11-10-2006, 07:07 AM
As many of you know, almost all of the songs in FFXII were composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, in contrast to almost all the songs from the previous FFs composed by Nobuo Uematsu.

So how do you guys feel about the change in composers, and the music of FFXII in general? Any favorite songs?

11-10-2006, 11:01 AM
Two thumbs up to Hitoshi, because he created music that merged into the scene and gives a total atmosphere. Truly something hard to do.

But.... i am very worried about the Piano Collections Arrangements. I am not sure if they will be able to pull it off using FFXII's music.... :(

11-10-2006, 11:27 AM
The music isn't catchy like Nobuo's music. But like Alvinz it really went well with the scenes in the game. So while I loved his music more during the game I don't think I'd listen to it constantly like I would the music to other FF games. You need to play the game to appreciate it. Just like FFT.

11-10-2006, 11:35 AM
I thought it was nice, but still doesn't hold the kind of charm or "oomph" as the previous FFs' music did. So thumbs up to Hashimoto. He had big shoes to fill, and I think he did alright.

I just don't think he compares in any way to Uematsu.

11-10-2006, 02:49 PM
Fuck Uematsu.

Sakimoto's music is far superior to his recent work. Honestly, it's like people think that music being the most noticable part of the game is good. If your attention is drawn specifically to the music instead of the music serving to heighten your perceptions of the rest of the game, something is wrong. That's Uematsu's failing and that's why he's been utterly trumped.

11-10-2006, 02:52 PM
I think it sounds just fine.

11-10-2006, 03:11 PM
Still Prak, Nobou did compose that classic every now and again.

11-11-2006, 01:55 AM
Music plays a HUGE role in me playing a game. One example.. Xenosaga series. There were times that music just didn't exist while walking around. That kind of shit puts me to sleep. If I'm not sitting there whistling or humming the tune while playing.. then there's something wrong. Games without good music put me to sleep fast. It's like watching a movie with crappy sound effects. The overal camera work and cinematography might be outstanding, but if the sound and music aren't up to par.. the movie is gonna suck.

11-11-2006, 01:56 AM
Both are very different kind of compositions.
Uematsu had to compose for a game that stops the music and starts a new "battle theme", so he could make very "barroque" arrangements and you didn't get a headache for hearing the same thing all the time, at least in the world map/dungeons.
Sakimoto has to compose simpler, maybe less memorable themes, so they don't get over your head 4 hours into the game, and I think he succeeded in that way. It's the first FF game in which I don't have to turn off the music after 12 straight hours of gaming.
Anyway, I don't think this is Sakimoto's best work, being that the absolutely perfect score of Final Fantasy Tactics. Those memories alone make him a maestro in my mind.

11-11-2006, 07:03 AM
Two thumbs up to Hitoshi, because he created music the merged into the scene and gives a total atmosphere. Truly something hard to do.


thats what i think to,

11-11-2006, 07:54 AM
Both composers do a great job with the "atmosphere" they work with. It's a question of style and yet you still can't compare the 2 because they don't relate. Uematsu keeps it fun and exciting and most of the FF games are fun and exciting with lots of bright colors. He also did an AWSOME job with FF6, even when things were not so bright, for example. But Sakimoto is truly superior to an extent. You have Tactics and XII where the music is beautiful and perfect - he really made you feel as if you're living the moment, but I don't think I would want to hear his style in all 12+ games because it seems he only has one style and we would all get tired of it.

11-11-2006, 11:05 AM
Music plays a HUGE role in me playing a game. One example.. Xenosaga series. There were times that music just didn't exist while walking around. That kind of shit puts me to sleep. If I'm not sitting there whistling or humming the tune while playing.. then there's something wrong. Games without good music put me to sleep fast. It's like watching a movie with crappy sound effects. The overal camera work and cinematography might be outstanding, but if the sound and music aren't up to par.. the movie is gonna suck.

Uhhh... Nahh... DUUUUUHHH!!!! No shit music is important. Sound is the second most popular ways we express ourselves.

Sorry... i will shut up now :D

Anyway Ixnine, Sakimoto probably wanted FFtactics music and FFxiI music to feel similar because they are set in the same world. Give him a chance and he might bloom and flourish :D

11-11-2006, 03:56 PM
I think the music in FFX is far superior to the music for FFXII. Especially the use of leitmotifs for various characters/themes, which I have yet to hear in FFXII. The combat music in FFX was awesome too.

11-11-2006, 04:13 PM
I'm a bit of a music nerd, so a game's soundtrack is usually one of the first things I notice. You can tell its not Uematsu right off the bat -- even though most FF soundtracks had very different musical styles, they still sounded like Uematsu's work. At any rate, there were portions of this that reminded me of other games I've played, and it just sounded different overall. I don't know much of Sakimoto's work (to my knowledge).

The music is alright so far, from what I've heard. Like most people have said, there's nothing that really stands out, and I'm hoping that there will at least be a track or two that has a lot of energy and/or emotion in it, or else listening to the OST is going to be a bore.

Like Morelyn said, it doesnt compare to FFX's track, which had character themes, the Hymn of the Fayth, Suteki da Ne, To Zanarkand, and my personal favorite, Attack (at least thats what it goes by on some soundtracks). I also quite enjoyed FF8 and FF9's soundtracks. Despite FF7 being one of my favorite games, it does not compare quite as well with other game soundtracks (even though I still like the soundtrack in general). Conversely, I did not play much of FF6 because I couldnt get into it, but I still like the OST.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. I guess my point is that a good overall soundtrack won't make or break a game for me, but it is still a nice perk.

11-11-2006, 05:52 PM
well the truth is the musics are suitable for the type FFXII gameplay is showing .
and i agree that FFX is better, for me uptill now,gameplay 24hr.

