sticks down from it that you think are spears at anything that moves thinking you are cid

............you got to the airport and ask where the highwind is

03-15-2002, 11:36 PM
...when you start blowing up parts of your nearest powerstation
...when you try to make a lift under the pinball table at your local pub
...when you decide to sleep in a coffin
...when you buy a motorbike so you can use a sword to knock other motorbike riders off

03-17-2002, 04:01 AM
... when you dress up like Aeris and go around with a flower basket, hoping that you will met "Cloud."

... you go around telling everyone that you Reno, dressing up as him and ordering alcohol. ^^.

... when you go around annoying everyone, laughing like Heidegger

... you try and cast Silence Materia on your parents, hoping it would "silence" them... literally.

... when you dress up like Don Corneo, pick three females, and then pick one hoping that they will sleep with you. o_0.

03-17-2002, 07:47 AM
... when you dress up like Aeris and go around with a flower basket, hoping that you will met "Cloud."
Even worse if you're male:lol

03-17-2002, 12:09 PM
When you come up with words for all the songs (i have actually done this)

When you buy the house in costa del sol (done this too)

when you have to do a project on anything you choose FF7 (doing this at the minute)

When you say its not a game its my life

When you put your cat on a giant teddy and and give it a megaphone

When you look for turtles paradise flyers

When you confuse a major company for shinra

i need a life

03-17-2002, 12:28 PM
When you throw a bottle at your friends thinking that it will heal them.

03-17-2002, 05:18 PM
you make your boyfriend buy you

entire set of ff7 character keychains
entire set of ff7 character action figures
all available FF7 plushie/ufo dolls
every released ff7 resin figure
10 doujinshi's

off ebay.

you make an aeris costume and proclaim yourself THE AERIS.


03-17-2002, 06:44 PM
when you try do do omnislash when someones annoying you

Diamond Weapon
03-19-2002, 12:34 PM

...you lie that your uncle works for squaresoft (hehe)

... you pick up a long stick and wave it in the fashion sephiorth does when you win a battle (do this a lot)

... are convinced the shinra are some japenese based country

... have 'day dreams' about cloud seifer and sephiroth being the evil gits and always having them knock the crap out of my school friends but are always stopped by squall.. then you get into a huge ass fight with a load of SeeD members and shinra forces.. its always a cloud vs squall showdown with a lot of sword fighting and beam attack (dragon ball z), they fly too...


... humming the tunes to yourself all day long

... registering at this site called ffshrine??

... and ffonline

... remembering all enemies charateristics

Ok ill shut up.

03-19-2002, 08:40 PM
... when you try and control everyone, telling them that you are President of the ShinRa

... when you dress up like Cait Sith and annoy people by trying to read their fortures

... try and dress up like Sephiroth and wreak havoc upon the World

03-19-2002, 11:25 PM
(Hasn't this been done before!? anyway.....) When you keep on sayin your just a puppet...your just a puppet........(I know all the other Sephrioth fans will get this!)

Heavens Cloud
03-19-2002, 11:53 PM
............When you play FF7 day and night even after beating it about 20 times and the only time you stop is to eat sleep go to school and come on ffshrine and check out the ff7 section :P

..............When you try to open your own bar called 7'th Heaven hoping that the one and only Tifa Lockheart will come and work there

............When you run around claiming that you are the leader of AVALANCHE and that you are on a mission to save the planet from Shinra

..............When you find a stick outside and you try to imitate the omni slash

..............When you tell everyone that you are a creation made up of Jenova cells and you show them the tattoo number on your arm that you have put there in black felt

............When you fail a math exam because you were thinking of how you can't wait to get home and play some more FF7 (unfortunately this has happened to me before :P)

03-20-2002, 01:32 AM
You see different color marbles lying around the floor of your room and you think that they are Materia... oh well I tried

03-20-2002, 02:40 AM
...u tie your self up w/a blankt to a chair and pretend that poisonous gas i filling ur room and u hav to ecscape.( i admit ive dun that befor) ihop no one haz zaid tis

03-20-2002, 03:34 AM
when u see people with long gray an blak hair u jump at them w/a plastic sword sayin die sephiroth, die. And also(ok u get my piont)(no i havent dun tis):D :) :alien: :uh?:

03-20-2002, 05:25 PM
well well well.... looks like I am gonna win this one.... anyone try and beat this....

