11-14-2006, 08:10 PM
Bear with me a minute. I'll get to the point soon.

So I was watching the first few episodes of the Death Note anime recently. It seemed pretty neat based on that. It was cleverly written and I liked the characters a lot. Then I looked it up and noticed that the series is planned for over 30 episodes. I had to wonder to myself how that could work. At the pace the show had been going, I saw no way it could last for more than 13 episodes and be decent.

So I checked out the manga. And just as I had feared, it took a turn for the worse. The writing got lazy and the plotting got muddled for the sake of drawing it out longer. By the end, I was wishing it was over already because it was just chapter after chapter of people saying the same things they've said dozens of times before, coming to the same conclusions they've come to before, and tossing in a surprise revelation that was never even hinted at before then. Blech.

It would have been excellent material if the writer had simply stuck to the first arc and tightened it up so that it would play out quickly and end with a bang.

Anyway, here's my point. This kind of thing seems to happen a lot in anime and manga, far more than other mediums. Writers overstep their bounds to draw out a story as long as possible, sacrificing artistic integrity and quality for the sake of a sure sale instead of taking a risk with new material.

What are your takes on this practice? What are some good examples of the right way and the wrong way to do it? Also, feel free to debate it if you think someone's wrong about anything.

Valerie Valens
11-14-2006, 08:21 PM
The right way is to add a bit of twists and tuns to a drawn-out plot, that way they're dicking around with new material plus they have the plot material to work with as well..enough to keep things interesting. The wrong way is to do it like Dragonball Z and have screaming constipated muscleheads for 24+ episodes straight with the occasional shitty out-of-place angst dialogue.

11-14-2006, 08:31 PM
One word: Inuyasha ;_;;

That is probably the worst drawn out series with the worst ending I have ever encountered. I seriously don't know what's worse, the 5 episodes of screaming from DBZ and a battle sequence that takes about 2 seasons or the constant yelling of "Kagome!" and "Inuyasha!", or even the "I-think-Naraku's-this-way".....queue the 15 episodes of absolute garbage demon killing and stupid antics that aren't even amusing.

But anyway, I will spare you anymore Inuyasha ranting because most of us with half a brain know it's trash. Though I do admit to having an Inuyasha shirt with the cast on it, I thought it was cute.

On the other hand, one of my favorites, Fullmetal Alchemist, is 51 episodes and it did what it had to do. Even without the movie I thought the series did well with writing, the characters, and I wouldn't say it got lazy. Sure, you've got those filler episodes from time to time but those were fun to watch, even for their comic relief from the story. The story continued back on it's normal track directly after anyway. Or even episodes like "The Flame Alchemist" where it's more so about Roy's past and etc etc, it builds more of his character. As most of us all know, he's my favorite so I'm naturally biased. ^____^

All I'm saying is theres stories that can be pulled out to it's capacity and still be good but then theres utter shit that gets pulled out so long that they get lazy and not even end it properly. ::facepalm::

11-14-2006, 11:25 PM
kinda reminds me of comic party and makes me wonder what manga artists are thinking anyway. the idea is they feel the need to tell a story (supposedly a good one) so they have to express it. right?

or is it more like they need money, they have no other talent, so they'll make whatever they can no matter how shitty? i thought japs had more pride than that.

whatever the case, d/ling or buying anime or manga takes too much effort. and when any ammount of effort is done to view/read something the dissapointment, if any, is always multiplied. i don't know why. its like "jeez i can't believe i actually bothered looking for this, ugh". while if we were all more patient and it maybe came out on tv, we'd just be "pfft, lame, whatever, at least i didn't buy it or bother d/ling it and crap. pfft"

i'm sure it'd be the same if i saw noir on tv instead. i would just not care for it rather than hate it. but insted, i hate it a lot, because i paid for it. (about 3 bucks i think since it was from a pawnshop but still!)

point is, i hate it when people blab about the latest thing being torrented cause most of them woudln't know good anime if it bit them in the ass. and besides, tv pays attention to such blatherings so it gets aired more quickly than usual. just look at bleach and naruto. now i can watch it on tv for what it is. rather than what i was led to believe by someone who gave me a link to the seeds. -_-

i feel as though prak was actually taken in by these numbnuts and was forced to see for himself what all this talk was about. dissapointed you say? not surprised. the minute i first started hearing about deathnote, i read the first chapter and then never bothered with it again. only later did i find out in another forum it actually turns into some detective story? paaleese!

11-10-2007, 04:42 AM

Death Note did a fine job all around.

But opinions are opinions I guess.

11-10-2007, 04:45 AM
You're reviving a fucking year-old thread to half-assedly challenge with me on a point I proved fairly conclusively? Moron.