Lil' Sain
11-03-2006, 06:31 AM
i never did beat this game
hwo do youg et all the characters(as in what makes them join you)
whats the ending like
and dose anyone die like in ff9 and 7

J. Peterman
11-03-2006, 07:00 AM
You get Selphie by visting the brothel in Deling City. She's one of the hooker, like Rinoa, but costs more money. You have to get the "special" massage which costs about 30,000 gil, instead of just "normal." You can also get Rinoa's ultimate limit by getting the "special" with her, though that costs 20,000 gil. Irvine is a cross-dresser who is found in Balamb. Zell is Squall's father from the future, who goes back in time because of time compression. But this makes things interesting because Laguna is also Squall's father, because Zell is really a woman who turned into a man because he didn't eat his vitamins. Quistis is the brothel owner and joins if you pay for the services of everybody there, which is pretty expensive.

Squall dies in Disc 3 because he accidentally overdoses on pain killers. He gets replaced by Zanadu. In the ending, Rinoa kills herself so she can fly, but she's really on drugs and all that so she's just dead and can't fly. Irvine becomes the new pimp and searches for Selphie because she's a hooker who ran away.

11-03-2006, 11:10 PM
i never did beat this game
hwo do youg et all the characters(as in what makes them join you)
whats the ending like
and dose anyone die like in ff9 and 7

You can find out the answers to your pointless, poorly written, forum spamming questions HERE ( (and a lot of other places on the internet for that matter)

Now seriously,

11-04-2006, 03:40 AM
Heh heh, I'm mod for this section, so I get to close this!'

P.S. --- Garamond --- hee!