10-16-2006, 05:32 PM
... My favorite game in the world. >_<

Okay, I realize that sounds weird, as there are probably better candidates for "best game ever." However, I can say without a doubt that this title embodies all the elements I want from a game. I do have my irks, but nothing major. All in all, I've invested over 150 hours of play time into the game, which is more than I've invested in any other.

What I would love to see now is for Final Fantasy Tactics to come to the PC as a MMORPG -- not necessarily under the same style as Tactics Advance, though.

10-17-2006, 03:57 AM
I'm assuming you've played the original Tactics? To each their own, but I find it almost against the laws of nature for one to like Advance MORE than Tactics. Tactics is everything Advance has with a bag of chips and 2 Hulk Hogans.

10-17-2006, 08:22 AM
I found Tactics Advance kind of easy.
I never played the original Tactics before, is it different?

10-17-2006, 12:41 PM
I have played and beat the original Tactics, yes. While I agree that FFTA is both easier and poses too much of a childish theme, I can't really explain why I love it so much. I guess I can sum it up like this:

It's portable.
There are multiple races to play. (of which Bangaa is my favorite)
The classes and abilities are more flexible and fun to combine.
More features than Tactics. (combo system, law system, judge system, etc.)
The "NeverEnding Story-esque" plot and setting. (I don't know why I love this so much)
The non-linearity of it all.
The fact that you can link up and go multi-player.

That about sums it up.

I think part of the reason why others are so critical of the game is because they approach it expecting it to be a sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics. Truthfully, I don't think this game is meant to be associated with its predecessor at all, beyond simply using the same style of gameplay. I consider it a whole other game in itself.

J. Peterman
10-18-2006, 01:36 AM
no chef

10-22-2006, 12:14 AM
Hm...well, now I'm not very impressed with it, admittedly. But, it was in fact my first FF game of any kind, and it got me into the series as a whole, so I sort of have a sentimental attachment to it.

I haven't exactly devoted much time to the original Tactics, so I can't really compare them. I have it, but some other game always seems to get in the way of playing it...

10-22-2006, 02:19 AM
To be honest, it didn't do that much for me either. Sure, it was just ok, but I need more from a game than "just ok." :)

Van Finel
10-25-2006, 02:06 AM
FFTA was mediocre and did not live up to it's older brother

<Crazy Ol' Chocobo!>
10-25-2006, 10:53 AM
To me, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was a good game once you put a hell of a lot of time into leveling up and customizing your characters. At first it kinda bored me, but then I started training my characters, having them get different jobs, and then later discovered that you get skills in the game the same way you do in FFIX (by equipping weapons for a certain amount of time to gather AP).

The law system made me wanna throw my GBA into a pool of radioactive waste. The fact that you don't get anything to counter laws (or get rid of them) until about 10-15 hours into the game is kinda weak.

I actually prefer FFT to this title in practically every way, but IMO FFTA is still a great game in its own right.

Van Finel
10-25-2006, 10:51 PM
[QUOTE=<Crazy Ol' Chocobo!>;677224]
The law system made me wanna throw my GBA into a pool of radioactive waste. The fact that you don't get anything to counter laws (or get rid of them) until about 10-15 hours into the game is kinda weak.


11-03-2006, 01:11 AM
I like original Tactics better, the main difference is the plot, Advance is nonexistent, but original Tactic's is the best story in any FF game IMHO.
And then you have the lack of abilities in advance, i missed the geomancer (if i recall correctly) and the megasubquests with hidden weapons, etc, and the judge/cards system just pissed me off. That said, Advance is not a bad game, I finished it and made EVERY quest (and that takes A LOT of time), but to me the original tactics can't be surpassed.
If SE announced another Tactics title for PS3 or even better PS2, that would be the best day of my life.

11-03-2006, 05:04 AM
I found Tactics Advance kind of easy.
I never played the original Tactics before, is it different?

I actually found it kind of hard. The rules of combat and such.. really pisssed me off. I hated it when I'd fight a BOSS and I can't use half of my actual abilities.

The story really didn't grab me that much either. Not like the original tactics did.

11-12-2006, 06:04 AM
I like Tactics better than Tactics Advance.

Yes, Tactics Advance has the clan system, but it keeps you away from the actual storyline a lot. I found that many times. I've tried to keep all my characters at par, with the best weapons and so on, but they keep leveling, and I keep accepting more members and so on.

Tactics for the Playstation though has a good storyline and it's a lot easier to keep track and follow.

I'm not dissing or saying Tactics Advance sucks - because it doesn't. It's just not my favourite.

11-14-2006, 05:55 PM
I found Tactics Advance kind of easy.
I never played the original Tactics before, is it different?
It's 10 times better It's probably one of my favorite final fantasys ever as far as the story goes.

I like original Tactics better, the main difference is the plot, Advance is nonexistent, but original Tactic's is the best story in any FF game IMHO.

11-18-2006, 08:12 PM
awful. the new FFIII ifor DS is better

07-10-2007, 01:16 AM
I love FFTA its one of my favourites because it has that old school feel to it, great characters and it has the Viera class in it.

07-10-2007, 10:07 PM
FFT is probably my favorite FF title. I love how it's a strategy game, and how different it is to a regular RPG.

I never played FFTA, only FFT.
I can't say anything about TA, I would like to play it even though everyone says it's not even a true sequel.

What I will say though, is that although FF12 is taken right from TA, it actually has a very similar storyline to FFT, with all the backstabbing, armies at war, main heroes considered outlaws, demon possessions, and stuff like that.
If you like FF12's storyline, you might like FFT.

Warning though, FFT has a couple of grammar errors that can confuse you at times, but you'll understand where the story is going.

Edgar Figaro
07-15-2007, 06:17 PM
Tactics Advance is fun in its own right, and the portable aspect of it is great, but it still can't hold a candle to FF Tactics for me. Tactics is probably in my Top 10 all time games.

Trance Moogle
07-30-2007, 06:18 PM
I got the game and I only got about seventy hours through the game before I just sort of got bored of it all of the sudden. I think it was fighting the espers, my characters must have been underleveled because I do so bad on them.

07-31-2007, 05:50 PM
I found Tactics Advance kind of easy.
I never played the original Tactics before, is it different?

um yes it is amazing the best game in the series, its kind of like a hidden jewel. it has my favorite music(uematsu didnt even compose it), story, everything. PLAY IT NOW

07-31-2007, 05:54 PM
Way to go. I'm sure that guy who hasn't even been on the site in the past 9 months will appreciate your reply.