11-09-2006, 09:51 PM
Ok everyone! If you have an XBox 360, THIS is the title to get!
This game was the sole reason why I got the game in the first place, but I never actually knew how good it was in action!

Graphics are amazing! Blood! GORE!! All the things that parents wouldn't want their kids to get their hands on. HOWEVER!!! This game holds the most satisfying option available in any FPS or TPS (third person shooter) game has to offer. Instead of ganking someone with a sword or a knife.. this game has a FUCKING CHAINSAW!! Ok ok.. yeah so it's got a chainsaw.. but.. the great thing about it is that it makes a gorey mess. Not only on screen, but ON THE screen!!! :) :) :)

It's not only the gore that makes it great. Of course the scenery, designs for character models as well as terrain and environments. Voice acting is top-notch and the whole "feel" of the game gives a serious gritty and war-time feel. LOVE IT!

Yeah.. the duck for cover and not go strafing towards your enemy is a little tough, IMO, but that's because I'm not a good console FPS gamer anyway. Controls are easy, takes a bit to get used to, but they are very easy to get a hold of.

Seriously... get this game if you can. Rent it, buy it.. WHATEVER!! It's great!

11-10-2006, 02:55 AM
You bitch and whine that a game isn't appearing on the DS, yet you've bought an Xbox 360 for this game?

Don't get me wrong, i'm picking up Gears of War when it's released in Australia next fortnight, but there are MUCH better games to get the system for; namely Mass Effect, Alan Wake and BioShock.

11-10-2006, 03:13 AM
You bitch and whine that a game isn't appearing on the DS, yet you've bought an Xbox 360 for this game?

Don't get me wrong, i'm picking up Gears of War when it's released in Australia next fortnight, but there are MUCH better games to get the system for; namely Mass Effect, Alan Wake and BioShock.

Gears is a great game, so far lol. The online mode is lacking in modes, but for what it is, its highly addictive and it promotes team work. Oh and I cant forget, ITS LAG FREE, so far.

11-10-2006, 11:31 AM
easily the most intresting exclusive license to hit the 360
looks fuckin awesome and has allot of cool ideas from what i've seen
online co op could really make me buy this as thats an expierence i've lived thru far too few times

11-10-2006, 12:21 PM
easily the most intresting exclusive license to hit the 360

Bullshit. Mass Effect, Too Human and BioShock look much better.

Gears of War is just a pretty FPS; it doesn't bring anything new to the table. Not that that's a bad thing, but it doesn't deserve more praise than that.

11-10-2006, 11:24 PM
can you read?
E X C L U S I V E!!
or atleast specifically made for the platform(there's a small chance Microsoft will ok a pc port)
and of those 3 titles only Mass Effect wont get a pc port and altho it looks really nice Bioware has never made any game that impressed me

and its not a first person shooter or even build around the fps mechanic, its a 3rd person shooter with a pretty unique covering system that heavily focuses on their so called "stop-and-pop" gameplay wich looks really fucking good and well tought out

in short: its RE4 with more freedom and extra cheese

and again, CO OP!
if there's one thing that is lacking in games these days its a decent co op expierence

11-11-2006, 12:02 AM
i love the trailer with the music and all. makes it seem like its gonna be hella deep. i wish i could play it. if i add this to my list of games i wish i could play if i owned an xbox/360, this would make... i think 3. lol

i always just cross my fingers that microsoft decides to make it for pc too. i hope for that for every xbox game.

11-11-2006, 12:57 AM
Bullshit. Mass Effect, Too Human and BioShock look much better.Mass Effect: only with the faces and even then it's already plagued with overall choppyness, just like KOTOR and Jade Empire. Gears of War looks better in every other aspect and has a remarkably fluid framerate. Not to mention ME looks fucking boring, BioWare should win an award for making the battles of Oblivion look exciting in comparison.

Too Human: the picture below will suffice.


BioShock: only if they fix that framerate completely. The artistic direction easily excels that of Gears of War, no doubt, but technically Epic's shooter has the upper hand for now, as it should. They invented the Unreal 3 Engine for God's sake!

And you forgot Viva Pi�ata.

11-11-2006, 01:42 AM
Bullshit. Mass Effect, Too Human and BioShock look much better.

Gears of War is just a pretty FPS; it doesn't bring anything new to the table. Not that that's a bad thing, but it doesn't deserve more praise than that.

You're a homo..

First off: I got the system because I liked the system. I hate the DS. I hate the overall concept of the DS. I would be mad to buy the DS to get a game that I really like because I think that the DS is a piece of shit.

XBox 360 is a good system. I knew it was gonna be a good system, but I didn't see any reason to get one way back when. When I heard about Gears of War...that just solidified my decision. DS is still a piece of shit.

Second: GoW is not an FPS. Again, "you're a homo."

Thirdly: GoW adds the concept of actually being required to TAKE COVER as opposed to jumping and strafing around bullets. You cannot do that in this game. You're commanding a squad, tearing up the baddies and not being forced to shoot them from afar. It's an up close and gritty game that gets you immersed in the actual concept of war.

So basically.. if you don't know shit about the game, just STFU.

I've used the DS before, I've seen it in action.. and i think it's a piece of shit. So don't go around claiming that a game is something it isn't... it just makes you look like a moron.

11-11-2006, 04:33 AM
Haha, looks like i've touched a nerve here:

can you read?
E X C L U S I V E!!
or atleast specifically made for the platform(there's a small chance Microsoft will ok a pc port)
and of those 3 titles only Mass Effect wont get a pc port and altho it looks really nice Bioware has never made any game that impressed me

Too Human: Exclusive. Has been from the start.
BioShock: Was planned for the X360 and PC, but like Alank Wake, Microsoft snapped up exclusivity rights.

So yes, all three of those titles are Xbox 360 exclusive.

and its not a first person shooter or even build around the fps mechanic, its a 3rd person shooter with a pretty unique covering system that heavily focuses on their so called "stop-and-pop" gameplay wich looks really fucking good and well tought out

in short: its RE4 with more freedom and extra cheese

and again, CO OP!
if there's one thing that is lacking in games these days its a decent co op expierence

I erred when I said FPS; I meant 'action game'. But the mechanics aren't even new to that; Perfect Dark Zero has cover, and that game was shit.

Mass Effect: only with the faces and even then it's already plagued with overall choppyness, just like KOTOR and Jade Empire. Gears of War looks better in every other aspect and has a remarkably fluid framerate. Not to mention ME looks fucking boring, BioWare should win an award for making the battles of Oblivion look exciting in comparison.
For starters: graphics does NOT equal game. And speaking from a game development standpoint, they get better over time, anyway. KOTOR and Jade Empire are still two of the best RPGs out there; if you didn't play them because they didn't have a 'fluid framerate', you're missing out. Mass Effect is going to be THE best RPG on the 360, and possibly the best RPG ever.

Too Human: the picture below will suffice.


Someone obviously hasn't played Eternal Darkness.

BioShock: only if they fix that framerate completely. The artistic direction easily excels that of Gears of War, no doubt, but technically Epic's shooter has the upper hand for now, as it should. They invented the Unreal 3 Engine for God's sake!
Again, it's obvious you're judging these games based off the preview videos. Framerate is something that is fixed up LAST, after the game has been completed, in a stage called optimizing.

BioShock is also an RPG, not a shooter.

And you forgot Viva Piñata.

Because I was only posting GOOD X360 exclusives.

You're a homo..

First off: I got the system because I liked the system. I hate the DS. I hate the overall concept of the DS. I would be mad to buy the DS to get a game that I really like because I think that the DS is a piece of shit.

Xbox 360 = souped up Xbox. DS = innovative. Don't get me wrong, I love the 360, I just don't know where your DS hate comes from. You've been unable to provide any evidence for it so far.

XBox 360 is a good system. I knew it was gonna be a good system, but I didn't see any reason to get one way back when. When I heard about Gears of War...that just solidified my decision. DS is still a piece of shit.

So you like action games, and the 360 is obviously a superior system for that. Guess what: you're opinion doesn't define whether a system is shit or not. You can have preferences, but it doesn't mean you have to hate what you don't have =/

Second: GoW is not an FPS. Again, "you're a homo."

Thirdly: GoW adds the concept of actually being required to TAKE COVER as opposed to jumping and strafing around bullets. You cannot do that in this game. You're commanding a squad, tearing up the baddies and not being forced to shoot them from afar. It's an up close and gritty game that gets you immersed in the actual concept of war.

Second: I was basing my impressions off the reviews i've read. I haven't played the game, because it doesn't come out here until next week. Regardless, I never said the game was bad; I was just saying it doesn't bring anything new to the table.

The Cover system was implemented in Perfect Dark Zero, and squad-based tactics were cemented in Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Gears of War is just the prettiest game on the X360.

Finally: people who use the word 'homo' as an insult are usually gay themselves. You need to accept yourself for who you really are, Gilthanos.

So basically.. if you don't know shit about the game, just STFU.

I've used the DS before, I've seen it in action.. and i think it's a piece of shit. So don't go around claiming that a game is something it isn't... it just makes you look like a moron.

