11-13-2006, 02:06 PM
I'm in the part where you have to go south of rabanaster for the dawn shard. I missed the chicken mark (I don't remember the name of the mob), so I went back on my way to kill it, but I was surprised that the place looks different and it's raining. Anyway as I remember, I have to kill all the mobs in the north bank of the map to fight the mark I'm looking for but there is a storm elemental in which I can defeat no matter how hard I try!!! What to do?

11-13-2006, 02:22 PM
when its raining you cant do the Chicken Mark quest, the method you say is correct, but it needed to be in a day time or clear sky or Dry [all means one, NOT RAINING]

this is not the only place that the whether might change to,

what you ned is come back later, dont worry the quest is still active, what happened to you now the same what happened to me, and by the way, the chicken is strong, 4 targets, the mother and the childrens.

*Regarding the Elements, tghey only come out when its raining or snowing,
to beat the ELEMENT, you need to be STRONG with QUICKINIG for all 3 party memebers [atleast level 1] and better for all 6 , that is if you want to beat it at youre moment.

take my advise , leave the place then later in the game when you come back to rabanastar go check it out.

11-13-2006, 03:32 PM
oh yea about QUICKINIG, I was planning to get them for may main chars only (Van, baltheir and Basch), is it better to get QUICKINIG for all of them?

And thanks for your info, ill w8 for the sunny day to kick the chicken A**.

11-13-2006, 05:59 PM
if you're about 10 lvls above the elemental's then it's easy hack/
try to steal some feystones from them anyway

11-13-2006, 08:09 PM
is it better to get QUICKINIG for all of them?

it well make youre life easy, imagin, as you make a 3 Queckining combo of youre main characters[which also can be doubled, doing it to 6 or 7 or 8 times] [you may do the same attack of one character more than one in the combination, at the end, if you made 3 or more then the timer ended, a POWERFULL MAGIC WELL BE REALESED, ] the kind of one of any 7 elements.

TRUST ME, LEARN THEM, you can learn all 3 queckining for all the characters, you just need to find the best road to it in the LICENCE BOARD.

11-14-2006, 03:32 PM
I already printed an open license board hehe, its good to know that there are enought quicking for all the chars.

11-14-2006, 06:08 PM
I'd imagine a strategy to defeat elementals would be to equip armor that resists the element of the elemental, and use weapons/spells that exploit their weakness. EX: When fighting a fire elemental, equip Fire Shield and anything that resists fire. Cast water spells on the elemental.

11-15-2006, 05:00 PM
when it comes to elementals i run like a biotch...

01-31-2007, 08:46 PM
Make sure you have a character that attacks at long range and can cast Curaja. If they're out of the way, Fearga won't effect them (it depletes ALL MP). They also cast Silencega, so be prepared to fight that off if you decide to use this piece of advice.

Being at least 10+ levels helps. I don't need/use quickenings for them because I use MP for spells. I just hack away with weapons until they fall. I actually wish there were more of these things around.

01-31-2007, 09:55 PM
I think this is a bit outside the revive limit.

But anyway --- Elementals --- bitch to fight at lower levels, excessively easy later in the game.