10-15-2006, 03:35 AM
hey does anyone have the soundtrack for super robot wars: original generation? its easy to search for the osts for the other srw osts like the alpha series, the mx series, etc. original generation is hard to find thou.

does anyone have the ost or any music from srw:OG

Duke Fleed
10-16-2006, 05:23 AM
Heh. This is kinda tricky. Are you looking for a gamerip from OG 1+2 for gba? Because even an OST would (more than likely)have the same quality I posted a fair few Super Robot wars themes in a previous thread...I really want the soundtracks, too. But I feel like we should get a rearranged version.
I'll keep an eye out! (Y)

I wish I could help more people like you. So many of these requests are from obscure games or games that I didn't think had a very... memorable soundtrack. Oh well, to each his own.

10-16-2006, 06:36 AM
yea i guess a gamerip cuz i have og 1 for the gba and the music is amazing in it! especially the theme that plays when latooni, giado, or garnet go into battle.

Duke Fleed
10-16-2006, 06:43 AM
I appologize for this dude, but I don't know any of those chars. The only char I know is Axel and I love his theme. I think I can post it if u want (ripped).

10-16-2006, 03:40 PM
hell sure, ill take anythin at this point. i mean if u have the rip for og 1 great but if not, oh well any srw og music is better than none

10-16-2006, 11:53 PM
but more preferrably original generation 1

10-28-2006, 03:47 AM
couldn't find it

12-20-2006, 08:05 PM
yea i guess a gamerip cuz i have og 1 for the gba and the music is amazing in it! especially the theme that plays when latooni, giado, or garnet go into battle.

That's "Born to Fight". There are a couple of rearranged versions floating around.

12-20-2006, 09:47 PM
Axel will never compare to Kyosuke.

Anywho.. I agree that the OG1 (and OG2) music is great and would prefer the GBA versions of the music.

For the sake of the poster here's a direct link to the song that all the non-main characters have for OG1, and yeah it is Born to Fight.

Now if you -do- go to that website, thats the current composer for the SRW Franchise, and they have a few other songs from SRW OG1 and OG2 on their "Sounds" listing. Just to save you the trouble though, here's a link to the page with the music samples. Some are SRW and some aren't. I'm sure you'll enjoy it though.


Yeah. Salamander Factory. Awesome.

01-12-2007, 06:01 AM
The only official OST that was released for the OG games for GBA was a single disc that had various BGMs from OG1 and 2. I'm pretty sure I have it somewhere. It also had a couple of remix tracks. I'll try to find it for you guys.

1st post!

I added the OST to the Download links section. Check it out! Most of the tracks are labelled, but all of the tracks from the cd are there.