Lil' Sain
11-03-2006, 05:07 AM
vincin from final fantasy 7 and aaron (please correct my spelling) seem to be related is vincin arons grand father or are they based on ea other since the worlds are diferant. mabie aron was put into that world by sin?

Fern Ingas
11-04-2006, 05:10 AM
Vincents constume does look a lot like Aurons

Ps, Why cant i find any good pictures of Vincent?

11-04-2006, 05:13 AM

Fern Ingas
11-04-2006, 05:26 AM
Thats why i said their costumes are similar, But on better inspection they really arent
But they have semi similar personalities ish

11-04-2006, 05:28 AM


I could say at the same time that Wedge in FFVIII and Cloudypants has blue clothing, w00tz0rz! :P

11-04-2006, 06:28 AM
No I see it too, but it's probably related to the fact that Cloud and Tidus are similar...even the whole party:

Kimahri - RedXIII/Nanaki

Yuna - Aeris

Cid(X) - Cid (VII) [Yeah RIGHT!]

Wakka - Barret (Just personality; Big, dumb, strong-hearted; oh and being Cloud's/Tidus' seemingly right-hand man)

Lulu - Tifa (a little more of a stretch but still there: Black hair secondary/more-independent female)

Rikku - Yuffie

Mario Kinnikuman
11-04-2006, 09:13 AM

I could say at the same time that Wedge in FFVIII and Cloudypants has blue clothing, w00tz0rz! :P

Hex Omega
11-04-2006, 09:29 AM
stop making threads sain.

11-04-2006, 02:26 PM
No I see it too, but it's probably related to the fact that Cloud and Tidus are similar...even the whole party:

Kimahri - RedXIII/Nanaki

Yuna - Aeris

Cid(X) - Cid (VII) [Yeah RIGHT!]

Wakka - Barret (Just personality; Big, dumb, strong-hearted; oh and being Cloud's/Tidus' seemingly right-hand man)

Lulu - Tifa (a little more of a stretch but still there: Black hair secondary/more-independent female)

Rikku - Yuffie

Hmm. I agree on all those except Tidus and Cloud. Those two characters are both blonde haired and blue eyed but in terms of personality are actually very different. Also, Wakka was never Tidus' right hand man. Nor for that matter was Barret Cloud's right hand man. Both were 'their own men' so to speak.

But yeah, it is uncanny how similar (in general) their basic traits are. Paticularly Cid's.

11-04-2006, 07:19 PM
What's wrong with you! Tidus and Cloud were both emo! Wakka and Tidus are tied through blitzball and Barret is tied to Cloud through Avalanche!

And how was Cid(VII) related to Cid(X) besides the fact that they're captains of airships? Cid(X) is not only not playable, but related to a party member and is more country than Cid(VII)'s ruggedness!

11-04-2006, 08:20 PM
Tidus and Cloud were both emo!
you fail, and if I might add, there's a Cid in someway in every FF, OH NOEZ FFX IS JUST LIKE TEH FF12!!! OMG!!1!!!!

Besides, comparing Final Fantasy's together is like comparing a tomato and a potato; all it's got is shape and similarity in the name. They're two completely different things, and you're not going to replace tomatos with potatos in tomato soup anytime soon.

I'll dumb it down for the retards who don't get it:

Shape; Final Fantasy's have relatively close gamplay, they each revolve around an in depth storyline, blah blah, chocobos, how the game is setup, shaaaaaape. Get it?

Name; Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, and so on and so forth, I hope you see the pattern.

11-04-2006, 08:40 PM
Were not trying to compare FF's so much as recognizing a significant similarity between two titles. Even the classics didn't have this much of a link between the main characters.

Tidus and Cloud were both emo!

you fail


11-04-2006, 08:51 PM
Were not trying to compare FF's so much as recognizing a significant similarity between two titles. Even the classics didn't have this much of a link between the main characters.
comparison: examining resemblances or differences

gg, nubbycakes.

Let me ask you a better question, why not?

