10-29-2006, 05:16 AM
I realize a lot of you are pissed off at me and or ffshrine. I'd like to try to clear up as much as possible here. if something isn't covered, contact me. I'll do what I can to fix things up.

I'd also like GH to be on good terms with gamingforce as I have a great deal of respect for what gamerippers have contributed, and I know a lot of them reside at gamingforce. just apart from that, I think forum wars are kind of petty and stupid. not saying you can't have issues with GH, you're more than welcome to; make me aware of them and I'll try to do what I can.

issues that I'm aware of:

1) ~*~ THE GHOULIES FIASCO ~*~: ghoulies was accused of stealing rips and taking credit for them. I don't know if this was or wasn't the situation. it doesn't seem like he's taking credit for them now, though?

I think most of this stems from his... rather poor english than him trying to really steal credit, but I don't know either way.

if he was taking credit for rips that weren't his, I would certainly tell him it's a very shitty thing to do and he should knock it off. I wouldn't ban him, however. we don't ban people for much at FFS; we tend to value freedom of speech. even lies.

2) CREDIT FOR RIPPERS: I've also been accused of intentionally "stripping" info about rips to make it appear that FFShrine / Galbadia Hotel in fact made the rip. this is a misunderstanding.

information about the ripper primarily comes in three places: the folder name, the ID3 tags, and the nfo file.

I have never, and will never, modify ID3 ripper information. it is the most secure way to keep your information in tact.

NFO's: three things happen/happened here.

a) I got the gamerip without the nfo file in place. I get most of my VGM from VGM DC hubs, this happens. all rippers know this.

b) I made nfo files hidden. this was for two reasons. first off, most of my users don't know what an nfo file is nor what to do with it. I figured it wasn't a big deal to remove them. I deleted some nfos from earlier GH uploads, and I apologize for that. this was a fairly small minority of uploads, however. when gamerippers made me aware of their discontent over the fact, I stopped doing it.

currently I keep some nfo files hidden because some nfo files seem to causing be causing problems with certain users' browsers. this appears to be a MIME type problem. if anyone's aware of a solution, let me know and I'll make them visible again. in future uploads I will be changing nfo files to txt files, as this fixes the problem.

c) the folder & file names: simply put, I need to modify some of these things to get them working on GH. I change spaces to underscores, remove characters that can't be in URLs, and remove subdirectories. all of this is neccessary to make them available.


to make things brief, GH now has the following policy: no ID3 tags are modified, nor have they ever been. no nfo files will be deleted; instead, they'll be renamed to .txt files for compatability problems. SFV files wll be deleted as they would not work once I've made the files "http friendly." the file names are changed.

I hope that's acceptable. if it's not, feel free to make suggestions.

those are the major issues I'm aware of. if there are others, contact me and I'll address them.

as a way of recognizing what gamerippers have contributed to the VGM communities, and as evidence of good will, I'll give free mass download accounts to anyone that's ripped a moderate number of games and made them available.

10-29-2006, 08:43 AM
I'm not really ticked over anything, at least now... everything seems to be resolved as far as I know. Ghoulies has improved, and that's a good thing. I don't believe he was even hosting any of my rips in the first place.

Frankly, from my viewpoint, the reason why rips exist is to spread them around the web as much as possible. ID3 tagging is usually the part that everyone doesn't edit/delete out of rips. But my point is that I don't care how my rips are being spread as long as credit is still given to myself (or the company/publisher), and that the contact info is still available so that, if people wanted all of the files, they could message me and I could give them the complete set.

Hopefully most of the other rippers feel the same way.

10-29-2006, 08:45 AM
I make a point of saying that never I did not make believe that it was my rips.Now, there are the names of the rippers with the RIP on the page.And certains albums like Resident Evil, MGS, Oddworld come from French site, not from the ftps.So never I wanted adulterated no matter any thing.Contrary!That helps with the rips to be made known.

10-29-2006, 06:32 PM
Posted by Teioh in GFF:

Originally Posted by Sarah mass download accounts, blah blah..

Haha, that's some quotable stuff. I don't know what's more funny, the fact that Sarah is trying to lure people into her shrine by giving out free mass download accounts (Wait, not everybody's a leecher like you, Sarah), or the fact that the free mass download accounts are free. Because I'd like to pay money for them. Seriously.
As if the website's not already giving Sarah enough financial gain by hosting other people's work...

