11-06-2006, 02:40 AM
So after the Nidhogg mark, I immediately sold the Great Snakeskin that he dropped. But now I need it in order to get the Zalhera Esper.

Is there any other way to get it again? Or is it just one of those things that if you sell, you're screwed?

11-06-2006, 03:37 AM
I forgot if there is a way to get it or not.
So far, I haven't found one.
Sorry, can't help on that.

range of the long nines
11-07-2006, 03:31 AM
wow, this was seriously the 1 item in the game i sold, everything else i have at least 1 of. im not at that part yet but this is gonna piss me off.

11-07-2006, 03:42 AM
Actually, it doesn't matter even if you sold this item.
With this item given to Dantro's wife you will only get extra reward that is Golden Amulet which you can buy in this game later.
You can still go and get the Barheim Key for the Esper without this item.

11-07-2006, 03:43 AM
oh that sucks. I'd have to look in my guide to see if you can snatch it from another mob. I'll check when I get home. So.. come back on later tonight PST for it or check here tomorrow if someone else hasn't already answered it for you.

I haven't sold mine cause I knew I was going to need it. I also just found out that I cannot get the Zodiac Spear as I have opened up ALL of those chests so far (except the last one, but I may as well) so.. I'm kinda grumpy about that. But.. then again I don't have anyone that really uses spears right now anyway, so.. I guess for now I'm ok. heh. :(

11-07-2006, 03:48 AM
I haven't sold mine cause I knew I was going to need it. I also just found out that I cannot get the Zodiac Spear as I have opened up ALL of those chests so far (except the last one, but I may as well) so.. I'm kinda grumpy about that. But.. then again I don't have anyone that really uses spears right now anyway, so.. I guess for now I'm ok. heh. :(

Don't worry. You can still get it from other place even if you have opened up the chest. Just the percentage to get it is lower.
I got that spear to complete my weapon collection.

11-07-2006, 03:55 AM
you had the game longer than us here in the US huh...

That information is good to know, though. Hey.. what lvl should I be to beat adrammelch.. that guy is kicking me ass and I'm at lvl 30.

11-07-2006, 03:57 AM
Yeah. I finished my first walkthrough with the Japanese edition.

Adrammelch? He is kinda tough but it wouldn't be a problem if you have nice equipments. Just remember to always cast protect and shell.
The monsters there will keep spawning so get either 1 of your character to clear them.

11-07-2006, 04:00 AM
I noticed that I can go in and use a quickening on him and deal over 23000 damage in one go. Then if I use a second one, he is like.. immune to it.. wtf is up with that?

11-07-2006, 04:03 AM
Is it because your Final Blow of Quickening is Ark Blast?
Adrammelch is lightning element.
So its completely immune or absorbing lightning element.

Once you kill it, that place is a good place to farm for LP, XP and money.

11-07-2006, 05:06 AM
Actually, it doesn't matter even if you sold this item.
With this item given to Dantro's wife you will only get extra reward that is Golden Amulet which you can buy in this game later.
You can still go and get the Barheim Key for the Esper without this item.

Are you 100% sure? Because it says in the guide that after you give the Great Serpentskin to Dantro's wife, then the traveler needs to rest. If I'm gonna restart, I might as well not go any farther.

11-07-2006, 05:17 AM
100% sure? Not really.
But my friend is 100% sure because he sold the skin too but he gets to fight the Esper.

11-07-2006, 05:50 AM
Is it because your Final Blow of Quickening is Ark Blast?
Adrammelch is lightning element.
So its completely immune or absorbing lightning element.

Once you kill it, that place is a good place to farm for LP, XP and money.

Actually.. I got inferno because the actual quickening wasn't all that great so I didn't get enough level 3 quicks. Is a quickening considered magic or physical.. because I saw a message saying that he was no longer immune to magick attacks at some point in time right before I died.

11-07-2006, 06:05 AM
Lol. Sorry.
I don't know which one Quickening is categorised as.
But I remember to defeat Adrammelch, using Ice attack is the best.

