03-07-2002, 06:27 PM
Well since I'm too late for the contest.
I say, Screw the contest, I'm still postin' my story anyways!:cool:

Sorry that it's all smushed up together like that
Anyways, here you go, Enjoy:

John Parish in: A DARK SUN RISING
By: Vastalis

A �48 Merc drove with lighting speed through a majestic sun-setting desert. The black �n blue pearl colored blur kicked up dust as it went along the dirt road at 150 mph, the rumble of the modified V8 engine roared cutting through the complete silence of the lonely desert. The car was headed toward an out-of-the-way, old, abandoned, Spanish missionary town, and the dirt road seemed like the only way of getting there. Dusk began to fall over the land, as the driver looked to see the big sun half ways into the horizon. John looked at his rearview mirror, and saw a big blood red moon just rising half ways from the horizon; a feeling of dread came over him, as he determined to quickly get to the mission.
It was nightfall when he arrived at the missionary ghost town. The blood red moon stood directly above, casting shadows with its red glare. All was quiet except for some muffled music coming from the mission chapel in the middle of the town. John drove up the road, and saw that along the side of the chapel were a bunch of classic cars parked diagonally creating a makeshift parking lot. He parked the car in an open space, along side a nicely looking red �55 Chevy Bel Air. He stepped out of his car and stood gazing at the chapel. John stood 6� feet tall. He wore 2 toned black and white creepers; a pair of black, cuffed khakis with a black leather belt, and a silver chain that went down his right pants leg a little passed his knee. He had on a black, long sleeved, collar shirt, with a thin red tie, and a red coat with wide lapels. His red hair was slicked back, and his ear-length sideburns combed down the sides of his head.
John walked to the chapel entrance in front of two huge, hardwood doors. He opened the doors to reveal an active scene inside. In the far end of the huge chapel, was a barely visible stage with a band that filled the room with furious rockabilly type music; in front of the stage was a huge crowd of people dancing. On the right side of room was a bar with stools and a long stretched counter. Behind the counter was a huge wooden shelf, full of bottles of hard liquor, and glasses. On the left side of the room were a bunch of tables with chairs. The walls of the chapel had tiny cracks, and crumbling paint chips, in the center of the room were six wooden pillars that stood in two rows holding up the chapel.
John entered the chapel, and headed toward the bar all the while observing the scene. He sat at a stool and looked around the room some more, and then he caught his eye at two signs that stood on the opposite side of the room. In the back of the room on the wall behind the stage was a big, glowing red, neon sign that read: �The Gateway To Hell !� On the other side, above the entrance was another neon sign in bright orange, which read: �The Only Way To Heaven!� John immidetly became suspicious; a feeling of dread came over him, as he began to recall the story of the �Damned� Spanish mission.

The story of the �Damned� Spanish mission of San Guillermo was as follows:
In 1510, a Spanish conquistador by the name of Gustavo De Mala went out with a troop of soldiers, and priests to create the Spanish mission of San Guillermo. His men began to pillage and plunder the Indian tribes of the surrounding area, assaulting and butchering them. One day, the tribes united together and fought back invading the mission. The charge made it�s way far inside the mission walls, and in the last moments Gustavo De Mala and the rest of the survivors, locked themselves inside the chapel where De Mala ultimately desecrated the holy mission by renouncing the church, and selling his soul to Satan. He made a pact that he would gain overwhelming power to crush his enemies, and for every kill, the soul that was released would go straight to hell, �Damned� forever.
That night, the moon was as red as rich blood, and all around, faint sounds of howls from the damned were heard when the horrific, chaotic, bloodbath began, as De Mala stepped out to destroy his enemies. By night�s end, no one not even the townspeople survived, as De Mala himself became a demonic spawn of Satan. The chapel where De Mala did his blasphemous deal, turned into a gateway to hell where it lays forever, ready to open whenever the blood moon appears, and tonight, hundreds of years later, it opens again.

