10-18-2006, 12:30 AM
This first piece is of Inferno Scorpion, from MKSM.

This next one is of MGS4's Raiden.

This one is Naked Snake.

And this final one is of Solidus Snake.

Hope you guys like them. (Y)

11-02-2006, 06:57 PM
i like the last 1 in particular good work :)

11-04-2006, 02:56 PM
Your art would look a lot better if you drew out the shapes of the body first and stepped back and looked at the shape, that way you can tell if it's in proportion. then you should put the detail on.

but tbh there are some things up there i think are pretty well done but the proportion in each is out, aside from the last one, which i think is the best

imo keep going at it you can probably do something pretty neat

11-09-2006, 04:07 AM
Thanks. Yeah, porpotion seems to be my absolute biggest problem when drawing by hand. Everyone has told me so, I'm going to try and get that fixed, but thanks again.

And here's some artwork done from scratch using Photoshop. Hope these turn out better.

11-10-2006, 03:13 PM
Nice Photoshopiness!!!

And for the handdrawn ones, remember that using a soft pencil = SMUDGES!!!

11-22-2006, 04:53 AM
use spray cans like me. they dont smudge.