11-05-2006, 10:32 AM
Not by excessive farming, dont want to be wasting too much time on the game doing it.

Also, any tips on quick gil or nice place for farming gils? Want to be getting some cool stuffs but my gil is only in the 1000s.

11-05-2006, 10:35 AM
Farming gils: Steal more and get those Forgotten Grimoire for better loots.

And it is possible to complete the license board.
Its not that tough once you have Golden Amulet and a place to farm LP.

11-05-2006, 10:40 AM
Oic, so the golden amulet is the one that gives u 2xs lp per kill? Any clue where i can get it?

Are u able to provide me on more infos regarding Forgotten Grimoire? Or u have a site i can read all the infos i need up myself?


11-05-2006, 10:56 AM
About the Golden Amulet, I believed you have seen in the other thread.

The Grimoire infos:
Hunters - 18,000 gil - Beasts/Avions - Finish Thextera Hunt
Knights - 19,000 gil - Giants/Insects - Talk to any weapon merchant 30 times.
Warmages - 20,000 gil - Amorphs/Undead - Read the hunt board 20 times.
Mages - 21,000 gil - Fiends - Talk to any magick merchant 25 times.
Scholars - 22,000 gil - Constructs - Talk to any armor merchant 15 times.
Dragoons - 22,000 gil - Dragons/Plants - Read the hunt board 40 times
Sages - 25,000 gil - Elementals - Talk to any merchant 100 times

11-05-2006, 11:32 AM
great, very useful info ty!

Any clue which part of the license board is summon Velias at? I just killed Velias and i believe i can summon him. Any advice on who i should equip him with?

11-05-2006, 11:34 AM
Once you enter the License Board, the Belias tile will show up.

Give him to anyone you want. It doesn't really matter.

11-05-2006, 01:00 PM
Oh ya, cool.

I want to spread them out evenly so i can get each character to cast one at the same time instead of having 2 characters taking 4 each. Is it optimal to have vaan, Basch, and Balflear share the summons equally among them since they seem to be with me all the time.

I leave fran and the others ( except Basch, and Balflear ) at its lowest level atm, lvl 7 still i think while the other characters are hitting 20. Is this not advisable incase everyone leaves the party ecept me and fran.

11-05-2006, 01:09 PM
Don't worry. Use any 3 of your favourite characters.
They are all the same.

You can finish the game and even win again the hardest boss with 3 of your characters.

11-05-2006, 01:50 PM
im confused on this cloud what do u mean? whats the hunters and stuff??

The Grimoire infos:
Hunters - 18,000 gil - Beasts/Avions - Finish Thextera Hunt
Knights - 19,000 gil - Giants/Insects - Talk to any weapon merchant 30 times.
Warmages - 20,000 gil - Amorphs/Undead - Read the hunt board 20 times.
Mages - 21,000 gil - Fiends - Talk to any magick merchant 25 times.
Scholars - 22,000 gil - Constructs - Talk to any armor merchant 15 times.
Dragoons - 22,000 gil - Dragons/Plants - Read the hunt board 40 times
Sages - 25,000 gil - Elementals - Talk to any merchant 100 times

11-05-2006, 02:04 PM
Those are the Forgotten Grimoire sold in Bazaar.
With them in your Inventory, you will get better loots.

Common loots become even more common to get.
Rare loots become easier to drop.

11-05-2006, 02:25 PM

How am i suppose to get that much gils at this stage of the game. I need to sell every single stuff i've to probably get one of those =p

Any fast tricks to gils?

11-05-2006, 02:35 PM
Steal more, thats the best way.

11-05-2006, 02:51 PM
Ic, i read on one walkthrough that the succubent fruit is worth 350gils each, managed to get over 30 of those, pretty good stuffs there. Any one i could try my luck on still?

Also, i just realised that theres a side quest that i didnt do which requires me to be back in mines, but i've already completed the mission there. Can i still get back to the mines?

