03-09-2002, 06:51 AM
Why is the battle arena made to be so hard at 1st? In the first few battles you play the penalties are rigged, and i ended up playing one with all thes penalties:

item command sealed
all materia broken
accessory broken (ribbon)
poison (it didnt do anything because i had him wearing an armor that nullifies poison)

he had 8788 hp and these bats tat do about 120 damage each were attacking him... that was the worst battle ive ever fought.

ps- do i get final attack materia after i beat 10 normal battles or 10 hard battles?

03-09-2002, 07:37 AM
It's always like that. You just have to be lucky at the slots. And also you're low level.

03-09-2002, 07:52 AM
I actually like the Handicaps, shows what your skills are made out of. You could (somewhat) slow down the slots by hitting the Square button rapidly... it sorta slows it down if you do... but still kinda hard to get it.

03-09-2002, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by westside

ps- do i get final attack materia after i beat 10 normal battles or 10 hard battles?

It's not..........that straight forward. You have to have gotten Omnislash and W-summon. And have beaten Ultima Weapon and have Cloud's Ultimate Weapon and the W-Summon materia on. Then you finish the Special Battle once and you get it.

03-09-2002, 10:03 PM
Once I went into the battle arena at level 99 and lost, because of the slots. I hate them alot!

03-10-2002, 12:03 AM
Maybe the reason why battle arena becomes easier is because your luck gets higher? As your luck gets higher the handicaps probably become easier. I dunno. Just a theory.

03-12-2002, 12:04 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">It seems that enemies in the Battle Arena have twice as much HP as they would do when you fight them normally. There is also a rumour that the more Tissues you have, the harder the battles will be, although I'm not sure if this is true.

As for the slots, i think the handicaps that appear are totally random. Although remember, it isn't always good to get the most favourable handicaps (especially lucky 7's and cure) as you will get very little BP at the end of it. The best way to get BP is to get materia broken at the last slot (there is uaually a materia one in the last slot). If you break all Magic materia before the last battle you get 7000BP, and if you break all of your materia you get 10,000BP. :)

Just avoid 'weapon is broken' at all costs, it gets VERY annoying. Also, avoid the time handicap, it causes the amount of time you've been fighting this particular set of battles in seconds x30. This means that if you've been fighting for more than a couple of minutes, it will reduce your HP to 1, and the enemies will probably get the first attack. They are the ones to look out for and avoid. ;)

03-12-2002, 12:20 AM
Actually, it's not rigged.

03-12-2002, 03:17 AM
im great at b. a, i chop the monsters and eat them as sushi(actually im not so good at b. a.)

03-12-2002, 10:52 AM
Battle arena isn't that though, The handicaps make the fights more interesting in my opinion, and just like Melti person said ;) Tissues influence the difficulty of the battle arena.. the more you have, the thougher it gets. I never had any real troubles with it though.

03-15-2002, 09:00 PM
Well, the bigger the handi cap, the more battle pointsyou get so it's nice an' fair.

03-15-2002, 10:45 PM
alright i had another saved game and to experiment i played on that one (where i was lvl 86). I started w/ the impossibly impossible handicaps... but as i played more it stopped being so hard. It gave me handicaps like "poison", "cure", "lucky 7", "spd 1/2", "hp 1/2", and "hp/mp 1/2." so i didnt have any problems w/ it after about 14 battles... try it out. maybe you have to be a high level before it gets easier as well as fighting a certain number of battles.

03-17-2002, 01:42 AM
the battle arena is very fun, and you can get tons of kickass items

including sephiroth's masamune

03-17-2002, 07:54 AM
Simply equip the ribbon which you can either get from

the temple of the ancients

or from tonberrys in the

North Crater during disk 3

Divine Strike
03-17-2002, 08:39 PM
The Battle Arena is what makes the game fun after you have accomplished everything -----------------------------------(beaten all the weapons, completed all side quests, beaten Sephiroth in less than 15 seconds [one omnislash], or have the ultimate setup for each character............hp<>mp switch and Hp plus.......sneak attack--Kotr x 7...for each character.........and all your stats maxed)......I have accomplished the first three

03-19-2002, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Tekno
Battle arena isn't that though, The handicaps make the fights more interesting in my opinion, and just like Melti person said ;) Tissues influence the difficulty of the battle arena.. the more you have, the thougher it gets. I never had any real troubles with it though.

So THAT'S what those damn tissues do..x.x;; Never could figure it out

Oh, and those of you having trouble with the slots..well, hold all four top buttons (R1, R2, L1, L2) to make the slots go slower. None of the handicaps will have changed, but maybe some of them are better than others.

03-20-2002, 06:51 PM
Ya'll hate the handycaps. The more of a handycap you have the higher Battle points you get

03-23-2002, 07:46 AM
I found the battle arena sorta easy just a lil time consuming , but the slots were alot of fun..the handicaps gave a good chance to see how skilled you are in rpg's like what spells would you use and how you go about it with low hp and no weapon shit like that.

I found the best way for myself to fight in the arena was to use.

Weapon : Ragnarok or Ultima Weapon

Armor : Ziedrich ( no materia but thats okay ya dont need it )

Acc. : Ribbon

As for materia .

All : Lighting Fire Ice . ( wichever you like ) I used lighting.

i needed a Hp plus ( only lvl57 )

Bahumt Zero ( Kotr is a waste of time no enemy is really that strong )

Restore . With regen

and Double cut 2x is good 4x is better.

but luck is really the key here.