03-09-2002, 10:24 PM
Before you start -- Yes, I do know that he looks like a woman here XD I can't seem to make guys look more like.. well, guys. So forgive me X_x;;;
And one more thing.. it's not for the eyes of people under about 13-14 years :o In other words.. your mommy won't like it if you drew stuff like this ;D
(incase you're wondering, my 'rents miraculously enough don't mind)

Neko Heero (http://www.nymphonline.net/heart/art/nekoheero.jpg" target="_blank)

I tried to indicate shadows and folds better than I have before on b/w sketches.. And tried to have some 'color difference' instead of just one shade of gray.
So.. what do you think? Apart from the female-looking-male thing, what could I improve..?

03-09-2002, 10:37 PM

I thought that's how kazillions of artists drew the AC Gundam Pilots...

But I liked the picture... it was purtiful...

03-09-2002, 10:53 PM
thats cool, well done. I liked the shading, it is well done. Good detail. If you wanted to make him look more like a man, u could give him a broader chest and sholders, that kinda stuff, but I think it looks fine. Keep it up.

03-09-2002, 11:06 PM
Well I know you said not to say anything about the man/woman thing but I think the tights are they...? are one of the only things on this one that makes it look that way...Me thinks you want to draw this way....

Other than that it looks quite good. The folds are very well done and the focus is directed quit well too.

03-09-2002, 11:13 PM
Um.. I drew those tights because I wanted to, yesh. But I wanted him to look more male-ish.. You wanna know how hard it is to make a guy look like a guy in that? X_X

03-10-2002, 12:41 AM
that loosk really good ^__^ despite the tights, i could still tell it's a guy.... although, he does look sorta feminine in it x_X; really, really kick ass drawing, though ;)

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-10-2002, 07:34 AM
Um, yeah. Good drawing and all, nice execution......

but I must say...


03-11-2002, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by KtuluCJ77
Um, yeah. Good drawing and all, nice execution......

but I must say...


Eh.. Eheheh. Yeah XD

Well, I told ya it was not for kiddies, so you kind of could've expected it :uh?:

Thankies for the compliments and stuff.. I'll try to draw something less.. sexual next time..? o_O

03-16-2002, 06:04 AM
Hey, looks good kiddo ;) . Naaaa, you don't have to draw things less "sexual," it's all good ;) ... if it's going to be a somewhat sexual drawing I'd prefer a female, but that of course is my own biased opinion :D .

Hmmm... you say you wanted to make him more "masculine looking", eh? Well, for starters I'd lose the tights, neck-wrap thing, & cute little bow you have tied around his tail there ;) . But I like how you defined the wrinkles in the sheets and pillow, and the texture on the wood... that totally rocks my world XD . You did a really nice job on this one... kudos :D .

03-16-2002, 01:07 PM
lol, it looks like a male stripper on crack.

other than that the actully picture looks good.

why is he called neko?

03-16-2002, 01:28 PM
Don't worry I can't draw males either ^^..and u can make them even more male look alike than me...

03-16-2002, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by ice!~neko
lol, it looks like a male stripper on crack.

other than that the actully picture looks good.

why is he called neko?

'Neko' is japanese for 'cat'. And as you can see, Heero here has a tail and cat's ears ;)

03-18-2002, 06:18 PM
cool, i did'nt know that XD thanx nymphy :)

so that means my name is ice!~cat XDXD that is so cool :D :cool:

Lady Fett
03-20-2002, 11:49 PM
That picture is great. And most Anime males can be confused with the females anyway. Mainly the Bishonen. If You wanna work on your characters faces and want to get them looking more like males, I suggest those new "How To Draw Manga" Books. I've got two of them already. They actually help. I've never had a problem with the faces of my characters. Just getting the bodies to look right. I'll scan this new hot picture of a Bishonen I drew yesterday and let you see it. I used a black and white photo of a real person for the pose and body... Whew. Looks great. He's got pants on. I wasn't gonna get too sexy with it. :eye: LOL! The How To Draw Manga site is Here. (http://www.howtodrawmanga.com) I've got the How to Draw Manga--Compiling Characters and
How to Draw Manga--Bishoujo/Pretty Gals. I'm just waiting to grab up a Bishonen one if you can't already tell! LOL! They've got it in the Japanese version and I'm just waiting for the translation. Drawing Large eyed beautiful characters was my style since long before I even knew what Anime was. I just based my style on the Anime's I saw when I was younger not even knowing the name of the style. Like the original Voltron. Everyone scolded me and said I was drawing the eyes to large. I didn't care. A good idea is to take a look at the way other artists draw things and figure out which Techniques best suit you. You may prefer to look at live pictures of people or to start from whats in your head. It's all based on how you feel comfortable drawing. But, I can tell you now. If you're this young with talents like that! You're gonna pass me in skill in no time flat! Keep up the good work! O_~