10-22-2006, 11:42 AM
First off I would like to say hello to HELLO! My first post will be a cover I did of the Final Fantasy III Boss Theme. You don't have to download it because it is uploaded on Acidplanet (which is streaming audio). By the way, if this is in the wrong forum...then I'm sorry.

10-26-2006, 12:42 AM
im not sure what the circumstances are...but if you created this remix, you are a god.

10-26-2006, 09:44 PM
also, is there any way i could get this without joining that site?

10-27-2006, 03:26 AM
also, is there any way i could get this without joining that site?

Sure, I can upload it to yousendit. I'm going to be adding more to this mix if you want to wait. I'm also recording other songs such as Final Fantasy VII Boss Theme and Wicked Child from Castlevania. Anyways,if you want the FFIII song right now let me know.

01-02-2007, 12:56 AM
The guitars are pretty good but to be honest, the rest just sounds like you slapped the guitars on some .MID you're playing in the background. Also reflected in the fact that it obviously loops and you just cut it with an abrupt stop. And the wavetable samples are pretty bad. Of course the streaming media might have affected the quality but listen to the snare drum for instance, it's pretty horrid. And the hi-hats are panned really weirdly.

So, to make some constructive suggestions..

- sequence it, add some style of your own
- use better quality samples - it's prefectly possibly to find free ones that sound miles better than what you're using
- pan the hi-hats more realistically - as in closed hi-hat and open hi-hat from the same place, if you want to achieve even a remote emulation of live recorded drums.