hb smokey
10-30-2006, 01:46 AM
<A HREF="http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/742/742313p1.html#">Here</A>

"Halo 3 will have not only a collector's edition but a legendary edition as well. Along with bonus DVDs of content, the package will come with a replica Spartan helmet."

Since the collector's edition will cost $69.99 most likely, it means that there is a good chance that this legendary edition could retail for $80. I guess the deal just depend on the size of the replica Spartan helmet as to whether this price would be worth it or not.

Swedish Fish
10-30-2006, 01:50 AM
This seems pretty shit imo. Unless of course it's a full sized Spartan helmet.

10-30-2006, 01:56 AM
Halo has the be the worst popular series. I hate everything about the game and it bothers me how much human drool is all over it.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-30-2006, 01:58 AM
Halo has the be the worst popular series. I hate everything about the game and it bothers me how much human drool is all over it.

Yeah, It's no Goldeneye 007.

hb smokey
10-30-2006, 01:59 AM
Yeah, It's no Goldeneye 007.
But Goldeneye isnt the top-end shooter that a lot of people make it out to be either. Sure, it was great back in the day, but it was still overrated. Just like Halo. The first game was good, but the second tried too hard.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-30-2006, 02:07 AM
But Goldeneye isnt the top-end shooter that a lot of people make it out to be either. Sure, it was great back in the day, but it was still overrated. Just like Halo. The first game was good, but the second tried too hard.

Perfect Dark, then?

10-30-2006, 02:12 AM
But Goldeneye isnt the top-end shooter that a lot of people make it out to be either. Sure, it was great back in the day, but it was still overrated. Just like Halo. The first game was good, but the second tried too hard.

The difference is that TODAY Goldeneye still is a better game than Halo - at least control-wise.

hb smokey
10-30-2006, 02:17 AM
Perfect Dark, then?
Actually yes, I preferred Perfect Dark well over Goldeneye. But that's a different topic.

It's looking like I'll definately have a 360 by the time Halo 3 hits now.

J. Peterman
10-30-2006, 03:27 AM
man geeks like halo man because like microsoft man they can go like omg halo that is like man better than a night a night on the town rather spend 300 on console then 60 whatever for game get stuff bam bam bam get hdtv maybe 2000 better than spending like money on dinner stuff and then man ps3 maN NO HALO NO DEAL MAN LOL and then like wii that is kiddy loser man no power man halo man that is the bomb better than a natural disaster in the good kind of way find i will say better than the reigning world champ in whatever go angel baseball

i am no halo fanboy btw so do not go like omg u suck man halo sucks man b/c i played it man i lost so bad then i said go to my court man they like fine i play nba live i believe man i dominated they played all star team i was like the lakers with the bad team man JAM JAM JAM FROM DOWNTOWN! and i was winning man like 100 to 23 or 34 something like that

time to go play disgaea 2

10-30-2006, 05:54 AM
So true, so true.

10-30-2006, 06:07 AM
Halo and Goldeneye are both lame and over rated.

10-30-2006, 08:54 AM
The difference is that TODAY Goldeneye still is a better game than Halo - at least control-wise.

Perfect Dark Zero proved that wrong. Perfect Dark Zero took the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark control system, and ported it to the 360. Say what you want about Halo, but it perfected the control scheme for console first person shooters; while not quite as twitchy as the PC gamers keyboard/mouse combo, it's far more accurate than the Nintendo 64's analog aiming.

If only for that control system, Halo deserves praise. Not the hyping that Halo 2 got, but Bungie knows how to tell a damn good sci-fi story, and they know good gameplay. Halo 3 doesn't need to innovate to be a good game, it just needs to pretty up the graphics and keep the core Halo gameplay, and it will be great.

hb smokey
10-30-2006, 09:05 AM
The difference is that TODAY Goldeneye still is a better game than Halo - at least control-wise.
Don't think so. In fact, I think Halo has some of the best control scheme set-up around for shooters.

10-30-2006, 03:13 PM
I don't know guys, I love the C buttons.

iconoclastic pastry
10-30-2006, 07:08 PM
Perhaps i'm just inadequate at first person shooters, but the few times I played Halo I couldn't aim well at all. =\

Mario Kinnikuman
10-30-2006, 07:11 PM
Don't think so. In fact, I think Halo has some of the best control scheme set-up around for shooters.