11-11-2006, 04:57 AM
DS..Innovative? Please.. it's a PDA at most. As if no one has played a game before using a little pen on a screen. If anything.. the two screens are a distraction. Not to mention small as all hell.

I'm not just an action game buff.... I like good quality games. Other than the FF series for it, I have yet to see a game hardly worth the price to put up with a shoddy piece of equipment.

So you were basing your opinion on a game you've never played. HAHA!! Try doing some homework before going on the internet and talking shit about a game. Not to mention the game is ALREADY OUT. It has been so for 4 days now.

Gears of War is a pretty game, sure. But that's not what makes it a great game. What makes it a great game is it's game mechanics and overall experience, not to mention the way it pulls you into the character.

Perfect Dark Zero is a lame game. I don't know anything about GRAW, so I'm not gonna push any half-assed opinions on a game I don't know anything about like you.

""Finally: people who use the word 'homo' as an insult are usually gay themselves. You need to accept yourself for who you really are, Gilthanos.""
--This is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Is this the best insult you can come up with? lmao... so fucking lame.. how old are you again?

Evidence abou why I think the DS is a piece of shit?
1. Feels and handles like my tupperware dishware I store food in my freezer.
2. It has two small ass screens.
3. The game cartriges are small and easy as all hell to lose.
4. Touch screen??? Don't get me started
5. Shitty graphics (SNES style)
6. Childish games
7. Nintendo : nuff said. Mario has lost it's thunder and the only thing good that Nintendo puts out now is Zelda.

I could, even, .. be ok with the dual screens, but when they tried to put ONE image on both the screens to make it ONE BIG IMAGE .. that's when I had to start laughing out loud as I was being distracted by the large break between the two screens.

11-11-2006, 05:40 AM
DS..Innovative? Please.. it's a PDA at most. As if no one has played a game before using a little pen on a screen. If anything.. the two screens are a distraction. Not to mention small as all hell.

Now who's making assumptions? Most games don't use the stylus for touchscreen control, they use the thumb-strap.

I'm not just an action game buff.... I like good quality games. Other than the FF series for it, I have yet to see a game hardly worth the price to put up with a shoddy piece of equipment.

There are these, for starters. ( ng=9&constraint.return_all=is_true&sort.attribute=article.overall_rating&sort.order=desc)

So you were basing your opinion on a game you've never played. HAHA!! Try doing some homework before going on the internet and talking shit about a game.

For fucks sake, would you read what i've said? I HAVEN'T DISAGREED WITH YOU ABOUT GEARS OF WAR. I only buy quality games as well, and guess what, it's on my list. I'm just saying that it isn't 'the' reason to get a 360. For crying out loud.

Not to mention the game is ALREADY OUT. It has been so for 4 days now.

Contrary to popular belief, the United States of America is not the entire world. Europe and Australia aren't getting Gears of War until November 23rd.

Gears of War is a pretty game, sure. But that's not what makes it a great game. What makes it a great game is it's game mechanics and overall experience, not to mention the way it pulls you into the character.

Perfect Dark Zero is a lame game. I don't know anything about GRAW, so I'm not gonna push any half-assed opinions on a game I don't know anything about like you.

I'm not going to deny it's a great game, it's just not innovative. Innovation is a pretty high prestige to place on any game, and to claim that Gears of War brings anything new to the table is just false; it just takes the best bits of other games, and puts them together to create a fantastic whole.

""Finally: people who use the word 'homo' as an insult are usually gay themselves. You need to accept yourself for who you really are, Gilthanos.""
--This is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Is this the best insult you can come up with? lmao... so fucking lame.. how old are you again?

I wasn't trying to insult you, actually. I have a lot of gay friends.

So if you take being called gay an insult, what does that make you?

Evidence abou why I think the DS is a piece of shit?
1. Feels and handles like my tupperware dishware I store food in my freezer.

That's just stupid. If you're referring to the fact that the original DS has a sub-standard design, you're right; but the DS Lite improved on the design exponentially and has a design reminiscent of Apples, which is widely regarded as some of the most stylish electronics on the market.

2. It has two small ass screens.

The screens are bigger than the GBA screen; and individually, smaller than the PSP's screen. If you combine the two, you actually have the handheld with the most display space.

3. The game cartriges are small and easy as all hell to lose.

That is why they come in hard cases. You wouldn't (shouldn't?) leave your X360 DVDs lying around when you're not playing them, why would you leave the DS Cards lying around?

4. Touch screen??? Don't get me started
On what? The fact that the touch screen actually allows innovation and the ability to expand the market? Now, games like Nintendogs and Brain Training might not be your cup of tea, but they have sold millions upon millions of copies, and expanded Nintendo's audience by a large margin. Those particular games only work because of the touch screen, and the advanced interaction it allows.

5. Shitty graphics (SNES style)

It is actually more powerful than a Nintendo 64. If you have a look at the screenshots for Final Fantasy III DS, they are better than FF7, 8 and 9.

6. Childish games

Yes, because Resident Evil and Castlevania are games that I would give to five year olds =/

7. Nintendo : nuff said. Mario has lost it's thunder and the only thing good that Nintendo puts out now is Zelda.

You're right, that is enough said. Nintendo has constantly been the innovator in the video gaming market, inventing trends that other companies copy and follow. They have consistently strong first-party game design (just because you don't like Mario doesn't mean that New Super Mario Bros wasn't an excellent game), and fantastic second-party support.

I could, even, .. be ok with the dual screens, but when they tried to put ONE image on both the screens to make it ONE BIG IMAGE .. that's when I had to start laughing out loud as I was being distracted by the large break between the two screens.

Usually when that happens in DS games, your attention only needs to be on one screen, and the action switches to the other screen when necessary. If you don't have the adequate task-switching skills to handle a minute jump like that, don't blame Nintendo.

11-11-2006, 08:10 AM
If Nintendo is such an innovator, then why is it that they have been sitting on the back shelf since the Super Nintendo? Nintendo 64 did ok, but once the Playstation made it's foot hold on the market they were the ones that took the lead of the industry. Gamecube was alright, but nothing in comparison to the PS2 or XBox, and I'm sure that they won't hold up as much with the Wii. I admit that the DS is doing better than the PSP... and I'm kinda upset about that because the PSP has alot of potential that's otherwise untapped.

Gears of War brings an entirely different viewpoint into tactical war games. This ain't no Halo game. If you consider rolling a plastic pen around a screen as being innovated.. then.. tell me why? Why is that? Because.. again, most PDAs use that same technology. Heck.. my digital video camera has that same technology.

It's not that I don't like Mario.. it's just that.. He's been used up like a 70 year old prostitute.

You listed 2 games on the DS that MIGHT not be suitable for children, and I don't consider Castlevania a "not for kids" game. Especially since.. I was a kid when the first one was released.. AND i played it. So unless they added some gorey crap to the fun.... yeah.. you can scratch that off your list. Besides.. I'm not talking about what you see in a game. Story, words, feelings that are supposed to be provoked. Just like final fantasy tactics.. I consider that an adult themed story, due to it's complex political storyline. NOt because of the blood gore and bad language. Give me a break. There's more to a game than what you SEE on the screen.

The whole two screens thing is a distraction. Pointless distraction. Almost like having the GBA SP used as a Gamecube controller (like they did in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles). Most first-gen games made use of the pen to screen gameplay.... immediate turn off.

The DS is meant for traveling.. not sitting at home near your game library. Therefore you bring the games with you, and generally you DON'T bring the entire case along with you for the sake of space.

About Gears of War.. please don't come in here and say that it isn't innovative without actually having played the game. They took the genre of a TPS (third person shooter) to an all new high with its gameplay. Seriously.. screenshots just don't make the game. So.. come back to me when you've actually gotten your hands on it.

--oh and I gotta say.. as promising as Nintendogs could have been....people look like retards shouting out the dog's name 40 times into their DS. Why? Because I wanted to go through the trouble of talking to a dog and training a dog.. I'd get a real dog.

11-11-2006, 08:41 AM
If Nintendo is such an innovator, then why is it that they have been sitting on the back shelf since the Super Nintendo? Nintendo 64 did ok, but once the Playstation made it's foot hold on the market they were the ones that took the lead of the industry. Gamecube was alright, but nothing in comparison to the PS2 or XBox, and I'm sure that they won't hold up as much with the Wii. I admit that the DS is doing better than the PSP... and I'm kinda upset about that because the PSP has alot of potential that's otherwise untapped.

You hit the nail on the head without realizing it; the Nintendo 64 was the last real competitive Nintendo home console, because it had an innovative aspect; the analog stick. It was so innovative that Sony took the idea and reworked it into the Dual Shock, creating the dual-analog control scheme that is so popular today.

The GameCube failed because it was nothing more than an also-ran. It didn't bring anything new to the table.

With the DS, Nintendo was once again showing innovation, and it's wiping the floor with the PSP. With the Wii, they're not going after the hardcore gaming market; they're going after a wider market in general. Just because you don't fall within their projected market range doesn't mean they don't have a good idea.

Gears of War brings an entirely different viewpoint into tactical war games. This ain't no Halo game. If you consider rolling a plastic pen around a screen as being innovated.. then.. tell me why? Why is that? Because.. again, most PDAs use that same technology. Heck.. my digital video camera has that same technology.

