10-10-2006, 03:27 AM

Bitrate: Lame VBR 192+
# of Tracks: 11
Composer: Nathan McCree
File Size: 54.3 MB (Zipped)

1-Stone Age Suburbs
2-In the Smelly Sewers, The Car Factory
3-Butterfly Grove
4-Dippy the Dinosaur
5-Going Up the Tree, Going Down the Tree
6-Lively Lava, Spooky Cave
7-Title Theme
8-Wacky Waterfalls
9-Bonus Stage
10-Snow Problem, The Fruit Mountain
11-Boss Theme


Shadow X
10-10-2006, 03:40 AM
You've been on a spree of rips lately eh? lol :cool:

10-10-2006, 03:49 AM
yep, got 7 more to go

Bill Walsh College Football (5+ tracks)
Championship Soccer '94 (only like 2 or 3)
Joe Montana's NFL Football (5+ tracks)
Jurassic Park (has 32, but most are ambient background sounds)
Mickey Mania (lots of tracks)
Microcosm (8-9 tracks)
NHL '94 (3-4 tracks)

...and some PSX games as well.

Trust me, you really won't be seeing these anywhere else on the internet. I'm just doing this so I can store them in my hard drive though.

10-10-2006, 04:48 AM
you'll be seeing them on gh in a while :-*

thanks again, by the way