11-01-2006, 11:38 PM
The current (November 2006, Issue 218) issue of GamePro magazine has a feature called The 50 Most Memorable Moments in Video Games.

Final Fantasy is featured twice.

Final Fantasy VI (III US) is featured at #49 for the opera scene.

"The opera house sequence with Celes and Locke was a standout moment in a game that was packed with them."

And coming in at #1:

Final Fantasy VII

"Aeris is killed by Sephiroth in one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever in a video game. Those big, cute eyes will never blink again, and you'd only be lying if you said you didn't cry."

Those who can't stand FFVII, make of the choices what you will.

For the record / anyone who cares, the most memorable /best FF scene as voted by Shriners in the General Final Fantasy Rumble was Zidane's Big Reveal (Final Fantasy IX), in which during the play in the ending of the game, Zidane tosses off his cloak and reveals to Dagger / Garnet that he's alive.

11-01-2006, 11:51 PM
I wonder what moron wrote that article.

11-02-2006, 12:17 AM
The Opera scene was wonderful.....
I'm planning on doing my own piano version of "Aria De Mezzo Carattere"....

I don't think I'd ever forget Aeris dying either...

Though I also don't think I'll ever forget the first time I got "Morph Ball" in Super Metroid...>>
That was like, my first game, and I was so proud of doing that.
I was soooo proud....
Hee hee >=]

<< Though I later found out that getting Morph Ball was like, the easiest thing in the world....

EDIT: Ah! I forgot to ask--
Out of curiosity....what were the top 10...?

Hex Omega
11-02-2006, 12:34 AM
I wonder what moron wrote that article.

11-02-2006, 02:55 AM
EDIT: Ah! I forgot to ask--
Out of curiosity....what were the top 10...?
Top 10 are:


10 Guitar Hero - "shred-fest of metal riffs"
9 GoldenEye 007 - "the crowning moment was when playing as James Bond you turned the corner to face... min-Odd Job!"
8 Seaman - "...verbally dissed by a grotesque, hybird man-fish freak of nature. Sweet."
7 Medal of Honor Frontline - "Hitting Omaha Beach on D-Day was terrifyingly real."
6 Super Mario Bros. - "Find the -1 level was an urban legend..."
5 World of Warcraft - "Getting an epic item..."
4 Shadow of the Colossus - "the ending was quite a surprise..."
3 Metroid - "You discover that your hero Samus Aran is a woman."
2 Halo - " the Chief's rescue ship is taken out, Cortana says to jump the platform ahead is a piece of cake..."
1 Final Fantasy VII - Aeris Dies.

Swedish Fish
11-02-2006, 03:01 AM
I wonder what moron wrote that article.

Sephclone anyone?

Hex Omega
11-02-2006, 03:41 AM
Top 10 are:


10 Guitar Hero - "shred-fest of metal riffs"
9 GoldenEye 007 - "the crowning moment was when playing as James Bond you turned the corner to face... min-Odd Job!"
8 Seaman - "...verbally dissed by a grotesque, hybird man-fish freak of nature. Sweet."
7 Medal of Honor Frontline - "Hitting Omaha Beach on D-Day was terrifyingly real."
6 Super Mario Bros. - "Find the -1 level was an urban legend..."
5 World of Warcraft - "Getting an epic item..."
4 Shadow of the Colossus - "the ending was quite a surprise..."
3 Metroid - "You discover that your hero Samus Aran is a woman."
2 Halo - " the Chief's rescue ship is taken oout, Cortana says to jump the platform ahead is a piece of cake..."
1 Final Fantasy VII - Aeris Dies.

What a daft top 10.

Mario Kinnikuman
11-02-2006, 05:58 AM
What a daft top 10.

11-02-2006, 06:00 AM
I like our choice better, in that case. XD

Gentleman Ghost
11-02-2006, 09:13 AM
number 2: "oout"?

Hex Omega
11-02-2006, 09:24 AM
That typo just about sums up the 'professionalism' of that article. :rolleyes:

11-02-2006, 10:16 AM
Why am I not surprised by this article? Even if you ignore the fanboy FFVII Quota part of the article, the top ten is ridiculous. Six of the top ten are from the "last" (as in ps2/xbox/GC) generation of games. Utter bullocks. What about moments like Castlevania: SotN's upside-down castle? The helicopter fight in MGS ("see you in hell...Liquid.")? What about any number of moments in FFVI? Or Tellah in FFIV: "You spoony bard!" Perhaps some (or all) these moments are in the top fifty, but they're certainly better than some of top ten.

hb smokey
11-02-2006, 10:26 AM
I think the only one that I could not argue with in that top 10 list is Metroid. It was pretty shocking for me to find out that such a badass character in Samus Aran was actually female.

I tried to think of some personal favorite memorable moments, but I couldn't.

11-02-2006, 01:44 PM
Please tell me that Albedo's self-mutilation scene from Xenosaga Episode I was featured SOMEWHERE on that list.

11-02-2006, 02:23 PM
That typo just about sums up the 'professionalism' of that article. :rolleyes:
That typo was my fault. D'oh! My apologies to the folks at GamePro and those reading. I have edited my post to remove it.

