10-21-2006, 07:12 PM
yeah this is best time to haste
yes i am where you want to be
in my world with over winds high high
you try over and over try to fly
want to say i am overmind right
this is fantastic fantastic forever
chance to change charge to fly
what you take is not enough not
you got what you want for fly
in my world with over winds high high
you me they none here there now
think you can reach me runaway
you wanna feel you wanna run
free yourself everybody now now
you yes you you can fly yes you
that was what i want fly and fly
in my world with over winds high high
no one know where is the light
that was a battle to reach high
fly fly over over you are my light
when you reach the sky no fight
on the fight on the fantasy fight
start to cry fly fly fly you are light
in my world with over winds high high
for live in heaven i fly to sky in night
now just now i fly over winds winds
take me over world where live is light
fantasy is my light over sky over winds
you just come with me fly now to winds
in my world with over winds high high
light fight right sight celebration runaway
add your own spirit songs with media or not

Memento Mori
10-21-2006, 07:24 PM
the poem/lyric/poor excuse for writing is terrible....


Hex Omega
10-21-2006, 07:46 PM
i dont think insults are required, tbqh.