10-23-2006, 05:35 AM
I originally typed all this out for gina I think but realised lol @ getting everybody playing, so, here.

Notably, Worms World Party. HERE GOES

Download Worms World Party (

Worms World Party has internet play built in, but this being a not so legal version, internet play won't work. Cause, cracked, hax, etc. BUT, LAN play works fine.

This means it's still possible (and easy) to play WWP over the net against other people, thanks to THIS ( Hamachi is very simplified VPN software. VPN stands for virtual private network, which is a virtual LAN.

So when you're connected through hamachi, windows (and worms when you run it) will think you're on a LAN together and you/we'll be able to play fine ^__~

SO LIKE lets install worms.

I made this installer but I'm a noob at winRAR SFX scripts so it doesn't put C:\Program Files as the default location. Make this the install directory. It'll make a new folder called WWP and put everything in there.

Once it's done go into C:\Program Files\WWP and run unpack.exe

This will decompress and put all the game's sounds in the right places and stuff.

Then just run regsetup to setup your registry so that the game thinks it's been installed correctly and other racial stuff.

OK YOU GOT THAT, now install Hamachi ( In true overhelping, here's a useless screenshot:

Go through the install pages and stuff. Wether or not you leave on/off the protection, WWP should still work fine, though I left it off.

You might get a windows popup about driver signing, choose to install it anyway. NOW open hamachi. It'll do a little tutorial for you, and after you're done with it you'll have a nice new hamachi IP and your nickname.

You don't need to create any networks or anything, I already made an ffshrine one, so just click at the bottom and go on join existing network~

And join ffshrine, the password to which is niggers.

THAT'S IT OMG for installing yet more crap on your computer. Not let's run worms :3 You'll wanna set some stuff up in worms before playing online against another shriner and getting your anus kicked, so start it up ~

(NOTE: you have to have an explorer window open at "C:\Program Files\Worms" while you open the game for it to run proerly, the reason of which I have no freaking idea. It's a harmless side effect though. I just created a WWP shortcut for my start menu that links to the WWP folder instead of the actual wwp.exe, and suggest you do the same)

After the logo screens, you'll be at the worms title screen.

Listen to the music if you like, whatever. Click or press a key or something to get to the main menu. Hot sarah pedo kiddie graphics <3

First thing you'll want to do is go on the bottom right option, for.. options.

Click the resolution thingy (it'll be on 640x480 by default) and turn it up to 1024x768, the maximum. Don't worry about wether or not your pc can handle this game. I used to play this on my old Pentium 133 with a 2mb graphics card at 1024x768 fine. Next up, is the topleft-most button, this one is the CREATE TEAM button. (button, maggie <3 ^_~)

Name your team and your worms. The question mark buttons will insert random names if you're having trouble thinking up your own. Double clicking the question mark button next to the team name field will generate a random team name and fill out all the worm names with random names too. Use your best names for the first worms. Unless you're playing one team against one team, you won't be able to use all 8 worms.

After that, choose your gravestone and flag. The options to the sides of these are unimportant, you won't need them for what we're going to be doing.

Below, you can pick the accent of your worms's voices. The worm voices are source of much lol, and alot of accents are covered. I have the tykes accent, so gtfo. And finally below that you can pick your worm's anthem, played if you happen to win a match.

You'll likely wanna practise a bit before playing anybody, which is cool :3. Click the top right option at the main screen to go to the single-player thing.

Right. Top left is the terrain. Click the actual terrain to randomly generate another one. Generally ones with no roof (if there's any part of the random terrain that touches the top, a roof is put on the level) are much more fun. If you like, you can use the drop down box just below the terrain to use a styled with special graphics level. Some are really gay, but some are pretty cool too. I generally only use random generated ones.

Right. Shceme Options.

Use the drop down box, and go right to the bottom, and select THE FULL WORMAEG. Selecting this presets alot of stuff, and you don't need to click the two big buttons above the dropdown.

Use the little buttons to customise various things, which in order are:

Health worms start out with, complete round time, turn time, wether players get to pick which worm to use or if it's random, number of wins needed to win a tournament, and wether or not you take the time to pick where your worms start before playing. The last option is gay and you're gay if you turn it on because it's boring. Finally below that you can pick 3 special settings that influence the gameplay in certain ways. Left Click / Right Click to cycle forwards/backwards through them. I generally always pick AQUA SHEEP, HIGH POWER EXPLOSIVES, and HIGH POWER UNARMED COMBATTT.