Please tell me that Albedo's self-mutilation scene from Xenosaga Episode I was featured SOMEWHERE on that list.
I really wish I could oblige you, but I'm afraid I can't.

Utter bullocks. What about moments like Castlevania: SotN's upside-down castle?
That's #26.

#26: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

"You think you've finished the game, only to discover that a second castle awaits you...and it's upside-down!"

11-02-2006, 02:28 PM
Final Fantasy X- Tidus disapiars? Seriously, it was a hard ans sad moment (for those who like the game of course).

I dont really care about what these guys think, but its strange they include ff7 near games like WoW.

11-02-2006, 03:13 PM
I really wish I could oblige you, but I'm afraid I can't.

Oh those mother fuckers.

11-03-2006, 08:37 PM
That's #26.

So the article isn't entirely worthless. Other moments I've thought of:

Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream (NES Punch-Out!)
Crono's Death (Chrono Trigger)
Kefka Rules the World (FFVI)

11-03-2006, 11:18 PM
Hm. Everyone seems to think things are worthless if they don't agree with it--especially reviews or these sort of things.........
I think it's sensible to feel those things are worthless to you if they don't hold the same tastes as you (as there isn't a reason to follow a reviewer unless you can find that the games you enjoy are similar...otherwise, even though a reviewer might have enjoyed something a lot, you might not experience the same....)

But don't think that your values and "worth" apply to everyone!
I happen to agree with you guys....but some people might not! >>

Ah...somehow my post ended up above ChunkyMunky's, but I posted it after his post....

11-04-2006, 12:12 AM
Norse --- it's a glitch that's currently affecting all threads that were posted in before around 5 P.M. today on the boards.

11-04-2006, 10:17 AM
Hm. Everyone seems to think things are worthless if they don't agree with it--especially reviews or these sort of things.........

I don't call it worthless because I disagree with it; I disagree with it because it's worthless. It's a subtile, but important difference. It's worthless because in the two and a half decades or so that there's actually been a video game industry, of all the games that have been released, some of the most memorable moments include "the ending was quite a surprise..." and "getting an epic item." WTF?

Hex Omega
11-04-2006, 10:35 AM
I don't call it worthless because I disagree with it; I disagree with it because it's worthless. It's a subtile, but important difference. It's worthless because in the two and a half decades or so that there's actually been a video game industry, of all the games that have been released, some of the most memorable moments include "the ending was quite a surprise..." and "getting an epic item." WTF?


11-06-2006, 06:22 PM
Hm. Well, that review wouldn't be worthless to someone who agrees with it, would it?

You might say that if someone would agree with that, then their opinion would be worthless....but like, would that opinion be worthless to him/herself?
There is always someone who finds worth in something!

11-06-2006, 06:34 PM
Value can be either intrinsic or personal. Something with no intrinsic value that is released for mass viewing is worthless. Personal value is all well and good, but it is not good enough for something that is intended to reach a widespread audience.

Would you put a random lump of donkey poop on display in a major museum on the grounds that *someone* out there might like it? Of course not.

11-06-2006, 06:43 PM
Mm! Of course not!
Donkey poop is the sort of thing people in general find universal distaste in. Evolutionarily, the smell of methane and waste product from decomposition-related bacteria is meant to be repelling for us, so that we don't eat those sorts of things and get salmonella or food poisoning or something >>

That's beside the point, though--
You're right! If someone intends to release to a large audience, they should look at their own work carefully and critically before they subject it to the criticism of others.
I just think that games and reviews in generally are something that aren't in the class of Donkey Poop--no matter how bad they are, they...can't put your life in danger...>> I don't think, at least. Unless the game like, causes seizures.....

11-06-2006, 06:45 PM
That was an extreme example, but I think it made the point rather well. The article's value is not intrinsic, but reliant on personal agreeance with its content, which is obviously flawed. Therefore, it is a worthless article.

11-06-2006, 06:49 PM
What would be a review article with intrinsic worth?

I know that intrinsic worth for solid objects is easily definable--something that can have practical use (all solid objects have some degree of intrinsic worth). And like, personal worth would be "sentimental value" and those things.

But for non-solid, non-material things such as the words of others, what gives that intrinsic worth?

11-06-2006, 07:01 PM
most art that is solid in structure has some message that the artist wished to convey to viewers...the same goes for writers
they put out words that they wish for others to agree with or consider
just because intrinsic and/or personal wortha are not apparent in writng doesn't mean that they're not there
in this case, the existence of such is nil

11-07-2006, 01:36 AM
I see....
So for solid, real objects, there is always some degree of intrinsic worth, though there may not necessarily be personal worth....

For non-material things, such as words and the expressed thoughts of others, there is always some degree of personal worth that exists, but there is not necessarily intrinsic worth....
Is this right...?

12-07-2006, 03:36 AM
Psycho Mantis is not in the top ten? Neither is the the Great Mighty Poo?

Final Fantasy Weeboo faggotry is why VII is on top.

Galuf's death had a lot more meaning to it than Aries. Besides they cheated and brought her back anyway.

12-07-2006, 05:04 AM
Black_Knight --- I couldn't agree with you more. Galuf's death was way more meaningful and interesting than Aeris/th's.