11-07-2006, 07:54 AM
Hmm.. then I would need White Out... Ok.. well I'll try for that. I may try to lvl a couple more lvls before attempting him again. I'm lvl 31-30 right now for all my characters, but.. he can still hit me and make me nearly die rather quickly. Thanks for the tips.

J. Peterman
11-07-2006, 08:10 AM
Dang I didn't know you had to have anyting to get anything.

11-07-2006, 11:46 AM
Hmm.. then I would need White Out... Ok.. well I'll try for that. I may try to lvl a couple more lvls before attempting him again. I'm lvl 31-30 right now for all my characters, but.. he can still hit me and make me nearly die rather quickly. Thanks for the tips.

Actually, I think that those Final blow of Quickening doesn't have any element in it.

11-07-2006, 05:22 PM
Yeah.. that's what the guide says... just saw that this morning.

11-07-2006, 06:35 PM
to kill him (the summon) just put the gambit
enemy: flying -> cast blizzara
put your chars with some good anti-sap or anti-silence equip, and if you have the required rank to buy bubble from the clan item salesman (salesbangaa-_-) then don't doubt it a second (you have to defeat about 12-14 marks to get it)

11-07-2006, 09:11 PM
cool beans that helps out too... i hate gambits and haven't really used em since i started playing, so.. i didn't even think about this one. I just got Mateus too.. think that will help on him?

11-07-2006, 10:04 PM
i thought mateus would help, but he died too quickly. if you're capable of keeping him and yourself alive till he makes his move, then go for it, but for me it was like a waste of mp.
ohh and the easiest way for me was keeping myself in a corner, so all the zombies would come to me, and as blizzara has an area effect, each 2-3 blizzaras all the zombies would die, pretty sweet..

11-08-2006, 02:59 AM
hmm.. sounds like an interesting plan. My plan right now is to level 2-3 more levels.. get enough LP for all my characters to have some decent magic attacks (since I have all my characters having the abilities they need, now they can venture forth) and see if I can't bust him up the third time around. I am hoping that Blizzaja will be available for purchase soon. But I doubt it. If not I'm sure Blizzara will be enough. TANKS!

11-11-2006, 10:48 AM
If You Don't Have The Great Serpentskin, Then How Do You Get The Barheim Passage Key?

11-12-2006, 05:05 PM
They said there was another way to get the key.

11-14-2006, 06:03 AM
Actually, I just got the key w/o the Great Serpentskin. If you have it, you're told you have to give it, and the reward is a golden amulet in addition to the key. If you sold it, like me, you're not given the chance, and the most you can get is magick gloves.

matt damon
11-14-2006, 11:32 PM
wow, i sold that serpent skin the moment i got it.

and that spear thing is so annoying. the day after i had opened the box, my frined was like, "don't open it! oh you already did? too bad."

ok, in the tomb of raithwall (yes, i'm only there. i don't have enough time to play with work and stuff), at what level should you be before you can kill the first (and optional) deathwall. i hear it gives you a powerful weapon. i have Fran and Vaan at 25, Penelo at 20, and the rest (Ashe, Balthier, and Basch) at 19 and i can only get the monsters life down halfway before it squashes me. i plan to get everyone to level 25. is that good enough?

oh, speaking of the Tomb of Raithwall, why is that the hammers that you buy from the shopguy on the chocobo in front of the temple are so unreliable. i shelled out 20,000 gil for these pieces of crap and they do 400-600 one moment and only 40 (or sometimes 4) the next. why does this happen?!

11-15-2006, 12:21 AM
it cost you 20k? ouch. aren't they like 5k tops? how many did you buy? O_o

anyway. the strategy guide clearly states that all maces and axes are unreliable like that. it basically just has a very high max but also a very low min. unlike swords which have a high min but low max. in the end, you prolly do the same ammount of dmg anyway. i use them myself. its fun.

11-15-2006, 02:57 AM
at what level should you be before you can kill the first (and optional) deathwall. i hear it gives you a powerful weapon. i have Fran and Vaan at 25, Penelo at 20, and the rest (Ashe, Balthier, and Basch) at 19 and i can only get the monsters life down halfway before it squashes me. i plan to get everyone to level 25. is that good enough?