And I told you, most games don't use the Stylus. They use the touch pad as a way to interact with the game entirely. In Brain Training, it was used to simulate a book; this attracted a large market who aren't used to pushing buttons to get results. They are more used to writing information, and Brain Training allowed them to do that. Nintendogs allowed a degree of interactivity that meant that training your virtual pet was a more tactile thing than other games. Sure, patting a virtual dog isn't the same as patting a real one, but it's more fulfilling that 'press A to pat'. In a more traditional gameplay sense, Metroid Prime: Hunters and Super Mario 64 DS used the touch screen as an analog control system; when the thumb strap is used, this is a more sucessful implementation than the PSP's analog nub.

It's not that I don't like Mario.. it's just that.. He's been used up like a 70 year old prostitute.

A 'lot of games' doesn't mean 'used up'. The series was successfully rebooted into 3D with Super Mario 64, and New. Super Mario Bros was an excellent 'retro-3D' title.

You listed 2 games on the DS that MIGHT not be suitable for children, and I don't consider Castlevania a "not for kids" game. Especially since.. I was a kid when the first one was released.. AND i played it. So unless they added some gorey crap to the fun.... yeah.. you can scratch that off your list. Besides.. I'm not talking about what you see in a game. Story, words, feelings that are supposed to be provoked. Just like final fantasy tactics.. I consider that an adult themed story, due to it's complex political storyline. NOt because of the blood gore and bad language. Give me a break. There's more to a game than what you SEE on the screen.

Please tell me a PSP game with the kind of depth you're describing.

Seriously, please. I'd go and buy it tomorrow.

The whole idea of 'it's a system for kids' is moot anyway; that's the sort of thing dictated by software. Resident Evil 4 blew the GameCube's kiddy reputation out of the water.

The whole two screens thing is a distraction. Pointless distraction. Almost like having the GBA SP used as a Gamecube controller (like they did in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles). Most first-gen games made use of the pen to screen gameplay.... immediate turn off.

Super Mario 64 DS was a launch title that used both the touch screen and the dual screen display perfectly. Obviously you've had bad experiences with DS games; it's true, a poorly designed DS game can be little more than a GBA port, but well designed DS games are truly innovative.

Well designed PSP games just end up feeling like they could be that little bit better; with the kind of power it has, I expect the type of polish we see in PS2 games. Instead, the console still gets a second-rate treatment.

The DS is meant for traveling.. not sitting at home near your game library. Therefore you bring the games with you, and generally you DON'T bring the entire case along with you for the sake of space.

If you're travelling somewhere where you are going to need more than one game, you'll probably have a backpack or bag of some description. One or two DS cases doesn't take up that much space.

About Gears of War.. please don't come in here and say that it isn't innovative without actually having played the game. They took the genre of a TPS (third person shooter) to an all new high with its gameplay. Seriously.. screenshots just don't make the game. So.. come back to me when you've actually gotten your hands on it.

I will. But innovation is usually something that's proclaimed with every review, and so far every review has said that it's pretty, but doesn't bring anything new to the table. But that it's so fun it doesn't NEED to bring anything new.

I'm just asking you to think seriously about what innovation really means. If you can give me an example where Gears of War has done something that has NEVER been done before, let me know.

--oh and I gotta say.. as promising as Nintendogs could have been....people look like retards shouting out the dog's name 40 times into their DS. Why? Because I wanted to go through the trouble of talking to a dog and training a dog.. I'd get a real dog.

Most of those 'retards' are enjoying themselves. Most people sitting in front of a console yelling obcenities at it look like retards, too. Besides, there are a lot of situations where it isn't realistic to have a real dog; in a small apartment, for example. Nintendogs allows people who CAN'T have a real dog to experience some of the joy of it.

hb smokey
11-11-2006, 10:13 AM
Oh Lee, I missed you in this forum so <3

I've pretty much come to the point where I don't respond to retarded asshats if they once bring up the 'nintendo is kiddie' shit. And since you've already done a great job of responding to his 'points', and he is just basically making shit up to hear himself talk, I think I'll sit this one out.

EDIT: It's still pretty lol that Gears of War is the so-called killer app for the 360, but yet you can finish the game in about 8 hours.

11-11-2006, 04:59 PM
Too Human: Exclusive. Has been from the start.
BioShock: Was planned for the X360 and PC, but like Alan Wake, Microsoft snapped up exclusivity rights.

So yes, all three of those titles are Xbox 360 exclusive.No, only one of 'em is exclusive, namely Too Human. The two other examples you mentioned are in fact still destined for PC, under the lable "GAMES FOR VISTA", so your definition is somewhat flawed.

I erred when I said FPS; I meant 'action game'. But the mechanics aren't even new to that; Perfect Dark Zero has cover, and that game was shit.PDZ isn't a piece of shit: plot, art style and voice acting yes, but everything else is solid or good. One of the most entertaining FPS (not action game!) on 360, if you're willing to look past the superficial flaws. And Zero's cover system was incredibly primitive: if you must refer to an inspiration point, do mention kill.switch instead.

For starters: graphics does NOT equal game. And speaking from a game development standpoint, they get better over time, anyway. KOTOR and Jade Empire are still two of the best RPGs out there; if you didn't play them because they didn't have a 'fluid framerate', you're missing out. Mass Effect is going to be THE best RPG on the 360, and possibly the best RPG ever.Stop flipflopping.

"Bullshit. Mass Effect, Too Human and BioShock look much better."

Graphics = gameplay now?

(You have to admit, the game looked like shit at E3, hence why Silicon Knights hasn't shown anything ever since. In it's current state, it does not look good! Where you got the idea Too Human surpasses GoW with graphics is beyond me.)

I sure as hell didn't miss out anything, knowing that KOTOR + Jade Empire being two of the best RPG's out there is an absurd statement. Especially coming from the likes of IGN: I don't know what they've been smoking when they gave the latter a 9.9 (like wtf?). Both of 'em were overrated, even moreso than Halo, though that one was actually fun. And before you even write down a predictable reply: no, I don't hate RPG's. No, I don't hate western RPG's. No, I don't prefer Oblivion. No, I'm not pronouncing Blue Dragon as the second coming, because I'm not looking forward to this at all thanks to a painfully generic art style (hindering a very capable graphical engine, sadly). I just happen to like RPG's that are, you know, actually good.

Not to mention claiming Mass Effect might be the best RPG ever while BioWare's other console RPG haven't been up to snuff, is a little much.

Someone obviously hasn't played Eternal Darkness.


Again, it's obvious you're judging these games based off the preview videos. Framerate is something that is fixed up LAST, after the game has been completed, in a stage called optimizing.

BioShock is also an RPG, not a shooter.Yes, western developers are known for optimizing their engines and not releasing their games before they succeed. OH WAIT!

And seriously, don't patronize me with rubbish like that. Developers attempting to fix their framerate before a deadline hits? BioShock is not a full-fledged FPS? Hooooooly SHIT!

Because I was only posting GOOD X360 exclusives.Then why did you even bring up Mass Effect? HUR HUR HURRRR.

Viva Pi�ata is fekkin' awesome, bar the obnoxious voice-overs from the animated series (only used in the intro, thank God).

Second: I was basing my impressions off the reviews i've read. I haven't played the game, because it doesn't come out here until next week. Regardless, I never said the game was bad; I was just saying it doesn't bring anything new to the table.Taking cover to the next level, turning weapon reloads into an addictive gimmick (for lack of better word) and succeeding into making GoW the most cinematic shooter yet (through a non-Half Life approach at that) with gameplay alone is enough innovation for its genre. So yes, Gears of War does bring some new things to the table.

P.S.: it will be released on November 17th in Europe and yes, I played it whilst living in said region.

The Cover system was implemented in Perfect Dark Zero, and squad-based tactics were cemented in Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Gears of War is just the prettiest game on the X360.Funny how you imply people shouldn't post jack shit unless they know anything about the game or the genre in itself right after you said this. Cover is hardly unique to Perfect Dark Zero (again, kill.switch for instance) and squad-based tactics have been done well before Advanced Warfighter. Full Spectrum Warrior or Operation: Flashpoint for example.

EDIT: It's still pretty lol that Gears of War is the so-called killer app for the 360, but yet you can finish the game in about 8 hours.Point being? ICO and SotC are considered being two of the very best games on PS2, yet they hardly last longer as 10 hours as well. Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat is the best 2D platformer (imo) since Yoshi's Island and you could easily finish it in five hours tops. Length has no effect on a game as long as it's enjoyable and memorable.

On an unrelated note: when and why did this thread transform into a DS bitchfest? There are other threads for this.

hb smokey
11-12-2006, 01:36 AM
Point being? ICO and SotC are considered being two of the very best games on PS2, yet they hardly last longer as 10 hours as well. Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat is the best 2D platformer (imo) since Yoshi's Island and you could easily finish it in five hours tops. Length has no effect on a game as long as it's enjoyable and memorable.

I can't say anything about ICO and SotC since I haven't played them enough, but from what I garnered they are quality games even if length is lacking. Games can be super even if they are really short (Super Metroid being a prime example. My favorite game ever, but I have finished the game over a hundred times in under two hours). But when the 360 has been waiting for 'the big game' to hit, it finally does. And it just seems like the ball was dropped some because Gears of War is so short. So much hype about the game, and length is questionable. I'm sure that after I play the game, my point may totally disappear. But yes, games can be great even if short.

