10-29-2006, 09:28 AM
Upon reading a part of the theories, I noticed you stated "One, what else could have created such an impact? JENOVA falling to the Planet couldn't have created such a gaping wound because her mass is simply not large enough, especially as compared to Meteor". This is not true. The speed of the impact really determines exactly how big of a size impact will take place. Proof of this is, Meteor Crater, in Flagstaff Arizona. The cause of this crater was due to a more correctly named "meteorite", as noted by modern day scientists. The size of the meteorite was approximately 54 yards in diamater. The speed at which the meteorite impacted the Earth, in the early Pleistocene epoch, is calculated to be about 29,000 mph or 13 kilometers per second. Considering the nearly mile long crater which is about 570 feet deep, the mass of JENOVA herself, could solely have caused the crater. Since her mass, just by herself, would be considerably lower, she would have a much greater velocity when impacting the "FF 7 Earth". Since she is moving at such a greater velocity, her velocity then would be equivilant, even in some cases twice as much, as the speed of the meteorite that hit Flagstaff, Arizona. With that said, her impact could have created 1) the same size of the meteor in Flagstaff, Arizona or 2) instead of creating a wide and considerably shallow depth, could have created a smaller yet incredibly deeper impact. Her small size would pierce the Earth, crushing through everything directly vertically, almost as if it would come clean through the Earth and out through the opposite side. Another suggested theory is, if it was not JENOVA which was impacting the Earth soley, she could have been covered by other foreign mass, almost as to say encased in rock or other material surrounding her. This then would be very similar to the Flagstaff impact and would disprove the "small yet greater velocity, greater vertical impact" theory. Her total mass and size in diameter, along with whatever she was encased in, would be equivilant to the meteorite that hit Flagstaff and would have the same speed, creating an almost exact impact. Yet, since we know that the size in diameter of the Northern Crater is not as so wide as it is smaller, it would most likely either be JENOVA herself impacting or having relatively a very small amount of matter encased around her and not so great an amount of matter encased around her when comparing the Flagstaff impact. So the "small yet greater velocity, greater vertical impact" theory, is valid. Since it is valid, this disproves the logic behind your proposed theory that "JENOVA falling to the Planet couldn't have created such a gaping wound because her mass is simply not large enough, especially as compared to Meteor". It could, and very well did, in fact create the Northern Crater as we know it. It's one thing that I have been asked about before from several people as to if JENOVA really did create the crater or not. I have used my theory to explain this. I hope you consider a revision of your theory!

10-29-2006, 10:18 AM
I'm sorry.. but I couldn't be bothered reading that. I have a two second attention span. :P

Mario Kinnikuman
10-29-2006, 10:27 AM
Tennisplayer, have you ever heard of paragraph structure? =|

10-29-2006, 10:39 AM
Forget paragraph structure. What the hell is this all about anyways? I saw the word 'Arizona' there when he was talking about JENOVA crashing into the planet. I never knew Arizona was a city in FFVII? :S

Mario Kinnikuman
10-29-2006, 10:47 AM
Forget paragraph structure. What the hell is this all about anyways? I saw the word 'Arizona' there when he was talking about JENOVA crashing into the planet. I never knew Arizona was a city in FFVII? :S

He's comparing JENOVA's velocity of impact, to a meterorite which hit Flagstaff, Arizona.

10-29-2006, 10:53 AM
He is gonna get eaten up. The velocity of the meteorite that hit Arizona would be much greater than the velocity of JENOVA's impact simply because.. The meteorite had actually hit the planet we live on. Not the world that Cloud and co. save. JENOVA never hit the planet Earth, so to put it simply..

You wasted your time posting that crap, because no one will read through half of it, let alone all of it. JENOVA never hit a world that simply does not exist, therefore the meteorite would definately leave a bigger hole. :)

Case closed..

10-29-2006, 03:26 PM

if he'd enumerate his points and been concise, i would have considered reading it

10-29-2006, 06:04 PM
He is gonna get eaten up. The velocity of the meteorite that hit Arizona would be much greater than the velocity of JENOVA's impact simply because.. The meteorite had actually hit the planet we live on. Not the world that Cloud and co. save. JENOVA never hit the planet Earth, so to put it simply..

You wasted your time posting that crap, because no one will read through half of it, let alone all of it. JENOVA never hit a world that simply does not exist, therefore the meteorite would definately leave a bigger hole.

Case closed..'

Sad. The meteorite hitting planet Earth is just a connection to JENOVA hitting the Final Fantasy Earth. Read through it throughly before you just try to come to a conclusion based on your arrogance. :-\ . I never said that the meteorite that hit our Earth hit Cloud's Earth. It's simply an analogy. What I was tryng to prove, is that JENOVA could have hit the Earth that "Cloud and co. save." Ha! Here's a quote by one of the most prominent Transcendentalists back in the early/mid 19th century: "If I cannot brag of knowing something, then I brag of not knowing it; at any rate, brag" (Emerson). If you don't know how this relates to this post, then... :laugh:

10-29-2006, 06:17 PM
Tennisplayer, have you ever heard of paragraph structure? =|

10-29-2006, 06:19 PM
Arrogance I tell you.


10-29-2006, 06:20 PM
Forget this. What a lame forum anyways. It's one thing to criticize and prove your point, but to not even consider things and try to justify is another. Later. Whatever.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-29-2006, 08:29 PM
Forget this. What a lame forum anyways. It's one thing to criticize and prove your point, but to not even consider things and try to justify is another. Later. Whatever.

It's not what you said at this point. The predominate problem is the way you presented it. Understand it already.

10-29-2006, 08:35 PM
What a lame forum anyways.
I am not a lame forum. pssh

10-29-2006, 09:52 PM
Forget this. What a lame forum anyways. It's one thing to criticize and prove your point, but to not even consider things and try to justify is another. Later. Whatever.

I just pray that every 'tennisplayer' before #112889 do not come here too. Not sure if could handle it.

You are the weakest link. Fuck off.

Valerie Valens
10-29-2006, 11:25 PM
Is there a point to this thread?

10-29-2006, 11:30 PM
Is there a point to this thread?

lol. I ask that of most threads here! The humour value keeps it entertaining though :-P