John sat looking around for anyone suspicious.
�So what�s your poison Slick?� The Bartender asked as he cleaned some glasses.
�Huh?� John said, confusingly looking at the Bartender.
The barkeep sighed and said, �I meant, what would you like to drink?�
�A shot of Tequila� John said. He turned his attention back to the scene in front of him, when a lady in a red dress approached, and sat next to him, at the bar.
�Hey there sugar, having a goodtime?� said the lady as she winked with a smirk on her face. John said nothing, just shifted his eyes at her to acknowledge her presence.
�Aw, c�mon honey,� said the lady, as she took a sip from her drink, and rested her head on John�s shoulder. �Don�t be so shy, relax and have a good time.� John began to grow suspicious, and turned his head slowly towards her, he noticed that his drink was already on in front of him.
�So, you�re here huh?� John said, with a serious face as he turned to face the bar.
�I see you�ve noticed me before,� said the lady still smirking.
�Of course, should�ve figured you�d be wearing red.� John said.
�I�m glad you like it,� The lady said as she straightened herself. �Are you enjoying yourself?�
�I would, if there were less people here.� John said
�Yeah, the crowd is kind of getting to me too,� The lady said looking around, then looked at John and winked �Why don�t we go outside for a while?�
�Agreed� replied John, as he took the shot of tequila and pounded it without any reaction.
They both got up and walked outside. John looked around and saw no one, and then he noticed that the blood red moon wasn�t directly above any more
�So where�s your car?� The lady said, as she walked to where the parked cars were at, on the side of the chapel.
John walked, and stopped her. �Look, let�s cut the crap already, and get this over with!�
�Hey, not in the open,� she said, nervously looking around. �In the car!�
�Quit fucking around you hell spawn,� angrily said John �I�ve found you, now show yourself!�
�What the FUCK are you talking about?� The lady said as she raised and eye brow.
�Look De Mala, quit stalling,� John said as he took a defensive stance. �Either way, I�m closing that gateway!�
�O-kay now, I think the Bartender has been screwing with your drinks,� she said, as she began backing away. �I think I�ll go back, inside.� She turned and began to walk away.
�DON�T WALK AWAY FROM ME HELLSPAWN!� John yelled as he grabbed the lady�s shoulder and turned her around. The lady instinctively turned around giving him a hard slap in the face that dropped him on his ass.
�Look, you�ve obviously had either too much to drink, or something,� she scolded as she stormed off back to the chapel.
John got up and brushed himself off, �Damn demon, he�s playing tricks on me.� John thought as he went back into the chapel.
John walked in and went back to where he sat at the bar. He began to view the area again, when the bartender walked to where he was. �Smooth move slick, a REAL smooth move,� said the bartender as he shook his head. �So, you want anything else?�
�Another tequila,� said John ignoring the comment made. �But make it a double.�
John looked around when he spotted three men that seemed out of place to the surroundings. The three sat very serious, as though they were up to something. They all wore black suits, except for the guy in the middle, who was completely in black, from his coat and tie, to his shirt and pants, right down to his shoes. They were eyeing out the crowd as though they were looking for someone.
John took his double shot and pounded it like the first without a flinch. He got up and headed toward the three men. As he got there, he grabbed a chair, placed it backwards, and sat on it with the chair post in front of him. The three men looked at him angrily. �Okay, now that I�ve found you, why don�t we get it over with,� John said without hesitation.
�Alright then,� said the man in black in a Brooklyn accent. �Boys, let�s go outside.� The three men got up and went out the door. John got up and thought, �that lady wasn�t De Mala, but this guy must be. De Mala would dare not confront me alone without help; the good thing though is that at least this�ll be quick.� John looked at the people around, �No bloodshed, no innocence will fall.�
John stepped outside, and saw the three men standing side by side, with one carrying a black briefcase. �So,� the man in black spoke as he signaled to open the briefcase. �We�ve brought the goods, now give us the money.�
�Never mind your petty things, I will deliver you all back to your dark master.� John said as he pointed to the three.
��Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don�t got the money,� The man in black said �Bobby, Louie, Whack this creep, advance on him.� The two men quickly rushed John, as he jumped and flipped over them. One of the men turned and ran toward John, as John quickly kicked him in the face, and followed with a strong swift sidekick that made the guy fly through the air knocking him out. Seeing his partner go down, the other man charged John. He was about to grab John, when John countered and grabbed the guys arm, then followed by an elbow to the face, immediately knocking the guy unconscious.
�De Mala! You should�ve never left Hell� John said, calmly walking toward the man in black.
�What the fuck are you talking about,� the man said as he reached into his coat. �Well, It doesn�t matter, you�re gonna die anyways.� The man took out a gun and pointed it at John. Three thunderous shots rang out as the flashes from the gun illuminated the area. With quick speed, John ran and tackled the man. He was on top of him, with one hand around the man�s neck, and the other on the gun, which he took away and flung into the shadows. �Let� go� of me� you� psycho!� urked the man with the bit of breath he forced into his lungs.
�I shall send you back to HELL!� John said as he took out a long dagger from his coat.
�I�m not� who you think,� said the man as he widened his eyes at John. �I�m just� a� mobster!� John thought about it, as he realized why the men offered him the briefcase in exchange for money. He grabbed the man by the shirt and lifted him up.
�L-l-look, I think the b-b-barkeep p-p-put something in your d-d-drink,� said the man trembling with fear at the sight of the ease of strength John put in picking him up with one hand. �Y-y-you got the wrong man!�
