03-07-2002, 11:40 PM
Lots of people think that FFVII seems Incomplete.
That is not because there is more hidden somewhere,secret,
the game is unfinished,or that there was an unmade sequil,it is most likely because they wanted controversy or didn't bother thinking of a more complete ending.What exactly happened to the characters you cared about?The ones you didn't care about?
They made the game well enough to make most people care about the characters, but not well enough for every one to understand what happened to the characters.

I want to know what every one honestly thinks.

03-08-2002, 01:04 AM
i thought the ending was fine

03-08-2002, 09:54 AM
The ending was great! To hell with anyone who says that...j/k

03-08-2002, 09:58 AM
The ending is fine, It closes the game, sure it's open enough for any type of over analyzed questions, but who cares?
The ending was the last of the game and it served that purpose, nothing wrong with it.

03-08-2002, 11:58 AM
They made it like that so people would still be talking about it several years later and coming up with their own endings

Looks like it worked:rolleyes:

03-08-2002, 01:40 PM
The ending FMV looked a bit unfinished, with Aeris suddenly popping up and all.
Like they didn't bother to finish it due to release date or something.. o_O

But if they did that to have people talking about it for years after, they've done a very good job :uh?:

03-08-2002, 04:05 PM
I liked the ending. It left you hanging just enough, and I thought they did a good job.

Divine Strike
03-08-2002, 04:12 PM
It seemed like there was something missing but it was the right ending for the game, I couldn't think of another ending other than meteor crashing into the world and destroying everything.

03-08-2002, 04:13 PM
maybe the ending seems incomplete....but,what can we do anyway?It's up to Squaresoft..ya know

03-08-2002, 11:34 PM
It was definatly a good ending,I didn't mean it if I implied otherwise.

I'm just saying that lots of people write and think about secret endings and stuff.

And yes they did do a very good job of making controversy:rolleyes: ,but, I'm wondering If they did that on purpose...

03-09-2002, 01:43 AM
i reckon it was on purpose...all gd films do it, and games have the same quality storylines as films these days...

03-09-2002, 01:50 AM
I liked the ending but yes some of it did seem incomplete but I think that�s the way that the designers wanted it to be take ff8 for an example they left things unanswered there as well

Spoilers maybe

Is Laguna Squall's father?
Is Riona Ultima?

End spoilers

So yes it was a bit incomplete but I think that�s the idea:)

03-09-2002, 06:41 AM
I thought that FF7 left too much of the plot unanswered.

03-09-2002, 10:23 AM
Squaresoft know what they're doing. I reckon they're gonna make a sequel to FF7 on the Game Cube (yes, Squaresoft are working with Nintendo now) and it'll explain everything.

03-09-2002, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Cloud
Squaresoft know what they're doing. I reckon they're gonna make a sequel to FF7 on the Game Cube (yes, Squaresoft are working with Nintendo now) and it'll explain everything.

Hmm... I don't understand why you believe there will be a sequel to Final Fantasy 7. Sephiroth has been destroyed, as has Meteor, the Weapons and Shinra. You wanted to know what happens after Meteor hits, you have to finish watching the credits. Red and his offspring look down upon Midgar from a cliff-face several years after Meteor is destroyed. It is inhabbited by plants and animals, no human is seen. This is your sequel Cloud, as there is no more of the main characters (besides Red) and it doesn't even look as if there are any human characters at all. Im afraid I can't see any reason how or why Squaresoft would make FF12 or beyond based on FF7.

03-09-2002, 12:56 PM
nah, any more wudve spoiled it. the end was perfect

Bahamut ZERO
03-09-2002, 01:02 PM
The ending was pretty cool. It made sense (in a way) and left the plot slightly open ended (which is always good for any story line.) I liked the ending personally.

03-09-2002, 02:58 PM
Hmm... I don't understand why you believe there will be a sequel to Final Fantasy 7. Sephiroth has been destroyed, as has Meteor, the Weapons and Shinra. You wanted to know what happens after Meteor hits, you have to finish watching the credits. Red and his offspring look down upon Midgar from a cliff-face several years after Meteor is destroyed. It is inhabbited by plants and animals, no human is seen. This is your sequel Cloud, as there is no more of the main characters (besides Red) and it doesn't even look as if there are any human characters at all. Im afraid I can't see any reason how or why Squaresoft would make FF12 or beyond based on FF7

I agree entirely.

someone esle did, however do a small project, And made a sequil for their computer. You dont have to download anything to play, but it is recommended.

I honestly don't see any reason that SQUARESOFT would make a sequil though..

03-09-2002, 03:31 PM
The ending was very good. It indeed left a few things open to talk about with friends, but that's a good thing, eh?

I mean, that now you can imagine an own ending better. Or write a story 'Five Years Later' or something... :)

03-09-2002, 03:39 PM
The only one reason I could see for them to do that is that all of the stupid fantiacs would be curious about it and it would be a great publicity thing. But other than marketing ploys, The story would not benefit from a sequil, In fact That could just be the very thing to bring FFVII down.....

