Neo Xzhan
03-08-2002, 10:16 PM
I've heard that when u don't spek to Aeris in the game unless it's nesecary to continu u'll get a date with Tifa at the end of the game and if u don't talk to Tifa in the game unless it's nesecary to advance u'll get a dat with Barret. I want to know if this is true?????

03-08-2002, 10:28 PM
Yes, that's true. And you can get a date with Yuffie, too :D
I'm not entirely sure about the Barret thing, never got him at that date.. X_x;

03-09-2002, 01:53 AM
Yes you can get a date with Barret if you want to

03-09-2002, 03:09 AM
just to let ya know, its at the GS during the first disc, not at the "end of the game" like it says in your post...

03-09-2002, 03:12 AM
Cloud on a date w/ Barret? scary. thats just wrong. its what id expect out of Cloud though. hehehe. what all happens if ya get a date w/ barret?

03-09-2002, 03:53 AM
My friend told me about that.I had no idea Barret was that way. LoL Ive always gottan Areis because you just cant help being nice to her ya know:panyway yeah what does Barret do?

03-09-2002, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by ~Seifer's Girl~
Cloud on a date w/ Barret? scary. thats just wrong. its what id expect out of Cloud though. hehehe. what all happens if ya get a date w/ barret?

you laugh your ass off....nothing more.

03-09-2002, 10:27 AM
Tut tut tut. Ahhh but why bother having a date with Barret or Tifa there when you can date anyone anytime. Just go there anytime and you'll have a date with the person you choose.

03-09-2002, 10:05 PM
Yea its true. My first time through the game I didn't talk or say anything nice to Aeris or Tifa and I went with Barret.

03-10-2002, 07:54 AM
Hey how do you get a date anytime? Besides the required 1, I mean.

03-11-2002, 02:17 AM
Just go to the GS and go ont he gondola. You can always go on. I almost got the date with Yuffie, but it ended up being Barret. ;_; It was funny though.

03-11-2002, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Jamie
Just go to the GS and go ont he gondola. You can always go on. I almost got the date with Yuffie, but it ended up being Barret. ;_; It was funny though.

Thanks Ill try that sometime LoL

03-13-2002, 04:04 AM
Alright, here's the full scoop, just so you know:

If you treat Aeris poorly and hardly speak to her, you'll get Tifa as a date.

If you treat Aeris and Tifa poorly and hardly talk to them, you'll get Yuffie as a date.

If you treat Aeris, Tifa, and Yuffie poorly and hardly speak to them, you'll get Barret as a date.

I've done each and one of these (Although I think the first one (CloudXAeris) is the best one. The other ones are quite humorous).

03-13-2002, 04:29 AM
You can date Barret(sp) on the Japanese and UK version... I know this for a fact...

I'm not entirely sure about the US version...

Several responses/actions can give certain characters "points", the one with the most points you'll eventually date.

The whole dating thing is based on "Date Mechanics" PM me and I'll give you the URL of this great "Date Mechanics" FAQ

Neo Xzhan
03-13-2002, 12:36 PM
There's an other thing I would like to know. I've heard that u can make a white chocobo when u mate 2 S class gold chocobo's. This white chocobo then will have the ability to go under water and if u go to the swamp where the Midgar Zolom is and u go underwater there u'll fight Onix Weapon. Though i doubt this is true it still sounds very convincing.

Moomba chick
03-13-2002, 11:21 PM
Hey, I know this is a little bit off subject, *spoiler* but.... I've heard that there's a way to make Tifa die instead of Aeris, is this true, or have I heard wrong. I want to try to finish the game once with Aeris instead of Tifa!:eye:

03-14-2002, 12:28 AM
onix weapon dont exist, and tifa doesnt die...ever

03-17-2002, 05:49 PM
There is no way to make Tifa die instead of Aeris. That's ridiculous and makes no sense for the plot of the game.

Anyway...I think Aeris is the default date. I was nice to both Tifa and Aeris and got Aeris on the date (immediately I shut off my PSX and started a new game.. as I am loyal bto the Cloud X Tifa relationship). But I've never actually gone on the date with her, my date is always Tifa. That's how I like it. I always thought Aeris was more of CLoud's friend.

Divine Strike
03-17-2002, 08:30 PM
Ok this is turning into a Rumor thread and those are forbidden and you are not making any spoilers (even though it says "Spoilers possile" in the topic)..ok one person is but no one else is.........all those rumors that you here are false...anyway to the subject

Yes it is true you can get a date with barret, tifa, and I heard that you could get a date with yuffie....I'm not certain about that though.

03-18-2002, 02:51 AM
Yeah, the amount of rumors is getting ridiculous. They're both wrong, and let's try to keep on subject here, hm? :notgood:

By both I mean Onix and Tifa...though both would be interesting, they aren't real.

....But if it's any constalation..

You can get black choboco, who has the same attributes as a gold chocobo! And Tifa CAN die instead of Aeris....just have Aeris and Cloud attack her in battle :p

03-18-2002, 06:20 AM
well Tifa actually CAN'T die seeing as battles it's just KO status. and Phoenix Down's revive fighting spirit. which is why the characters are alive and well after battles. NOT DEAD.

gosh so much is forbidden. :o

03-19-2002, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by Aerith
well Tifa actually CAN'T die seeing as battles it's just KO status. and Phoenix Down's revive fighting spirit. which is why the characters are alive and well after battles. NOT DEAD.

gosh so much is forbidden. :o

*mutter mutter* Play ALONG with me here, Aerith :rolleyes:

03-21-2002, 05:09 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D