- Rank E - Nidhog (ƒj�[ƒYƒwƒbƒO)
Location : Lhusu Mines,
No.1 transport track in central South of the map.
Client : ƒGƒCƒRƒ€, SkyCity of Bhujerba, Plaza before Mines,
the Seeq talking with a man.
Reward : 600 gil, Rose Corsarge, Barakraba

11-05-2006, 02:57 PM
Yes. And a word of advice here.
The reward you get from hunting Nidhogg, keep it for next side-quest.
Its call Giant Serpent Skin.

11-05-2006, 03:30 PM
Oh ok cool. So apart from the "Reward : 600 gil, Rose Corsarge, Barakraba", i get another item?

I would have sold it for gils if i didnt know it.

11-05-2006, 03:39 PM
Yup. If I remember correctly:
Its called Giant Serpent Skin in the U.S. version.

11-05-2006, 03:46 PM
Ok thats good. same version. U know of any good online walkthroughs/guides which i can probably refer to rather than asking tons of questions here.

11-05-2006, 04:04 PM
GameFAQs is a good site to find guides and walkthrough of games.
I wouldn't mind helping you.

11-05-2006, 04:47 PM
Ty =)

Most of the things i get from mob hunts can be sold for gils isnt? Giant Serpent Skin being the only exception u know of?

11-05-2006, 05:42 PM
Thats the only loot you must not sell.
But even if you sold it, there is another way to get it.

To get the best weapons and armor, you must also sell certain items to obtain them in the Bazaar.
So, no worrying in selling loots.

11-05-2006, 05:51 PM
Ok great, thats all i have for now, ty ;)

11-05-2006, 05:53 PM
Okay. Glad I'm able to help.
I'm going to sleep now. Having class tomorrow.

11-05-2006, 08:44 PM
Hey cloud87 can you tell me around what level i should be before i visit Jahara--land of the Garif-- all my characters are at level 23 and most of them do about 350-450 damage, and everyone hp is about 1500-1700... is this good enough or should i get some more LP and train more???

11-06-2006, 02:00 AM
For summons, i can spread them across 3 characters , what about mist? Is there specific ones that a character should master because it can maximise damage and combo?


here goes. After the tomb of raithwall, when you get your first esper. you must first get the barheim key to get back into the mine. copy and paste this link. then hold Ctrl+F and type barheim into the blank and search till you find "back to barheim passage". I give all credit to "sephirosuy" as this is the link to his guide.


after you get the barheim key go back into the mines and follow the path till you get to the teleport crystal(orange). save your game. now go down/ south a screen. your camera should be behind you, now follow the bending tracks to the right, with the camera behind you take the left when the tracks split again.

Now when your in the next area haul a** untill you pass the admantiose, keep going deeper in untill you see a rock on the right side of the tracks. on the far side of that rock there will be a vase. if there are 2 vases one of them being silver examine it. if its not there leave and re-enter or restart your game from the save.

Let it chase you all the way to the entrance that way no other mobs will attack you. Set all your gambits to steal, the deathbringer sword is the only thing you can steal from it, so it may take several tries. If you are low on health exit that area and reheal with MAGICS not the save point. turn right around, go back into the area and it will still be there.

You can steal as many as you like, they sell for 16000 a piece. And at level 30 they do about 1300-1400 dmg a hit. plus instantly killing some enemies.

credit: goldeneye86

Just came across this. How can i check if i have the barheim key? Can i see it in my inventory? I have no clue which are the items i need and which i already have. I dont want to be going through everything. I see this can be done over and over so it seems like a good way for good weapon and getting gils from it.

11-06-2006, 03:46 AM
If you don't have any problem with those monsters in Ozmone Plain, then you are doing fine. If you have, train more. Ozmone Plain or Zertinan Continent is a good place.

Don't worry about Mist. There are exactly 18 tiles for Quickening skill and each characters can only learn 3 Mist which means 6 x 3 = 18. Every character will get their Quickening.
There is no specific Quickening a character should master.
Everyone has their own special Quickening.

Quickening is Mist in U.S. version.

