11-11-2006, 06:27 AM
So... I played the Wii today at my local GameStop. In order for them to hand me the controller, they needed to hold on to my drivers license/I.D. The game I played was a driving game that only used the "remote" part of the nunchucks. You have to "turn" the controller to make your car turn. I was absolutly not impressed with the graphics and the system is a little bigger then I thought it would be. I felt they could have used a better game to demo but it did get a lot of "ooh"s and "ahh"s from how the controller worked. I left the store with a lack of satisfaction and hope future titles will impress me enough to make me want to buy a Wii.

11-11-2006, 06:40 AM
It's been said a million times, but if you are a graphics whore, you will not like the Wii.

For starters, there are important things to address; I assume that the game they were demoing was Excite Truck? Was the wii-mote responsive? Did it seem a viable way to control a racing game?

That said, I think you're right; they would have been better off demonstrating a game with wider appeal, like Wii Sports.

11-11-2006, 06:51 AM
It's been said a million times, but if you are a graphics whore, you will not like the Wii.

For starters, there are important things to address; I assume that the game they were demoing was Excite Truck? Was the wii-mote responsive? Did it seem a viable way to control a racing game?

That said, I think you're right; they would have been better off demonstrating a game with wider appeal, like Wii Sports.

I'm only a graphics whore because we're entering a new generation of consoles and gaming. It's kinda tradition to improve on the graphics. With 360 and PS3 graphics and everybody jumping for joy on HD, I think the controller is going to get a lot of attention but the system will let everyone down when they see it doesn't look as good as a 360 or PS3. I don't want to pay $250 for an upgraded, gloryfied gamecube.

But to answer your questions, I think it was Excite truck. The wii-mote was responsive yet really sensitive so it may take some time to get used to. To answer the question, "Did it seem a viable way to control a racing game?", I didn't think so, but then I'm one of those people who would rather use the D-pad over a analog stick. the wii-mote is good for a game like this (reminds me of Burnout), but not something like Gran Tourismo, Need for Speed or WipeOut - but then I have yet to try it out on that scale so who knows.

Gentleman Ghost
11-11-2006, 07:57 AM
Seriously, how do you pronounce this new nintendo?

(Nintendo WEE) or (Nintendo Doubleyou + Doubleeye) OR (Nintendo Y)

11-11-2006, 08:01 AM
"Wee". Which is why they call it a "Wii-mote" or why some of the advertisments say, "See how Wii play!"

edit: or as in, "I have to take a weewee"

Gentleman Ghost
11-11-2006, 08:18 AM
haha oh thx.. some idiot guy in the mirror told me it otherwise.

oh snap! i'd hit that

Mario Kinnikuman
11-11-2006, 09:11 AM
Hmm...Was the sensitivity of the Wii remote adjustable? Curious.

hb smokey
11-11-2006, 09:53 AM
Why are there two dumbasses in this thread? Seriously, you don't even know the name of the racing game you were playing, <B>considering</B> the fact that Excite Truck is one of the most anticipated launch titles for the Wii? And all that bullshit you spouted about concerning the graphics is just that; bullshit. The Wii has enough horsepower to satisfy me for several years to come, and the games will only look prettier as the months go by. If I gave a shit about seeing sweat roll off a human's cheek, sure I might try out a 360. But I give a shit about having <B>fun</B>, and the Wii is going to deliver than and then some. And, I can't say this enough, but I will again hoping that you really aren't that ignorant. The Wii is so much more different than just a 'beefed up cube'.

11-11-2006, 10:12 AM
The Wii is so much more different than just a 'beefed up cube'.

Then what is it?

hb smokey
11-11-2006, 10:15 AM
Then what is it?
What's an Xbox360? It's a beefed up Xbox. What's a PS3? It's a beefed up PS2. What's a Wii? It's a truly awesome idea that is going to bring a lot of non-gamers to the business and possibly put Nintendo at the top of the industry for this generation of consoles.

11-11-2006, 10:58 AM
What's an Xbox360? It's a beefed up Xbox. What's a PS3? It's a beefed up PS2. What's a Wii? It's a truly awesome idea that is going to bring a lot of non-gamers to the business and possibly put Nintendo at the top of the industry for this generation of consoles.


Xbox 360 and PS3 = Next generation. You can not call something "beefed-up" when it's built from the ground up.

Wii = GameCube 1.5. It's an above average upgrade with a gimmick to go along.

hb smokey
11-11-2006, 11:03 AM

Xbox 360 and PS3 = Next generation. You can not call something "beefed-up" when it's built from the ground up.

Wii = GameCube 1.5. It's an above average upgrade with a gimmick to go along.
Sorry, I never fail.

