Mario Kinnikuman
10-15-2006, 04:59 PM
Post and elaborate upon any of the aformentioned bosses that personally served as a formitable impasse of a roadblock to your success in Video Games.

Here's a couple of mine.

Shinji, from Kunio Tachi no Banka

Shinji, an aggressive Bōsōzoku boss from Kunio Tachi no Banka, who exhibits offensive prowess in martial art techniques to drub foes with, and which he utilizes to compensate for his deficency in defense thereof. His strikes are formitably faster and stronger overall than the protagonists'.

(A boss I added on Wikipedia, thereunder stylish bosses. There's also Joe and Lisa, underneath Team Bosses)

Factory Battle from Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising

Advance Wars II: Black Hole Rising, when vursing Black Hole upon their last foothold of occupied territory within the continents of Orange Star, Blue Moon, Yellow Comet and Green Earth. - The ease of Black Hole's ability to manufacture various units at no cost whatsoever, in conjunction to regular bases, harbors, airports was verily frustrating. Hence, being outnumbered was very frequent, and dealing with their average power.

(Another boss addition by me, catagorized under Minion Bosses)

Giga Bowser, from Super Smash Bros.: Melee

The sheer size of this behemoth is intimidating enough, aside from the amplitude of his strength that entails it.

Bonetail, from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year-Old Door

This boss fight was espeically arduous for me, since the previous 99 fights preceding this, gradually sap your team's vim, and deplete your items. Bonetail's stamina, strength, and repertoire of moves that begot status effects, frozen, posioned, etc, compounded difficulty furthermore.

Team Shadow, from Super Dodgeball

Team Shadow is the ultimate team to vie therein Super Dodgeball in either normal or hard difficulty. This match is particulary strenuous because the computer has calculated a rough estimate of your playing ability based on all the preceding matches heithero. For instance, if you're a very defensive player; intercepting the dodgeball, dodging a lot, etc. then, Team Shadow will replicate that playing style. Same follows for aggressive styles, etc. Basically, Team Shadow is as equally skillful (and flawed) as your team overall in every aspect, for, palpably, you're vursing your clones...

All the Bosses from The Combatribes.

Their low frame rates of punches, kicks, etc, and impeccable defensive nature thereof, utterly hampers any chances of a quick victory and instead a raw contest of attrition. This, to such a degree that the average player has immense trouble in surmounting.

(More to come, later.)

10-15-2006, 05:06 PM
Emerald Weapon from FFVII has to be in here! :D

Swedish Fish
10-15-2006, 06:05 PM
Very few of the bosses, if any, in FF games come close to the most difficult bosses in other games.

One of the most difficult bosses I've ever battled would have to be Mehrunes Dagon from Oblivion. He took a lot of tries, mostly because of the shittiness of my weapons, and also the fact that there were enemies everywhere and I had to constantly switch targets. Another one is Indalecio from Star Ocean: The Second Story. He has some attacks that make him one monsterous son of a bitch. And that goddess of his is just as dangerous, if not moreso.

J. Peterman
10-15-2006, 06:48 PM
definitely the chicago bullls with jordan pippen and rodman when you only have a team of ncaa players

10-15-2006, 07:08 PM
Ruby Weapon in FF7
even when my characters were all lvl 99 and had their ultimates and i had like 4 mastered double cuts and 3 mastered mime and all my summons, he was a real sob. i hated that i couldn't beat him with everyone alive.

10-15-2006, 09:26 PM
Defintely those punks Sagat and Vega, Super Street Fighter 2, then Gouki in Super Street Fighter 2 X: The Grand Battle.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-15-2006, 09:38 PM
Penance from Final Fantasy X, he was quite a tough motherfucker.

10-15-2006, 10:13 PM
Croco- Super Mario RPG

Full Neko Alchemist
10-15-2006, 10:15 PM
Prism, from Atelier Iris - Eternal Mana. Ow doesn't even begin to describe it.

10-16-2006, 12:38 AM
Ozma, Final Fantasy IX. I would love to see someone beat it without a level 99 party.

10-16-2006, 01:19 AM
I don't think Giga Bowser really deserves the title. He's only challenging if you push the difficulty way up and in that case master hand is still a lot harder.

10-16-2006, 01:29 AM
Ozma, Final Fantasy IX. I would love to see someone beat it without a level 99 party.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-16-2006, 01:42 AM
I don't think Giga Bowser really deserves the title. He's only challenging if you push the difficulty way up and in that case master hand is still a lot harder.