Now for the top right BIT:

On the top right, you can see what teams you've picked for the match. Use the box below to add teams (add by clicking them) Right click on an added team to remove it again worm icon'd teams are HUMAN. Computer teams have .. computers as their icons, and the number reflects how hard the computer is level 1 teams will make you lol at their stupidity, and level 3 teams will really make you have to try hard to beat them. With the number of worms (where my mouse is in the shot) left click / right click to increase / decrease the number of worms for that team.




Ok, so now you'll be at the main play screen, IN BATTLE

As you can see the worms are spread around everywhere, and whoever's turn it is first will assume the position.

Arrow keys left & right: guess!
Arrow kets up & down: aim up / down

Enter/Return: Jump Forward | Double tap to jump backwards a bit
Backspace: jump straight up (useless) | Double tap to do a backflip

You can move your mouse around to look around the level and stuff and snoop on where everybody is and plan strategy.

The bottom left counter(s) are for your turn time and the complete round time left. If after the roundtime nobody's won yet, it'll go to sudden death. On the bottom right is the wind meter, which shows which direction and how powerful it is. Not all weapons are effected by wind. Also you'll notice either side of the worm in the shot above the above, landmines. When you go near these, they'll start beeping and then blow (or sometimes be a dud). If you hear one start to beep, you've gone to close, and you should run away faster than lexie from sarah. Also the the above shot below the one above the above, you can see an oil drum. These will take a certain amount of damage and then explode, spilling burning napalm over their surroundings.

YOU'LL LIKELY WANT TO shoot somebody during your turn, for which you'll need to select a weapon. Right click to bring up the weapons menu. Since we're playing on THE FULL WORMAEG, you'll be able to pick any.

You should try out each weapon. Some are more dangerous and definately more silly than others. Some are downright devastating. Playing on THE FULL WORMAEG assumes that you won't be a faggot and simply use armageddon / concrete donkeys every turn, or use usually rare weapons over and over again. PLAY MORE FOR THE SAKE OF LOL THAN FOR THE SAKE OF WINNING.

Some weapons are point and click, where you simply select your target, click, and watch the havoc. Other are aim and fire. Some aim and fire weapons also offer you additional control after the weapon has been fired.

For aim and fire, simply.. aim and fire. Press space to fire. Most aim and fire weapons can be shot or thrown at different strengths, for which you can decide by holding down space for different amounts of times.


ok. So you've practisced a bit and you're ready to play a HUMANS.

Go on the bottom left option to get to the internet / lan area:

Give yourself a nickname and then click on the LAN option (top left). NOT INTERNET (WORMNET) - We're playing through hamachi remember.

Now you'll be in the Lan lobby.

You should see anybody else who's currently in the lan lobby in their copy of worms and it connected to the same hamachi network as you. You can use the bottm left box to chat with people. YES, you see your own messages twice. NO, other people don't see everything you type twice. Ignore it. -_-

If you're not going to be hosting, then just wait there. Once somebody's created a game, it'll appear in the top left (you migh thav eto click the refresh thing to see it come up). Just double click the game to join it.

If you're creating a game, the creation screem is very similar to single player, but laid out a little differently.

When other players join the game, you can all talk in the box on the bottom left. WHEN YOU JOIN A GAME, CLICK YOUR TEAM TO ADD IT TO THE GAME. The hoster can then set your number of worms and add his/her own team and stuff. When the hoster's done, and you're done, click the light bulb thing to show you're ready to go. Only when everybody's read can the game begin. THEN OFF YOU GO.

Oh, and one last thing. In a multiplayer game, press PAGE DOWN to bring down the chat box, and PAGE UP to send it back up again. If somebody says something, you'll see a little icon in the top left thing.


10-23-2006, 05:40 AM
I can't do that


10-23-2006, 06:32 AM
Emulate Slicey, emulate.

J. Peterman
10-23-2006, 06:44 AM

10-23-2006, 11:42 AM
Roph, you are absolutely amazing.

Concrete Donkeys! Awaaiiiiii..........