Also: kudos for agreeing that Jade Empire is overrated. I hated the game. And I'll have to pm you about Eternal Darkness. I've been wanting to pick up that game for a while now.

11-12-2006, 03:20 AM
No, only one of 'em is exclusive, namely Too Human. The two other examples you mentioned are in fact still destined for PC, under the lable "GAMES FOR VISTA", so your definition is somewhat flawed.

Alan Wake is still in development for PC, but BioShock is a 360 exclusive; at least when it is released. When I find the article i'll post it here. Besides, from what I can gather, Microsoft is designing Vista to run X360 games at some point anyway.

PDZ isn't a piece of shit: plot, art style and voice acting yes, but everything else is solid or good. One of the most entertaining FPS (not action game!) on 360, if you're willing to look past the superficial flaws. And Zero's cover system was incredibly primitive: if you must refer to an inspiration point, do mention kill.switch instead.

I haven't played kill.switch. And I think Perfect Dark Zero was shit; the plot was shallow and predictable, the control system was horribly flawed, the the AI was horrendous.

That's not even mentioning the graphics, which looked more like an Xbox game than a 360 game.

Stop flipflopping.

"Bullshit. Mass Effect, Too Human and BioShock look much better."

Graphics = gameplay now?

I meant 'look' as in 'seem better from previews that i've read'. The English language allows for one word to have multiple definitions, you know. Stop digging.

(You have to admit, the game looked like shit at E3, hence why Silicon Knights hasn't shown anything ever since. In it's current state, it does not look good! Where you got the idea Too Human surpasses GoW with graphics is beyond me.)

Once again, not referring to graphics. Where I think Too Human will surpass Gears of War is in scope; but i'm not going to make a definite call, because I haven't played GoW and TH isn't out yet. That's why I said 'looks like'.

I sure as hell didn't miss out anything, knowing that KOTOR + Jade Empire being two of the best RPG's out there is an absurd statement. Especially coming from the likes of IGN: I don't know what they've been smoking when they gave the latter a 9.9 (like wtf?). Both of 'em were overrated, even moreso than Halo, though that one was actually fun. And before you even write down a predictable reply: no, I don't hate RPG's. No, I don't hate western RPG's. No, I don't prefer Oblivion. No, I'm not pronouncing Blue Dragon as the second coming, because I'm not looking forward to this at all thanks to a painfully generic art style (hindering a very capable graphical engine, sadly). I just happen to like RPG's that are, you know, actually good.

Well, at least tell me what RPG you think is 'actually good'. And even if you didn't like KotOR and Jade Empire (or Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate for that matter), you can't deny that Mass Effect has the most scope out of any RPG ever designed. Being the emissary for your race in an entire galaxy; as well as a host of other neat features to really draw you into the game world.

Anyway, please. I'm dying to hear what you consider to be the best RPG.

Not to mention claiming Mass Effect might be the best RPG ever while BioWare's other console RPG haven't been up to snuff, is a little much.

This is personal opinion vs. person opinion. I think KotOR was the best CRPG ever, you don't. Either way, point me in the direction of an upcoming CRPG that has the kind of depth and scope that Mass Effect is promising. Like that mythical PSP game Gilthanos was talking about, i'll preorder it tomorrow.

Please just take a moment to pause here: I am not some rabid fanboy. All it takes is evidence to convince me. So far you haven't presenting anything except 'I think you're wrong!'.


Ok...I would have accepted "Actually, I have played Eternal Darkness" as an answer.

Yes, western developers are known for optimizing their engines and not releasing their games before they succeed. OH WAIT!

And seriously, don't patronize me with rubbish like that. Developers attempting to fix their framerate before a deadline hits? BioShock is not a full-fledged FPS? Hooooooly SHIT!

OH WAIT! and Hoooooly SHIT! are not valid arguments. Try again. Once again, here are the facts: developers DO optimize frame rate as one of the final steps before a game going gold, especially in a console release. Silicon Knights is an independent studio, so they're not some poor team being pressured by their EA overlords to GET IT OUT THE DOOR. Same with the developers of BioShock (their name escapes me, but I know they used to be Looking Glass). These aren't some two-bit hacks: they are the developers of System Shock. And if you call System Shock a straight-laced FPS, then I guess you can call BioShock one too; but that would just be ignorant.

As Prak has brought up before, it is very difficult to define the RPG genre; the FPS genre is more straightforward.

Then why did you even bring up Mass Effect? HUR HUR HURRRR.

Viva Pi�ata is fekkin' awesome, bar the obnoxious voice-overs from the animated series (only used in the intro, thank God).

Sorry, making gardens for candy-filled pets isn't my kind of game.

Taking cover to the next level, turning weapon reloads into an addictive gimmick (for lack of better word) and succeeding into making GoW the most cinematic shooter yet (through a non-Half Life approach at that) with gameplay alone is enough innovation for its genre. So yes, Gears of War does bring some new things to the table.

Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This is all I was asking for this entire fucking thread: some IOTA that Gears of War actually is innovative. This makes waiting for it to drop next week all the more sweeter. After I finish it, i'll let you know my impressions.

P.S.: it will be released on November 17th in Europe and yes, I played it whilst living in said region.

England and co might get it on the 17th, but I think we here in the land down under still have to wait until the 23rd :(

Funny how you imply people shouldn't post jack shit unless they know anything about the game or the genre in itself right after you said this. Cover is hardly unique to Perfect Dark Zero (again, kill.switch for instance) and squad-based tactics have been done well before Advanced Warfighter. Full Spectrum Warrior or Operation: Flashpoint for example.

I was listing X360 game that had done it. If you want to go WAY back, Space Invaders had cover. And Worms had squad-based tactics.

On an unrelated note: when and why did this thread transform into a DS bitchfest? There are other threads for this.

Because Gilthanos is an unrepenting fanboy. It's fun to get him riled up about the DS.

11-12-2006, 09:33 AM
*cough*Gears of War ain't an FPS*cough*


11-12-2006, 10:18 AM
Read the entire thread before replying, dumbass.

11-12-2006, 05:59 PM
Gilthanos hit on one of my pet peeves, so I'm going to chime in for a moment. Sorry if I'm stepping on your toes, Lee, but I think it needs to be said.

Gilly, if you think that the DS is a "kiddie" system, you're a fucking moron. What do you think makes an "adult" game or system? Does it require blood and gore? Does it require a big political theme? Are adults supposed to be incapable of enjoying things that don't have those? Of course not, and you're a fucking idiot for implying that it is so.

11-12-2006, 08:26 PM
Alan Wake is still in development for PC, but BioShock is a 360 exclusive; at least when it is released. When I find the article i'll post it here. Besides, from what I can gather, Microsoft is designing Vista to run X360 games at some point anyway.BioShock has always been developed for the PC as well and has never been a real exclusive for the console. Timely, yes, like Ubisoft did with the European PS2 versions of "The Sands of Time" and "Beyond Good & Evil", but in no way a true exclusive like PDZ or Kameo for instance.

Furthermore, you're wrong about the Vista thing. Vista only introduces Live Anywhere, which allows you to play against 360 users of a specific game and vice versa. Shadowrun (FPS from FASA Studios, who did Crimson Skies) is one of them. This service also allows you to earn achievements from games that support Live Anywhere, voice chat with people that have a 360, send messages et cetera. In no way will you be able to play actual 360 games on your PC.

I haven't played kill.switch. And I think Perfect Dark Zero was shit; the plot was shallow and predictable, the control system was horribly flawed, the the AI was horrendous.

That's not even mentioning the graphics, which looked more like an Xbox game than a 360 game.Like I told you, once you get over its superficial faults, it's a blast to play both in single and multiplayer. It's not like most shooters have worthwhile stories (Half-Life is a rare exception and Halo blew). Control system works well after you slightly adjust the sensitivity, unless you're talking about "no jump button". This really isn't a flaw (some shooters just shouldn't allow jumping, it looks silly) and you automatically hop over low fences 'n shit. Rolling further negates the removal of jump; thus PDZ plays differently than most shooters thanks to this (together with a lower pace and cover). The A.I.'s ok, not really worse or better than the majority of shooters, but Halo, F.E.A.R. and Gears of War are the only ones with extraordinary A.I. in its genre.

Graphically, it's still a pretty game overall (Jungle level was gorgeous), especially the quality of its textures. Call of Duty 2? Nope. F.E.A.R.? Nope, even though it's slightly superior than the PC version. Prey? Not really, at least not on 360. Sure, some levels look pretty stale (almost every game suffers from this), but even now it can still compete with other shooters minus Gears of War. The art style for the character models is about the only thing that looks (has nothing to do with reading previews now!) bad.

I meant 'look' as in 'seem better from previews that i've read'. The English language allows for one word to have multiple definitions, you know. Stop digging.Or, you could've used another verb or an altered sentence in which you would clarify that you're talking about their concepts. But, coincidently, you "happened" to name games that are (or in Too Human's case, were) praised again and again for their graphics and how they were pushing the hardware. So, I wasn't just "digging".