11-04-2006, 09:00 PM
I'll dumb it down for the retards who don't get it:
Shape; Final Fantasy's have relatively close gamplay, they each revolve around an in depth storyline, blah blah, chocobos, how the game is setup, shaaaaaape. Get it?

Name; Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, and so on and so forth, I hope you see the pattern.

Were not trying to compare FF's so much as recognizing a significant similarity between two titles. Even the classics didn't have this much of a link between the main characters.

thanks for stating the obvious even though it's not so related to the topic.

I would have explained myself in the first post but I only do that when one: i'm the one bringing the subject/thread topic up and two: 'nubbycakes' like you need a refresher.

Cloud: Advent Children proves his emo status a little easier, as it's a synopsis as well as an addition to the game, with his "I'm a loner, Sephy's my mate." attitude. Just like Sora does with Rikku in KH/KH2.

Tidus: nobody really needs to hear about him anymore, not even you I'd hope.

11-04-2006, 09:14 PM
thanks for stating the obvious even though it's not so related to the topic.

I would have explained myself in the first post but I only do that when one: i'm the one bringing the subject/thread topic up and two: 'nubbycakes' like you need a refresher.

Cloud: Advent Children proves his emo status a little easier, as it's a synopsis as well as an addition to the game, with his "I'm a loner, Sephy's my mate." attitude. Just like Sora does with Rikku in KH/KH2.

Tidus: nobody really needs to hear about him anymore, not even you I'd hope.
Stating the obvious is the first step to teaching the retards basics and it's related to the topic in the event of explaining how you can't compare each game to one another. (Wasn't this comparison to Vincent and Auron then you go off on a OMG FF7-FF10 listing; I don't know about you but it has relation to the topic, kthx.) Once again, with the definition of comparison, similarities and differences still apply.

I'm loving the random, not to mention retarded, Kingdom Hearts reference. Might as well throw that into the mix of "similarities". UH OHHH! THERES CLOUD IN KINGDOM HAERTS!!!! ZOMG!!!!!!1!! AC & KH HAVE THE SAME CLUOD VOCIE ACTER!!!!!

But please, I'd love to hear about Tidus. Wait, you know what, nevermind. I'm just going to quit reading your loads of garbage. I'll just laugh at them and retaliate, most certainly not worth my time, so don't worry about it.

11-04-2006, 09:16 PM
(Wasn't this comparison to Vincent and Auron then you go off on a OMG FF7-FF10 listing;

How's that going off?

And it's not because Vincent is in VII(7) and Auron is in X(10).

The KH reference was just supporting the proving of my point about Cloud's emo, nothing more.

11-04-2006, 09:30 PM
How's that going off?
Well, if I'm correct, you made a post about the characters and their counterparts... I believe that counts as going off on a FF7-FF10 listing, possibly? maybe? You tell me, I'm not the one who posted it. I don't know what the piss you're implying.

VII(7) and X(10).
This made me LOL, thanks for the lesson in Roman Numerals.

The KH reference was just supporting the proving of my point about Cloud's emo, nothing more.
A reference that's about 8-9 words and has nothing to do with Cloud. Good job el capitano.

11-04-2006, 09:53 PM
I don't know what the piss you're implying.




I could say at the same time that Wedge in FFVIII and Cloudypants has blue clothing, w00tz0rz! :P


A reference that's about 8-9 words and has nothing to do with Cloud. Good job el capitano.

the proving of my point about Cloud's emo, nothing more.

Go read a faq if you're so misunderstanding of all of this because it would just be spam to put the entirety of the games in here as well as denaturing the forum by needing to keep backtracking on a subject related to the site.

I realize there's alot of Onion Kids who don't know any better but you judge whether or not we should act like them and need to prove ourselves unnecessarily.

Thats why i said their costumes are similar, But on better inspection they really arent
But they have semi similar personalities ish

The costumes are similar enough: Red overcoat with leather-straps/buckles and black under armour.

If there's an actual reason that the relationship between VII and X is there and isn't in any other title and the people who know are just spiting people who are bringing it up again then that's just bullying.

If there isn't, then let someone finish this thread with more information about the topic because I don't have enough facts to constitute either.

11-04-2006, 10:08 PM
I quit reading after the first 4 quotes.

