10-20-2006, 09:18 PM
It has The Following Track List
1. Goku vs. Jeice & Burta
2. Guru's Theme
3. Ginyu Force Theme
4. Piccolo and Nail Fuse
5. Goku's Nightmare
6. Say Goodbye to Namek
7. Mr. Shu's Lesson
8. Mr. Shu's S&M Class
9. Cops Arriving
10. Blowing Up the Lab
11. Goku's Dream
12. Heaven Sent Trunks
13. Bulma's Car/20 Escapes
14. Episodic Trunks
15. Krillin and Trunks Arrive
16. Tournament March
17. Jazzy Tunes
18. Goku Volunteers Gohan
19. King Yemma
20. Pterodactyl Attack
Can someone upload them for me
(not as in put it on the MP3 Section at galbadia Hotel but i mean by that one uploading Link) Please
Thank You

12-03-2006, 12:05 AM
it's in the queue for gh.