10-29-2006, 11:19 PM
Sunrise came, I thought to myself (having played New Mario Bros 'til 3am in darkness) "I need a new game". Off I trundled down to GameStation at 9am and traded Mario for Advance Wars. I'm sickened. I had to put an extra �3 towards too!. How can this game be rated so highly? Maybe it's just me but I don't get it. It reminds me much of Crystal Warriors that was released on the GameGear years and years ago. That, pwns this Advanced malarky even now.


Mario Kinnikuman
10-30-2006, 12:19 AM
Are you deficient at playing it? If so, then you indeed squandered your money.

I personally like the Nintendo Wars series, due to its facile gameplay, but challenging missions that can appear ostensibly easy prima facie.

DS Wars expands on its neoteric predecessors. There's just more aspects and features that can affect gameplay. As such, resultant vagaries are more prone to occur in just one turn, for better or worse.

Outcomes can boil down to weither or not you opt to ultilize your C.O. powers immediately upon attaining them, or if you decide to purchase an expensive Megatank or a Rocket Artillery instead. Even the order that you move units and position them, can maximize your proficiency, or subtley hamper it; costing or saving you an extra one turn too many to rearrange them or not. Basically if you can contrive a strategy that's befitting your commander/s abilites, the terrain layout, and counters the enemy commander/s effeicently, then success is nigh.

The A.I. is a bit smarter, too, as I noticed habits they tended to follow in Advance Wars, they don't seem to be repeating in DS Wars.

Aside from those points, it's just a transportable strategy game on the go, and perhaps since it associates itself with technology instead of fantasy, could be another possible factor.

11-02-2006, 10:46 AM
I've realised that with a bit of persistence (about four hours of nonstop gameplay) I'm not as stupid as I thought I was, but still, I don't see the huge fascination with this game and why so many reviewers went crazy about it.

11-02-2006, 11:11 AM
Probably because most game reviewers play a lot of games, and don't judge a game until they have finished it?

The Advance Wars series, like any turn based strategy game, requires you to be a fan of the genre. Reviews are based on the proficiency of the game in that genre, and a high score does not guarantee that you, personally, will like the game.

Perhaps you need to consider what your preferred genres are, and stick to buying games in those genres.

11-02-2006, 05:13 PM
another reason could be that to most of us, (if not all) this was a pretty new idea in the way it was done. (mostly once two forces start fighting eachother really)

i guess its like maybe the board game stratego, except every encounter/battle is like its own reward with the animation and stuff. that's what appealed to me the most about this game when it first came out. i thought it was awesome. i was similarly interested in that chess game for the N64 by Titus for that very reason. animations whenever you take down a chess piece and stuff.

the bad thing that in both cases, it gets old FAST. so then your left with the rest of the game. :p but in advanced wars, its a good game after that too if you like strats. if you DON'T like strats, then you'll never like it. so why try?

on a side note. mario, i like the way you talk, if that's off the top of your head....wow. but if you pull a thesaurus out or whatever....how come? no need to impress us. we'll like you anyway. (maybe) lol

anyway. what i really wanted to say is that if you make that much of an effort to speak so pedantically and smart-like, then at least make sure its PERFECT! i spotted TWO mistakes! my corrections will be in brackets in bold and italicized. :p

DS Wars expands on its neoteric predecessors. There's just more aspects and features [that] can affect gameplay. As such, resultant vagaries are more prone [to] occur in just one turn, for better or worse.

you musn't forget the very important articles that make up the english language! :D