Once again, not referring to graphics. Where I think Too Human will surpass Gears of War is in scope; but i'm not going to make a definite call, because I haven't played GoW and TH isn't out yet. That's why I said 'looks like'.See above. And why compare two completely different games like that?

Well, at least tell me what RPG you think is 'actually good'. And even if you didn't like KotOR and Jade Empire (or Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate for that matter), you can't deny that Mass Effect has the most scope out of any RPG ever designed. Being the emissary for your race in an entire galaxy; as well as a host of other neat features to really draw you into the game world.

Anyway, please. I'm dying to hear what you consider to be the best RPG.Final Fantasy VII, IX and Shadow Hearts II are my current favorites. Haven't played NWN or Baldur's Gate, but at least those seem more interesting than their console projects despite their age. I also really liked Dragon Quest VIII, but I can understand if people didn't approve of it 'cause of its "old-school" nature. I did like Diablo II and The Bard's Tale (Xbox), so I like me some hack 'n slash. Might try out the Fallouts, Runescape and Shadowrun (the RPG) if I ever get the chance.

But, I don't play RPG's for their scope. A good RPG for me equals interesting characters, dito environments, fights that are actually fun and at least decent story. To me, most western RPG's fail on almost every one of these aspects. Take Oblivion for example: shit battles (copying Dark Messiah would've done wonders), a lacklustre story (CLOSE THE GATES OR WE ALL DIE! NOTHING MORE TO SAY!) and barely any characters that were worth noticing.

Now, I'm not a pro-jRPG guy (hate Kingdom Hearts, hate FFX, don't like the Dark Cloud series and FFXII doesn't do much for me) and I'm not saying that all of them are on par with a well-written book. But at least the plot tries to motivate you to go on, even if it's a terribly clich� tale of "Save the god damn world you worthless bum!". Hearing some things about it from other people, I already know that I do not like Oblivion's way because I am no fan of free-roaming RPG's that don't focus all that much on story. Relatively pretty graphics didn't help it either, seeing how it's still sealed in my closet even though I got it for free. Hell, if I wanted to play an RPG with a large scope, I would've bought an MMORPG, but I loathe them.

Jade Empire: boring characters (though Roderick the Magnificant Bastard was entertaining), boring world and terribly executed fighting system. KOTOR: better than JE, but I found some of the characters pretty eh (the sarcastic robot sometimes) and a Star Wars setting doesn't save the day for someone who isn't a Star Wars-nut to begin with. Battles were also better, but not that much better than turn-based as some made it out to be.

This is personal opinion vs. person opinion. I think KotOR was the best CRPG ever, you don't. Either way, point me in the direction of an upcoming CRPG that has the kind of depth and scope that Mass Effect is promising. Like that mythical PSP game Gilthanos was talking about, i'll preorder it tomorrow.

Please just take a moment to pause here: I am not some rabid fanboy. All it takes is evidence to convince me. So far you haven't presenting anything except 'I think you're wrong!'.Bold = true.

C stands for? First time I heard of that.

And I can't answer that question because, as I thoroughly explained above, I am no ally of most large, free-roaming western RPG's. I did like the Zelda-esque overworld of Dragon Quest VIII. While Mass Effect appeals me more than their previous outing, BioWare still has a lot to prove, like whether or not the story will be enough motivation for me to finish it and if the fighting evolved beyond the stale battle mechanics they showed at E3.

Didn't call you a fanboy though, just a conflict between opinions.

OH WAIT! and Hoooooly SHIT! are not valid arguments. Try again. Once again, here are the facts: developers DO optimize frame rate as one of the final steps before a game going gold, especially in a console release. Silicon Knights is an independent studio, so they're not some poor team being pressured by their EA overlords to GET IT OUT THE DOOR. Same with the developers of BioShock (their name escapes me, but I know they used to be Looking Glass). These aren't some two-bit hacks: they are the developers of System Shock. And if you call System Shock a straight-laced FPS, then I guess you can call BioShock one too; but that would just be ignorant.

As Prak has brought up before, it is very difficult to define the RPG genre; the FPS genre is more straightforward.Again: no need to fucking patronize me, acting like I'm just spewing out bullshit with no foundation. Yes, developers do attempt to optimize their framerate, but many of them don't succeed, especially the western developers. Advanced Warfighter? Pretty on the surface, but irregular framerate, lots of screen tearing, illogical pop-up at times, a fair amount of bugs (Jesus Crucification pose while in prone position) and a mixed bag concerning their textures. It did have amazing lightning at times and well-improved animations when compared to the previous installment, but by no means is it optimized. I can give you more examples if you want.

Make no mistake, I'm no Japanophile, but when comparing Western games against Eastern games on several platforms (starting from the PS2), it's easy to notice that the work mentality of Japanese companies is different. Take a look at Capcom's Lost Planet: not only does it rival Gears of War, its demo was already more polished than the retail version of G.R.A.W., not to mention Capcom still had 8 months time to finish their game. Ubisoft ain't that bad though: they miraculously enhanced some of their next-gen games with only a month or two to go (G.R.A.W., SC: DA, Red Steel, ...) before.

Again: don't just assume I know jack shit. I've been a part of several local press sites now (granted, not all that important websites, press in general is shit over here) and it would be embarrassing if I didn't get my facts straight. I know some history about Silicon Knights (they did Blood Omen), I've been mildly looking forward to some of their games, I'm aware that Irrational Games used to be Looking Glass Studios and that System Shock 2 is allegedly one of the best horror games of all time (and that god damn EA holds the right to its sequel). Why do you think I'm enthralled about BioShock? Because (if approached with ignorance) it looks like a beautiful FPS, seeing how I described System Shock as an FPS (OMIGOSH! WHERE!? I MUST BE GOING BLIND!!!!)? Fuck no.

Sorry, making gardens for candy-filled pets isn't my kind of game.Then don't go monkeying about how Viva Pi�ata undoubtedly sucks. Saying that the genre isn't appealing and maybe add why you dislike similar games would've been far more objective. Plus, you never played it. Yet you state that "Mass Effect is going to be THE best RPG on the 360, and possibly the best RPG ever.", despite that it's still a work-in-progress (not much has been shown either) and that you haven't played it?

Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This is all I was asking for this entire fucking thread: some IOTA that Gears of War actually is innovative. This makes waiting for it to drop next week all the more sweeter. After I finish it, i'll let you know my impressions.Yet your reasoning for why it isn't innovative in some regards is barely non-existant, let alone not well thought out. Next thing you know, you're going to say that Half-Life and Halo didn't innovate the genre at all in their own respective ways. We already know that you getting Gears of War won't influence your current opinion, so stop pretending that you're open-minded about this matter.

P.S.: IOTA meaning? Either you screwed up the writing of said term or I just never heard of it.

I was listing X360 game that had done it. If you want to go WAY back, Space Invaders had cover. And Worms had squad-based tactics.What a laughable argument. If you're going to expand your point-of-view like that, then every game has cover, seeing how you can stand behind obstacles for protection in any game! Hell, might as well add that Dune invented squad-based tactics, since RTS games are virtually the same as shooters or turn-based action games like Worms!

11-12-2006, 10:25 PM
I have to agree that Gears is the Xbox 360 game to have. I too will be buying a 360 (after the Wii) simply for Gears of War and the Live experience. I played for hours when my friend brought his 360 over, and the multiplayer is really a blast. Gears is doing what lots of action games should've tried long ago, by making the game strategic by using solid controls and cover, rather than the button mashing shooting and rolling seen in Dead To Rights or Max Payne.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
11-13-2006, 04:51 AM

Blah Blah.

Anyway this game looks cool and I wish it wasn't a 360 exclusive because I have no plans to get that console for a very long time if ever. Blarg

11-13-2006, 09:46 AM
BioShock has always been developed for the PC as well and has never been a real exclusive for the console. Timely, yes, like Ubisoft did with the European PS2 versions of "The Sands of Time" and "Beyond Good & Evil", but in no way a true exclusive like PDZ or Kameo for instance.

I'd take a timed exclusive over PDZ or Kameo any day =/

Besides, in the industry there is a distinction between console gamers and PC gamers; when you talk of console exclusivity, you usually disregard the PC. Most games make their way to it anyway (even if via long and arduous development roots, like Halo - designed for the Mac, then the PC, then the Xbox, and finally ported to the PC).

Furthermore, you're wrong about the Vista thing. Vista only introduces Live Anywhere, which allows you to play against 360 users of a specific game and vice versa. Shadowrun (FPS from FASA Studios, who did Crimson Skies) is one of them. This service also allows you to earn achievements from games that support Live Anywhere, voice chat with people that have a 360, send messages et cetera. In no way will you be able to play actual 360 games on your PC.

Now who's talking about something they don't know? I'm running Windows Vista RC1. Microsoft hasn't announced Vista compatibility for 360 games yet (mainly because computers aren't powerful enough, I believe) but several signs point to it happening in the future:

1. The Games Console. This feature is only available in Windows Vista Ultimate (Which retails for more than an Xbox 360 Core pack).