U know that u have played to much FFVII when...


u stand as one of them...

now ladies and gentlemen...... Whos da man!!!!!!!!!! lol

03-22-2002, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Prophet

When you actually respond to this ridiculous post saying how ridiculous it is.

03-22-2002, 01:13 PM
-You carve your dad's fave Samurai sword so it's looks like the Apocalpyse.
-Your hands are permenantly stuck in the Playstation controller position.
-Your vocabulary has droppped from millions of words to: Lifestream, Sephiroth, Cloud, evil, Shinra, materia and chocobo.
-You've worn out 3 playstations, 5 FF7 games, about 10 controllers and 4 couches.
-You keep running into company buildings trying to bring them down, insisting that there's an Ancient girl up the top.
-You go to a theme park and demand to know where the chocobo races are. When they keep saying that they don't know what the hell you're talking about, threaten to come back with a huge sword later.
You demand that your GP from Gold Saucer be transferred to a timezone powercard so you can buy the Gil Plus Materia.
-Your CD collection consists of FF7 songs and remixes of those songs and then edited remixes of those.
-Your wardrobe has every costume of every character and you actually go into the street wearing them.
-Racing birds will never be the same again.
-You suddenly develop a liking for big breasted women with short skirts.
-*SPOILER*You constantly stand in the middle of a busy street re-enacting the whole Aeris dying thing.
-Your marble collection has decreased to the 5 materia colours.
-Your practice with being Tifa has left you with 6 operations on your knuckles and 10 new punching bags.
-After your Barret escapade, the police will never be the same again.
-You spend half your life remaking FF7 on RPG Maker 2000 and trying to get it exactly the same.
-Throwing boomerangs takes on a whole new meaning.
-Your two cats are called Red and Cait.
-You change your name to Cloud (or any other character).
-Anything that crosses you is immediatly destroyed and the final thing is:

You go to a shop. In the shop is a rookie clerk. You storm up to him in your Cloud or Sephiroth costume and slam your empty sword holder on the counter. (it's a supermarket BTW) He looks blankly at you and asks what you want. "A SWORD DAMMIT!!!" you scream so everyone can hear. "and some Fire and Destruct materia too. Oh, and if you have a Hi-Potion, i kinda need it cause my left hand..." You show him your left hand which is hanging barely onto your wrist. The clerk looks in horror and says you need to go to a hospital. There's blood everywhere. "No!!! Look, i need a sword so i can get revenge on that damn knife. You see, i was playing FF7, and i was versing this gay baddie, when he hit me and i cut my wrist with the knife so I'm planning a sneak attack." You start whispering. "I'm gonna slice up that knife with the sword you're gonna give me, and then i'm gonna burn and demi its ass with the materia. The Hi-Potion cures my hand." The clerk stares for a sec, then says "Uhhh, i think you need to go to a different hospital sir." Then you get angry. "Look, is it that hard to understand??? I mean, i just wanna sword, preferably an Apocalypse or Butterfly Edge, and some materia, to kill that god damn knife. And a bloody Hi-Potion for my fucking hand! PLEASE!!!!!!!" Two guys run up and drag you away to a better place, the Mental Institution. You get dragged away screaming "Noooooooo!!!!!! I'll be back for my sword holder and my sword!!! You can't hold me! I'm Cloud/Sephiroth!!!! FF7 will live on!! The knife shall diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahem, please excuse me for all that:D. I'm very tired.

03-22-2002, 01:18 PM
Nice one cort but tifa aint black or that fat

Diamond Weapon
03-22-2002, 01:51 PM
You know cloud I was going to get my name changed to Sephiroth.... does that make me a freak??

03-22-2002, 02:00 PM
Cloud, that was really funny! Ooo, that wil take a while to get over.

when you hear noises in the sky and question yourself, Weapon? Or "Oh no! I hear cries of the planet!"

when you go to the north pole and ask every person you come across where the Chocobo Sage is.

when you ask your boyfriend to start growing his hair, wear a long black cloak, and wear green contacts. Then on your nice nights in you cuddle up next to him and call him Sephiroth, he'll say......"What'd you call me?"



