10-30-2006, 09:57 AM
As said in the title, If Japan is nuked, cities most likely on the target list, are the one's that happen to have Square-Enix offices. Sure Sony, Square-Enix, and the other corporations could relocate to less likely target locations, but human resources that would be lost would be irreplaceable. PS3 and FFXIII might be saved but there would not likely be a PS4 or an FFXIV if it happened.


P.S. I wouldn't be quite sure if this is the best forum for this one but it's the best guess I have. Admin could please make the appropriate moves?

10-30-2006, 11:41 AM
If Japan was nuked, Japan would do what it does best: turn its massive technological resources into a military commodity. Given their expertise at microelectronics, Sony would probably start developing military systems for aircraft. Mitsubishi, Toyota and Mazda would start pumping out jets with CELL-based computer technology.

With little demand for a broad range of entertainment software, Square Enix would probably start developing military applications. The 3D department responsible for Advent Children and The Spirits Within would be perfect for propaganda movies, while their AI development would probably go towards military systems.

10-30-2006, 06:10 PM
If Japan got nuked, those places which are above ground and in areas that present major targets, woult not have as many survivors. They would do what you say, if the people responsible for making said technologies are not dead from it. Has Square Enix built shelters for its employees. That would be very improtant actually. Because like you said, when they turn it to military usage, (heck they'd only be doing what Enix did before it made the Dragon Quest series.) it would generate some pretty awesome machines. However if the people who are working on that very technology are killed, we'd still have the technology(we being used loosely to refer to it being in the knowledge of the human race) but the japanese would have to find other talented people to continue improving upon it and developing it.

All that being said, you brought up the best point people are likely to come bring up in this discussion. These companies were All of them military contractors, for that Japanese in WWII, and for the U.S. in the reconstruction period. (Although I think Square came into existence later, and Enix might have been an arrival of the late reconstruction period, although I can't be sure myself.)

So Yeah, hundreds of thousands of people are using machines that were made by the same companies and in some cases that same people who killed one of their ancestors. But that must not be taken out of context. WWII was first and foremost, a war, and as such people on all sides died, so really if one of your ancestors died by the hands of a machine made by Sonda or Sony, that person gave his life for his country and for a world where a device made by Honda or Sony would serve to help people rather than kill people. Such things are concepts the North Koreans don't understand because almost all of their heavy industry is devoted to war, and they have not known what it's like to live in peace. Maybe they'll be like Japan in the long run, they'll open up to trade, and they'll begin to use their industry for more productive endeavors... Perhaps after we slaughterknocker them real good and make them part of South Korea. lol.

10-30-2006, 10:57 PM
This thread is too good. I'll reply more later, but right now I have to get back to work.

matt damon
10-30-2006, 11:07 PM
um, those companies wouldn't start creating military technologies because that's a violation of the agreement made between the US and Japan post WWII. Japan would just have to rely on the American military to help them, since Japan is under the US's umbrella of protection.

10-31-2006, 02:24 AM
um, those companies wouldn't start creating military technologies because that's a violation of the agreement made between the US and Japan post WWII. Japan would just have to rely on the American military to help them, since Japan is under the US's umbrella of protection.

You really are naive.

Do you really think that if Japan was attacked it would go "Oh, America, come save me?"

Japan would say fuck America, and start churning out military tech. They have a right to defend their own shores. Remember, Japan has an industry that can almost match America, and they've taken over Korea by force before. It took two nukes against urban centers (a barbaric act of terrorism by the US, by the way) in order for them to surrender.

If a conflict is started by a nuke, you can bet your ass they won't sit still. There will be brand new Mitsubishi fighter jets in the air by the end of the day.

10-31-2006, 02:26 AM
um, those companies wouldn't start creating military technologies because that's a violation of the agreement made between the US and Japan post WWII. Japan would just have to rely on the American military to help them, since Japan is under the US's umbrella of protection.

That's what I was going to say. Also, It would suck because Japanese people are cool for there technology, and especialy the HAWT girl from the FFXII Potion commercial () and Yuria Hayama! ()

Aside from losing Square-Enix Japan, they still have offices in L.A. and Hawaii.

10-31-2006, 05:20 AM
um, those companies wouldn't start creating military technologies because that's a violation of the agreement made between the US and Japan post WWII. Japan would just have to rely on the American military to help them, since Japan is under the US's umbrella of protection.

You really are naive.

Do you really think that if Japan was attacked it would go "Oh, America, come save me?"

Japan would say fuck America, and start churning out military tech. They have a right to defend their own shores. Remember, Japan has an industry that can almost match America, and they've taken over Korea by force before. It took two nukes against urban centers (a barbaric act of terrorism by the US, by the way) in order for them to surrender.

If a conflict is started by a nuke, you can bet your ass they won't sit still. There will be brand new Mitsubishi fighter jets in the air by the end of the day.