Just PM me or something, hate mail is always LOL.

11-05-2006, 01:34 AM
What's wrong with you! Tidus and Cloud were both emo! Wakka and Tidus are tied through blitzball and Barret is tied to Cloud through Avalanche!

And how was Cid(VII) related to Cid(X) besides the fact that they're captains of airships? Cid(X) is not only not playable, but related to a party member and is more country than Cid(VII)'s ruggedness!

Sure, the above characters were related as you've outlined. But that isn't technically the same as being a right hand man. Look up a definition of the term.

As for the Cids, think about their actual personalities rather than them being playable/non playable etc.. Both are gruff and tough-talking, and show their emotions a lot. Aside from the fact that FFVII's Cid uses more swear words, I'd say they're very similar myself.

fastidious percolator
11-05-2006, 01:37 AM
stop making threads sain.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
11-05-2006, 01:42 AM
lol there are more noob bashers then noobs in this thread. Sticky plz. sexpot

11-05-2006, 05:28 AM
Look up a definition of the term.

what term? Right hand man in this case is either a stereotype or a classification and Wakka being the first to befriend Tidus emphasizes his part while Barret's usual protecting Aeris and Marlene while Cloud and/or Tifa (and then RedXIII towards then end of the Midgar section) do the rough stuff and then his frequent mention as a reliable candidate for securing the Black Materia in Northern Crater in another related thread for even more reasons supporting his part in being the protagonist's...bouncer?

Aside from the fact that FFVII's Cid uses more swear words, I'd say they're very similar myself.

...but related to a party member and [Cid X] is more country than Cid(VII)'s ruggedness

Gentleman Ghost
11-05-2006, 11:32 AM
Could it be? Sabin and Wakka must be related because they look the same ZOMF+G!!!!

J. Peterman
11-05-2006, 11:52 AM
I wouldn't be so quick to disregard sain. In fact, I would choose to believe this consdering how...

Lil' Sain
11-07-2006, 02:48 AM
i think ff games base characters on another

11-07-2006, 05:44 AM

You pretty see much of that after the whole system of playing.

11-07-2006, 09:29 AM
You forgot something important in one of your comparisons, Arcanine.
Lulu-Tifa=Large breasts.

11-07-2006, 10:46 AM
I totally don't get what these people are even trying to debate about....

11-07-2006, 11:57 PM
So how does your mind work buddy,lol.
Auron is Vincents grandfather. You have a crazy unimaginative imagination.

11-08-2006, 12:01 AM

Do you not see the repetition in you always typing in capital letters to make fun of people? Nearly every thread Ive gone through thats what Im seeing. Do any of you 2000+ posts gods talk about FF anymore or do you just bash the people who do?(I honestly dont mean to paint ALL you frequent users with this, Ive just been seeing too much of it,lol)

11-08-2006, 12:26 AM
They do talk about FF if it's a decent discussion. To most senior posters, with no disrespect intended, one or two setence threads about very basic topics are not really going to be of much interest.

I don't think any piss-taking is necessary myself, but freedom of speech exists here so they're entitled to voice their opinions.

11-08-2006, 12:36 AM
I dont know, it goes round and round,lol.
Anyone getting attacked by free speach and opinions is just voicing their own, you know? Right when these threads start regardless of their stupidity(not in all cases)they should be ignored if its gonna inspire anger in you.

11-08-2006, 12:39 AM
I think I get the gist of what you're trying to say, and yeah, I agree. Although there are times when certain people need to be told as they're annoying the shoopuf out of the rest of us. But that's in extreme cases. ;-)

Mr Jack
11-10-2006, 03:50 PM
as they're annoying the shoopuf out of the rest of us. ;-)


11-10-2006, 05:06 PM
I take it you're the artist formerly known as Irvine.rocky1?

And Wakka is class, hence why I posted that. ;-)

Mr Jack
11-10-2006, 05:10 PM
i think it was very well timed....well done

11-11-2006, 11:25 PM
your an idiot they hardly look like and life in diferant times and worlds it's impossible to tell whitch one comes first