Quit saying that Xbox 360 and PS3 are next generation consoles. I'm so sick and tired of that term. Since when did graphical horsepower determine what's next? Improving graphics has been the mantra in gaming for a long time now, so the 360 and PS3 are more 'same generation, just prettier'. The Wii is the most 'next-generation' console, because it's offering a totally new way to experience gaming. It's what is going to become the 'norm' of gaming, hopefully. Hence, it's 'next'. Are you catching my drift? Or am I being obtuse? And that's exactly what the 360 and PS3 are, beefed up. They have more power than their prior installments, as does the Wii over the Gamecube. And the Wii is just an 'above average' upgrade with a gimmick? Please, give me a fucking break. I've yet to be impressed with this so-called power that the 360 and PS3 are supposed to have. Most games look like current-generation games, but with slight-to-moderate improvements in graphics. The PS3 is an above average upgrade, as is the Xbox 360. But they sure as hell aren't providing as much fun or hype as the Wii is and will deliver.

EDIT: And another thing. Zelda on the Wii, running 480p, looks absolutely stunning. So don't give me shit about the Wii's lack of power.

Hex Omega
11-11-2006, 11:17 AM
Agreeing with Smokey.

11-11-2006, 11:19 AM

Xbox 360 and PS3 = Next generation. You can not call something "beefed-up" when it's built from the ground up.

Wii = GameCube 1.5. It's an above average upgrade with a gimmick to go along.

I agree with all of Smokey's points.

In addition, you sound like a consumer whore. Sony and Microsoft have both been pushing that 'HD is next-gen!'

HD is NOT next-gen. HD is a feature, nothing more. It doesn't add anything to gameplay, like 3D did; it just makes graphics a little prettier. I'm not saying that the PS3 and X360 don't have their niche; but if graphics are all they bring to the table, it's a worrying thing. Consider that computers ALWAYS take over consoles in processing power; there are computers out now that are already more capable than the PS3 and X360 (granted, they cost $4000, ,but I digress).

With the X360 and PS3 pad both supporting USB, that means that computer games can use gamepads too.

The Wii has something that computers can't mimic, at least not well. Sure, the graphics aren't in HD, but on a standard definition tv (like most of us Joe Normals have), the Wii will probably look better because the games are designed for SD. A lot of my 360 games have annoying, hard-to-read text because it's letterboxed widescreen on a display that doesn't have the definition to display the tiny text in some games.

Which brings us to another big thing: price difference. Wii is offering innovation that will run on your current TV for less than $500. For the full HD experience of the X360 and PS3, you're looking at around $1000 for the consoles, plus another $4000 for a TV that actually supports HDMI well enough to play games. Kudos to the X360 for actually supporting certain computer monitors (which brings the price down substantially, even if you can only play HD on a smaller screen), but you're still talking $1000+.

The processor isn't a GameCube 1.5; it's twice as powerful as an Xbox. Think about that; the Xbox was capable of some pretty graphics (think Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Morrowind). I'm sure a system with twice the processing power, but concentrating on good game design and EFFICIENT use of what the system has to offer (remember what Zelda looked like on the 64! and Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube!), is going to be pretty enough for any standards.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
11-11-2006, 11:24 AM
I think someone made the Professor angry. sexpot

11-11-2006, 12:27 PM
I still dont get it with the graphics. Why should we complain?

Ps2 has the lowest techical details in the home consoles (the only homes consoles that are in shops now are: Game Cube, Ps2,Xbox, Xbox 360).
And still, games on ps2 can impress me! Game Cube can "produce" better graphics that ps2. Wii, is better on graphics than Game Cube. So where is the problem?

11-11-2006, 09:08 PM
I have a feeling that a common sentiment for gamecube owners will be : "Wow, I just paid $250+ for a controller and sensor bar". It's SOOOOO funny to hear Wii fans talk up graphics differences between Gamecube and Wii but then when someone mentions High Definition Gaming or PS3/360 they scream "ITS NOT ABOUT THE GRAPHICS ITS THE GAMEPLAY".

Why even make the comparison?

And since when did games like Dead rising, MGS and Gran Turismo not have great enough gameplay to sell millions of copies, as well as impressive graphics?

The 360 and ps3 has both graphics and gameplay, but the Wii has all new gameplay, but passable graphics.

I just love saying this stuff because it pisses you off because it's so true.

11-12-2006, 05:03 PM
Ixnine, please don't take this the wrong way, but you're really being pretty dumb.

The Wii is not based around its horsepower. It's not based around the controller even. It's based around a new mentality. Nintendo's goal is to reach out to a market beyond hardcore gamers and to make the gaming industry more accessible to all, including new developers. The console and the controller are just a means to an end.

Frankly, the PS3 and the Xbox360 would be the death knell of gaming if not for the Wii. Gaming has already stagnated for several generations. Even Nintendo allowed it to happen. Games have become more complicated and inaccessible to non-gamers. Consoles have become prohibitively expensive. It's safe to say that these factors limit the growth of the market. Then when you figure in that a lot of gamers, myself included, have become horrifically bored with most games (even new ones) because there's nothing that's actually new and fresh (declining game sales illustrate this), it's clear that the industry was ready to implode by the end of this new generation. Wii promises a way out.