To me, it's a different story. Master Hand is quite easy, if you can appropriately counter his tactics via defence, which I don't have much of a problem with. Hence, he gives more overt signals as to when he's attacking and what specific attack he's ultilizing. It's with Giga Bowser's brute strength, more subtle indictations as to when and what he attacks with, and the various attack speeds he performs, prove more problematic to me. Usually I get jostle of him, and assail, but I can only sustain that for so long. The difficulty flucuates depending on what character you play as, too. Though, the Master Hand fight is more so challenging if Crazy Hand becomes involved afterwards.

10-16-2006, 02:00 AM
Crazy hand is what I'm thinking of, yeah. That's when it gets nuts. He's pretty easy if it's just him on his own.

10-16-2006, 02:47 AM
;670464']Croco- Super Mario RPG

I can't believe you thought Croco was hard. The trick is to train until you get fire orb, and use it on him.

I don't think Giga Bowser really deserves the title. He's only challenging if you push the difficulty way up and in that case master hand is still a lot harder.

Bull. I just fought Giga Bowser the other day on hard mode. He was trash, I didn't even use any items. All you have to do is keep attacking him. Since he's so big the chances of missing him are minimal. (I'll probably fight him again on very hard mode.)

Mario Kinnikuman
10-16-2006, 02:56 AM
I can't believe you thought Croco was hard. The trick is to train until you get fire orb, and use it on him.

Bull. I just fought Giga Bowser the other day on hard mode. He was trash. All you have to do is keep attacking him. Since he's so big the chances of missing him are minimal. (I'll probably fight him again on very hard mode.)

Yeah, the only probable challenge Croco poses, is during the Moleville Mine, when he deprives you of your items. Even then, an excessive level for your team can render him a pushover.

10-16-2006, 03:01 AM
I was joking about Croco.

But anyway, Giga Bowser is way too easy.
I beat that challenge where you have to fight Giga Bowser, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf and they all have 3 lives.
Of course I used Link, and kicked their asses. Haha.

10-16-2006, 03:25 AM
;670650']I was joking about Croco.

But anyway, Giga Bowser is way too easy.
I beat that challenge where you have to fight Giga Bowser, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf and they all have 3 lives.
Of course I used Link, and kicked their asses. Haha.

Now that challenge was hard. To me Ganandorf and Giga Bowser are extremely annoying on this challenge. Ganandorf because he keeps using that attack where he grabs on to you, then electrifies you and blows you away. Giga Bowser because he keeps on scratching. Another annoying part is when one of the three gets a good item before you do, such as the hammer or home run bat.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-16-2006, 03:27 AM
Now that challenge was hard. To me Ganandorf and Giga Bowser are extremely annoying on this challenge. Ganandorf because he keeps using that attack where he grabs on to you, then electrifies you and blows you away. Giga Bowser because he keeps on scratching. Another annoying part is when one of the three gets a good item before you do, such as the hammer or home run bat.

Lol, I got them all to Self-Destruct constantly by utilizing Peach's floating and umbrella abilites. Stupid computers as always....Hilarious, though.

10-16-2006, 03:49 AM
Lol, I got them all to Self-Destruct constantly by utilizing Peach's floating and umbrella abilites. Stupid computers as always....Hilarious, though.

I have small list of computer self destructers and what level they most commonly self-destruct on:

Bowser: mushroom kingdom(the one with birdo.) Get on the right side and he will jump and do his firebreath after he reappears, and he'll fall down the waterfall.
Luigi: when he accidently turbo boosts(or regular boost) in betweem a hole and can't get back up. (mushroom kingdom)He also sometimes turbo boosts himself off and self-destructs no matter what stage you're.
Roy: on donkey kong's level where there is three platforms and water underneath them. Get on the right platform and he should end up killing himself in an attempt to get you. Only do this though when reappears after you've killed him.
Anyone: occasionly on Pokefloats the cp will stand and wait there for some reason on either squirtle or on the end of onix's tail.
Fox: corneria. sometimes if you knock him off on the left side of the ship, he'll use his comeback boost on get on the laser cannons. He will keep trying to comeback until the laser cannons shoot him off or the cannons power up.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-16-2006, 03:55 AM
Roy's method is new for me. Thanks.

10-16-2006, 04:02 AM
Roy's method is new for me. Thanks.

No prob. Oh I also forgot to list mario. He sometimes self-destructs when he tries to punch you down after you got knocked off. My favorite character is mario, and I find punching someone down easy. I bet he's your favorite as well.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-16-2006, 04:05 AM
No prob. Oh I also forgot to list mario. He sometimes self-destructs when he tries to punch you down after you got knocked off. My favorite character is mario, and I find punching someone down easy. I bet he's your favorite as well.

Yeah, versatile characters are my speciality. His clones, Dr. Mario, Luigi (With a slight nuance) trail closely behind.