03-22-2002, 02:34 PM
Ok some more (i like this thread. I wonder if there's an FF8 one:P)

-You keep throwing inanimate objects at ugly people thinking you're using the throw command on monsters.
-Your battle total in one game has reached the millions.
-You believe that gil is real and that you're a billionaire.
-You keep taking the swords you buy, back to the shops because it doesn't use Bolt.
-You're wondering why at least one of your red marbles doesn't summon anything.
-You mistake your pets for monsters and get your sword...
-You believe you have 9999 HP and invade the police station but reality hits your head about the same time as the bullet does.
-You colour your chickens gold and throw them into the ocean. When it becomes apparant that they float, you jump on them and yell "ride for Knights of the Round!" and the final one (again a final one) is:

You're attempting to re-enact the Aeris death scene and wanna get it right. You and two friends (one dressed as Aeris and another as good ol' Seph) go to a Buddhist Temple because it's a good senario. You just walk in there and get immediatly stared at by the Buddhists. You assume that they're part of the act and are small, brown monsters. As they walk up to you, you slice them up and realise they're human. Aeris and Sephiroth have taken their places and you're done killing now. Sephiroth flies down and does the kewl re-enactment. By now the cops and SWAT teams are here. You break down and start to cry, while Sephiroth disappears. The FBI are now in and there's about 1000 guns around you. You still believe that this is part of the act because you are so into it, that your brain is stuffed. You exclaim to the cops that the Promised Land is about to be destroyed because Aeris was the last chance it had, and now she's dead. Everyone shrugs and backs away as they realise that you're not just armed, but you're completely insane. You pick Aeris up and place her in the water to bury her. She sinks to the bottom. It's all sad. But, that reality hits again when she drowns and about 50 bullets ram into your head.

Ok, i'm stopping now, i'm too tired.

Heavens Cloud
03-22-2002, 04:17 PM
HAHAHAH!!!!!!! I love your last one Cloud your last one on both of your posts :D
I could probaly make a few long ones but they would probaly consist of alot of DIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!! HAHAHAHA!!
Where's My %^*$ MATERIA!!!!.........and so on :p and it would probaly end up stretching over the whole page and the moderaters would get mad at me!
BAHH!!! I will think of some later :D

Heavens Cloud
10-17-2002, 06:15 AM
Haha i can't believe i found this old thread i remember posting on this thread when i first joined ffshrine (i was also the last person to add anything to it) and it's still my favorite :D
well i guess its up to me to revive an old thread.
ok let's see...

...........when you go up to a hippy with long hair and a black coat on and acuse him of being Sephiroth

...........when someone asks you what your dogs name is and you accidently say RedXIII

...........when you watch the news and see that something bad has happened and you think to yourself i bet shinra is behind this!

...........when someone asks you what your favorite animal is you say a chocobo!

...........when you buy a shiny red stone at the store and you take it back the next day complaning that you couldn't summon Shiva

well that enough for now ill think of more later :p

10-17-2002, 07:00 PM
When you wanna kick someone and say"time for some KICK materia",or "yell materia"or "get the hell out off here materia"(I do this all the time).

Or when your plastic bottle of Cola is emty and you do a critical hit or omnislash against your classmate(I've done this to)

And many many other things that are related to FF's...........

Heavens Cloud
10-18-2002, 10:28 PM
.....when your parents ask you if going on a trip to the Grand Canyon would be fun for a vacation and you tell them you would much rather go to Cosmo Canyon

.....when you pick a fight with the biggest and strongest guy at your school thinking as long as you have your 3 X potions and heal materia you will be alright

.....your younger sister is anoying you so you try to cast an enemy skill on her to turn her into a frog (i wish it were possible :rolleyes: )

.....when you blow up a gas station because you think it is a mako building like the ones in midgar draining energy from the planet

.....when you take your friend up to the top of a large building and when you get to the top you tell him you are going to jump off because you want to feel the rush, he tries to stop you but you say to him "dont worry just use a phoenix down on me after i hit the bottom. But about 10 seconds before you hit the ground you realize the huge mistake that you have made ........................
you forgot to pick some phoenix down up on your last visit to midgar

10-24-2002, 06:38 PM
Yoo know you played too much final fantasy when....