11-12-2006, 05:31 PM
I have a feeling that a common sentiment for gamecube owners will be : "Wow, I just paid $250+ for a controller and sensor bar". It's SOOOOO funny to hear Wii fans talk up graphics differences between Gamecube and Wii but then when someone mentions High Definition Gaming or PS3/360 they scream "ITS NOT ABOUT THE GRAPHICS ITS THE GAMEPLAY".

Why even make the comparison?

They are usually responding to the 'it's just a GameCube 1.5' nonsense. Yes, the graphics won't be as good as the PS3 or Xbox360; but they are going to be better than the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Also, you don't need polygons for a game to look good; if you don't believe me, check out the videos of Zelda: Twilight Princess on IGN.

And since when did games like Dead rising, MGS and Gran Turismo not have great enough gameplay to sell millions of copies, as well as impressive graphics?

Dead Rising gets repetitive. It's a very enjoyable game, but you can only run over zombies with a lawnmower so many times, you know? Most Metal Gear Solid fans only ever play the game once through. Yes, the gameplay is excellent, but it is a means to an end; a way to engross yourself in the brilliant story. Gran Turismo now is the same thing Gran Turismo was in 1997, and it will be the same thing again in 2007, and the same thing in 2017. They are going to keep tweaking their physics, and making the car models more polygon-perfect, but in the end, it's a car simulator.

Also, i'm certainly not claiming that it is impossible for the Xbox 360 and PS3 to have innovation. Microsoft is becoming less of an evil company in my eyes, because they are doing so much good for the games industry; you may not have heard about this, but they are giving away software called the XNA Game Studio for free. Free. As an IT student, I have Visual Studio 2005, which is the program that games programmers currently use in conjunction with the Xbox 360 Development Kits to create Xbox 360 games. XNA Games Studio is IDENTICAL to the C# (games development language) section of Visual Studio 2005, and it includes the programming libraries to allow home users to interact with their Xbox 360, to use it as a development kit to create their own games. If they purchase a subscription to the XNA Developer Network, they are able to put their completed games on the Xbox Live Marketplace for download. This is fantastic news for garage developers; some of the best minds in the gaming industry came from kids who programmed for the Apple II in their mum's garage. I'm looking forward to spending my summer break developing games that I can play on my Xbox 360.

The PlayStation 3 is also bring innovation in the realm of cross-media; I love the ability of the PS3 to stream movies and games to my PSP. I LOVE it. It gives me a reason to get a PS3, and justifies the fact that I still call my PSP my favourite console, even though the Nintendo DS has far greater games available for it.

But the innovation that the Wii provides is different. The Xbox 360 XNA innovation appeals to me because i'm a games developer. The PS3 innovation appeals to me because i'm a gadget whore. But the Wii innovation is designed to appeal to everyone, and like Prak said, it will rejuvenate the games market. People have to become a gamer somehow, and the Wii is the entry drug; a lot of people's first experiences with a game in the future might be playing Wii Sports on their mates Wii, and the simple, intuitive interface will lead them gently into the greater gaming world. This is brilliant for the market, as ANY gamer, whether they own a Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360, is a customer for a future game.

Does the Wii have anything new to appeal to the hardcore gamer? To an extent, yes; Twilight Princess is the true sequel to the game that everyone insists is the best game of all time. To an extent, no; it doesn't have the HD hardcoreness that most 'gamers' crave. But Nintendo isn't going specifically after the existing market; they trust that the Wii can sit beside a 360 or a PS3 in a gamers home because it is cheap (and will only get cheaper), while it will also sit in a non-gamers home and draw them into our universe.

No matter what personal dislike you have of the Wii, you can't deny that it is a brilliant marketing plan by Nintendo, and a truly innovate idea that I believe will invigorate the games market.

11-12-2006, 09:16 PM
I have a feeling that a common sentiment for gamecube owners will be : "Wow, I just paid $250+ for a controller and sensor bar". It's SOOOOO funny to hear Wii fans talk up graphics differences between Gamecube and Wii but then when someone mentions High Definition Gaming or PS3/360 they scream "ITS NOT ABOUT THE GRAPHICS ITS THE GAMEPLAY".

Why even make the comparison?

And since when did games like Dead rising, MGS and Gran Turismo not have great enough gameplay to sell millions of copies, as well as impressive graphics?

The 360 and ps3 has both graphics and gameplay, but the Wii has all new gameplay, but passable graphics.

I just love saying this stuff because it pisses you off because it's so true.

I agree that Wii is the worst video console of next generation in graphics. This is a fact. But what i do not agree on is to complain about it! Come on, look at FF XII for ps2. It has great graphics for such an old game console, just like FF IX for ps1. Game Cube is better than Ps2 and Wii is better than Game Cube. If you can enjoy a game with the ps2 graphics, then graphics are not an issue for Wii

11-12-2006, 09:50 PM
Ixnine, please don't take this the wrong way, but you're really being pretty dumb.

The Wii is not based around its horsepower. It's not based around the controller even. It's based around a new mentality. Nintendo's goal is to reach out to a market beyond hardcore gamers and to make the gaming industry more accessible to all, including new developers. The console and the controller are just a means to an end.

