10-24-2006, 03:12 AM
I remember playing PSO Episode I & II with a group of people and they had these disks that changed the music into these other songs. I've looked all over for them and I can't find them anywhere. I heard them in the Gamecube version, but they may also be on the Dreamcast version of Episode I & II.

I'm not sure what they were. There are about six of them. One of them was the Nights theme. I'm sorry I don't know much about what they were called, but I want to hear them again.

I'm hoping that somebody can help me out.

Thanks in advance!

12-03-2006, 12:01 AM
can't find it

Mutation Ivori
12-15-2006, 01:46 AM
They're items you can get online from Gallon's shop I know, not all are there. The others, I don't know about.
If you can't get online, just ask your friends for a few if they'd spare 'em.

Unyeilding Heriophant
12-15-2006, 02:15 AM
The tracks were from various Sega/Sonic Team games. I think pso-world has what tracks they are and what games they are from, so go there, and then go back to GH anf find the tracks you are looking for.

If you meant in game, then the post above me would be what to follow. ^^