Razor Blitz
10-09-2006, 05:41 PM
Hi, I would like to request a few soundtracks. Below are the ones I want:

Starfox Assault Original Soundtrack (For the Gamecube)

And I tried to look for this soundtrack, but couldn't find it in the threads.

Super Smash Brothers Melee Original Soundtrack (For the Gamecube)

It would be great if you found these soundtracks for me, thanks.

10-09-2006, 06:59 PM

Well, I don't know about Starfox Assault, but I believe Galbadia Hotel has the SSBM soundtrack (it even has all the songs from the first one!). I forgot the URL, but you should be able to find a link to it around here - as I recall, it's affiliated with FFShrine.

Hope this helps ^_^

Razor Blitz
10-09-2006, 07:01 PM
I'll look into that, thanks :)

Razor Blitz
10-09-2006, 07:09 PM
Is there a direct link in the Galbadia Hotel for the SSMB soundtrack, Xeno?

Razor Blitz
10-10-2006, 03:27 AM
I found both of them, thanks though :)

10-10-2006, 05:13 AM
Seems a good place to make my own request. Issue is i don't know what dancxe game it's from, but there's with one fast-paced one called wasabi. If I could find where it is here or have it added, it'd be great.

I'm restocking the harddrive after inept partitiioning erased ALL my music fines (NOT fun)

12-03-2006, 01:00 AM
one's on gh, other's in the queue