10-28-2006, 01:33 AM

....! Brilliance.....
Counter = Mime * 7,
Sneak Attack = Regen....


10-28-2006, 01:43 AM
I was about to post that! >O

You DIE!

10-28-2006, 01:46 AM
I just saw it too...I just HAD to put it up....

It wasn't my fault!!!!

10-28-2006, 01:46 AM
old video ....

10-28-2006, 01:47 AM
That's OK, Norse. I was just busting your balls a little there. >xD

10-28-2006, 01:50 AM
Lol, alright. XD
>> You know I'm female, right?

11-08-2006, 10:05 AM
Did you notice how Vincent's HP were Japanese characters rather than numbers for almost the whole fight? Barret's did the same thing. That looks like a glitch to me, which could be evidence of a cheat device.

I also watched this person's "1:14" battle with Emerald (even though it was 1:15), and Vincent's HP did the same thing as they did in the Ruby fight. Also, with the utter brokenness of FFVII, such feats arent exactly wow-worthy.

11-14-2006, 03:56 AM
XD!! =]
That's where the Japanese version lists the status effects.

Vincent is listed as "BA-ZA-KU" (Berserk)
Barret gets "RI-JIE-NU" (Regen) after his casting.

It's true that the actual playout isn't very impressive...but I thought the materia setup and the planning was an interesting insight...=]

11-14-2006, 05:56 AM
XD!! =]
That's where the Japanese version lists the status effects.

Oh! I didn't know that. That's actually pretty cool. Why didn't "we" get that?

but I thought the materia setup and the planning was an interesting insight...=]

More like evidence in favor of a broken system.

11-14-2006, 06:12 PM
Oh! I didn't know that. That's actually pretty cool. Why didn't "we" get that?
Hmm....XP I'm not sure....
But Ruby and Emerald can't have been in the Japanese version unless it's the International version--
So maybe the status effect thing was added with the International version (It was released after the American release, so that might have been why we didn't get it XP).

More like evidence in favor of a broken system.
I never would have thought of entering battle against Ruby weapon with Sneak Attack = Regen....
I just thought it was an interesting......>>

Later-FF battles, especially against Ruby/Emerald weapon, play like some chess game rather than a battle...
All the planning goes in beforehand, and then when you reach the battle, you just watch your plan play out....XP There's usually nearly no in-battle improvisation....
<< I kind of like it that way, but some people find that boring and tedious....
Mm, later battles, if you compare them to earlier battles, are "broken" by materia setup.

11-14-2006, 06:36 PM
Mm, later battles, if you compare them to earlier battles, are "broken" by materia setup.

No, the system is broken because there's way too many easy ways to abuse the system.

11-14-2006, 06:58 PM

Then this world, law, and our "Justice" is broken, too. Mm...?

11-14-2006, 07:09 PM

Then this world, law, and our "Justice" is broken, too. Mm...?

you didn't know that?

11-14-2006, 07:34 PM
Of course I did! That's why I brought it up...I was agreeing with him...=]
Our system is just as broken as FFVII's system......>>

11-14-2006, 08:46 PM
but our system isn't broken by setup buy by society itself

11-15-2006, 03:57 AM
A system cannot be broken without people to break it.

Every system is abusable; it is up to the intelligence (or maybe lack of self-restraint) of the users to break the system.

11-15-2006, 05:46 PM
A system cannot be broken without people to break it.

Every system is abusable; it is up to the intelligence (or maybe lack of self-restraint) of the users to break the system.

the thing is, people will openly admit that justice systems are say that the materia system is broken and you're met with "STFU N00B!" and "GTHO ASSHOLE! T3H MATERIA SYSTEM R T3H BEST 3VAR!!!1!!111"

11-15-2006, 06:13 PM
Some people enjoyed the materia system a lot....
And the materia system isn't something that is a matter of life-and-death, as the justice system is....
But I'm sure if you talked to them long enough, they would agree that the materia system is something that's easily abusable...
...whether that actually matters would be another subject...XP

11-19-2006, 11:08 PM
the materia system was great but it was pretty easy to abuse.
saying that, so was the junctioning in ff8. my squall is level 100, 9999hp and is immune to every status effect and elemental attack, and his evade is 255 making him near impossible to hit.
only way to hurt him is with non elemental magic, but even that only does 3000 tops.

im sure all of the ff games have these seemingly invincible setups, but finding them out for yourselves without looking for walkthroughs is one of the best bits of final fantasy so im not complaining

11-20-2006, 06:14 AM
the materia system was great but it was pretty easy to abuse.
saying that, so was the junctioning in ff8. my squall is level 100, 9999hp and is immune to every status effect and elemental attack, and his evade is 255 making him near impossible to hit.
only way to hurt him is with non elemental magic, but even that only does 3000 tops.

im sure all of the ff games have these seemingly invincible setups, but finding them out for yourselves without looking for walkthroughs is one of the best bits of final fantasy so im not complaining

Near the end, Final Fantasy games do seem to get easier...on the 5th or 6th playthrough...After youve mastered everything...