-make sure you equip the ultimate woepon befor a fight-

-Every time someone is attacked yoo see numbers above thier head-

-Yoo try and set a record earthquake by casting quake 3-

-when injured yoo would rather visit the hotel than the doctors-

-Yoo can draw the world map of final fantasy 7 (done that)-

-offer to start a fire saying "yoo learned the fire 2 spell"

-try and run and act like a chocobo-

When yoo geez, better stop

The Wandering Knight
11-06-2002, 06:39 PM
Gee...and I thought I was a real FF7 freak:lol
I almost tried to do most of these thing :lol
You know that you play FF7 too much:
.....when someone asks you something and act like Mr.I-don't-care.
.....When you have a talent like drawing and only draw FF charecters.
And as most said...when you reply to this post:lol
.....if you know someone who lost someone dear you go and tell him/her that s/he visited to say hi and s/he returned to the planet:lol..

FFE Reno
11-12-2002, 12:56 AM
When you see a tornado and go "Shit I been lookin for that materia all week"

When you go out to shovel the snow and yell "Fire 3!"

When you go to ebay and look for materia (Done this and there was actuall materia at the time...wish Icoulda bought it and casted some magic!)

11-12-2002, 07:42 AM
A few spoilers below, so:

...you walk into random people's houses and start taking things without asking

...you actually buy a buster sword (which you can, online)

...you go to ffshrine.net

...you write theories like I did a couple months ago (april)

...you "summon" your dog to sic your enemies

...you find yourself spinning random objects around with your wrist and then slinging them over your shoulder whenever you finish your homework

...you actually want to kill Sephiroth to avenge Aeris

...you patiently stand there during a fist fight and get pummeled, waiting for your ATB guage to fill up so you can attack again

...you bring a PS2 controller with you and hold X when you want to run somewhere

...you've spent enough time looking around the internet for FF7 information that you've come across one of the many "let's petition Square to revive Aeris" websites which hasn't been updated since 99

...you sign that "let's revive Aeris" petition

...you submit an application to "Shinra" for your first summer job

Wow... I haven't been here since like....April....hehe


11-13-2002, 04:27 AM
...you actually believe that the constant random battles will stop if you keep fighting, so as to kill all the enemies that exist, because (obviously) there aren't unlimited monsters XD.

...you make it your life's work to count every blade of grass, every stair, every letter, every word, every tree and finally, every little bit of dagame taken/received in the entire game.

11-13-2002, 10:03 AM
do you know how to use the item after killed ruby weapon ? that name is......( i just forgot ) ?

The Wandering Knight
11-13-2002, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Dark_champion
do you know how to use the item after killed ruby weapon ? that name is......( i just forgot ) ?
This is not where you should post this...but to help you...go to Kalm, there's an old man in the second floor at the third house...just give him the item and he'll trade you with something...and i think the Item's name's desrt rose...

back to the subject....You know You played final fantasy when you keep everything even though you haven't palyed the game for a long time:D

11-17-2002, 09:45 AM
You know you'vebeen playing too much FF when.....

You finally realise that (SPOILER) Aeris can't be revived
You refer to your mobile phone as your "PHS."
You hunt down Shiva from Hindu mythology and ask her for her materia.
You can correctly spell such words as "Yoshiyuki" "Nerosuferoth" and "Oritsuru."

Neo Xzhan
11-17-2002, 10:48 PM
When you keep trying to revive this thread ^_~.

When you jump in a river pretending it is the life stream.

When you wonder if you are a clone made of memories

Heavens Cloud
12-04-2002, 05:31 PM
:rolleyes: hey i cant help but keep this thread alive i love it to much :P

..........when you hum all the ff7 sungs all day and dont even realize it (i have done that before :P )

..........when you try to look up tifa's number in the phone book

.......... when you tell your teacher your homework isnt done because Ruby Weapon ate it ... your teacher laughs but you are acctually taking it seriously

..........when you try to exchange your money for gil

..........when you think you can here the planet calling out to you

12-07-2002, 11:03 PM
...when you insist only two of your friends can be in youra party at any given time

...when you tell your parents you want to go to the Gold Saucer when you really meant Disney World

12-11-2002, 02:36 AM
...when you get mad at your computer and do the limilt break Braver and break the computer.

