03-06-2002, 04:09 AM
Ok I know that its like the moast famous and popular anime ever, and that theres probably been a million threds about it, but Ive never seen one. I personaly loved akira and I want to know if you liked it too...and why. Plese dont just say; ya its good. and leave. I want some material, im trying to figure out what people like as far as anime is concerned and this would be a big help!


03-06-2002, 07:25 AM
Well... sorry but I can't say that I liked it. If I said I liked it I would be lying. I think it's a bit too over-rated. I heard all these people talking about how good akira is, but the truth is, it's nothing special. The art is rather bad, actually. And everything about Akira is just mundane. Sorry.:(

03-06-2002, 08:06 AM
so long as these opinions stem from you yourself, i got no beef against it. i got beef against the "not all anime is AMAZING" movement which recently came about. lol. trying to stand out from the crow by following another one. :p crayzie anime posing fans. (not you. in general for the UNWORTHYS!! LOL)

you guys remember that "unworthy thread i made back in the old days? Lol)

anyway. as i was saying. i liked it. and heres why.

me? i'm a big fan of power. megalomania may have the name. but i have the personality. i LOVE power. especially power which seems unsurpasable by my foes or anyone else. i think psycho powers like tetsuos were awesome. i wish i had such a gife ya know?

there was also the the mystery of the movie itself that drew me in. theres nothing like trying to figure out why things are happening in the movie as your watching it. (who is akira? why is he so feard? what are those lights? how did tetsuo get like this? why is the govt hiding it?) stuff like that. i love that. and to only be satisfied by the movie near the end when all your questions are answered is even more pleasing.

the art? hey. this is the 80s. this stuff was great quality back then. (i think) perhaps i'm thinking too far back. think 70's animation...yep. this stuff WAS super neato back then. it's still good now. compared to the ever popular betty boop sailor moon eyes of current anime, this both stands out AND makes new anime fans question this movies quality because they are used to big eyes and shiny skin. that doesnt mean it's inferior!!:rolleyes: think about it.

story/plot? good. it has an even deeper and perhaps more complicated manga backing it up even before the movie came out. (i think) how can it be bad. they thought before they made this movie. definatley not mainstream anime that's done in seconds. hard word and dedication was put into this. and you can tell with the story. i mean. can YOU come up with a story like that withough GOING OVERBOARD with actions scenes and junk? this aint no action flick. this is a drama. and it's DRAMATIC!

if i missed anything. let me know. but that's everything i can think of now that makes me like akira like i do. i'm not saying it's the BEST ever. my vocabulary is too big to say just THAT! i can say much more and this is it.

03-06-2002, 03:42 PM
Wow! thanks tact, thats the kind of thing I was looking for. Maybe I like akira because it was my first anime, but I dont know. I think the art is easly as good as the old robotech movies, and the story is a million times better than just about anything you can find on tv. (save escaflone, what a good show!)

Green Arrow
03-06-2002, 05:07 PM
Akira is my fav anime all-time. The old version is the best. The new "script" version plainly sux. The whole script was changed and it, well, plainly put, sux.
For my money if you wanna watch Akira, get the old "original" version or the DVD so you can watch it.
As for the comment "The art is rather bad" , it was drawn in 1984 I believe, so I mean , thats along time ago.
But anyways, I love it, my advice, if you haven't seen it, get it out and watch it and make your own judgement.

03-07-2002, 01:01 AM
The age doesn't matter if it was made in the 80's. The art is just bad, period. I'm not going to make an exception for Akira just because it was made in the 80's. So it was the best back then, who cares? That was then, this is now.

Now that you mention it, Akira and Dragon ball have a bit in common. They're both made in the 80's, both over-rated, both about fighting, and both are not my taste.:D

03-07-2002, 01:13 AM
both about fighting? i dont think were talking about the same anime anymore. like i said. this aint no action flick. there is NO hand to hand combat in ANY of this like dbz. rivalries? yes. actuall fist fighting? no. i call that a beat up and there was only one. not enough to categorise this as "it's about fighting"

theres no need to take the year in consideration to compensate. what i dont want is to see poeple comparing it to todays animation and saying akira sucks just for that reason. i might as well assume that because your younger than me, your not worth my time.

see how wrong that is?

03-07-2002, 01:36 AM
I guess my comparing it to dragon ball was a bit too much, huh?;)

Well, what you said about the no actual fist fighting is true, but there's not much fist fighting in dragon ball either. It's just powering up and screaming the whole episode.:D

I don't judge anime by their age. It's just true that the more recent anime are better. Looke at an anime like Kimagure Orange Road. It was made in 1989, and the art isn't that good, but I still like it. I don't like it as much as the more recent anime, but I still like it. Same for DNA^2, Yu Yu Hakusho, Slam Dunk, and City Hunter. I do like some of the older anime. Akira isn't one of them.

03-07-2002, 02:31 AM
Ya well I guess in the end it comes down to preferance, and taste (dont tell me their are the same cuz I dont care) trying to change anouthers views can be hazordos to your me!

03-08-2002, 08:27 PM
Well, what you said about the no actual fist fighting is true, but there's not much fist fighting in dragon ball either. It's just powering up and screaming the whole episode

lol. good one.:)

trying to change anouthers views can be hazordos to your me!

you know what? right before i read your post and i read what megalomania was saying about my previous post, i thought i may have actually tried to do that. i'm sorry. that's not what i wanted to do. or perhaps i was. but your right.

i have no right to change other peesp opinions and stuff. i was just trying to make sure people can at least give akira a little respect. then again, they dont have to do that either. so my bad.:(

fun thred though.:p

03-09-2002, 04:19 PM
^_^ yep, i love Akira! im getting the manga now, i've only 2 books left to get ;) it's even better than the anime cos it kinda picks up where it left off. im also getting a new version of the special edition DVD, it's the japanes/euro edition, and it'll play in colour for me, unlike my old Region 1 version ;) so, Akira 0wnz, now, as for why it 0wnz.....

well, pretty much a lot of what Tact said, lol X_X; i loved the characters, as well as the mysteries in the story.... and there's even more of them in the manga.... like why did a ghostly version of Kaneda appear early on? and what happened to him after he was in the white light thingie from Akira, and disappeared for the whole 3rd book? =O

i really like the supernatural/scientifif mix aspect of the story... it really kept me interested... and as for the animation, well, to be honest, it really was very good back then :p and comparing Akira to DBZ isnt fair, even if you dont like it. it's a lot deeper than it....

