03-09-2002, 04:13 PM
FF11 has been anounced for PC, it has also been announced that expansion packs for the game will be released on both PS2 and PC format.
Anyone got any news on these, perhaps some ideas? I know it's still very early, but I'm excited. I almost bought a PS2 just for FF11.

03-10-2002, 03:33 AM
Dude dont worry about it. Im sure they will make expansion packs. But not yet. Most likely a year and a half after it comes out. However I would expect such things as, New job, new lands, new race, new weapons, new items. Stuff like that.

03-10-2002, 09:02 AM
Oh boy we can go out and give square even more money.

Tis truely sad when they talk about expansion packs before the game itself is even out.

03-11-2002, 02:34 AM
Is FFXI really going to be on PC. I never heard that before. That

seems kinda stupid. Just because I hate Computers. And alot of

people won't buy the modem and PS2 version just because alot

of people already have computers with internet conections.

03-11-2002, 07:22 PM
Yep. Check this out...

SquareSoft reveals new details on Final Fantasy XI, its first massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PC.

According to Japanese PC gaming publication Login, SquareSoft has revealed new details on Final Fantasy XI for the PC. The 11th installment in the Final Fantasy series will be the company's first massively multiplayer online role-playing game, and it is being developed for both the PC and the Sony PlayStation 2 console. Though the game's specifications have not been finalized, so far it is known that it will require a graphics card that supports hardware T&L and DirectX 8.1. It is expected that users can choose from different resolution settings depending on their hardware specifications. Players will be able to share data between the PC and Sony PlayStation 2 versions since the game uses server-side saving.

The PC version will be released on CD-ROM format, as opposed to the DVD-ROM format used for the PS2 version. Final Fantasy XI for the PS2 is scheduled for release sometime in the spring in Japan, and the PC version will follow shortly thereafter. A North American release date for both versions has not yet been announced. SquareSoft also plans to release Final Fantasy XI expansion packs for both versions of the game in the future.

By Yukiyoshi Ike Sato, GameSpot PC

And as for sounding sad, well, I guess the post was an excuse to talk about the PC version. No one seems to be talking about it.

Magus Shadow
03-12-2002, 12:15 AM
Is it just me or do expansion packs seem pointless? I mean, if you've been building a character since the game came out, and you have a level 81 black mage with every spell in the game. Are you going to want to start all over just so you can use a new race? Not me... Just a thought...

03-12-2002, 12:34 AM
Your last guy doesnt get deleted smart 1 you just add new features on.

03-12-2002, 05:18 AM
Don't get too far ahead of yourselves. Who cares about expansion packs right now! The game isn't even out yet.
Just sit back and hold tight!

Magus Shadow
03-12-2002, 05:47 PM
Is it sad when we're talking about a game before it's even out, or does it mean it's an incredible game, and even more incredibly anticipated?

03-15-2002, 07:57 AM
Well you have a good point like you said if you have a high level chairactor will anyone want to start a new chairactor. YES there are people like that. I still had Everquest when luclin came out and there was people who actually called off work so they could be one of the first to start themselves a Vah-shir Beastlord. Also when you have a high level chairactor you can go get good armor/weaposn for your new chairactor and that is always fun. And of course with the expansions you get new zones, new weapons, and if its like Eq you can level up higher and get new spells and skills.

You get some super serious people on this on-line games. I know I saw a thing somewhere that a 17 year old kid was hacking into Everquest (the game part not billing or anything) and was cheating and they had cops bust through his house and arrest him. Apparently he was doing alot of cheating somehow I don't know the exact details.

03-28-2002, 10:16 PM
If they charge us money for the expansions it's stupid since we pay we should get free updates and expansions like in Ultima Online. I mean $10 bucks a month and 75 cents for each new char is enough.

"Power Is All That Matters, Anything Else is an illusion for the weak"

03-28-2002, 11:58 PM
Note that Square didn't say that they would charge people for the Upgrades or expansions. Also note that Expension packs don't only add new races and abilities for characters... but also maps and other worlds.

Note that the game isn't out yet and its almost done with it's Beta stage... so sit back, eat popcorn, wait until it comes out and play! =P

Oh and yes you can use your current internet connection to connect to the servers... you just need to figure out the information that is needed to get on (those who are using free internet stuff... and I hope you are not... your screwed)

04-06-2002, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Anakin02
Is FFXI really going to be on PC. I never heard that before. That

seems kinda stupid. Just because I hate Computers. And alot of

people won't buy the modem and PS2 version just because alot

of people already have computers with internet conections. plaing FFXl on PC? I think it should stay on PS2, i love RPG's but the way it is controlled on PC it takes alot of time to get use to. So I think it should stay on PS2. Anyway more games are going to come out to play online then u would need the kit then, so just go ahead and get it now( or when you have the money) all the things u have to pay for just to play the game is stupid. The Co. already has mill's. of dollers i'm sure they could lower the price some and still make alot off of it.

04-06-2002, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by skelly182001
plaing FFXl on PC? I think it should stay on PS2, i love RPG's but the way it is controlled on PC it takes alot of time to get use to. So I think it should stay on PS2. Anyway more games are going to come out to play online then u would need the kit then, so just go ahead and get it now( or when you have the money) all the things u have to pay for just to play the game is stupid. The Co. already has mill's. of dollers i'm sure they could lower the price some and still make alot off of it.

As far as the controls on PC games go...some people like them better, or are used to them.

as for the rest of your post...im still tring to decode it :eye:

04-12-2002, 09:04 PM
thank u joker, always post my opinion before i can huh. lol j/k. anyway yea expansions add things that the updates can. an update is a specified amount of data. like a drop in the bucket sort of thing. an expansion is a similar bucket, but even bigger in size. expansions sometimes save the game and make it better, like if there is one thing the players want but isn't in the game, they can add it in the expansion.

04-13-2002, 01:32 AM
I got some info...

-Playable classes will include: Dark Night(SWEET!), beastlord, ranger, and all of the FFT classes.

-Ultimate Attacks will be available for characters(think limit break) after absorbing attacks, called 'Tactical Attacks'.

-Chocobos! This isnt really info, but, I hope there will be breeding!

Yeah, theres some other stuff to, but I don't feel like going upstairs and grabbing the magazine.

04-13-2002, 06:14 PM
no, not every class from FFT. also there are other things besides these "limit breaks" u keep talkin about. for those who played DAoC u kno what i'm talkin about. its weapon techniques. like if u use a sword u can learn ruby slash or things like that. just wait for the game to come out and find out

04-18-2002, 06:33 PM
Hey everyone, I was just wondering, when FFXI comes out, will we need to buy extra items for our ps2? Like a ps2 keyboard, modem etc.. Thanks!

04-18-2002, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by game_freak9
Hey everyone, I was just wondering, when FFXI comes out, will we need to buy extra items for our ps2? Like a ps2 keyboard, modem etc.. Thanks!

You need a modem of course... and you need a harddrive. Those are the things you WILL need.

As for the keyboard... unless you like typing with your fingers and look like a newbie....