11-06-2006, 04:58 AM
Right now im at Ozmone Plain too. Seems bad, damage dealt is 300+ on average with iron hammer. I think i should get deathbringer instead to help me out. I cant kill the crocodile in mob hunt at the bridge =.=

How can i check if i have the barheim key? Can i see it in my inventory? I have no clue which are the items i need and which i already have. I dont want to be going through everything. I see this can be done over and over so it seems like a good way for good weapon and getting gils from it.

11-06-2006, 07:22 AM
Yes. Get a Deathbringer although Demonsbane or IceBrand is enough though.

By having Deathbringer, this game will be too easy because Deathbringer is the most powerful weapon that you can get by buying from the merchant in this game.

To check whether you have Barheim Key or not, go to Inventory > Key Item.

To get Barheim Key, you must do the Dantro's wife quest.

11-06-2006, 07:52 AM
It'll read "Barheim Key" in there? Dont have it i guess.

I just learned summon mist. I observe there is an inconsistency in the damage, sometimes it can hit 1.8k, others it does only 40+ damage. I kept hitting R2 as furiously as i could.

Also, my esper seem to have problem killing corcodile =/ His 1.2k hp does down in 5 hits and then he retires.

11-06-2006, 07:58 AM
Barheim Keys: Do the Dantro's Wife Quest. Can check those FAQs at GameFAQs.

Summon Mist? I assume you are talking about Quickening.
Not just press R2. You must also press either Triangle, Square or X.
Triangle: For the 1st person name while Quickening.
Square: 2nd person.
X: Third person.

In other word, hold on R2 and keep on pressing those buttons.

For esper, yeah. Its pretty useless. It get strong as your character get strong.
Just keep it alive, keep on healing your esper and it will use its finishing move before it retires.
Warning though, if your summoner KOed, the esper retires too.

11-06-2006, 08:02 AM
Oic, so the amount of damage dealt depends on how fast i can do the combo of (Holding R2, then triangle, then square, then X then over and over again) ? Great.

Btw, i've got 2 quickenings on some characters and i reckon i receive 2xs the mp bonus with it. At the same time, do u advise i should use the rank 2 quickening or the rank 1 which costs lesser and allows me to do it twice.

11-06-2006, 08:15 AM
Oic, so the amount of damage dealt depends on how fast i can do the combo of (Holding R2, then triangle, then square, then X then over and over again) ? Great.

Btw, i've got 2 quickenings on some characters and i reckon i receive 2xs the mp bonus with it. At the same time, do u advise i should use the rank 2 quickening or the rank 1 which costs lesser and allows me to do it twice.

1. No! Hold R2 and press either one of the button which is glowing. Not pushing them accordingly. If you are not fast enough, just hold R2 and push those 3 button continuosly together.

For example, if Vaan name is on top when battle, Vaan is the 1st person. He is TRIANGLE.
If only he has Quickening, then you hold R2 and keep on pressing Triangle.
If Balthier which is 2nd character has Quickening too, then you hold R2 while pressing Triangle and Square together.
Or if you are fast enough, push them when their name is glowing.

2. It depends on you, it drains your MP anyway. Even the chaining in Quickening eat up your MP, just use the most powerful Quickening.
And if you are using level 3 Quickening, it is much easier to chain level 1 and 2 Quickening.
And I suggest you to learn all 3 Quickening as fast as possible for more MP.

11-06-2006, 08:19 AM
Ok great. So basically i dont really need that 4 seconds as long as i know who is my first player and which button along with R2 to press i'll do fine.

If done correctly, all rank 1 quickenings should be in the range of 1-2k damage?

11-06-2006, 08:23 AM
If you done perfectly and gets a Final Blow for the Quickening, you might even get 20k damage.

The more Hits you make, the larger the damage is.

11-06-2006, 08:28 AM
Ok, i just tried it out, getting interesting, though i must be missing something.

I managed to pull off 6 hits, did an inferno and hit 3.5k damage in the end. I've only 1 quickening on one char, and 2 quickenings each on the other 2 chars, does it make a difference? Can i pull more than 6 hits and even hit 20k at the current level of my game?