11-11-2006, 10:28 PM
FFX music was mostly just a million different variations of To Zanarkand and a thousand different variations to the Hymn of faith.

FFVII probably highlights Uematsu's skillls the best. There were so many one hit wonders, and overalll everything was nice. PLUS!!! The FFVII Piano Collections is 100 times better than the other ones... or maybe the arranger dude just worked harder on FFVII's PIano Collections :D

11-12-2006, 02:02 AM
FFX probably has my favorite piano collections. I guess I should clarify from my earlier post that most OST's I'm talking about I'm either just talking about out of memory, or referring to the piano collections. If anything, FFX's piano collections wins just for Attack.

FFVIII also had a nice piano collections, and IX as well. Despite liking a lot of the music in VII, it just didnt stand out quite as much for me (at least for piano collections).

At any rate, I'm looking forward to getting the piano collections for XII

11-12-2006, 09:14 AM
So you play the piano? ^_^ Cool :D

11-15-2006, 06:29 AM
I don't think it could ever compare to Sakimoto's masterpiece, FFT. He and Iwata created something far more than special with that game, and while I don't dog Uematsu' skills, I would scoff at the denial that Sakimoto is nigh on par with Nobuo's skill. Sakimoto has had far less opportunities than Nobuo, who has been pampered by ten straight Final Fantasies.

I reccommend for ANYONE, regardless, to listen to a few pieces from FFT, namely Antidote. Hitoshi had an entirely different task before him from all previous FF's, and he carried it out well.

11-15-2006, 06:42 AM
I really really like the XII soundtrack. I think the place is called something along the lines of the Cetobi Steppe or something; anyway I love the music for that place.

When I first started playing the game I pointed out to a friend that half the time I don't recognize that there is music there because it just seems so boring.

The more I played I found myself humming the themes and what not.
I really like this soundtrack but the FFIX and FFIX Piano Collections totally beats this one. (and any other FF soundtrack)

11-15-2006, 06:56 AM
This thread just reminded me of one small problem I have with the game. When I picked up the demo to this game last year I LOVED the music that played during a summon called "Esper Battle" which is probobly my favorite song so far. Now in the final version they only play it when you actualy battle an Esper and not during the summon. :(

11-15-2006, 11:29 AM
I think the music in ffXII is good, i like the dalmasca estersand and stillshrine but its all good. Compared to the other ff's, i prefer the style of XII (Hitoshi Sakimoto).

11-17-2006, 01:49 PM
i have FFXII soundtrack


11-18-2006, 01:58 AM
I like the music for the most part, although admittedly some of the themes I'm hearing more recently aren't quite as thrilling as some of the others.

Favorites ---

Prologue (Theme of Final Fantasy)
The tune that plays in the Clan Centurion
Theme tunes for Rabanastre and Bhujerba
Some of the battle music

11-18-2006, 09:38 AM
Well, I have to say that FFXII's Composer did a great job. I love it. But, Is it just me or what... Somehow... I just feel that FF is not FF when I heard the soundtracks... Nobuo Uematsu is the best composer ever... And What's wrong with the ending??? The Final Fantasy 'Famous' Theme is missing... And that's hurting me. I'm dissapointed... But still, FFXII is great... FFIX is the best. Anyway, I've finished the game in 124 hours.

11-18-2006, 03:00 PM
What "Famous" theme are you talking about? Prologue (Theme of Final Fantasy ) is there --- as far as I'm concerned, that's the most "famous" theme.

11-19-2006, 10:09 AM
No... When you finished an FF game... For example, FF IX. After the Ending song... The Ending theme will start away... It's in FF VIII too. But in FF XII it disappeared and got mixed in the Prologue theme... If you finish the game later, you won't find it. It's just not right... I'm disappointed.

11-19-2006, 04:48 PM
No, the theme you're talking about is the Prologue. It disappeared in FFX, but it's back in FFXII. They just moved the positioning. It plays during the opening intro this time, after The Prelude and a short original opening intro. Then it starts up. That's The Prologue, or Theme of Final Fantasy. It also starts up pretty much right away if you go to the Load screen.

11-26-2006, 01:55 PM
Is it the prologue? But for me... It's the ending theme. I just don't get It... Why can't they repeated it again in the ending? I knew it was on the prelude... and it was quite nice that they mix it up with the prelude... But... Still... Why can't they just repeat it in the ending? Anyway, have any of you got the the soundtracks?

11-26-2006, 04:51 PM
I don't know, I got the idea that they were just trying for something different. I've gotten further into the game and I see now that it plays too when that Chronicler of Ondore dude, whatever his name is, does his talking bits. Different people call it different things. I've heard it called the Prologue (as opposed to the Prelude), Theme of Final Fantasy, and simply Final Fantasy.

As for the positioning --- maybe they just felt that it would be redundant to play it in the ending. Actually, I rather like being able to hear it each time I start up the game.

I don't have the soundtrack... yet. Incidentally, one of the reviewers who gave a song listing over at Amazon refers to it as "Final Fantasy ~FFXII Version~."

Sephiroth Incarnate
11-27-2006, 12:05 AM
Well, I didn't exactly think that the music in XII was any where near what we've come to expect from FF games...........I have the 4-disc LE OST, just because I have a FF shrine in my room.......all gameslaying on top of guide books, with their respective OST above them........I, however, am not sayin that it wasn't good.....
The songs I listen to personally are the boss battle theme.....and the song that plays when you enter the clan hall......and Angela Aki's Kiss me Good-Bye.....I love her voice, and the fact that Nobuo arranged it just adds to the excitement!!! although the Japanese version of the song is better, the American one isn't bad. Decent music.........Not bad Hitoshi