The first optional deathwall is much much harder than the one you have to fight. It's not really worth it in the end, because it only gives you a Demonsbane, which is 59 dmg. If you want it that badly, by all means go for it. I was at around level 29 when I beat it, and I instantly sold the Demonsbane, because it's just not that good imo.

oh, speaking of the Tomb of Raithwall, why is that the hammers that you buy from the shopguy on the chocobo in front of the temple are so unreliable. i shelled out 20,000 gil for these pieces of crap and they do 400-600 one moment and only 40 (or sometimes 4) the next. why does this happen?!

I think axes, hammers, and the like, all blow. They're completely unreliable; I always end up hitting bosses for 30 dmg. Now I stick to regular swords, daggers, and bows. No need to get fancy.

matt damon
11-15-2006, 04:15 AM
i bought 6 tact.

well, jeez, i wish someone had told me that before, then i would have bought the 6 iron hammers.

ok, well, what about spears, javalins, and bows? are they good?

11-15-2006, 11:55 AM
I think the axes and hammers are cool, yeah sometimes they get hits that are low but ive had more high hits than low, and when you get a high hit you can take out half the hp of a foe with 1 blow. 2 of my chars have axes, they kick ass!

11-16-2006, 12:19 AM
well duh the demonsbane would be useless if your lvl 30, olde. -_-

but if you manage to kill the wall around 21 or so, the sword fking rocks. i'm lvl 25 now and i'm still using it.

also, anyname. heres some basic info about all weapons straight from the guide.


swords are perhaps the most basic one-handed weapon. offering a solid mix of speed, consistency, and power. your characters strenght, the swords attack rating, and the enemy's defense affect a swords damange potential. all swords except for the stoneblade add 5 to evasion.

Daggers gain speed over swords at the expense of attack power. Several daggers also have useful additional effects. A daggers damage is determined by your characters strenght and speed compared against the enemy's defense.

The axe and hammer class offers huge attack power with a twist: the damage variance is far less consistent than comapred to other weapons. although a sword may consistently strike a foe for 400-500 hp. the axe or hammer may strike that same foe for 800hp or for 30 hp. for this class of weapons, the weapon damage is determined by the following: your characters strenght and vitality, the weapons attack rating, and the enemy's defense. all axes add 6 to evasion, while all hammers add 2 to evasion. axes also attack slightly faster than hammers.

The damange a mace inflicts is based on the weaons attack power, the magic power of the user, and the enemy's defense. that said, a support character geared entirely for magic power rather than for strenght or other stats will make good use of a mace. the ability to use a shield also enchances the survivability of those characters. all maces add 4 to evasion.

These peculiar weapons function much like guns in that damage is calculated based solely on the weapons attack power, competely ignoring the targest's defense. They differ greatly, however, in that the target is often inflicted with beneficial status effects like protect or shell.

As the attack rating for measures is generally low, they tend to function as a buffing tool. you can target your own party members with low-damage hits that serve to strenghten your party without the use of mp. all measures add 25 to evasion while still allowing the use of a shield, making those who use measures hard targets indeed. measures are the more useful for those characters who are only used as support and unlikely to ever actually engage the enemy. if mp management is a concern, use measures to buff your party, and then swap them out for more conventional weaponry.

Two-handed weapons

While two-handed weapons do now allow the use of a shield, they compensate for it by consistently inflicting more damage than one-handed weapons. only axes and hammers approach the damage potential of two-hande weapons, albeit, inconsistenly. although it would seem natural that larger weapons would attack less quickly, this is not the case. in fact, most two-handed weapons attack just as quickly, and occasionally more quickly, than their one-handed counterparts.

Greatswords don't start appearing until late in the game, but they are wroth the wait. as the most consistently powerful weapons in final fantasy xii, thse swords are at home in any damage-dealing character's hands. Greatsword damange is calculated based on your characters strenght, the greatsword's attack rating, and the enemy's defense.

