10-11-2006, 01:36 AM
I just Pre-ordered Tales of the Abyss from Gamestop today and they gave me the Laser Cell. If you pre-ordered, I highly suggest you go and pick it up before they are all gone!

Here's what it looks like if anyone is curious (or hasn't seen it already).

I really like it. I really like the logo engraved in the matt board. Did anyone else already get theirs? Tonight is the last night to pre-order, so I would say do it quickly!


10-17-2006, 11:55 PM
i bought the game today, but couldnt pre-order it thats why,

anyway, going to play it now.

J. Peterman
10-18-2006, 04:14 AM
i didn't buy game today

10-19-2006, 12:43 PM

to those of you who bought it, is it definitely worth the buy?

i loved symphonia but i heard legendia was not any good and that this game might be closer to symphonia than legendia

Valerie Valens
10-19-2006, 10:43 PM
The game is good, much better than Symphonia. :D

J. Peterman
10-20-2006, 01:17 AM

to those of you who bought it, is it definitely worth the buy?

i loved symphonia but i heard legendia was not any good and that this game might be closer to symphonia than legendia

pat u should buy smackdown vs raw 2007 b/c it is now like smackdown vs raw vs tna w/ angle in it u know b/c he is th face of tna and then rvd is ecw so really smackdown vs raw vs tna vs ecw omg that is huge

10-25-2006, 02:21 PM
i just finished the game,

if i am to choose whether to play again Tales of Legebdia or abyss ot symphonia i choose legendia, for a lot of reasons,

finished the game 53:47 game play hour.

there are alot of animescenes and cg movie, the best thing in the game is the battle system, which surpass symphonia [improved to be exactly] and legendia [where you can run freely in the ground and not in one plane].

the voice acting is not bad...but good...but NOT as good as in legendia, also the CHARACTERS, all the ones in LEGENDIA are great and fantastic, in this game, only JADE and GUY you gonna like, the Hero's story is complicated so you might feel sorry for him, and not like him.

the ending is like Symphonia and Grandia 3, they dont reeely satisfy you as in Legendia.

So at the end, Tales of the Abyss is great as an r.p.g game only, a classic tale game, with little emotion and passion [although there are alots of scenes which sopport thios but its porr compared to Legendia].
if i am to compare , i choose legendia over Abyss, but ui still say: Play this game if you got the chance, injoy it.