Sarah, since you're reading this with your ban evasion account, how about you start respecting other people by not only giving them credit but also acknowledging their stance on your FFShrine:
I don't want credit, I don't want my name on your site and I don't want my uploads stolen for your board.
Getting credit from FFShrine is a slur on somebody's reputation.

As long as Sarah steals other people's uploads and makes money with her own uploads of other people's game rips and album encodes, I couldn't have less respect for him.

Sorry for double post
And here the link to GFF:

Definitely, GFF don't like FFSHRINE.FFSHRINE are winers and GFF are losers!!!!! ^^

Mario Kinnikuman
10-29-2006, 07:51 PM
Hopefully most of the other rippers feel the same way.

I concur.

10-29-2006, 08:57 PM
Haha, that's some quotable stuff. I don't know what's more funny, the fact that Sarah is trying to lure people into her shrine by giving out free mass download accounts (Wait, not everybody's a leecher like you, Sarah), or the fact that the free mass download accounts are free. Because I'd like to pay money for them. Seriously.

I'm not trying to lure anyone anywhere. I don't require that gamerippers post at ffshrine to get a "free" account.

secondly, "free" does not refer to money; it refers to the fact that you don't need to work for it. normally mass-download accounts are given to people that tell others about GH, via a referral system. I'm saying gamerippers don't need to do that.

As if the website's not already giving Sarah enough financial gain by hosting other people's work...

GH sends well over 20 terabytes of music a month. do you have any idea how much bandwidth that is, or how much it costs?

if everyone's FTP at gamingforce was sending out 100KBPS constantly (they don't, most home connections can't upload that fast, nor are the FTPs always full, I'm sure) it'd take over 100 FTP's sending at at that speed constantly to even approach sending as much VGM as GH does.

my goal is the same as everyone at gamingforce's: to share video game music. some do it by ripping, some do it by hosting FTPs, some do it by hosting websites. a number of other well respected members of your community host music on sites, you know, it isn't just me.

As long as Sarah steals other people's uploads and makes money with her own uploads of other people's game rips and album encodes, I couldn't have less respect for him.

not sure where you're getting this? I lost money on gh the last two months in a row and I'm about to spend 10,000 to 15,000 on new servers for the place...

Definitely, GFF don't like FFSHRINE.FFSHRINE are winers and GFF are losers!!!!! ^^

ghoulies, Teioh is just one member of gamingforce. don't turn him being against me as some sort of sign that this is some full, all-out board war. it isn't.

10-30-2006, 01:01 AM
The losers at Gamingforce have just said that they want Ghoulies lobotomised and that Sarah is a fuck-up.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-30-2006, 01:02 AM
The losers at Gamingforce have just said that they want Ghoulies lobotomised and that Sarah is a fuck-up.

I'm suprised that childish namecalling is worthy of care. Honestly, it isn't. Please stop cluttering this thread with billingsgate. Thank you.

10-30-2006, 02:22 AM
The losers at Gamingforce have just said that they want Ghoulies lobotomised and that Sarah is a fuck-up.Come to think of it a lobotomy would better suit you, murrayskull, since you're so prone to fits of FUCK YOU!!!! FUCK YOU!!!! RARGH LORD STYPHON YOU DISRESPECTFUL PIECE OF FUCK!!!!11 If you don't like gamingforce just stop coming back, the novelty of WELL? WELL? WELL? YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT HOW DARE YOU blah blah blah wore out a long time ago.

I concur.
I'm suprised that childish namecalling is worthy of care. Honestly, it isn't. Please stop cluttering this thread with billingsgate. Thank you.
I say, old boy! Surely you are aware that said statement was not tomfoolery, but indeed serious business?

10-30-2006, 05:09 AM
This whole thread is about resoving problems. All YOU are doing is creating more by being a smart-ass. There's really no need for it.

10-30-2006, 06:12 AM
All I would like to say is that I give my sincere thanks to every ripper out there giving us the music we crave from our favorite games/movies/anime/etc.

I also like to rip some music from my favorite games, but I don't care about adding NFO/SFV/playlist files when I upload those files. You may think that's retarded, but that's my preference, and only mine. I don't really care if someone shares my links to other forums and doesn't include my name or info, it's just the thought of sharing with millions of other gamers that really matters to me, and it should to all other rippers as well.

So let's just get along and exchange some banners, shall we? ^_^

10-30-2006, 06:28 AM
I don't care about .NFO or playlists either.

11-09-2006, 01:27 PM
I can never open .nfo files anyway on XP Media Edit. anyway