Let's take this to a P.M. I'm afraid we've astrayed somewhat offtopic.

10-16-2006, 04:09 AM
Yeah, versatile characters are my speciality. His clones, Dr. Mario, Luigi (With a slight nuance) trail closely behind.

Let's take this to a P.M. I'm afraid we've astrayed somewhat offtopic.

Can't right now, I'm about to go bed. See you

10-16-2006, 01:38 PM

Dear god. This person is my hero.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-16-2006, 04:06 PM
Psycho Mantis is a horrendous bitch to beat without switching controller ports, but by god I did it the first time I played it, even though that one battle was something like three hours.

Valerie Valens
10-16-2006, 06:04 PM
Tales of Eternia - Hyades (2nd form)

This guy seems pretty weak at first as he leaves many spots open to attack and chip away at his huge HP reserves, but once you get chipping off half his health, he starts getting nasty. He's able to counter any of your attacks with Grave Roller and extend it to Cursed Roller for heavy damage. He can also summon a hand to attack any of your characters any time for a pretty hefty damage tag, which he likes to use in conjunction with Cursed Roller. Took me 3 tries before I came up with Farah's Mirage distraction strategy before i'm able to beat him.

Tales of Phantasia PSX - Coliseum Fen Beast (9th form)

This guy's hard because he's uber cheap, can kill Cless in one second flat, and will NOT let an opening for an attack go. He also starts to gain resistance to some elements so he can evade certain attacks, that....combined with the fact that you have a limited assortment of items to work with makes this a hard one to beat. Not to mention you have to fight 8 earlier versions of him as well.

10-17-2006, 03:48 AM
Post and elaborate upon any of the aformentioned bosses that personally served as a formitable impasse of a roadblock to your success in Video Games.

Here's a couple of mine.

[SIZE="1"]Shinji, from Kunio Tachi no Banka

Shinji, an aggressive Bōsōzo

Shinji's easy. Maybe the whole game is easy because Riki's mach punch breaks it, but the only boss that is any real trouble is Ken at the end.
grumble grumble.

Atom Narmor
10-17-2006, 06:15 AM
God of War (Very Hard)

There's a giant minator that comes smashing through these giant doors. It wares destructible armor and blows flames from it's nostriles. I imagined it never bathed, ever. I can't beat it.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-17-2006, 12:27 PM
God of War (Very Hard)

There's a giant minator that comes smashing through these giant doors. It wares destructible armor and blows flames from it's nostriles. I imagined it never bathed, ever. I can't beat it.

Like all bosses, it's an event battle. Run towards the screen when the Minotaur first shows up and jump up onto the platform. There is a lever there, pull it and launch a beam at the bastard, then continue with the fight after the armor has been busted (you'll get some button-press prompts when you get close to the Minotaur after it runs back to the center of the room).

You'll launch two or three beams over the course of the fight when the Minotaur is dazed, the last of which will impale the Minotaur on the huge double doors at the back of the room.

hb smokey
10-17-2006, 12:38 PM
That fucking guy with the shield at the end of Blaster Master. Also, that crab boss on level 5 wasn't easy either =/

10-17-2006, 01:19 PM
Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.

Which makes no sense, 'cause Cloud in Kingdom Hearts is a pushover, so Sora > Cloud, but Sephiroth > any but a level 100 Sora.

10-17-2006, 03:36 PM
I'll go with the last boss in the first Colony Wars game. Forget what the name of that ship is but I remember many times sitting on my couch cursing at the screen.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-17-2006, 04:23 PM
Shinji's easy. Maybe the whole game is easy because Riki's mach punch breaks it, but the only boss that is any real trouble is Ken at the end.
grumble grumble.

Nice to know that someone else here has played it, at least.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-17-2006, 05:01 PM
Psycho Mantis is a horrendous bitch to beat without switching controller ports, but by god I did it the first time I played it, even though that one battle was something like three hours.

Definitely, even with Infra-Red goggles he's a little bugger.

10-17-2006, 08:31 PM
Nice to know that someone else here has played it, at least.

Technos is my favorite company. I got Kuniotachi no banka back in 2001 and when I brought it to school a few years later I played through it at least once with everyone I knew, and everytime we reached Ken we'd have to continue 20 times. He seemed a lot harder on two player and the fight was more fun that way too.

If you're a brawler fan you should check out Ghost Chaser Densei on the snes. The graphics don't have the style of the Kunio games but the characters have a lot of techniques(including team ups) plus the ability to combo and juggle enemies make it one of the best games of its kind, I think. There's an arcade followup(?) called Denjin Makai which should be better but I've not played it.

10-18-2006, 11:40 PM
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo X

Gouki (Akuma)