While katana tend to have lower attack ratings than greatswords, they more than hold their own in damage potential thanks to frequent combo attacks. Katana score two or more hits per combat round far more often than any other weapon type, except for ninja swords and poles. to further take advantage of this, equip either the genji gloves (which incrases the rate of combo attacks) or the cat-ear hood (which increases the characters speed by 50; this more than doubles the ammount of turns a character gets, vastly increasing the oportunities for a combo attack to occur)

Katana damage is affected by a characters strenght and magic power, the katana's attack rating, and the opponents defense. magick power as a factor for a highly powerful weapon adds an interesting twist, allowing for a support character geared for magick power to also contribute as a heavey frontliine damage dealer. all katana add 5 to evasion, but make sure that a character in this role (one who deals heavy melee damage with a katana while equipeed for magic power rathan than, say, defense) does not draw too much of the enemy's attention. lacking a shield and meaningful evasion bonuses makes on particularly vulnerable to harsh enemy attacks.

A less frequently seen partner to katana, ninja swords are even more prone to combo attack than katana, which makes them terrific options for damage dealers. All ninja swords contain the dark element, so avoid using them against enemies that are immunte to dark (or even worse, absorb it.) Ninja sword damage is calculated based on your characters strenght and speed, the ninja swords attack rating, and the enemy's defense. Note that all ninja swords add 20 to evasion. these factors make ninja swords better suited than katana for characters who are traditional damage dealers. as with katana, gengi gloves or the cat-ear hood serve to make ninja swords far more potent.

The brute force weapon of final fantasy xii. this group contains perhaps the strongest weapon in the game. the zodiac spear. spears factor in your characters strenght, the spear's attack rating, and the enemy's defense when calculating damage dealt. all spears add 8 to evasion.

Like katana and ninja swords, its easy to combo attack with poles on a frequent basis. pole damage is calculated based on your characters strenght and the pole's attack rating, like most weapons, but instead of checking these factors against an enemy's defense, they are checked against he enemy's magick defense!

Throw high attack ratings and frequent combo attacks on top of this to create a weapon class that completely decimates opponents with shell or a strong magic defense. all poles add 25 to evasion as well--not a bad figure for a two handed weapon. as with katana and ninja swords, accessories that enhance combo attacks or speed are preffered.


Bows provide the most basic ranged damange option. these weapons allow attacks from a distance at the expense of using a shield. they also add no peripheral stats beyond their base attack and have no additional effects.

however, many arrow types do have additional effects, and the infrequency of crossbow and gun upgrades means that bows are often a good option. bow accuracy is also affected by the weather in a given region. for example, rain has an adverse effect. bow damage is determined by the attack power of the bow and arrow, your characters strenght and speed, and the enemy's defense. it is also worth remembering that enemies cannot counter bow attacks. bows do not grant a bonus to evasion.

All crossbows add 5 to evasion. while crossbows do not possess additional effects, crossbow ammunition often does. enemies cannot parry or counter crossbow attacks, although crossbow attacks may simply miss. crossbow damage is determined by the attack power of the crossbow and bolt, your characters strenght, and the enemy's defense.

Although guns are slow to fire (they take almost twice as long as any other weapon type), they compensate by being 100% accurate! all guns add 10 to evasion. While guns have no additional effects, their munitions often do. Note that enemies cannot parry, block, or counter gun attacks. Gun damage is determined solely by the attack power of the gun and its ammunition. an enemy's defense is of no consequence when determining damage.

i got tired so i skipped rods/staves and bombs. but i hope that helps. (whew, you guys owe me for taking the time to do that. :p)

11-17-2006, 06:57 PM
When I had a crossbow on Panelo, she missed....a lot. So I'd recommend guns or a bow for range.

matt damon
11-17-2006, 09:33 PM
thanks tact! that really did help.

11-20-2006, 02:52 PM
I just got snakeskin it's not listed as great snakeskin, just as snakeskin, can I sell this

11-20-2006, 07:52 PM
you can technically sell anything (you can still get the key item without it), but if you want to keep the loot for the sidequest, you have to look out for the Great Serpentskin (that's its actual name). Selling the snakeskin is perfectly fine.