John threw the man at the others as they began to stir around again. �DAMN that De Mala, he tricked me again!� John thought as he looked up at the sky and saw the blood red moon getting closer to the horizon. �Well, it�ll all be over at night�s end. De Mala will have to show himself in order to gather souls.�
He head back in, and went back to the bar. Again he observed the scene as the bartender went to talk to him. �Hey man, is it just me, or are you looking for someone in particular?� The bartender looked at John and noticed a sort of determined look to him. �See, I�m only asking �cause you seem to be sort of obsessed looking around.�
�Yes, I am looking for someone, and I�ll know him, when I see him,� replied John as he stayed observing the crowd.
�O-kay,� said the bartender as he widened his eyes. �Do you want another shot of tequila?�
�Yes, but make it a full glass instead,� said John in his serious tone of voice.
�Hey man, why don�t ya just relax and listen to the music,� suggested the bartender. �Just look how the band has everyone into it.�
John began to think, �what was that?� He observed the people dancing, as though they were in a trance by the furious sounding music that seemed to electrify their actions. �That�s it! It�s the band; it�s De Mala and his men that are the band. Why didn�t I noticed it sooner!� It was a three-piece band: a drummer, a bassist with a stand up bass, and the singer/guitarist. You couldn�t tell that they were from the same band, since each one was dressed differently from the other. The drummer looked like a greaser with his small pompadour white tucked t-shirt, cuffed blue jeans, and black boots. He beat the drums in a wicked crazy pace, driving the music forward, making it seem like it had no end. The bassist wore part of a Zoot suit. He had on a white-collar dress shirt with a long thin black tie. Black and white checkered suspenders held his black puffy tight-cuffed pants up, and from his right pocket came two long gold chains that went down his right pants leg, and back up to his waist. He played his huge, dark brown finish, stand-up bass with big, low, deep, tones, as his black and white wing-tips tapped out every pluck he made on the instrument. The singer wasn�t like either of them. His hair was slicked back, rather than in a pompadour. He wore a dark green collar shirt, a gray, checkered coat, with dark green khakis, and gray wing tips. He made madding riffs that gave the music its furious melodic sound, giving the people the wild movement to their dance steps, as they seem to never stop, and just continue to want more.
Rather than confront the trio, he decided to wait until they made their move. �Oh no, not this time De Mala, you will not trick me again,� John thought as he looked on. �I know that you must do your evil deed before sunrise, so go ahead and waste time, I have all night. I can wait.� John sat and waited while drinking his glass of tequila. Hours passed, and still nothing, the band had played 5 songs, and now they were at their last song of the night. It was a slow, mellow sounding, laid back, lounge type song to ease the crowd for the night. No one but 5 couples danced to the song. About half of the people had already left for the night; while a few stayed sitting at the tables just listening, ready to call it a night.
John was confused, nothing happened at all, and it was already about closing time. The band finished the song, and everyone that stayed clapped. �Thanks everyone,� the singer called out. �We really appreciate it. Good night, and have a good one y�all.� The band unplugged their stuff and began to disassemble the equipment. �I don�t know what you�re up to, but I�m not leaving this the way it is,� John thought as he lifted an eyebrow, after seeing everyone leave without being attacked.
The band put their stuff away, and headed to the bar.
�Yo, what�s up Gus,� said the drummer to the bartender raising his had to shake Gus the bartender�s hand. �Thanks for letting us play man.�
�Yeah man, you�re one slick cat,� added the bassist also shaking Gus� hand.
�No problem guys, so what�ll it be?� Gus said to the band.
�Just three beers for the road Gus,� replied the singer. �We need to hit the road for are next gig, sorry we can�t stay.�
�It�s all good, maybe next time,� said Gus as he handed them the beers
The trio left the bar without incident, only John and Gus the bartender remained. �So you�re still wondering why De Mala never showed himself, huh John,� asked Gus as he cleaned the dirty glasses
�Yeah, he had a bunch of people here, and yet never struck,� thought John until it occurred to him that he never once mention De Mala, or even his name
�Yeah, it�s me who you're looking for,� said Gus as he began to explain himself. �I�m De Mala. Gustavo De Mala, the demon of San Guillermo.� �The only reason why I spared everyone's life, is �cause I didn�t need them now that you were around�
John glared at De Mala, as he heard the truth. �What do you want with me?� asked John as he clenched his fists.
�What would be better?� asked De Mala as his wicked grin formed. �Dozens of lost souls into Hell, or an angel, but not just any angel, an archangel to become my master's pet!�
�I should�ve known it was you,� John said �You WOULD be the least likely to be accused.�
�Not only that, but you angels sure are naive� De Mala said with a wicked laugh.
�Enough of this vile demon spawn,� commanded john as he waved his arm, cutting the air. �Let�s go outside and finish it once and for all!�
�Yes, Why don�t we,� said De Mala as he went to the door. �You WILL become another slave for my dark master�
John and De Mala stepped outside facing each other on opposite sides of the chapel. John took off his coat and tossed it to the side, as two huge, feathered wings stretched from his shoulder blades. De Mala began to morph as his hands and face turned hideous, and grotesque. Two huge bat-like wings branched out of his shoulder blades also, as both John and De Mala took flight. Dawn began to break on the land. The cool, crisp, sky began to lighten. Behind De Mala, the sun began rising on the horizon, slowly creeping higher and higher, while behind John the dreaded, dark, blood red moon sunk slowly down, deeper, and deeper into the horizon. Both enemies stared at each other, anticipating the others move, as the calmness of the desert stood quite and tranquil, always undisturbed, and always the same no matter what events took place on it.