03-10-2002, 03:24 AM
i loved the animation!

and the fight scenes were great especially when he first discovers his psychic powers

but the thing that really caught me was the environment, the industrialized neo-tokyo caught my attention very well

and i love the animation, very good in detail if you ask me

03-11-2002, 06:40 AM
Akira is my favorite anime! I thought the characters and the story were great! The animation was really ahead of it's time. A great deal of effort was put into the film. The manga adds so much more the the story! Pick it up, if you liked the movie!

03-19-2002, 12:05 AM
I am no guru when it comes to anime in any case, but I thought Akira was pretty good. I also agree that it isn't fair to compare something to another. And it is only your opinion of the movie, don't get hung up over what someome else said.;)

03-25-2002, 05:31 PM
I just saw it for the first time the other day. I thought it was pretty good, but I have a question: Is there ANYWHERE I can find a jacket like the one the main character had? The one with the pill on it? I want one so bad. That looked cool.

03-25-2002, 09:31 PM
Ya that was a cool jacket, but I think it would be near to impossible to find.

What I want is a jacket like Vash's from Trigun, I know I probably couldnt buy one, but maybe I could have it costome made...I guess I would still be buying it..whatever.

03-25-2002, 09:38 PM
yah id die to have a long trenchcoat like vash's

Auron of the �ushido
03-26-2002, 03:31 AM
I have Akira on DVD, abd I love to watch it over and over again. The firsty time I saw it, I was like 8 or 9. I didn't really understand what the whole thing was about, but it got me started on anime.

Oh, did they ever make an actual series of Akira, or is the movie it?

03-26-2002, 04:21 AM
there's a manga. but no tv series.

Lady Fett
03-26-2002, 06:20 PM
I watched Akira once and I can usually catch onto plots quickly. But, Akira made me dizzy. Literally. I was thinking so hard and trying to figure it out I actually got light-headed. Heehee. The whole thing terrified me. Kinda like a Stephen King meets Full Moon Pictures and goes insane thing. Like the toys morbidly growing and all that sticky ewwww... The rooms melting like you're tripping... OK. LOL! It's like one of those nightmares where you freak out and feel you just can't escape and you get this frantic and helpless feeling. I think I'm gonna have to watch it again! Looks like I know what I'm renting from Blockbuster tonight.

Oh, P.S. I made a Vash coat for my room-mate. I think I'm gonna make another one for myself. Don't you just hate me? I think I'll make you hate me more and scan a photo and let you see it with "Nah Nah Nah" in the post subject... LOL! Just Kidding. I'm not that mean. Look around online and you may be able to find an actual sewing pattern for the jackets or any other Anime-like clothes. You gotta know someone who should be able to sew from a pattern. Your mom or aunt perhaps. Lots of people Cos-Play as Those Anime characters so use "Cos-play" as a keyword when searching the net for a pattern.

Auron of the �ushido
03-28-2002, 02:02 AM
An Akira TV series would have been cool.

There's an Akira game coming out for PS2; a pinball game. I wish it was an RPG.........

03-07-2004, 05:42 PM
Akira was and still is the best anime. Because it started the fasination here in the states.

03-07-2004, 07:31 PM
Chihuadog, have you tried readin the Akira manga? It's completely fantastic, and it helps flesh out the story a lot- you might enjoy Akira more if you read it. And you should enjoy Akira, because it's a classic. I don't think the art is that great either, but the story is absolutely amazing.

03-07-2004, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Ndi
I don't think the art is that great either


The age doesn't matter if it was made in the 80's. The art is just bad, period. I'm not going to make an exception for Akira just because it was made in the 80's. So it was the best back then, who cares? That was then, this is now.

The quality of the direction and animation in Akira was much better than nearly everything that came out before it, as well as outdoing just about everything that has come since.

03-08-2004, 10:58 AM
okay old topic.

Yeah, well, to be honest, he couldn't draw a very large range of characters. But his backgrounds and such were, and still are, fantastic. That's what I thought. But I don't know much about art.

03-08-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by rezo
The quality of the direction and animation in Akira was much better than nearly everything that came out before it, as well as outdoing just about everything that has come since.

I guess I'm really just not a big fan of the character design- and I can be really big on character design.

I still love Akira, and I don't enjoy it less because of the character design....

03-08-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

I guess I'm really just not a big fan of the character design- and I can be really big on character design.

I still love Akira, and I don't enjoy it less because of the character design....

Yes. I don't like Akira's art either because I don't like the style. To me that's a lot more important than the actual quality.

Lightning Mage
03-09-2004, 12:05 AM
In Japan it is the 2nd most popular anime movie.
I loved it. Tetsuo was awsome. I have a figure of him with his mutant arm. I didn't understand the storyline one bit though.

03-09-2004, 05:31 PM
Yes. I don't like Akira's art either because I don't like the style. To me that's a lot more important than the actual quality.

You're both nuts.

03-10-2004, 03:43 AM
I especially liked the story line and character development, it was good. The animation was also great kinda like the cherry on top :) mmmmm cherries.