11-06-2006, 08:37 AM
Yes, you can. The damage is quite random but the more hits you hit the higher the damage range will be.
And quickening is not based on level, its based on how good you press and abit of luck.

See this: (Although I posted in GameFAQs for you already too. LoL)

Black Hole: 4 lvl 1Quickenings, 4 lvl 2 Quickenings, 4 lvl 3 Quickenings

Whiteout: 3 lvl 1 Quickenings, 3 lvl 2 Quickenings, 3 lvl 3 Quickenings

Ark Blast: 2 lvl 1 Quickenings, 2 lvl 2 Quickenings, 2 lvl 3 Quickenings

Luminescence: 5 lvl 3 Quickenings

Windburst: 5 lvl 2 Quickenings

Torrent: 2 lvl 1 Quickenings, 3 lvl 2 Quickenings

Cataclysm: 7 lvl 1 Quickenings

Inferno: 3 lvl 1 Quickenings

11-06-2006, 08:42 AM
Lol, i see. No wonder i was reading 2 of the same infos ;)

Thought i could do with more help since apparantly ur the only one helping me here =p

Im abit confused by the info here. i've 6 characters in all, 3 of them has 2 quickenings, and the other 3 has 1 quickening each. Does that mean i've 3 level 2 quickenings and 3 level 1 quickenings?

11-06-2006, 08:45 AM
Nope. The level of Quickening is based on how many Quickening you learn in license board.

Vaan learns 2 Quickening means his higher level for Quickening is 2.
If Ashe learns all the Quickening in License which is 3 Quickenings, she reached the max level which is level 3 Quickening.

By the way, I got to go now.
You can ask in GameFAQs there too. Although they are kinda rude but they are helpful.

11-06-2006, 08:51 AM
Wow cool, i just pulled off 18 hits activating torrents! 17k damage. Never knew it could happen! Thx for all the help! I guess its totally random and luck when all those options are greyed out.

Edit : Ok Really appreciates your help. Nvm if they are rude, i just want to know more about the game. The fun has just started =) Have a nice day. I got to leave for army for a week in an hour time so...... see ya around this coming weekend ;) Im sure i'll have more questions for you.

Take care

11-06-2006, 10:18 AM
Glad I'm of some help to you.
Good luck in your army training.

11-11-2006, 12:33 PM
Hi there, im back =)

Im currently at OZMONE PLAIN. Having huge problem there, getting slained at 600 per hit?

Whats a good/fast place to farm for exp until this part of the game? Im currently level 20 btw

11-11-2006, 01:39 PM
However Else Can I Get The Barheim Key?

By The Way, To Finish Off The License Board, I Use The FireFly Accessories So I Reset My EXP To 0. Then I Use The Golden Amulet.... Or Vice Versa.

11-11-2006, 01:48 PM
Reset your exp to 0? Then u can get everything on the license board? Is that some kind of trade off ?

11-11-2006, 02:21 PM
FireFly's An Accessory, You'll Get It When Your Reach Phon Coast Or Further.
It Resets Your EXP To 0 So That You Could Earn More License Points Instead Of Leveling Up.

Vaan LVL 50.... Go To Town With The Monsters With The FireFly Accessory. You Won't Get Any EXP Points But You'll Earn The License Points.
Or You Could Just Equip Golden Amulet To Double The License Points And Equip FireFly To Reset The EXP To 0.
My Guess The FireFly Is To Make Anyone Or Everyone To Reset The EXP Points To 0 So That They'll Level Simultaneously.

11-11-2006, 02:32 PM
Oic, but doesnt that make leveling to the next level forever?

11-11-2006, 02:36 PM
Yes It Does, It's Just That For Me, I've Already Reached 50 And I'm Barely Halfway Through The License Board.

It's Another Way To Satisfy The License Board Lust.

11-11-2006, 02:48 PM
lol ic. Maybe once u hit the level u want, u can do that. But would you still be able to or is there only one chance for you to do it?

11-11-2006, 03:03 PM
You Can Do So Indefinitely, Just As Long As You Have The Necessary Accessories And The Time To "Farm".