...when you see the moon in the sky and think it's meteor coming to destroy the planet.

...or when you carry your cat around on your head believing that you're Cait Sith.

...when you see a chicken and think it's a chocobo and try to ride it.

12-11-2002, 10:39 PM
When I'm about to do battle with some, I make sure that I have the following items:

Fully charged cell phone
Quick exit route

Bahamut ZERO
12-11-2002, 11:08 PM
- You hire three people in snazzy suits to follow you and try to thwart your natural do-goodiness.

- You start referring to your pet chicken as "Boco."

- You start collecting marbles and paint them green / red / yellow / blue / purple.

- You take those said marbles and start to arrange them on your clothing to "give you magical powers."

- People look at you arranging those said marbles, and think you've actually lost yours.

- You stamp on every insect that walks in front of you... And then you calculate how much "experience" you got.

(Actually, these are sounding like re-hashes of most of the older ones that have been and gone already. Oh well, the marbles ones are funny enough.)

12-12-2002, 06:33 PM
when you and your friends decide that every foriegn language is some form of ancient*

When you have an english assignment you have to do do but instead you sneak online to make a post on ffshrine*:uh?:

when you want to run away from someone you try and cast stop on them only to relize you didn't have it equiped.

when you jion fire fighters just to try out your ice'2 spell you just learned.

when you sommon chocomog to have the small chance of stopping every annyoing person you know.

when you paint a chicken white and scratch it behind the ear in hope it will give you some materia.

when you look every where to find numbers to a safe you found

when you go on a killing spree you bring death materia instead of a gun.

01-21-2003, 12:44 PM
....................when you ask your girlfriend to dress up like tifa
....................when you start calling your mum Jenova
....................When you try walking through flames
....................when you sit in your dads car thinking its the highwind.

............When you run like a muppet
............when you start dancing like a chocabo at the local night club
.................when you try to sit your cat on top of a giant teddy bear thinking it will tell your fortune.

01-21-2003, 12:53 PM
When you move your arm in the 'cool' way Rude of the Turks did
When you go to your local Wicca shop and ask what Materia they have in stock
When someone wants a fight and you warn them that your limit break is on level 4
you go to the bank and ask for Gil
Your dad gives your your pocket money and you ask for it in Gil
your at your causins 1 year old birthday party and you dont know any of the people there besides your mum and dad and causin so you try to use Exit Materia or cast sleep on yourself
You find a really big stick and run around thinking your Cid with some paper in your mouth
when you let your rabbit out into your garden, you summon him out
You summon Irift to cook your food

01-21-2003, 03:19 PM
...when you try and staple next doors pet cat to a chicken while shouting "Go choco-mog go !!!"

01-22-2003, 12:39 AM
When you get hurt and go to a hotel and think when you wake up everythink will be better again Go to a game place and say 'hey wheres the Mog and moterbike game?

01-22-2003, 04:50 PM
*eyes bulge at the fact that this thread is still here* Yeah. . . :eye:



. . . when you have buy a baby chick from the pet store and feed it a lot and try to make it look like Fat Chocobo.

. . . when you try and spike your hair like Cloud's.

. . . when you die your hair white and try to impale people with a long sword.

. . . you say "Wark" to random birds hoping they will turn out to be a Chocobo.

. . . when you go to a Casino and look for games that were in Gold Saucer.

09-22-2008, 09:31 AM
When you keep trying to revive this thread ^_~.


gironimo appleton
10-07-2008, 07:44 AM
- You hire three people in snazzy suits to follow you and try to thwart your natural do-goodiness.

This is actually a very good idea here.

10-07-2008, 07:59 PM
...when you try to use a marble to cast magic

...when you call a fat person Palmar after he gets hit by a truck

...when you cross-dress so that you can get into a Don's mansion

10-08-2008, 01:17 AM
I guess this thread was good at one time, but it seems to have gone to seed. Probably didn't need to be revived after over five years of being inactive.