11-20-2006, 06:27 PM
Near the end, Final Fantasy games do seem to get easier...on the 5th or 6th playthrough...After youve mastered everything...

Hey, way to go! You've shown that you can ignore pretty much everything said in a thread AND add something completely useless in the SAME POST! I'm in awe...

11-20-2006, 08:37 PM
knights of round+hp restore
equip the apocolypse sword
equip strongest armor
have ribbon as your accessory
cast knights of round once then mime

11-20-2006, 09:52 PM
That's effective, but not quick! =]

And ChunkyMunky, I think what he meant is that he's agreeing that the system's exploitations and things become apparent after a few playthroughs.....>> And because of that, the game is easier to go through....
But it does take knowledge of the system to be able to know what you can do with it! That was the other thing he said about "Mastering" it....

11-21-2006, 07:50 AM
That's effective, but not quick! =]

And ChunkyMunky, I think what he meant is that he's agreeing that the system's exploitations and things become apparent after a few playthroughs.....>> And because of that, the game is easier to go through....
But it does take knowledge of the system to be able to know what you can do with it! That was the other thing he said about "Mastering" it....

once you get all the takes about 15 mins to come up with ways to break the system and make the game even more elementary

11-21-2006, 06:13 PM
And ChunkyMunky, I think what he meant is that he's agreeing that the system's exploitations and things become apparent after a few playthroughs.....>> And because of that, the game is easier to go through....
But it does take knowledge of the system to be able to know what you can do with it! That was the other thing he said about "Mastering" it....

Which has nothing to do with the fact that the game is needlessly broken. Materia like Mime, KotR, W-Item, Double Cut, and probably a dozen others can make your characters just ridiculous. Most of those are super-easy to obtain.

11-21-2006, 06:26 PM
Mm, I see....
The game might be easily abused and overpowers you, but you also have the option not to use those things....
Other than that, I'm...not sure what else I can do about what you are complaining about....><

The reason I thought this video was kind of impressive was the speed at which they killed Ruby WEAPON. Usually, the conventional way people fight Ruby is using KOTR, HP Absorb, W-SUmmon, and Mime, and everyone follows it that way....but he made a quick and effective setup without many of the conventional things people used...>> I thought that was interesting....=]

I never would have thought of using Regen=Sneak Attack in a setup against Ruby WEAPON....XP
<< If you guys would have, then maybe that's why you weren't as impressed....and I'm just not as insightful as some of you, then....XP
>> Is that what you guys are saying?

11-21-2006, 06:51 PM
Sneak Attack/Regen was a neat touch, but in all honesty, it's not a big deal. Final Attack/Revive is probably even better.

What I've been saying is that it's stupidly easy for you to overpower the game. There's just way too many ways to abuse the game. Just "not using" about a dozen Materia is kind of stupid.

11-21-2006, 07:25 PM
Final Attack = Revive is also oftentimes used, too. XD But it is one of the most powerful (maybe over-powered) combinations., it's easy to overpower yourself in the game....
Deathblow = Added Cut
Deathblow = HP/MP Absorb
Deathblow = Steal as Well
Deathblow = Sneak Attack
Mega All

Double-"slash-all" to all enemies, absorb HP/MP, and steal items from all enemies at the same time....and a chance that you'll do all that right when you enter battle....XP
So yeah...there are countless ways to make yourself so powerful that it's almost ridiculous....XP

But did you bring this up in this topic in order to say that FF7 is a broken game, rather than to respond to the video...? It's alright to bring that up, since I think that you'd feel the need to since people are "worshipping" FF7 all over the place....
But don't worry about that--I'm not as crazy as some of the fan-people...XD

11-21-2006, 09:40 PM
But did you bring this up in this topic in order to say that FF7 is a broken game, rather than to respond to the video...? It's alright to bring that up, since I think that you'd feel the need to since people are "worshipping" FF7 all over the place....
But don't worry about that--I'm not as crazy as some of the fan-people...XD

I was just making a point. Or reinforcing one I've made several times. Take yor pick.

11-26-2006, 12:35 AM
So,I didnt know you could mime limit breaks.

11-26-2006, 12:43 AM

11-27-2006, 03:14 AM
Great Video!! Now we all cannot get to where the player of that game was at sometimes. So if you want to it the other way or my way as I like to say. This is how you do it. You have 2 other characters dead when you go into battle. Then make sure you have Mime as many as you can. K.O.R. and Hades. Also if you have Big Guard it helps or Regen. Hit Ruby with about nine times (using Mime of course) and you got it. Now Ruby will cast Ultima every other turn so make sure you keep casting Big Guard everytime you freeze Ruby with Hades. Oh, also you should get about atleast 8,500 HP from every hit the K.O.R. makes. But about 9 consecutive times should do Ruby in.

03-04-2013, 06:13 AM
does that only work on barret or can it be anyone from the party?