Frankly, the PS3 and the Xbox360 would be the death knell of gaming if not for the Wii. Gaming has already stagnated for several generations. Even Nintendo allowed it to happen. Games have become more complicated and inaccessible to non-gamers. Consoles have become prohibitively expensive. It's safe to say that these factors limit the growth of the market. Then when you figure in that a lot of gamers, myself included, have become horrifically bored with most games (even new ones) because there's nothing that's actually new and fresh (declining game sales illustrate this), it's clear that the industry was ready to implode by the end of this new generation. Wii promises a way out.

Totaly agree. It's rare that out there is a classic new game. Of all the game out there, I can only rely on game, (just my personal favorites), like Ico, Simpsons Hit n Run, Mega Man X Collection, Metroid Prime, about 30 NES, SNES, N64 and my FF collection games because of how horrifically bored i've been with many of the new games out there. Console and the controller are just a means to an end - but how long with that "fad" last?

They are usually responding to the 'it's just a GameCube 1.5' nonsense. Yes, the graphics won't be as good as the PS3 or Xbox360; but they are going to be better than the PS2, GameCube and Xbox. Also, you don't need polygons for a game to look good; if you don't believe me, check out the videos of Zelda: Twilight Princess on IGN.

Dead Rising gets repetitive. It's a very enjoyable game, but you can only run over zombies with a lawnmower so many times, you know? Most Metal Gear Solid fans only ever play the game once through. Yes, the gameplay is excellent, but it is a means to an end; a way to engross yourself in the brilliant story. Gran Turismo now is the same thing Gran Turismo was in 1997, and it will be the same thing again in 2007, and the same thing in 2017. They are going to keep tweaking their physics, and making the car models more polygon-perfect, but in the end, it's a car simulator.

Also, i'm certainly not claiming that it is impossible for the Xbox 360 and PS3 to have innovation. Microsoft is becoming less of an evil company in my eyes, because they are doing so much good for the games industry; you may not have heard about this, but they are giving away software called the XNA Game Studio for free. Free. As an IT student, I have Visual Studio 2005, which is the program that games programmers currently use in conjunction with the Xbox 360 Development Kits to create Xbox 360 games. XNA Games Studio is IDENTICAL to the C# (games development language) section of Visual Studio 2005, and it includes the programming libraries to allow home users to interact with their Xbox 360, to use it as a development kit to create their own games. If they purchase a subscription to the XNA Developer Network, they are able to put their completed games on the Xbox Live Marketplace for download. This is fantastic news for garage developers; some of the best minds in the gaming industry came from kids who programmed for the Apple II in their mum's garage. I'm looking forward to spending my summer break developing games that I can play on my Xbox 360.

The PlayStation 3 is also bring innovation in the realm of cross-media; I love the ability of the PS3 to stream movies and games to my PSP. I LOVE it. It gives me a reason to get a PS3, and justifies the fact that I still call my PSP my favourite console, even though the Nintendo DS has far greater games available for it.

But the innovation that the Wii provides is different. The Xbox 360 XNA innovation appeals to me because i'm a games developer. The PS3 innovation appeals to me because i'm a gadget whore. But the Wii innovation is designed to appeal to everyone, and like Prak said, it will rejuvenate the games market. People have to become a gamer somehow, and the Wii is the entry drug; a lot of people's first experiences with a game in the future might be playing Wii Sports on their mates Wii, and the simple, intuitive interface will lead them gently into the greater gaming world. This is brilliant for the market, as ANY gamer, whether they own a Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360, is a customer for a future game.

Does the Wii have anything new to appeal to the hardcore gamer? To an extent, yes; Twilight Princess is the true sequel to the game that everyone insists is the best game of all time. To an extent, no; it doesn't have the HD hardcoreness that most 'gamers' crave. But Nintendo isn't going specifically after the existing market; they trust that the Wii can sit beside a 360 or a PS3 in a gamers home because it is cheap (and will only get cheaper), while it will also sit in a non-gamers home and draw them into our universe.

No matter what personal dislike you have of the Wii, you can't deny that it is a brilliant marketing plan by Nintendo, and a truly innovate idea that I believe will invigorate the games market.

Finaly some reasoning without getting pissy. But Zelda is going to be just as great on Wii as it will be on GameCube it just sucks that they limited the # of GC copies. This GAME is that something "fresh" that Prak was speaking of, (not a controller), because as a fellow Zelda fan, this one looks quite promising unlike Wind-Whatever on GameCube that pissed me off, but it also means you don't need a Wii to enjoy it. The point of this thread was to mearly express my initial first impression, which like all other people, is not always the last impresson. About the only thing that got my attention about the Wii is that you can get all the old classic nintendo and sega games on to it, but about the only thing I'm looking forward to by nintendo is Zelda which I don't need to buy a Wii for which takes us back your original argument - graphics vs. gameplay. Less graphics but still great game play that let's me say - I don't need to buy a Wii for better graphics when GameCube already has great game play. Think about that controdiction for a while.

