03-08-2002, 12:50 PM
Why do people in Europe, in the UK in particular, have to wait so long for games to be released? It's really annoying me now.

One example is FFX. It's been out in Japan for about 8 months and its been out in America for about 4 or 5 months. Once it's out in America, you'd think it wouldn't take long to release it in Europe. The reason it's taking so long is because they "have" to change the text and the voice overs. Why do they have to do that? I dont care if the characters speak in American accents, and I dont care if there are a few American spellings here and there, as long as its in English. I'm pretty sure that no one else cares either.

OK, then. I'll stop moaning about it and let you say what you think.

Bahamut ZERO
03-08-2002, 03:04 PM
A lot of the problem, I think, comes from converting the game itself from NTSC (American standard) to PAL (Europe standard.) I don't fully understand what the differences between the two is, I'll leave that for someone else to explain, but software manufacturers and console manufacturers have to spend a lot of time doing this conversion, which is why Europe waits longer than normal.

I'm from the UK, and I agree that waiting sucks. I want to be able to play new games as I hear about them and they're released and reviewed. In saying that, waiting for FF X has given me the chance to save more cash for it. I don't own a PS2 yet, and I plan to wait until it drops just a little more in price.

03-08-2002, 07:24 PM
I saw a article about sony and the ps2 priceing. They do not plan to lower the cost of the unit, but in April 2002 they mentioned they might include a modem and hard drive with the system for the same 300 dollars.

So I wouldn't plan on it dropping much for awhile.

03-09-2002, 10:42 AM
Well, i'm from Australia so we also have to wait a while. The Game Cube is coming out on May 17!!!! Same with SSBM. I can't wait. Seriously, this waiting is really pissing me off!

03-10-2002, 02:46 AM
Only good thing about the waiting is that, in Aus at least, we get little extras after the waiting. Eg might be getting FFX international since we got it so late...not sure...and extra game modes and 'making of' CD in MGS2.

I don't mind waiting that much at the moment. Hell, I don't even have a PS2 yet!