Pimp Daddy McSnake
10-11-2006, 10:56 PM
Let us do thinks together say wine & dine.
Let us talk about your future and I'll tell you mine.
Let us be great minds who think alike.
Let us be strong people who won't go down without a fight.
Let us make love and go to bed.
Let us have a perfect relationship others certainly never had.
Let us be happy for other people to see.
Let us show them that we are obviously meant to be.
Let us be successful in the ambitions we like.
Let us be without strife and shine as the sun ever so bright.
Let us show them we never stumble nor fall.
Let us show them we are without a doubt the greatest of all.

Yeah ok on second thought let us not do those things because I think you're a naive slut and your mom's a racist little bitch. Anyways, I met this girl who's liek ten times as hot. Plus she studies fine art & media theory so that gives us something to do besides watching Idols on tv. kthx bai bai.O:]

fastidious percolator
10-11-2006, 11:22 PM
I kinda like it.

10-17-2006, 12:26 PM
Wow... actually Ebichu that's pretty good...
I like it.

10-17-2006, 12:44 PM
very nice.

11-16-2006, 12:41 PM
i liked it as well. not gonna be a prat and correct the words you misspelled. Always try to improve and hone your skills the more you write the more improvement you will make if you grasp the concepts that is.