11-12-2006, 10:10 PM
Personally, I have high hopes for the Wii. But I am NOT and I repeat NOT going to refer to it as "The wii." I am not going to say to my friends, "Hey, does anybody want to come over to my house and play with my wii?" I am also not going to "go to my room to play with my wii". I am just going to refer to it as the Nintendo Revolution as was the working title.

11-12-2006, 10:19 PM
I played the Wii as well. This is what I've experienced playing any demo, I didn't like it.

I played the kiosk for Final Fantasy XII, and didn't like it. I played Excite Truck as well, and didn't like it. Even Call of Duty on 360, still didn't.

I think with all games, you have to get used to the controls, and really get comfortable. That just isn't possible in a store when people may be watching or waiting for you to finish, breathing over your shoulder, and holding on to your Driver's License. I too was a bit unsatisfied with the Wii, but I've been like that with lots of demo kiosks in stores, it's just not the same.

As far as graphics, I never really cared for most games. Unless the game uses the graphics to change the way you play (Gears of War, Splinter Cell, Resident Evil) or as an art form (Wind Waker, Killer 7, Okami), I never really was too critical of graphics. As long as the graphics are taking advantage of what the console can do.

Mario Kinnikuman
11-12-2006, 10:23 PM
I don't need to buy a Wii for better graphics when GameCube already has great game play. Think about that controdiction for a while.

However, that's where the interactive component of the Nintendo Wii factors in; namely the Sensory Bar, Nunchuck and Remote. It advances game play via capitalizing off its interactivity imputed more upon the player's behalf, which can render various aspects within the game easier or harder. (Wii Sports, for example.) Basically, both the graphics and especially game play, are ameliorated.

On a different subject, I've particularly decided to cite the PS3's Blue-Ray amenity. With Sony opting to forward with it now, is quite risky. This is evidenced by the currently ongoing format war the Blue-Ray, HD-DVD and Enhanced Versatile Disk are jostling one another in replacing and becoming the mainstay of the DVD format. If Blue-Ray doesn't win this, it mayhap negate this aspect that Sony is piquing itself in.

11-13-2006, 01:56 AM
Yes, as interested as I am in the PS3, this blueray thing is too risky. I don't want to choose between blueray and hddvd. I like my good 'ol fashion dvd's. But when the day comes that I have a high def tv with all the $100+ monster cables, then I'll care. As for the Wii, I already have a game cube. I don't want to spend another $250 for a controller and a small graphical upgrade on top of what I already spent on my game cube.

11-13-2006, 06:24 AM
As for the Wii, I already have a game cube. I don't want to spend another $250 for a controller and a small graphical upgrade on top of what I already spent on my game cube.

It's obvious at this point that you aren't buying into Nintendo's concept, which is fine. If you don't believe that the Wii can change gameplay, then stick with your PS3 or Xbox 360. Just don't try to tell us "the wii is sux" because you don't believe in the concept.

Vaddoo 1
11-16-2006, 02:24 AM
I am sick and tired of the many people not giving the Nintendo Wii a chance. Nintendo is a classic company that has survived for years and I expect it to keep on living. The company is known for going into the unknown in the video game industry and I enjoy seeing all the new things they come up with. The Wii is the nest big step into the future of gaming. People should give it a chance since this new technology is going to be used by all video game companies in the future anyway. just look at Sony, they already followed nintendo with their own version of motion sensing

11-16-2006, 05:53 AM
Last night I played excite truck. I thought it wasn't a very good game overall, but I had a lot of fun and I honestly think the graphics are better than pretty much anything I've seen this gen. :/

Top Thrill Ryan
11-16-2006, 10:01 AM
I personally think that the Wii is going to totally destroy the competition in this race. I can't tell you how many times the family has been together for a holiday and we all play a board game or a video game like Mario Party. Nintendo is looking for the "family bonding" system more than a hardcore gamer system. Just look at their current ad campaign. They are showing middle aged house wives and adults, they know that hardcare fans are gonna get one. My mom saw the commercial and came asking me what the W-I-I was and how it looked fun. I work at the local EB Games and people come in asking about the W-I-I as well, and everyone loves the $250 price tag, and the virtual console.

That's why the Wii is winning this round of consoles.