The Console:

My laptop's (rather pathetic) performance score:

Supreme Commander System Requirements:

2. Vista also has built in support for the Xbox 360 Wired controller out of the box, and will support the Wireless controller in the final release.

3. Microsoft is encouraging developers to not require an install for a game to work; future Games for Vista releases will be able to be put straight in the DVD drive and run, just like putting a game in a console.

4. XNA, or DirectX 10, is the programming libraries that all Xbox 360 games use. These same libraries are used for creating games for Vista. Games developed for the Xbox 360 can be played on a Vista computer, as long as the code is compiled for Vista at the moment; the code doesn't even need to be changed. There is nothing stopping Microsoft from creating a Windows enivronment that allows it to run games compiled for the Xbox 360, as long as the system meets a minimum performance requirement (which I imagine would be quite substantial).

I'm not claiming that X360 games WILL run on Vista one day; i'm saying that it is very possible, and the infrastructure is already in place.

Like I told you, once you get over its superficial faults, it's a blast to play both in single and multiplayer. It's not like most shooters have worthwhile stories (Half-Life is a rare exception and Halo blew). Control system works well after you slightly adjust the sensitivity, unless you're talking about "no jump button". This really isn't a flaw (some shooters just shouldn't allow jumping, it looks silly) and you automatically hop over low fences 'n shit. Rolling further negates the removal of jump; thus PDZ plays differently than most shooters thanks to this (together with a lower pace and cover). The A.I.'s ok, not really worse or better than the majority of shooters, but Halo, F.E.A.R. and Gears of War are the only ones with extraordinary A.I. in its genre.

I like Halo's storyline and universe. Guess it's not to everyone's tastes. Also, speaking of Halo, no matter how you adjust the sensitivity on PDZ, it always feels lacking compared to Halo's control scheme. Bungie nailed console FPS controls in Halo, and considering that Rare is now a first party studio as well, I consider it unforgivable that Microsoft didn't pool some resources and get some of Bungie's engineers to fine-tune PDZ.

As for the AI, you're absolutely right; it's average. The only first-person-shooters I play are Halo and Half-Life, because I don't like shooting pigs in a barrel.

But I digress; if you enjoy Perfect Dark Zero, than that's fantastic. I was just incredibly disappointed by it.

Graphically, it's still a pretty game overall (Jungle level was gorgeous), especially the quality of its textures. Call of Duty 2? Nope. F.E.A.R.? Nope, even though it's slightly superior than the PC version. Prey? Not really, at least not on 360. Sure, some levels look pretty stale (almost every game suffers from this), but even now it can still compete with other shooters minus Gears of War. The art style for the character models is about the only thing that looks (has nothing to do with reading previews now!) bad.

I'm not saying that Perfect Dark Zero is alone in sub-standard graphics; the other three games you mentioned are PC ports. Prey in particular was disappointing, because the game looks better on my 3 year old PC than it does on my 360. But compared to Oblivion (and yes, I know it is a completely different genre), the graphics are substandard.

Or, you could've used another verb or an altered sentence in which you would clarify that you're talking about their concepts. But, coincidently, you "happened" to name games that are (or in Too Human's case, were) praised again and again for their graphics and how they were pushing the hardware. So, I wasn't just "digging".

I'm sorry that I wasn't clear enough for you.

See above. And why compare two completely different games like that?

Because we're talking about system-defining games; a system-defining game can encompass all genres. The PlayStation's killer app was Final Fantasy VII; the Nintendo 64 had Super Mario 64, the PlayStation 2 had Metal Gear Solid 2, the Xbox had Halo, the GameCube had Resident Evil 4 (even though it took its time coming), and the Xbox 360 has: nothing definite yet. Only time can tell what the console defining game will be, and I don't believe Gears of War is it. I wouldn't be arrogant enough to presume that even if it ends up being my favourite game on the system; I was just expressing the fact that I believe Mass Effect, BioShock and Too Human seem like better candidates.

Final Fantasy VII, IX and Shadow Hearts II are my current favorites. Haven't played NWN or Baldur's Gate, but at least those seem more interesting than their console projects despite their age. I also really liked Dragon Quest VIII, but I can understand if people didn't approve of it 'cause of its "old-school" nature. I did like Diablo II and The Bard's Tale (Xbox), so I like me some hack 'n slash. Might try out the Fallouts, Runescape and Shadowrun (the RPG) if I ever get the chance.

But, I don't play RPG's for their scope. A good RPG for me equals interesting characters, dito environments, fights that are actually fun and at least decent story. To me, most western RPG's fail on almost every one of these aspects. Take Oblivion for example: shit battles (copying Dark Messiah would've done wonders), a lacklustre story (CLOSE THE GATES OR WE ALL DIE! NOTHING MORE TO SAY!) and barely any characters that were worth noticing.

And here is the nature of our difference of opinion; you are a fan of story-based Japanese RPGs. That's fine, because I am, too. I just prefer western character-based RPGs. For a long time now, I believe Japanese RPGs have been stagnating; the Final Fantasy series in particular. In any Final Fantasy game in the main series (bar XI and XII, but i'll get there in a moment), there is no difficulty in the game. You don't have to have good tactics or reflexes to finish a Final Fantasy game; if you can't beat a particular boss, you go back and grind until you're a high enough level to defeat it. Towards endgame, most battles consist of hitting X until all the enemies are dead.

Of course, there are battles in every FF game that require strategic thinking; most boss fights, and of course super-boss fights like the WEAPONS in FF7. But apart from those times, i've found that I only enjoy FF games when the story is advancing, via in-game dialogue or a cut-scene. And the stories are excellent; Final Fantasy X is still may favourite story told in game-form of all time. (That is disregarding, of course, Final Fantasy X-2; sorry Prak).

But I still believe that Knights of the Old Republic is a better game. The reason? Immersion. A really good game will draw you in, make you feel like you are part of the action; to me, playing Final Fantasy is always akin to watching an epic movie. You can be emotionally invested, but only to a point. In Knights of the Old Republic, there are so many little touches that make you feel like you are part of the game world. And the best part of playing KotOR is that the battles are enjoyable; if you're quick on your feet you can press the commands for your character to follow, or if you prefer a more strategic route, you can pause the action and give commands to each character so they can carry it out.

Sound familiar? It is the system that Square-Enix adapted for use in Final Fantasy XII, and kudos to them. I haven't had a chance to play the game yet (there isn't even a mention of an Australian release date yet, unfortunately), but if the battles are as enjoyable as KotOR's, along with a fantastic Square-Enix storyline (and given that the director of the game is none other than the director of Vagrant Story, one of the best PlayStation RPGs, I have faith in that), it could take a very high place in my list.

Now, you're absolutely right; the stories in most American games are lacking. In some games (Half-Life 2, for example), the story is implied by creating a game world, and I still find that as enjoyable as watching a linear story unfold in a Final Fantasy game. I don't believe that this sort of story telling is better or worse; it is just different, and is something that must be enjoyed in a different way. I enjoyed KotOR because BioWare captured the feel of the Star Wars universe perfectly (in a game set 5000 years before the movies, no mean feat). I enjoyed Jade Empire because their original world was rich and full of wonder. I didn't have to care about the main storyline to enjoy the game (i've actually forgotten Jade Empire's), I just enjoy the richness of the world.

And it's obvious by the success of World of WarCraft, which one can argue HAS no story, just a world, that people crave immersion in an RPG more than being told a story. I enjoy World of Warcraft, but I dislike the fact that i'm unable to change anything; the world is very static. I'm looking forward to Mass Effect, because it has a large galaxy as its scope, and offers the player the ability to make their mark on that virtual world. It also offers unlimited replayability, because different actions will lead to different consequences, different alliances; I'll probably finish Final Fantasy XII in three days (like I did with Kingdom Hearts 2), but Mass Effect will keep me coming back months down the line.

However, like I said, they are different games. Please don't mistake a different kind of storytelling as a sub-par one.

Now, I'm not a pro-jRPG guy (hate Kingdom Hearts, hate FFX, don't like the Dark Cloud series and FFXII doesn't do much for me) and I'm not saying that all of them are on par with a well-written book. But at least the plot tries to motivate you to go on, even if it's a terribly clich� tale of "Save the god damn world you worthless bum!". Hearing some things about it from other people, I already know that I do not like Oblivion's way because I am no fan of free-roaming RPG's that don't focus all that much on story. Relatively pretty graphics didn't help it either, seeing how it's still sealed in my closet even though I got it for free. Hell, if I wanted to play an RPG with a large scope, I would've bought an MMORPG, but I loathe them.

Heh, I should have read ahead. All i'm asking is that you respect the fact that you are biased towards the particular genre; a bias doesn't affect the quality of a game, thankfully.

Jade Empire: boring characters (though Roderick the Magnificant Bastard was entertaining), boring world and terribly executed fighting system. KOTOR: better than JE, but I found some of the characters pretty eh (the sarcastic robot sometimes) and a Star Wars setting doesn't save the day for someone who isn't a Star Wars-nut to begin with. Battles were also better, but not that much better than turn-based as some made it out to be.

Well, i'm a Star Wars nut. Guilty as charged. But once again you're letting personal tastes cloud judgment; many, many people think that HK-47 is one of the best video game characters ever. But nevertheless, this is still just a question of your taste.

