11-12-2006, 07:22 PM
Alright I'm in the Sand sea and I've got the feeling I've don't geot the right stuff. Or I'm not the right level. Does anybody else get this feeling?

And how did you set up your characters? Who was the mage? Who was the healer?

11-12-2006, 10:15 PM
Yes, I have that feeling right now actually, since I just cant seem to beat the damned Gil Snapper mark. Im able to get it down to a sliver of hp by chaining mists together, but my normal atks do horrible dmg, and his blizzara damn near instant kills my whole party. They are all lvl 24 btw.

Situations like this make me question whether i am moving to fast, because If i was at a good point for my level, i figure I wouldnt b instant killed by anything, mark or not. :/

As for char set ups, there is another thread on this page on that topic.

11-13-2006, 04:47 AM
never had that problem because i grind alot, but the sand sea was very irritating since the monsters made pretty tough battles at that time

what i do is go through the game with my main party and then once i hit a part where i think the grinding would be good, i switch my party for the other 3 and lvl them up to whatever lvl my main party is. it works really good because you get tons of lp,loot,exp its nice

11-13-2006, 05:12 PM
yeah...i do the same...except i just get tons of exp from the bhujerba mines....run past all the other enemies til you get to the second bridge with skeletons...have two people in you party equipped with cura...then run all the way onto the bridge and bring out as many skeletons as you can...then have both characters cast cura....you can get huge chains by walking in and out of this room and doing this...but make sure not to kill anything except skeletons...i have gotten many 150 chains doing this

11-13-2006, 05:49 PM
Yes, I have that feeling right now actually, since I just cant seem to beat the damned Gil Snapper mark. Im able to get it down to a sliver of hp by chaining mists together, but my normal atks do horrible dmg, and his blizzara damn near instant kills my whole party. They are all lvl 24 btw.

Situations like this make me question whether i am moving to fast, because If i was at a good point for my level, i figure I wouldnt b instant killed by anything, mark or not. :/

As for char set ups, there is another thread on this page on that topic.

Try using guns for gil snapper, cause it ignores defense
And yeah, I think lv 24 is way underlvld... I think I was about lv 30 at that time. I even managed to survive the zerithan caverns at that point

11-13-2006, 06:01 PM
To "The Great"

I couldn't find the thread you mentioned on this board, if you'd link me to it, that'd be great, but for now I'm going to post it here.

What I personally like to do is have every type of top weapon / armor / accessory available in case I change my mind, like have Fran become an attacker and Vaan become a mage (just an example), so have all the resources available.

Oh and I also keep the weaker weapons / armor / accessories too.

11-13-2006, 07:02 PM
Guns eh? I forgot abotu the defense ignore on them, ill try that, bcuz my swords/daggers/hammers r doing next to nothing lol. If that doesnt work ill go and lvl up a bit more and come back to him.

Btw heres that thread i mentioned, it had fallen to the second page.

Thread 32932

11-13-2006, 08:21 PM
Hey thanks The Great.

11-15-2006, 12:28 AM
yeah...i do the same...except i just get tons of exp from the bhujerba mines....run past all the other enemies til you get to the second bridge with skeletons...have two people in you party equipped with cura...then run all the way onto the bridge and bring out as many skeletons as you can...then have both characters cast cura....you can get huge chains by walking in and out of this room and doing this...but make sure not to kill anything except skeletons...i have gotten many 150 chains doing this


wow i'm a noob. rofl. i did the same thing EXCEPT, i never ever ever ever thought about using cure/cura. -_- rofl. i took them on the old fashioned way like an idiot. rofl. the highest chain i got there was prolly 60 or so. i lvled up maybe twice and felt it was enough. besides, after a while they woudln't even spawn anymore even if i left and came back. O_o