11-11-2006, 06:39 PM
Hello everyone,‎

I have few questions about the game, so I thought I would list them all in one post.‎

I reached the part of the tomb btw.‎

‎1- First... Sometimes you can see Van or Basch swing 2-3 or even 4 hits in a row, how ‎that happens? And how to get this to action more frequently?‎

‎2- The weapons I use for my main party (Van, Balthier, Basch) is Dagger for van, Spear ‎for Baltheir and sword for Basch, the best for my position in game. I wonder Van's ‎damage is lower than others thought all of them are in the same level? I also bought the ‎same sword Basch has for van and still he swings somehow lower!! Explain this for me ‎please. Note: I use nearly the same Augments for my main party.‎

‎3-Technics: (steal and charge) cannot be found in shops so I choose not to expand in that ‎area in the license grid, am I doing the right thing?‎

‎4 -Libra: shows a picture of an element of weakness, but I don't know all of ‎them...anyone has a picture to tell which element look like what icon?‎

‎5 -Is there a preferred weapon for each character? Like Fran license grid starts with ‎Bows, Axes for Basch and I thought Daggers for Van.‎

‎6- Mist Ability: I always miss that!!! I think I still didn’t get how it works. In my level, ‎that max damage I did was 8000 something.‎

‎7- Bazaar: There are few Items that cost too much starting 18000gil. I bought one for ‎testing and it appeared to give better loot!!! What’s that?‎

‎8- Do you give Healing magic to all you main party characters? I do for 2 of them.‎

‎9-Immobilize always misses and I even don’t know what it does?‎

‎10- Other party members are in gap of level with my main party, do I have to level them ‎so I keep all characters in near level range? Do they all get LPs even when out of main ‎party?‎

Thanks in advance,

‎ ‎

range of the long nines
11-11-2006, 07:48 PM
1. sometimes this happens, i think speed makes it happen more but not sure, so dont take my word for it.

2. different attributes increase damage with different weapons. (swords are incerased by strength, and others are increased by speed, magick power ect. so vaan must have lower strength if they are both using the same sword.

3. They will become available eventually, if not atm.

4. Dont have a picture, but before u cast a spell it says deals ( has a picture of lightning bolt or w/e) damge to foes. So just match the pictures.

5. there are weapons that the party members start with but not necesarilly prefered, do w/e use whatever weapons u want.

6. hit square, circle, triangle when they appear if none appear hit R2 untill they do appear.

7. Ya, i think there are 3 things like that that give better loot. Just keep it in ur inventory.

8. I do.

9. It makes ur opponent not beable to move. It prob dosnt work on many enemies.

10. You can level them up if u want, but i only level up 3 characters.

12-13-2006, 01:56 PM
Question 1 depends on type of weapon, Katana's and Ninja Swords increase the chance for multi-hits for example.

Question 7 there are 8 types of grimoires that you can purchase from the bazaar but you have to do something like talk to any armor salesperson 25 times for example. Another one is to read the Notice Board 40 times. This will net you 7 of the 8 grimoires, the 9th one you get by getting 3 items from 3 different mark hunts and selling them off. I dont have the list of these, sorry.

12-13-2006, 04:35 PM
‎1- Definitely depends on your weapon and the stats of that weapon combined with the speed of the character. Daggers tend to be quicker and lighter, so it's easier to hit multiple times in a row. Poles also work great for multiple hits.

‎3- While I don't remember when they came into the game, they are definitely valuable. But choosing not to go to that part of the board yet is smart, because if you don't have it yet, don't waste LP on it.‎

‎4 - It's basically color-coded and set against each other:
Red flame = fire / Blue wave = water
Yellow lightning bolt = thunder / Blue hexagon (looks like protect symbol) = ice
Brown hexagon = earth / Two green razor leaves = wind
Black sphere = dark / White sphere = holy

‎5 -Not really, but I heard that after you beat a boss, they'll stand with their favorite weapon if you have it equipped on them. I don't know if it means they're better with that type of weapon though.‎

‎8- I did, but it's not necessary. I only used healing magics with the characters that were strong magic users anyway. It's just nice to know that one of your main attackers can cure ally's if you're in a bind.

‎9- Immobilize is good to use if there's a foe that likes to try and escape after you hit it (ex, any of the hares/bunnies). It basically means the foe can't run away. It doesn't work for foes that are at a high level though.

‎10- They get LP even when not in battle, but they don't receive EXP. I found it useful to have everyone around the same level, that way it was easy to reform your party and you wouldn't have to worry about the replacements dying before you could revive your main party.

12-13-2006, 05:52 PM
Hello everyone,‎

I have few questions about the game, so I thought I would list them all in one post.‎

I reached the part of the tomb btw.‎

‎1- First... Sometimes you can see Van or Basch swing 2-3 or even 4 hits in a row, how ‎that happens? And how to get this to action more frequently?‎

there are 4 weapons off the top of my head that give the best results for multiple hits. and if i remember correctly, this is the order from LEAST LIKELY to MOST LIKELY

least - Dagger



most - Ninja swords

i might have some of them mixed up btw. maybe katana should be switched with ninja swords in placement. and maybe polearm is the king of them all. i forgot. but these 4 give the best results. that's for sure. there are also 2 items you can wear that increase the chances of this happening even further. one of them increases the likelyhood. while the other increases..... something...dmg wait... frequency...idk. i forgot that too. lol. if you wanna know let me know so i can consult the guide. :p

‎2- The weapons I use for my main party (Van, Balthier, Basch) is Dagger for van, Spear ‎for Baltheir and sword for Basch, the best for my position in game. I wonder Van's ‎damage is lower than others thought all of them are in the same level? I also bought the ‎same sword Basch has for van and still he swings somehow lower!! Explain this for me ‎please. Note: I use nearly the same Augments for my main party.‎

daggers always give less dmg than swords but they are way faster. in the time it takes basch to do one sword attack with 1800 dmg. vaan could have done 2 dagger attacks with 900 dmg each. see the diffrence? there's almost none. in the end it still evens out. up to you which you preffer.

also. they say that even though you can make any character hold any weapon, each character still has a slight leaning towards one class of weapons over the other.

also, supposedly the weapon they equip influences the stats they earn at lvl up. so if you started vaan off with swords from the very begining, he could prolly be just as good as basch since the sword would have influenced the growth of str when he lvled. but if you only made him carry daggers, then his speed would probably go up more during lvl up rather than str. (all this is assumed of course and the guilde says it too but i have yet to test it personally. but it seems very logical and i believe it to be true)

‎3-Technics: (steal and charge) cannot be found in shops so I choose not to expand in that ‎area in the license grid, am I doing the right thing?‎

i posted somewhere how i can't believe i didn't use techniques earlier. the reason why is because one day, out of boredome, i decided to unlock some and use some. and the dmg was like WOW! i did 5k in one hit and it didn't cost me magic or anything. this made me want to unlock all techniques now cause its like a hidden well of power that i never used before and i think it could help me greatly in the game. up to you to test and dedide which are best for you though. :p

as a note. i tested gil toss and traveler i think.

‎8- Do you give Healing magic to all you main party characters? I do for 2 of them.‎

the strat guide highly recommends everyone to have white magic all the way up to 6. so i did that. :p

12-13-2006, 06:41 PM
Actually I got the guys in my party with Cure and either poisona and/or blindna, but beyond that they have no other white, black, or other spells. I am leaving that up to the ladies.