C stands for? First time I heard of that.

Console RPG. An archaic naming system now, but it's what Japanese RPGs used to be referred to, before western-style RPGs started making the move from the PC to the console.

And I can't answer that question because, as I thoroughly explained above, I am no ally of most large, free-roaming western RPG's. I did like the Zelda-esque overworld of Dragon Quest VIII. While Mass Effect appeals me more than their previous outing, BioWare still has a lot to prove, like whether or not the story will be enough motivation for me to finish it and if the fighting evolved beyond the stale battle mechanics they showed at E3.

This is the sort of statement that angers me; BioWare has nothing to prove. If they want to win you over, maybe, but in order to do that they'd have to alienate millions of their fans. All I ask is not to make judgements because of a personal bias.

Again: no need to fucking patronize me, acting like I'm just spewing out bullshit with no foundation. Yes, developers do attempt to optimize their framerate, but many of them don't succeed, especially the western developers. Advanced Warfighter? Pretty on the surface, but irregular framerate, lots of screen tearing, illogical pop-up at times, a fair amount of bugs (Jesus Crucification pose while in prone position) and a mixed bag concerning their textures. It did have amazing lightning at times and well-improved animations when compared to the previous installment, but by no means is it optimized. I can give you more examples if you want.

A lot of western games have a rushed development process, true. But consider that the Japanese games you're comparing them to are being created by a company that knows it is going to sell the games just because it has 'Final Fantasy' printed on the cover. In the case of Final Fantasy X (i'm using it as an example of a highly-polished game here), it escapes screen-tearing and choppy framerate by controlling the camera. Many Japanese games use this; when they give the user control of the camera (such as Kingdom Hearts 2, and the reworked camera in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence), there are the same framerate issues and camera clipping problems as any other western game.

I can tell you this from a development standpoint; there is no way to test absolutely every situation in a game that has a free-roaming camera. There are literally trillions of different problems that come with allowing the user to control what they can see in a virtual environment. Now, granted, there are games in which they have been tested to perfection (like Gears of War, or so i've heard a million times so far), but remember that Gears of War has been in development since the day the Xbox 360 was announced. That's nearly two years; 18 months more development time than most games get.

Make no mistake, I'm no Japanophile, but when comparing Western games against Eastern games on several platforms (starting from the PS2), it's easy to notice that the work mentality of Japanese companies is different. Take a look at Capcom's Lost Planet: not only does it rival Gears of War, its demo was already more polished than the retail version of G.R.A.W., not to mention Capcom still had 8 months time to finish their game. Ubisoft ain't that bad though: they miraculously enhanced some of their next-gen games with only a month or two to go (G.R.A.W., SC: DA, Red Steel, ...) before.

I'm just saying it seems unreasonable to assume something as racist as 'Japanese people make games better'. They are under less corporate pressure, probably (as is Ubisoft, funnily enough, because they're French), which means they don't have the US failure of having to concede to marketing over game design. But immediately dismissing western games is a mistake.

Again: don't just assume I know jack shit. I've been a part of several local press sites now (granted, not all that important websites, press in general is shit over here) and it would be embarrassing if I didn't get my facts straight. I know some history about Silicon Knights (they did Blood Omen), I've been mildly looking forward to some of their games, I'm aware that Irrational Games used to be Looking Glass Studios and that System Shock 2 is allegedly one of the best horror games of all time (and that god damn EA holds the right to its sequel). Why do you think I'm enthralled about BioShock? Because (if approached with ignorance) it looks like a beautiful FPS, seeing how I described System Shock as an FPS (OMIGOSH! WHERE!? I MUST BE GOING BLIND!!!!)? Fuck no.

I'm not assuming you're ignorant. If I thought you were, I wouldn't even bother arguing with you; I can tell from your post style that you're intelligent and informed. I just believe you have an unfair bias.

Then don't go monkeying about how Viva Pi�ata undoubtedly sucks. Saying that the genre isn't appealing and maybe add why you dislike similar games would've been far more objective. Plus, you never played it. Yet you state that "Mass Effect is going to be THE best RPG on the 360, and possibly the best RPG ever.", despite that it's still a work-in-progress (not much has been shown either) and that you haven't played it?

Haha, see I have the same issue; i'm biased against Viva Pinata being a killer app because of its designated market (12 and under). That is an unfair assumption to make.

Also: I withdraw my statement about Mass Effect, as it was 3 am and my brain wasn't working properly. What I meant to say is that I believe that Mass Effect will be the best RPG on the 360; I can't prognosticate. But it's the game i'm most hyped up about.

Yet your reasoning for why it isn't innovative in some regards is barely non-existant, let alone not well thought out. Next thing you know, you're going to say that Half-Life and Halo didn't innovate the genre at all in their own respective ways. We already know that you getting Gears of War won't influence your current opinion, so stop pretending that you're open-minded about this matter.

I'm sorry, but I am open minded. I'm used to the only people posting here being rabid fanboys, and all I was asking the original poster for was proof of his claims. The onus is on him to prove innovation, as he claimed it; not me.

I'd understand your point of view if I had claimed that it was not possible for Gears of War to be innovative; I just claimed that from previews i'd seen, it was a very well executed action-game.

P.S.: IOTA meaning? Either you screwed up the writing of said term or I just never heard of it.

Main Entry: io�ta
Pronunciation: I-'O-t&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek iOta, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew yOdh yod
1 : the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet -- see ALPHABET table
2 : an infinitesimal amount : JOT : did not show an iota of interest


What a laughable argument. If you're going to expand your point-of-view like that, then every game has cover, seeing how you can stand behind obstacles for protection in any game! Hell, might as well add that Dune invented squad-based tactics, since RTS games are virtually the same as shooters or turn-based action games like Worms!

It was an argument, it was a statement of fact. You ask me why I chose those games, and I stated that I chose them because they were on the 360.

11-13-2006, 01:39 PM
post +1

11-13-2006, 03:18 PM
Lee, a little correction. The C in CRPG stands for computer. To denote a console game, the accepted abbreviation is cRPG. Yeah, it's pretty dumb that capitalization is used to distinguish them, but there you have it. Of course, both terms are widely misused anyway.

ruin_sword, fuck off.

11-13-2006, 03:33 PM
Lee, a little correction. The C in CRPG stands for computer. To denote a console game, the accepted abbreviation is cRPG. Yeah, it's pretty dumb that capitalization is used to distinguish them, but there you have it. Of course, both terms are widely misused anyway.

Sorry, you're right.

Edit: Kudos for also reading what is possibly the longest post i've ever written.

11-13-2006, 03:42 PM
Reading long posts is nothing new to me. The accomplishment was reading it all before my list of new posts expired. :laugh:

So, I may be going a little off topic here, but I'd really like to hear your position on the definition of a role-playing game. Feel free to discuss it in PM if you like, or just ignore it altogether if you prefer.

11-13-2006, 03:43 PM
Taking it to a new thread, 'cause I don't feel like reviving the old one.

11-20-2006, 03:37 PM
I apologize for double posting, but editing wouldn't revive the thread:

I purchased Gears of War today.

This game doesn't need innovation. Don't get me wrong, it has it in spades; I can't believe that no one here managed to argue the things that made Gears innovate, like the intuitive controls, the sheer control you have over aiming and movement depending on your situation.

But none of that matters, because the game is beautiful. Disturbing, gory, terrifying in parts, but drop dead gorgeous. Gears of War has ruined every other 360 game for me, including Oblivion. Now that I know what my 360 is capable of, I expect a lot more from future games.

Also; Halo 3 now needs to be something really special. Until yesterday, I would have been happy if Halo 3 was just Halo 2 with better textures, but Gears of War's gameplay elements bring you into the game in a way that I never thought possible. For most of the game the HUD isn't even on screen; it only appears when you need to see it. Like I said, the graphics are gorgeous; and not just in texture detail, but in polygon count, and fantastic design.

That's not even mentioning multiplayer, which is the most enjoyable split-screen fun i've had since the original Halo came out. It's enough to convince me to upgrade my Xbox Live account to Gold status, so I can play online. There is nothing better than having a tense-cover-to-cover shootout with your best friend in execution mode, and then finishing them off by chopping them in half with a fucking chainsaw.

This is action gameplay at its finest, and graphics at their most gorgeous. As hyped as the PlayStation 3 has been, Resistance: Fall of Man looks nothing like Gears of War. And considering that two of my most looked-forward-to X360 games are using the same graphics engine (BioShock and Mass Effect), the future looks very, very sweet.

In short; if you have an Xbox 360, and you love Halo, you will adore this game. Buy it. And hope to God that Bungie doesn't screw up Halo 3, because they've got some pretty stiff competition.

11-20-2006, 10:02 PM
Man, I agree: the reason why I haven't posted or even looked in the general direction of this board these last few days, was because I spent way too much time with Gears of War after I got it. I only played the campaign at night, but even then I found myself playing it for a minimum of five hours straight. And to pass time before it was dark over here, I had equally long sessions in the multiplayer with others on Xbox Live. Even though I was already hyped to play this at home, I was still surprised with how god damn fun the entire campaign was and how the framerate held up with all that detail. It even looked better on several aspects than the version I got to play before its launch and I was surprised time and time again how gorgeous it looked.

