10-10-2006, 12:47 PM

Watch Omega crumble.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
10-10-2006, 12:56 PM
lol, Darkkefka, I knew it. I've seen all his movies. He's great.

10-10-2006, 02:05 PM
good but Nic's is way better, lets point them out ..

Originality/ Creativity - surely goes to Nic, that limit break + Aura/ speed combo was the one i used the first time i played this (11 yrs old), Nic had used Zombie and Tornado as a protective and healing combo
Levels - all of Darkkefka party was at lvl 100, both of Nic's were'nt (ladies n lads)
Limit Breaks - Nic dosent use them, Darkkefka does
difficulty - Nic, i mean pressing buttons really fast isnt that hard once you get used to it


btw, how come he always got Wishing star? is it because he chose it?

10-10-2006, 04:59 PM
all of Darkkefka party was at lvl 100, both of Nic's were'nt

Are you sure, Level 5 Death? *Watches again*

I suppose my fascination with this just stems from the sheer speed. Irvine pasting 60 bullets into Omega's sorry ass in a quickfire break... lol z0|\/|6.. h4xx0rz.. lol. Serious, I thought it was great, as was Nics, but that takes the 'Jarosik n00balry Award for Speed' without 'The Shitty End' Magic from one of those super trooper GameSharks.

10-10-2006, 11:39 PM
he went into the menu at the beginning, they were all lvl 100, he has 100 deaths junctioned to status def i guess

i mean it was good but this dosent pawn Nic's. its like big brother, watching other people do what you pretty much normall do.