It could lose it's last shred of dignity and many of the Billions of shrouds of followers...

I hope they don't....just don't.......

03-11-2002, 02:37 PM
The ending to final fantasy 7 was definatly the best ending out of all the final fantasy's to-date. I didn't think it was incomplete but it was missing that little something.;)

Black Mage#1
03-11-2002, 09:54 PM
Well... I didn't get the part where Nanaki and his pups are at the ruins of Midgar

03-13-2002, 03:16 AM
Well, I must say, at first I thought, "WHAT?! NO WAY!" And thought of no other alternative other than there has to be a secret ending or something. But that was way back in 97-98. Since then, I've started to realize. THe end is complete. It's just the way things go. Personally, I thougt it was spectacular. All FF endings usualy are.

03-13-2002, 04:00 AM
I believe the ending was alright, I mean sure, we'd all like know what happened...but its SQUARE and they like to leave things in mystery. ;)

I like to think everyone survived and lived a long happy life, but hey, thats just me. :p

I think there should be a movie based on FF7 before a game sequel, ya know...

03-14-2002, 02:37 AM
I believe the ending was alright, I mean sure, we'd all like know what happened...but its SQUARE and they like to leave things in mystery.I like to think everyone survived and lived a long happy life, but hey, thats just me.I think there should be a movie based on FF7 before a game sequel, ya know...

No. Thats not going to happen, And I'm glad.See,thats just the thing to ruin it all,I think. If one character had a stupid voice, for instance.Thousands of people would be disapointed,angry,upset,and overall dissatisfied.Even if things were almost perfect,Even if they Found a good Actor/Voice actor for Sephiroth,Most people would think that It would have been better if THEY had directed It , or whatever,But basically what I'm trying to say is,Every one has a different Veiw of each character and Any way they do it, It will be a major disapointment to a large percent of the audience.If they make a sequil They will be Intentionally Falling for one of the biggest tricks ever. Although everyone wants a sequil,they all want it different, their own way, and it's impossible to please everyone,or even most people, for that matter.:notgood:

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03-14-2002, 03:34 AM
Although FFVII may have seemed incomplete i think it was closed quite well, but almost all of the FF in the series ended like there was something missing, and did you also see the warpstars at the end while playing "Prelude"... I really enjoyed that it was a suttle way, to add to the big ending it had... Now I really enjoyed this game, I thought FFVIII kinda ended abruptly, but I enjoyed it to, all the ends make you fell like you've play a very well done game... PS>>>> Hey have you heard of Final Fantasy VII International? It was only released in Japan and I heard that that explained a little more about the game...

HEY AND BlackMage#1, did you notice that the town was grown over and the sky was blue? It symbolized that they were happier without mako... They kept it simple... Or atleast thats what i think....

03-16-2002, 02:22 AM
I actually prefer more stright-forward endings. A little vagueness is OK, but Im more of an abstract thinker.

03-16-2002, 09:55 AM
Very well put Lucrecia, I don't think I could have worded it any simpler to the people who have such high hopes for a movie/sequel.... Why do you want a sequel people? Isn't imagination good enough for you....?

03-17-2002, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Black Mage#1
Well... I didn't get the part where Nanaki and his pups are at the ruins of Midgar

its to show that shinra had been destroyed

03-17-2002, 01:42 AM
FF VII is absolutely perfect the way it is. The only improvement it could possibly have would be the option to switch out your characters like in FFX and better graphics, but gamers and Square have become so heavily relying on graphics these days it's pointless to mention.

03-22-2002, 12:14 AM
I thought the ending was cool where it showed the Lifestream and all, and plus the part where Nanaki and his little pups are overlooking Midgar Ruins. :D

03-23-2002, 07:33 AM
The ending was pretty cool except a few minor things.

One : They didnt show the chars celebrate after saving the world i mean hell yeah lifestream rocked etc etc. but i would have liked to see at least a celebration if not in fmv at least in normal style..oh well thats sqaure for ya.

Second : The nanaki shit was pretty cool because them lil pups were cute however it made no sense whatsoever like 500 years later midgar looks like an iron rain forest LoL and i mean da f*cK is the point in showing nanaki after 500 years clouds dead and so is everyone else...oh well.

Now here is my thought on the ending

See'ing how 500 years later alot could have happened the human race could have died out because so much mako was drained from the planet and lifestream went berserk that all the resources that humans need to survive on was no more...and that could maybe explain the laughter part of the children , meaning that all things in life start over..a new life.

Also i have often thought maybe nanaki took the pups up to that mountain over looking midgar to tell them about how he met cloud and the rest of the group in midgar and how he played a small part in saving the planet :D

Oh yeah and as for Aeris's face its kinda obvious if anyone remembers she couldnt move on she was stuck in limbo because she felt she let the planet down , cloud had said it himself she couldnt move on and that they have to do it so she can blah blah not in those words but ya get the point.

I dunno just my opinion.

03-26-2002, 09:01 AM
The ending was great. There's now discussion about it!!!!!!