This game doesn't need innovation. Don't get me wrong, it has it in spades; I can't believe that no one here managed to argue the things that made Gears innovate, like the intuitive controls, the sheer control you have over aiming and movement depending on your situation.I know I tried in previous posts, but I'll admit I initially forgot some things that increased the amount of innovation in the game. The Y button for instance: together with the Active Reload, it's a feature that makes a lot of sense when you see it in action, yet you got to ask yourself why it took so long for someone to come up with it. The freedom you have with the cover and shooting were done by other shooters to some extent, but nowhere near as smooth as GoW's mechanics.

But none of that matters, because the game is beautiful. Disturbing, gory, terrifying in parts, but drop dead gorgeous. Gears of War has ruined every other 360 game for me, including Oblivion. Now that I know what my 360 is capable of, I expect a lot more from future games.I concur. The minimalistic graphical flaws I found in the preview versions were nowhere to be seen in the retail version. No pop-in, no screen tearing in the cutscenes, slightly sharper textures and an even better framerate. Speaking of framerate though: only three levels didn't reach a constant 30 fps, but it was far from unplayable. Not to mention only one level had slight screen tearing, and this "imperfection" is visible in a map of the multiplayer at that. Even then, Gears of War is head and shoulders above everything else out there and the game truly serves as a benchmark for future 360 games.

Also; Halo 3 now needs to be something really special. Until yesterday, I would have been happy if Halo 3 was just Halo 2 with better textures, but Gears of War's gameplay elements bring you into the game in a way that I never thought possible. For most of the game the HUD isn't even on screen; it only appears when you need to see it. Like I said, the graphics are gorgeous; and not just in texture detail, but in polygon count, and fantastic design.

That's not even mentioning multiplayer, which is the most enjoyable split-screen fun i've had since the original Halo came out. It's enough to convince me to upgrade my Xbox Live account to Gold status, so I can play online. There is nothing better than having a tense-cover-to-cover shootout with your best friend in execution mode, and then finishing them off by chopping them in half with a fucking chainsaw.Seriously. I bet Bungie shat their pants when they finally got their hands on this, only to find out that they've been trumped pretty badly. It's also pretty funny that they were beaten by a company that mainly provides multiplayer shooters. Ok, they're two different shooters, but Gears of War is all-around much more satisfying than Halo 1 and 2 combined. I doubt even Halo 3 can top this, but you can be almost certain they will draw inspiration from GoW one way or another. The currently feature-less X button? Very likely that they'll map this to a cover system, seeing how cover is turning out to be the new health regeneration.

Halo 2 only has the upper hand over GoW if we were to discuss the functionality of their multiplayers, but even then GoW provides a far more memorable and enjoyable experience. But in this day and age, Epic can easily expand Gears of War. They've already announced they intend to release new maps, they're heavily considering adding a party system for Ranked matches and small bugs can be fixed with patches. Epic's known to be one of the best content providers in existance (literally hundreds of extra maps they themselves designed for their UT games even after their release), so my only hope is that they'll act fast enough to update Gears of War.

This is action gameplay at its finest, and graphics at their most gorgeous. As hyped as the PlayStation 3 has been, Resistance: Fall of Man looks nothing like Gears of War. And considering that two of my most looked-forward-to X360 games are using the same graphics engine (BioShock and Mass Effect), the future looks very, very sweet.After finishing the campaign, I realised the game spoiled me, a lot. I tried to play the multiplayer demo of Rainbow Six: Vegas recently and I honestly couldn't tolerate it for long. Not that I hate tactical shooters or anything, but I'm so accustomed to Gears of War, I find it hard to play any other shooter right about now. I couldn't even adapt to Ubisoft's cover system; GoW spoiled me that bad.

P.S.: I'll discuss your previous post by tomorrow or something, but I'm too addicted to GoW at the moment to idly read some of our long posts to remind myself what exactly we were talking about.

11-21-2006, 02:02 AM
P.S.: I'll discuss your previous post by tomorrow or something, but I'm too addicted to GoW at the moment to idly read some of our long posts to remind myself what exactly we were talking about.

Forget it. I can't be bothered arguing semantics when Gears of War is the defining X360 game. This whole argument is simply because the original poster sucked at not being able to convince me how awesome this game is.

I'd be playing it right now, but my room-mate is playing Project 8. Fool.

11-21-2006, 02:12 AM
finished the game on co op/hardcore thru live
simply beautiful
in terms of cinematic presentation this baby sets the new bar

11-26-2006, 04:19 PM
played gears of war last night for the first time although it was on my mates save on hardcore difficulty near the end of the game and i was drunk so we got absolutley murdered lol
fucking outstanding game though, its actually changed my whole view of the 360 and im tempted to get one before i get my wii.
graphics, framerate, voice acting, animation...everything is top class. only thing i found tricky were the controls but i was drunk and im sure i could get used to them.

You're a homo..

First off: I got the system because I liked the system. I hate the DS. I hate the overall concept of the DS. I would be mad to buy the DS to get a game that I really like because I think that the DS is a piece of shit.
DS is still a piece of shit.
I've used the DS before, I've seen it in action.. and i think it's a piece of shit. So don't go around claiming that a game is something it isn't... it just makes you look like a moron.

at least he isnt a fanboy.
fanboys are the lowest of the low. the gayest of the gay. the stupedest of the...oh you get my point.

dont slag the ds off just because you dont like it. whats wrong with just saying "yeah the DS has some good games but it doesnt really appeal to me."

ive had a ds for well over a year and ive loved all 20 games that ive bought for it as well as the 1000's of gba games available and i've been much less impressed by the psp. but you dont hear me whining about how the psp is a piece of shit because it isnt. im just not interested in the vast majority of games that are out for it.

ive been tempted to get one for me and my katamari, pro evo 6, street fighter alpha, tekken dark ressurection etc but i dont want to spend 180 quid on a system so i can buy 4-5 games most of which i can play on my ps2.

sorry for sounding like a cunt but it fucking does my head in when people cant accept that other people have different tastes.

ps - and if the ds is such a piece of shit, why is it constantly outselling the psp by a ratio of 4:1 worldwide?
and thats before ff3, ff12:RW, children of mana, star fox command (its not out in the uk yet), pokemon pearl/diamond, ff:cc......i could go on but i doubt you'll read this far before replying with a load of immature insults directed towards me.

cheers, jay xx

11-26-2006, 05:57 PM
Starfox Command is out in PAL regions, dubers; at least, it's out in Australia, and we rarely get anything first.

As for Gears of War, I raced through Casual to get a feel for the game, played a shit load of Execution with my mates, and i'm slogging my way through Hardcore.

11-27-2006, 01:03 AM
played gears of war last night for the first time although it was on my mates save on hardcore difficulty near the end of the game and i was drunk so we got absolutley murdered lol
fucking outstanding game though, its actually changed my whole view of the 360 and im tempted to get one before i get my wii.
graphics, framerate, voice acting, animation...everything is top class. only thing i found tricky were the controls but i was drunk and im sure i could get used to them.

at least he isnt a fanboy.
fanboys are the lowest of the low. the gayest of the gay. the stupedest of the...oh you get my point.

dont slag the ds off just because you dont like it. whats wrong with just saying "yeah the DS has some good games but it doesnt really appeal to me."

ive had a ds for well over a year and ive loved all 20 games that ive bought for it as well as the 1000's of gba games available and i've been much less impressed by the psp. but you dont hear me whining about how the psp is a piece of shit because it isnt. im just not interested in the vast majority of games that are out for it.

ive been tempted to get one for me and my katamari, pro evo 6, street fighter alpha, tekken dark ressurection etc but i dont want to spend 180 quid on a system so i can buy 4-5 games most of which i can play on my ps2.

sorry for sounding like a cunt but it fucking does my head in when people cant accept that other people have different tastes.

ps - and if the ds is such a piece of shit, why is it constantly outselling the psp by a ratio of 4:1 worldwide?
and thats before ff3, ff12:RW, children of mana, star fox command (its not out in the uk yet), pokemon pearl/diamond, ff:cc......i could go on but i doubt you'll read this far before replying with a load of immature insults directed towards me.

cheers, jay xx

it has some good games, but I think it feels like a cheap piece of tupperware in my hand. Hows that?

I would want it for FF3 and FF12:RW.... so far that's it.

J. Peterman
11-27-2006, 07:59 AM
xbox 360 sucks hardcore

11-27-2006, 10:14 AM
it has some good games, but I think it feels like a cheap piece of tupperware in my hand. Hows that?

I would want it for FF3 and FF12:RW.... so far that's it.

I still don't get that =/

The old DS felt like an update of the GBA SP, while the DS lite is practically the same texture as an iPod (clear plastic over a white surface and everything).

When I think of an iPod, I don't think tupperware, personally.

11-27-2006, 02:11 PM
maybe nintendo will make a pyrex version of the ds. id buy one just for comedy value.

11-27-2006, 03:48 PM
It's microwaveable!

note to kids: do not put your DS in the microwave, no matter how entertaining the results would be

12-03-2006, 10:17 PM
i rented it and wasnt that inpresed. its was way over rated.