11-19-2006, 12:18 AM
Yes, spec-wise, the wii is indeed the weakest console.
But last-gen so was the PS2 (Yes, despite what PS fanboys say, it was) However developers have learned to push the ps2's limits for some truly graphically amazing games. I think that once developers get comfortable with the Wii, we will see some graphically beautiful games. Not to mention, many people seem to be judging Wii graphics based on Twilight Princess, which was originally developed for the gamecube, so naturally it won't have "next gen graphics"
Also, why does everyone keep trying to push Nintendo into competition with the other two systems? There is no reason why they can't coexist with the Wii. Nintendo is trying to go outside the norm and make something different, rather that outdoing other systems. Like with the DS and PSP, the better one is solely a matter of opinion, they are COMPLETELY different products. However, it seems the PS3 and 360 are trying to do a lot of the same things and they are in direct competition with each other. The Wii is diferent enough so that someone may buy it as well as well as another system, which I'll bet is exactly what Nintendo is gunning for with it's relitively low price point. The idea is to get people to want a Wii as well as another system, as oposed to instead of another system.
I think that in the console "war" the PS3 will most likely dominate the 360, because it does most of the stuff a 360 can do, only better. But I think Nintendo is trying to stay out of a direct console war. I think that we will have to wait and see how things progress with the Wii. I believe that the Wii will catch on. I was initially worried about the DS being too "gimmicky" but It' has become a very good system, so I trust that the Wii will also go beyond being a mere "gimmick"
Kinda long for a first post, don'tcha think?

J. Peterman
11-19-2006, 12:36 AM













but seriously i would be getting a wii tomorrow if it was $50 less b/c i set limits for everything i buy it was 200 for me ps3 it at around 400 xbox 360 is 300 w/ hard drive so i will have to wait a while before i get any of it is wii was 210 yeah i go over 220 maybe 225 no way that is too far up

and anyways nothing good on any of those whatever junk right now

11-19-2006, 02:37 AM
"Wii" is bound to produce interesting conversations with comical results. However, I am very excited about its release. However, I am still deciding whether I should buy it. I am mostly excited about the new Zelda which I heard is also going to be released on the gamecube.

11-20-2006, 04:27 AM
My friend works as Best Buy.

Today he bought six of the Nintendo Wii game consoles that they had in stock.
He is keeping one and selling the other five on Ebay for $700.

Lucky bastard.

11-20-2006, 06:00 AM
It's too bad the prices on the Wii and PS3 are dropping on ebay. Good luck to him on that $700 each.

hb smokey
11-20-2006, 06:45 AM
My friend works as Best Buy.

Today he bought six of the Nintendo Wii game consoles that they had in stock.
He is keeping one and selling the other five on Ebay for $700.

Lucky bastard.
That's fucking unfair, especially considering that he is screwing five other potential happy customers from getting their Wii at launch. There should be a one console per customer limit.

J. Peterman
11-20-2006, 07:09 AM
27 per customer limit would be better imo

or have 1 fat guy get them all for $2 each

that would be a good idea for best buy

Mario Kinnikuman
11-20-2006, 07:11 AM
That's fucking unfair, especially considering that he is screwing five other potential happy customers from getting their Wii at launch. There should be a one console per customer limit.


I'm relieved that the Wal-Mart I went to had this policy in effect. They didn't even let workers buy it, knowing that they could potentially resort to that method concerning the man at Best Buy.

11-21-2006, 02:25 AM
That's fucking unfair, especially considering that he is screwing five other potential happy customers from getting their Wii at launch. There should be a one console per customer limit.

Dude, He ain't gettin' $700 for it. The prices are dropping. There's one auction that just ended for $580.50 ( 54QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) and they're selling..

the system
Wii Sports
Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princess
Red Steel
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Madden NFL 2007
Game informer pre-paid subscription kit

He's hardly making a profit.

this guy didn't even make a $100 profit. ( 2054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) And he claims to have waited 19 hours in line.

edit: haha... I just did the math. That guy made less then minimum wage just to sell it back on ebay.

Swedish Fish
11-21-2006, 02:32 AM
The Target near me had at least 7-10 in stock when my friend went there an hour or so ago. He couldn't get one do to lack of funds, but it gave us a laugh.

11-21-2006, 02:36 AM
My only interest is for Zelda and Metroid but that's just too much money for me just for 2 games. Plus I'd sooner get a DS. But with the price drops on ebay, it'll at least give people a chance to get a wii who might otherwise can't get one localy.

11-21-2006, 02:57 AM
Well, he has already sold 3 of the 5 Wii systems on Ebay for $700.
Unfair, yes?
But wouldn't you like that profit?

He said if the price drops too low he will sell me one for $300.
So I am excited.

11-21-2006, 03:08 AM
He's trying to make a $50 profit off of you? that's kinda wrong. I'm watching all the PS3 bids and with all the PS3's that are up for auction (16,000), if everyone had around the same price cap, everyone would be happy at a resonable price without letting these douch bags milk them. They're getting too greedy and the high bidders have already left the building.

11-21-2006, 03:41 AM
He's trying to make a $50 profit off of you? that's kinda wrong. I'm watching all the PS3 bids and with all the PS3's that are up for auction (16,000), if everyone had around the same price cap

Except there aren't but a couple with such a stupidly high price cap. 95% of the ps3's are going for <$2k. Still ridiculous, but a far cry from $16k. Also, what's wrong with making a profit? I do believe Joey lives in America, and last time I checked, America operates on a capitalist market.

XS Energy Man
11-21-2006, 04:37 AM
Except there aren't but a couple with such a stupidly high price cap. 95% of the ps3's are going for <$2k. Still ridiculous, but a far cry from $16k. Also, what's wrong with making a profit? I do believe Joey lives in America, and last time I checked, America operates on a capitalist market.