03-29-2002, 04:51 PM
Well i know what you guys mean i just beat FF7 last night for fun and the ending is one of the best and it's cool, but is just me or does square always leave you hanging.

03-31-2002, 10:10 PM
I think everyone has said what they want, I Know I have, and no one is saying anything new or even interesting. Is it even worth discussing anymore? I think this is a topic to be dropped. I'm out of this. I've said what I wanted to say and I'm done. There is no longer any visible point.Square Does Always leave you hanging, Now. They didn't with anything FF VI or earlier. It is only the past three or four games. I think Quality is dropping, I don't care about your exuses or the graphics. The Question is Is the GAME good?

Neo Xzhan
04-02-2002, 11:58 AM
Well it's not incomplete though I keep wondering what happend to Cloud and the rest. What did they do? Did they settle down?? I've u've bought the villa in Costa del Sol will u live there?? Perhaps they become heroes?? Who knows I just keep wondering..............

04-02-2002, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Lucrecia
Lots of people think that FFVII seems Incomplete.
That is not because there is more hidden somewhere,secret,
the game is unfinished,or that there was an unmade sequil,it is most likely because they wanted controversy or didn't bother thinking of a more complete ending.What exactly happened to the characters you cared about?The ones you didn't care about?
They made the game well enough to make most people care about the characters, but not well enough for every one to understand what happened to the characters.

I want to know what every one honestly thinks.
it IS incomplete your supposed to be able to revive aeris

04-02-2002, 06:20 PM
Even though i didnt like aeris i still would've went on a sidequest to revive her!You want to know what i think about the ending?well...I just think they ran out of good ideas....then again they're square so how would that be possible?

04-02-2002, 09:38 PM
Are you not disappounted after completing every FF because your having fun and suddenly it ends:(
I think Square just wants to keep us in suspense...

04-02-2002, 11:11 PM
Personaly, I think it's fine. As for the Aeris thing, I once read that lifestream was sent to destroy meteor as holy didn't do the job. From wat I understand, Aeris was leading Lifestream to Metoer (which is why she appieres at the end, and also why she can't be revived). However, it would be nice to know what happened next. Did Cloud stop morning over Aeris and date other women (e.g. Tifa)? How did Red find a mate? This does lead the way to fan fic though. I myself write a small FFVII fan fic, which is set after the game.

As for Final Fantasy VII International, American/European FFVII contained stuff that didn't feature in the Japanise version - Emerald and Ruby, less battles and the green and red arrows that point out doors and ladders. FFVII I contained all of that and an extra fourth disk which had music, movies and images from the game (I think).

04-03-2002, 12:00 AM
I'm not even gonna vote because the ending was great!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-03-2002, 01:07 AM
I would kinda want to know what happend to cloud after the encounter with Sephiroth, and I want to know what happened to Barret's daughter...................................Wahhhhh !!!! I wanna know!!!

09-12-2002, 06:56 PM
I think the ending to FF7 was terrible. I have never felt so cheated by a game on my life. After all that gameplay you devote to a game like that, only to be treated to a short ending along the lines of that one... In all honesty, the ending felt to me like one of those stories that a little kid doesn't know how to end, so he has it "all be a dream". Killing off every character is not a valid resolution to the story, I'm sorry. If it had been done well, I would have accepted it, but it wasn't. I have played and beat FF1, FF4, and FF6-10, and I will say that 7 is the only one that left me with no desire to ever play that game again. I would like somebody to PLEASE give me a valid explanation as to why they got any enjoyment, or any sense of closure out of this ending, and I would really like one of the many who say this is their favorite ending to explain that to me. I'm just looking for some kind of understanding here....

God of HellFIRE
09-12-2002, 08:47 PM
Yeah, I agree that FF7 has a very BAD and INCOMPLETE ending!!
It's sad to see such a SUBERB game with an ending like THAT! We finish the game and don't even know what happened after the fight with Sephiroth!! Truly disapointing ... Such a great storyline and the ending ...... :(

09-13-2002, 03:36 AM
No, I think the ending was great. The music kicked ass. And everything's all very mysterious, and yet there's Aeris, letting you know that, well, everything is all right. And then Red XIII at the end, go figure that one out, but still neat. Oh, and there are NO secret endings. I wish that rumor would die.

Edited to add that I think Vincent and Yuffie, or at least Yuffie, should have been in the ending. But I can live without it.

09-13-2002, 05:03 AM
So you enjoyed it, but I still no have understanding of why, or what made you think it was a good ending. Being mysterious is all well in good, but there's a clear cut difference between that, and just being too damn vague. I don't understand how Aeris being there assured you everything was alright, eiether. The message I got was that Aeris's death was in vain. And honestly, I don't understand how anyone could be satisified with an ending to a game with 30+ hours of gameplay that MAYBE lasted 5 minutes. I want somebody to defend this to me, I want to understand why people can love this ending so much....

09-13-2002, 11:28 AM
it was a big game for its time and resonably rushed by squaresoft, so i can imiagine bit are unfinished