If we factor in the PC controls for Halo as well, I don't believe there's any contest here.

10-30-2006, 11:08 PM
i just wish they'd make 2 and 3 for pc like they did part 1 so i can at least continue on with the story. i still remember the commercials for part 2. something about aliens coming to earth and stuff as a result of what happend in part 1? sounds neat to me. maybe i can find an xbox emu and program my mouse and keyboard for it.?...lol

10-31-2006, 02:36 PM
i feel sad for people who think Halo has a great story

10-31-2006, 04:36 PM
i just wish they'd make 2 and 3 for pc like they did part 1 so i can at least continue on with the story. i still remember the commercials for part 2. something about aliens coming to earth and stuff as a result of what happend in part 1? sounds neat to me. maybe i can find an xbox emu and program my mouse and keyboard for it.?...lol

Halo 2 is coming out for the PC. It's a Windows Vista exclusive though, so you may need to upgrade your computer.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-31-2006, 04:48 PM
The difference is that TODAY Goldeneye still is a better game than Halo - at least control-wise.

No One Lives Forever would like a word with you (that one falling out of the airplane level fucking rocked).

11-01-2006, 12:37 AM
Halo 2 is coming out for the PC. It's a Windows Vista exclusive though, so you may need to upgrade your computer.

awesome thanks. setting up a partition with vista just to play it should be way easier than emulating an xbox. now i can see what happens. i'm replaying the first one again this time with max gfx settings on EVERYTHING. cause the first time i played it, i had a crappy computer and had almost everything low. i gotta say...i'm surprised at the diffrence. things are shinier and nice. :D

i might just godmode through it all thought in the end cause everything is so familiar and that gets boring fast.

11-01-2006, 03:08 AM
Perfect Dark Zero proved that wrong. Perfect Dark Zero took the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark control system, and ported it to the 360. Say what you want about Halo, but it perfected the control scheme for console first person shooters; while not quite as twitchy as the PC gamers keyboard/mouse combo, it's far more accurate than the Nintendo 64's analog aiming.


I have played Halo for hours in a row and have never gotten even semi-decent at aiming. In the same amount of time with Goldeneye, I could aim pretty darn good. Why? Goldeney knew it was a console shooter. It didn't expect people to move and aim at the same time with clunky console analog controls, and it worked beautifully - When you had to aim, you could. Halo, on the other hand, thinks that a console controller is the same thing as a keyboard and a mouse, which is completley wrong and just doesn't work.

Valerie Valens
11-01-2006, 01:13 PM
My "Quake 3 DC w/ DC controller" and "Serious Sam with a PS2 controller" skills would argue otherwise. :P

The Ricky
11-01-2006, 05:28 PM
Ok guys, I hate to say it, but Half Life pretty much beats out the competition. But the best FPS story goes to Doom. The premise of "Here's a gun, shoot things" is a hard story to beat ya know.

11-02-2006, 04:56 PM
the original doom? yes. doom 3? fuck no. get with the times, id software. simple stories just doesn't cut it anymore. it would have if they didn't make the game so long and monotonous. if they cut it in half (haflt he lvls). it would have been great. short and sweet. jsut enough to enjoy the gfx a bit, see every new monster a couple times, and that's it. i just wish they worked on the ending just a LITTLE bit more, ya know? that was just the worst ever. -_-

F.E.A.R's ending was kinda short too, but it was a good one. it was satisfactory. not what i wanted, but not a total dissapointment either.

the original doom is still more fun. lol they should make duke nukem 3D/64 for the steam engine or something. lol that's the best nukem of all the series imo. (then again..i'm still missing 2 or 3 parts...land of the babes and so on)

anyway, since it would appear were talking about all fps's now....

anyone know if area51 is worth d/ling? (the new one for pc) i'm not sure still.

gears of war makes me wish i had a fking xbox360. i love how it looks and the commercial was really really nice.

aside from those, i don't know which other really really really good fps i might be missing out on. (opinions wanted please)

11-02-2006, 05:08 PM
Ok guys, I hate to say it, but Half Life pretty much beats out the competition.