I agree wholeheartedly with Raidenex on this one, but also have a correction to issue. They've already been developing military technologies, many of which are in the hands of the U.S. military. Also who do you think invented the Mini Tank for the Tokyo Police department? Who do you think developes technology for the JSDF? Yes the JSDF is under the U.S. envelope and thus they receive technical assistance from the U.S. armed forces, but also, the JSDF developes their own military technology, that in turn ends up in the hands of the U.S. and her allies. The British harrier was built around a V-tol system, that was originally developed by an engineer who was on the payroll of the JSDF. It is no coincidence that harriers are the primary fighter craft of the JSDF as well as an important craft for the RAF. And finally, what companies develope technology for the JSDF? Sony, Mitsubishi, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and a bunch of others just to name the big ones. These are all heavy industry companies. And while some of them are car companies, or entertainment companies, or music companies, they are all heavy industry companies, when the U.S. would not make such companies in their own country into heavy industry companies. You would have to be naive to believe that a nation would have that much heavy industry and not be developing military technology. Japan developes military technology for the Unitest States and her allies already, and this technology is also being stocked up for usage by the Japanese Self Defence Forces. And should the time come, Japan will remilitarize even if only as a temporary measure, and she'll strike her enemies, and once they are dealt with, free nations will be built in the lands they blow apart, either by the liberated peoples or by the free peoples who move in to replace the former inhabitants once the land is habitable again. If Tokyo is struck, it will be Pearl Harbor all over again, and if you think Japan will refuse to retaliate against North Korea because they are Pacifists, you are mistaken. You know, for all the limitations placed upon the size and armnaments of the JSDF, no such restrictions are placed upon Japan's police forces. Tokyo police are trained in the utilization of assault weaponry and squad warfare in urban combat situations. With a riot squad more than adequate to police the city close to ten-fold that consists of the most elite policemen from throughout the nation, one must wonder if the possibility that said police force would have to police the streets of other nation's capitals is not one of their contingiencies. And while they would technically be in violation of a few treaties, unless the U.S. attempts to get pissy about it (which we might, since it looks like we'll have a fucking Democrat in office when this becomes an issue), the U.N. will do nothing, and China would probably just clap their hands one moment, and shake hands with the Japanese leaders the next. However this would of course hinge on Japan not getting their asses handed to them. But if Japan did decide to get up the balls to raise a force and strike North Korea, and something did happen to give them this resolve, would North Korea be potent enough to stop such an onslaught? Would the Korean Nukes get past American Patriot Missile Systems often enough to actually cripple Japan?

This situation has the capacity to be a great tragedy, but if Japan rises up to meet this crisis, there is no one but North Korea themselves, who will mourn Japan being victorious. America however will lose reputation with many obstainant allies if America resolves this. That beign said. A Japanese triumph will mean an American failure. But that doesn't mean American cannot protect Japan from her enemies while she rises to meet them. We have troops in Korea, that are not going to leave. Someone wrote something comparing our troops being present in Japan to our presence in Iraq, and said we were planning on pulling out of Japan and Korea when we pulled out of Iraq, and worst of all, this was written after the crisis started.... That person was either a total idiot, and enemy, or both. The U.S. cannot afford to falter here, no more than Japan can afford to sit back and accept annihilation, and anyone who honestly believes that our presence in Korea is the same thing as our presence in Iraq is not only wrong, but evil. While our presence in Iraq essacerbates a violent situation, our presence in Korea prevents one, and all who wish for us to leave Korea now, wish for Korea to be plunged into violence.

10-31-2006, 02:33 PM
a barbaric act of terrorism by the US, by the way

I always roffle when people say this. The vast majority of the time, they're either ignorant of why it was done or simply spouting bullshit to further a political agenda. Seeing as I like Lee, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to ignorance of wartime politics.

10-31-2006, 04:40 PM
I always roffle when people say this. The vast majority of the time, they're either ignorant of why it was done or simply spouting bullshit to further a political agenda. Seeing as I like Lee, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to ignorance of wartime politics.

More like dislike of America, to be honest.

I just think it's pretty hypocritical of America to say that September 11 was terrorism when it was an act of war of Al Qaeda against America, while America's act of war against Japan was a 'justified act'.

Still, the horrors of Hiroshima did a lot to convince people that nuclear bombs were just a bad idea in general, so I guess we can count our blessings on that.

10-31-2006, 04:57 PM
Actually the difference is that Al Qaeda's attacks are intended purely to inspire fear, whereas there was actually a tactical gain from dropping nukes on Japan. Consider this: All estimates predicted huge losses on both sides if America actually invaded Japan, losses many times greater than that which the bombs inflicted. Also, it meant that all those casualties were Japanese instead of American. Therefore, it served a very powerful tactical purpose and it cannot be denied that it brought a decisive end to a very long and bloody war.

Basically, it was the correct decision.

11-01-2006, 04:01 AM
I'm not sure that Hiroshima is really on topic. Sure it's significant because the very second war where a country got nuked might end up with the same country getting nuked. But what's more important right now. The fact that, slightly over 60 years ago, Japan got two of it's cities nuked, or the fact that a countr is right now trying to get enough arms to nuke all of Japan's cities. Let me tell you something. Right now, people are trying to put a spin on this, that the U.S. has no business interfering, because using our military forces abroad will only create more complications. But our military forces there are there for a reason, and if whoever decides we will pull out of Iraq, pulls us out of Korea as well, Japan and Korea both are dead, and their blood will be moreso on our hands than was the blood of those who died and Hiroshima and Nagasaki... If that happens, I'm fucking going to Mexico, France, or China.