Greed could be the death of us all. God frowns upon it. Few will be saved when judgment day comes. Seriously though, it's not uncommon to see PS3's selling for $1000 or more on eBay now at the holiday season or even Wii's $300-500. I plan on getting a Wii myself because it simply looks fun. Nintendo looks to reinvent the video game genre with their Wii console. --although I think the name is weird....hmm sounds like WEE!!! as if a little kid was on a roller coaster or something. It will IMGHO be the sleeper hit of 2006. If I can't get it reasonably priced on eBay now or find it in stores before X-Mas I'll just wait a few months. I'm happy with my Xbox360 right now and have a nice stack of games for it.

11-21-2006, 05:30 AM
I do believe Joey lives in America, and last time I checked, America operates on a capitalist market.

Too true.

And I don't really know this kid that much so I appreciate it he is going to cut the price dramatically by $400 for me.

11-21-2006, 06:50 AM
Too true.

And I don't really know this kid that much so I appreciate it he is going to cut the price dramatically by $400 for me.

You could wait a week or two or whatever for the second shipment and pick one up for $250. He's not dropping the price by $400, he's raising it by $50.

11-21-2006, 07:07 AM
And I don't really know this kid that much so I appreciate it he is going to cut the price dramatically by $400 for me.

Well, if you don't know him that well then ok. I assumed he was a good buddy of yours. I guess $50 ain't too much to ask for.

I plan on getting a Wii myself because it simply looks fun.

I guess those nintendo extras ain't my thing. I was around during the Power Glove (), Power Pad (), Super Scope 6 (), Mario Paint (), Virtual Boy (), etc. and they all got boring and dull fast. I always looked forward to going back to my regular controller. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Nintendo fan at heart which is why I own an NES, SNES, N64 and GC. But the only thing that stands out that I wish I still owned was the original Zapper (). But after playing Wii for that 5 min, I couldn't help but to think, "I wonder how long the 'fun' would actualy last?"

11-21-2006, 07:48 AM
I was very impressed with the Wii launch. My friends also got Wiis, and aside from Zelda we all got as many different games as possible to really feel out the launch library as well as we could. Here are my thoughts:

- The overall launch library is very good, and most games are above mediocrity.

- Despite my thoughts of Zelda just having "tacked on" Wii stuff, it turned out great. I would consider it Game of The Year and a classic instantly.

- The whole First Person Shooter thing doesn't seem to be working. Call of Duty and Red Steel are decent, but it becomes incredibly repetitive to the point where you don't even feel the need to continue playing the game all the way through. However Red Steel has a mode in multiplayer where you get tasks from the Wii speaker and have to either kill someone, protect them, or, if you're the unlucky one, just survive. I found that to be the most redeeming quality of Red Steel.

- I'm mixed on the games where you hold the control horizontally. Excite Truck does it well, but Tony Hawk and Super Monkey Ball completely fail at it. Rayman has some great minigames with it though and really shows the situations the Wiimote can be put in.

I've played most of the games. I would say the good ones right now are:

- Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Rayman: Raving Rabbids
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Though it doesn't measure up to the 360 or PS3 versions and can be a REAL workout to play)
- Madden 07
- Red Steel

Those would be the top five games. Wii Sports is arguably better than Red Steel actually, but you get that for free. I can't get enough of the bowling.

11-21-2006, 04:07 PM
Hell I seriously love the Wii now.

My friends and I spent 9 hours yesterday playing Boxing and Tennis alone.

Except Boxing got too competitive and actual punches were thrown.

But it was still funny as fuck.

11-21-2006, 06:27 PM
Except Boxing got too competitive and actual punches were thrown.

But it was still funny as fuck.

The game or the actual punches? :D

11-21-2006, 07:16 PM
Hmm. I guess somewhat both.

Haha. My friend was getting so into it he was actually hitting the TV and when were competing with eachother, we actually started hitting eachother. ( With Wii controller in hand)

J. Peterman
11-21-2006, 10:58 PM

11-23-2006, 01:59 PM

11-23-2006, 06:52 PM
I say you're...
wrong wrong wrong wrong.
wrong wrong wrong wrong.

Your'e wrong.

Hey, nice avatar.

11-25-2006, 06:17 AM
Ha, I can't wait to get a Wii, but I'm going to wait just in case of first wave bugs.

11-25-2006, 08:27 AM
Ha, I can't wait to get a Wii, but I'm going to wait just in case of first wave bugs.

I gotta agree with all the Nintendo fanboys around here - You're probobly not going to find many bugs at all in the first wave. You might as well find and get one now.

Swedish Fish
11-25-2006, 11:08 PM
You might as well find and get one now.

Great time to tell him that :rolleyes: .

jewess crabcake
11-26-2006, 12:07 AM
I'm not that big of a nintendo fan, except for gameboys. The Wii doesn't float my boat because There is garaunteed to be someone who doesn't get the motion right and messes up somehow. I would only get a Wii to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance: that looks fairly fun to shoot out a spidey web. I know I'm not getting a lot of these new systems for 3 years a the minimum.

11-26-2006, 12:09 AM
I have played the Ultimate Alliance and is indeed very fun. It is actually better than what I thought it was going to be like.

jewess crabcake
11-26-2006, 12:12 AM
Aww damn it now I'm anxious. Well maybe my Christms may go just right. I hope it's still entertaining on PS2.

11-26-2006, 03:58 AM
The more I think about it.. the more I am sure I'm gonna have all three next gen systems in my house by the end of next year.

11-26-2006, 05:25 AM
That's just ridiculous.

11-26-2006, 05:38 AM
why? because I like variety?

Mario Kinnikuman
11-26-2006, 05:45 AM
That's just ridiculous.

why? because I like variety?

No. It probably has to do with the financial aspect.

11-26-2006, 05:45 AM
Mario is correct. Because I could see you wanting a Wii and then making a choice between 360 and PS3, but to go out of your way to pay that much money?

Also, since there aren't any 'must-have' games coming out for PS3 for awhile.

11-26-2006, 08:29 PM
im only getting a wii as it's the only one i can afford, lol. its pretty fortunate that it also happens to be the only one im actually excited about~

hb smokey
11-26-2006, 09:47 PM
why? because I like variety?
Variety? PS3 and Xbox360 offer virtually the same variety. I'd still choose 360 over PS3 easily right now, because of it's excellent online service. It's just pointless to buy two consoles that do essentially the same thing, play the same games, etc. A lot of people who buy the Wii will choose between the PS3 and 360, not get both of them, because there are only two different modes of gameplay so far. Wii, then the 360/PS3.

Swedish Fish
11-26-2006, 11:26 PM
...there are only two different modes of gameplay so far. Wii, then the 360/PS3.

This probably sums up the whole argument.

11-27-2006, 12:23 AM
The 360 rocks because of XBox Live. That's really what made me buy it.

11-27-2006, 01:23 AM
PS3 doesn't have Gears of War. XBOX 360 doesn't have final fantasy, and neither of them have Zelda. Those are just three examples of exclusives.

Financially.. well.. I'm one of the lucky ones that knows how to manage money and I also have a wife that actually has a good career who brings home a little more than I do each month.

You're right though.. there are no console defining games for the PS3, so that's why I'm waiting to get it until FFXIII comes out or something else that just blows my mind away. Maybe Killzone or something.

J. Peterman
11-27-2006, 07:52 AM

11-27-2006, 08:07 AM
wow.. aren't you the attention whore.. three of your posts in three different threads... all equally useless.

J. Peterman
11-27-2006, 08:32 AM
man just because i speak the truth and happen to be one of the most dynamic wide outs in the l doesn't mean u have to be playa hating

11-27-2006, 05:28 PM
Financially.. well.. I'm one of the lucky ones that knows how to manage money and I also have a wife that actually has a good career who brings home a little more than I do each month.

It doesn't have anything to do with financial (mis)managment. :/

Mario Kinnikuman
11-27-2006, 07:52 PM

wow.. aren't you the attention whore.. three of your posts in three different threads... all equally useless.

Don't worry about Garamond. His posts are analogous to Whack-A-Mole; they'll pop up anywhere. Except, it's pointless to knock them down.

J. Peterman
11-27-2006, 11:05 PM
mario u know that i ain't trippin when i say the wii and ps3 and 360 are pieces of poo man

11-28-2006, 01:32 AM
I'm sad because I have the 360 and I know I won't be able to play FF13 :(

03-08-2007, 10:33 AM
Look i agree with both of what your saying so for one don't argue as much as it is fun.. :)

but if you think about it PS3 & XBOX360 are very well done in the graphics side not as much as the gameplay

the only next gen PS3 360 game that i thought was a wow at the moment is Dead Rising now that is a cool game...but ireckon it could get boring eventually

Now i have beaten Zelda 2.5 (half way through again) times & i still think that it's great. but the thing for me that the Wii's next gen thing is obviously the controller, from what i've seen it is one of the closest Consoles that can get it a step closer to Virtual Reality, & guess what...Virtual Reality...Won't matter on Graphics then will it, no because it would have the same graphics content as real life. so to actually control the whole movement of things on the Wii is fantastic & i haven't seen the PS3,360 with cool xtra features like, Parental Controls, Different Channels excluding Music,Video etc WHICH the Wii can do as well as the Internet like the 360 & Ps3, & even the whole downloading new channels like Internet & Old Virtual Console games & the new one the Everyone Votes Channel are fantastic & the online play on there will be great enough to spend hours on. now i'm not saying that the Wii is more superior but i'm sick & tired of people saying it's crap because of it's Graphics power. it may lack graphics but for everything else it totally rocks in.

Oh yeah & since when did 360 & PS3 come up with there own Games for themselves..exactly they haven't i mean Halo from what i heard was actually going to Sega. so i made my point.